957 research outputs found

    Rheological and Microstructural Changes of Oat and Barley Starches During Heating and Cooling

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    Microstructural and rheological changes in barley and oat starch dispersions during heating and cooling were studied by light microscopy and dynamic viscoelastic measurements. The two starch pastes showed similar viscoelastic properties after gelatinization, but during cooling the 20% barley starch pastes heated at 95°C underwent a sharp transition in viscoelastic behaviour probably due to the gelation of amylose. This transition was shifted to lower temperatures at 10% starch concentration. Microstructural studies of an 8% barley starch dispersion heated to 90°C using the smear technique showed amylose to form a network structure around the granules. The granules in starch paste heated to 95°C were poorly stained and amylopectin was fragmented. Microscopic examination of an embedded section of the cooled barley starch gel showed amylose to form a continuous phase in which starch granules were dispersed. G\u27 increased below 80°C during cooling of 10% oat starch dispersions preheated at 95 °C. No rheological changes occurred when they were preheated at only 90°C. Microstructural studies of an 8% oat starch dispersion heated to 90°C using the smear technique showed amylose to form a network structure around the granules. Part of the granule structure had already broken down. Heating to 95°C induced considerable changes in the granule structure of oat starch gels. Amylopectin formed a very fine network. Microscopic examination of embedded sections of the cooled, stored gel showed a much coarser structure compared with that of the smear

    Laitteita vai kokonaisuuksia:eheyttävä mediakasvatus varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkielma perehtyy varhaiskasvatuksessa toteutettavaan mediakasvatukseen. Sen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisena eheyttäminen näyttäytyy varhaiskasvatuksen mediakasvatuksessa, kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta. Aihe on varhaiskasvatuksen kentällä ajankohtainen, sillä sekä eheyttäminen että mediakasvatus ovat osa varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavaa Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteita. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka tutkimusmateriaalina on käytetty ajankohtaisia koti- ja ulkomaisia lähteitä sekä Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteita. Opetuksen eheyttämisen pitkät juuret huomioon ottaen, lähdekirjallisuus ulottuu eheyttämisen määrittelyn osalta pitkälle historiaan. Mediakasvatuksen osalta tutkimuskirjallisuus painottuu mahdollisimman tuoreisiin lähteisiin. Käytettäväksi tutkimusaineistoksi on valittu tieteellisiä artikkeleita, väitöskirjoja ja tutkimusaiheeseen sopivia perusteoksia. Tutkimustulosten mukaan eheyttäminen näyttäytyi varhaiskasvatuksen mediakasvatuksessa kokonaisuuksien, lapsilähtöisyyden ja mielekkään työskentelyn kautta. Tulosten mukaan kokonaisuudet sitoutuivat vahvasti kasvattajan omiin näkemyksiin, tietoihin ja taitoihin mediakasvatuksesta. Kasvattajan teknologisen identiteetin nähtiin vaikuttavan siihen, millaista mediakasvatusta kasvattaja toteuttaa. Kasvattajilla havaittiin olevan eheyttävää ja kokonaisvaltaista pedagogiikkaa, mutta sen ei nähty ulottuvan mediakasvatukseen saakka. Eheyttävyyden lapsilähtöisyys näkyi mediakulttuurin asemassa varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella lasten omia mielenkiinnon kohteita — kuten medialeikkejä — rajoitettiin monin tavoin, eikä varhaiskasvatusta nähty mediakulttuurisena paikkana. Eheyttävyyden mielekäs työskentely näyttäytyi laitekeskeisyyden kautta. Tulosten perusteella kasvattajat näkivät mediakasvatuksen usein rajoittuneesti, lähinnä laitteiden kautta

    Effects of Processing on the Microstructure of Oat (Avena Sativa) Bran Concentrate and the Physicochemical Properties of Isolated B-Glucans

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    Fluorescence microscopy was used to study the microstructure of oat cell walls during concentration of oat bran and isolation of ,B-glucans. The bran concentrate separated from c.v. Nasta contained mainly the aleurone and subaleurone endosperm layers, whereas that separated from a commercial bran mixture contained more endosperm . In contrast to Nasta, the commercial bran mixture contained ,B-glucan degrading enzymes, which survived the ,B-glucan isolation procedure. In the presence of enzymes, the solubility and yield of ,B-glucans improved but the viscosity decreased when it was measured at the same ,B-glucan concentration. For inactivation of the enzymes, 80% ethanol at 78 C was more effective than 80% or 94% ethanol at 60 •C or 94 % ethanol at 78 •c. The yield of 11-glucan extracted was higher from Nasta bran concentrate than from commercial bran concentrate, and after alkaline ex traction the Nasta solid residue exhibited intense red fluorescence in the aleurone and subaleurone endosperm cell walls. The solid residue from commercial bran had areas of starchy endosperm cell walls provided the B-glucan degrading enzymes were inactivated

    Kuluttajan ja vaatteen jaettu toimijuus tanssina kestävyyteen

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    Kuluttajien kestäviä asenteita ja ajattelutapoja vaatteiden hankinnan ja käytön osalta on tutkittu, mutta se, miten vaate materiaalina toimii yhdessä kuluttajan kanssa kestävästi, on saanut vähäisempää huomiota. Tarkastelemme kuluttajien ja vaatteiden yhteistoimijuutta uusmaterialismin viitekehyksessä analysoiden vaatekaapin sisällöstä kertovia kirjoituksia, joissa kuluttajat ovat pohtineet vaatesuhdettaan. Tätä kuluttajan ja vaatteen vastavuoroista toimintaa tutkitaan ”toimijuuden tanssina”, jossa analysoidaan kehollisia ja affektiivisia vuorovaikutteisia kohtaamisia. Tutkimus osoittaa, että ”tanssin” osapuolet määrittävät toistensa toimijuutta ja voivat muuttua arvaamattomasti. Tanssin vaiheet, aina tanssiinkutsusta sen päättymiseen, ilmentävät vaatekulutuksen monimuotoisuutta ja ajallista kiertokulkua vaatteiden hankkimisesta niiden hävittämiseen, mikä tuo esiin kestävyyden kannalta kriittisiä hetkiä arjessa. Kosketus vaatteeseen, vuorovaikutuksen herättämät tunteet sekä käyttötilanteet muovaavat vuorovaikutuksen muotoja, jolloin esimerkiksi kiintymys vaatteeseen lisääntyy tai vaate hylätään sen kuluessa tai rikkoutuessa. Tanssin taukopaikat, kuten ”passiivivarastoon” unohtuneet vaatteet, tulisi nostaa kestävän vaatekulutuksen edistämisessä lähempään tarkasteluun.Peer reviewe

    Diffusion Tensor Model links to Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging at high b-value in Cerebral Cortical Gray Matter

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) are widely used models to infer microstructural features in the brain from diffusion-weighted MRI. Several studies have recently applied both models to increase sensitivity to biological changes, however, it remains uncertain how these measures are associated. Here we show that cortical distributions of DTI and NODDI are associated depending on the choice of b-value, a factor reflecting strength of diffusion weighting gradient. We analyzed a combination of high, intermediate and low b-value data of multi-shell diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) in healthy 456 subjects of the Human Connectome Project using NODDI, DTI and a mathematical conversion from DTI to NODDI. Cortical distributions of DTI and DTI-derived NODDI metrics were remarkably associated with those in NODDI, particularly when applied highly diffusion-weighted data (b-value = 3000 sec/mm^{2}). This was supported by simulation analysis, which revealed that DTI-derived parameters with lower b-value datasets suffered from errors due to heterogeneity of cerebrospinal fluid fraction and partial volume. These findings suggest that high b-value DTI redundantly parallels with NODDI-based cortical neurite measures, but the conventional low b-value DTI is hard to reasonably characterize cortical microarchitecture

    The importance of clinical and labour market histories in psychiatric disability retirement : analysis of the comprehensive Finnish national-level RETIRE data

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    Objectives Despite the stable incidence of mental disorders in Finland and Europe, mental health-related occupational disability has been increasing. We unveiled the paths to permanent psychiatric disability, recovery, or death, by analysing sequences of labour market participation. Methods The RETIRE register database includes information regarding all persons (n = 42,170) awarded an ICD-10 psychiatric disability pension between 2010 and 2015 in Finland. We identified clusters of typical paths of pre-retirement labour market history. Controlling for major mental disorders, age, and sex, we evaluated factors associated with returning to work (RTW), or death, over a 5-year follow-up period. Results Only 10.5% of the disabled subjects returned to work within the follow-up. Half of them ended up with a permanent disability pension. Seven distinguishable paths to disability were identified. Subjects in the cluster characterized by steady employment were relatively often females, lost their work ability due to affective disorders, and had the highest rate of returning to work (16.3%). Mortality was highest (9%) among the cluster characterized by long-term unemployment. Distributions of major diagnostic groups, as well as age and sex, differed between clusters. After their adjustment in the analysis of RTW or death, the identified labour market history paths prior to losing work ability remained as important independent prognostic factors for both outcomes. Conclusions The complex retirement process involves identifiable clinical and contextual associating factors. Labour market history patterns associate with varying prognoses after psychiatric retirement. Prolonged unemployment appears as a predictor of relatively poor prognoses, whereas employment indicates the opposite.Peer reviewe

    Characterisation of the course of Mycoplasma bovis infection in naturally infected dairy herds

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    Mycoplasma bovis causes bovine respiratory disease, mastitis, arthritis and otitis. The importance of M. bovis has escalated because of recent outbreaks and introductions into countries previously free of M. bovis. We characterized the course of M. bovis infection on 19 recently infected dairy farms over 24 months. Our objective was to identify diagnostic tools to assess the efficacy of control measures to assess low risk infection status on M. bovis infected farms. PCR assays and culture were used to detect M. bovis, and in-house and BioX ELISAs were used to follow antibody responses. Cows and young stock were sampled on four separate occasions, and clinical cases were sampled when they arose. On 17 farms, a few cases of clinical mastitis were detected, mostly within the first eight weeks after the index case. Antibodies detected by in-house ELISA persisted in the serum of cows at least for 1.5 years on all farms, regardless of the M. bovis infection status or signs of clinical disease or subclinical mastitis on the farm. Six out of 19 farms became low risk as the infection was resolved. Our results suggest that, for biosecurity purposes, regular monitoring should be conducted on herds by screening for M. bovis in samples from cows with clinical mastitis and calves with pneumonia, in conjunction with testing young stock by screening longitudinally collected nasal swabs for M. bovis and sequential serum samples for antibody against recombinant antigen.Peer reviewe

    Typing of Listeria monocytogenes isolates originating from the food processing industry with automated ribotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

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    Reprinted with permission from the Journal of Food Protection. Copyright held by the International Association for Food Protection, Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A

    High modal number and triple trisomies are highly correlated favorable factors in childhood B-cell precursor high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated according to the NOPHO ALL 1992/2000 protocols.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.Between 1992 and 2008, 713 high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemias in children aged 1-15 years were diagnosed and treated according to the Nordic Society for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology acute lymphoblastic leukemia 1992/2000 protocols. Twenty (2.8%) harbored t(1;19), t(9;22), der(11q23), or t(12;21). The median age of patients with "classic" high hyperdiploidy was lower than that of patients with translocation-positive high hyperdiploidy (P53/55 (P=0.020/0.024). In multivariate analyses, modal number and triple trisomies were significantly associated with superior event-free survival in separate analyses with age and white blood cell counts. When including both modal numbers and triple trisomies, only low white blood cell counts were significantly associated with superior event-free survival (P=0.009). We conclude that high modal chromosome numbers and triple trisomies are highly correlated prognostic factors and that these two parameters identify the same subgroup of patients characterized by a particularly favorable outcome.Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation Swedish Cancer Society Swedish Research Counci