25 research outputs found

    Deciphering the genome structure and paleohistory of _Theobroma cacao_

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    We sequenced and assembled the genome of _Theobroma cacao_, an economically important tropical fruit tree crop that is the source of chocolate. The assembly corresponds to 76% of the estimated genome size and contains almost all previously described genes, with 82% of them anchored on the 10 _T. cacao_ chromosomes. Analysis of this sequence information highlighted specific expansion of some gene families during evolution, for example flavonoid-related genes. It also provides a major source of candidate genes for _T. cacao_ disease resistance and quality improvement. Based on the inferred paleohistory of the T. cacao genome, we propose an evolutionary scenario whereby the ten _T. cacao_ chromosomes were shaped from an ancestor through eleven chromosome fusions. The _T. cacao_ genome can be considered as a simple living relic of higher plant evolution

    Rapid protein evolution, organellar reductions, and invasive intronic elements in the marine aerobic parasite dinoflagellate Amoebophrya spp

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    BACKGROUND : Dinoflagellates are aquatic protists particularly widespread in the oceans worldwide. Some are responsible for toxic blooms while others live in symbiotic relationships, either as mutualistic symbionts in corals or as parasites infecting other protists and animals. Dinoflagellates harbor atypically large genomes (~ 3 to 250 Gb), with gene organization and gene expression patterns very different from closely related apicomplexan parasites. Here we sequenced and analyzed the genomes of two early-diverging and co-occurring parasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya strains, to shed light on the emergence of such atypical genomic features, dinoflagellate evolution, and host specialization. RESULTS : We sequenced, assembled, and annotated high-quality genomes for two Amoebophrya strains (A25 and A120), using a combination of Illumina paired-end short-read and Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) MinION long-read sequencing approaches. We found a small number of transposable elements, along with short introns and intergenic regions, and a limited number of gene families, together contribute to the compactness of the Amoebophrya genomes, a feature potentially linked with parasitism. While the majority of Amoebophrya proteins (63.7% of A25 and 59.3% of A120) had no functional assignment, we found many orthologs shared with Dinophyceae. Our analyses revealed a strong tendency for genes encoded by unidirectional clusters and high levels of synteny conservation between the two genomes despite low interspecific protein sequence similarity, suggesting rapid protein evolution. Most strikingly, we identified a large portion of non-canonical introns, including repeated introns, displaying a broad variability of associated splicing motifs never observed among eukaryotes. Those introner elements appear to have the capacity to spread over their respective genomes in a manner similar to transposable elements. Finally, we confirmed the reduction of organelles observed in Amoebophrya spp., i.e., loss of the plastid, potential loss of a mitochondrial genome and functions. CONCLUSION : These results expand the range of atypical genome features found in basal dinoflagellates and raise questions regarding speciation and the evolutionary mechanisms at play while parastitism was selected for in this particular unicellular lineage.ADDITIONAL FILE 1: FIGURE S1. Phylogeny of Alveolata. Proteomes from 89 alveolates genomes and transcriptome assemblies from the MMETSP project (https://zenodo.org/record/257026/files/) were used to create orthologous groups using orthofinder v2.2 with the diamond BLAST similarity search. Single ortholog alignments were pruned using PhyloTreePruner v.1.0 (minimum taxa to keep 44 and support value 0.9) and realigned using mafft v7 and filtered with Gblocks v.0.91b (−b5 = a -p = n). Filtered alignments were concatenated using seqCat.pl and a phylogenetic tree was produced under Maximum Likelihood framework using RAxML v8.2.9 with the PROTGAMMALGF model of sequence evolution and 101 bootstraps. Asterics represent support values of 95 and above. A detailed method can be found in Kayal et al. 2018 BMC Evol. Biol. (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-018-1142-0). The full tree can be found at http://mmo.sb-roscoff.fr/jbrowseAmoebophrya/. FIGURE S2. SSU rDNA sequence identity (in percentage, relative to A25 and A120 compared to other species). FIGURE S3. Distribution of k-mer in A25 and A120 genomes. FIGURE S4. Classification of repeated elements in 3 Amoebophrya genomes (AT5, A25, and A120) using REPET. The x-axis represents the cumulated number of bases of repeated elements in the genome. FIGURE S5. Conserved motif of the putative splice leader (SL) in A25 and A120. FIGURE S6. Alignments of gene encoding the putative spliced leader (SL) gene in A25 and A120. FIGURE S7. Gene orientation change rate in 3 Amoebophrya genomes. FIGURE S8. Number of orthologs genes shared by selected taxa. FIGURE S9. Boxplot of the dN/dS ratios of orthologous genes between A25 and A120, calculated using the model average method (MA). FIGURE S10. Synteny dot-plot obtained by comparison between Amoebophrya A25 and AT5 genomes. FIGURE S11. Synteny dot-plot obtained by comparison between Amoebophrya A120 and AT5 genomes. FIGURE S12. Intron length distribution. FIGURE S13. GC content distribution. FIGURE S14. Multiple alignments of U2 snRNAs. FIGURE S15. Multiple alignments of U4 snRNAs. FIGURE S16. Multiple alignments of U5 snRNAs. FIGURE S17. Multiple alignments of U6 snRNAs. FIGURE S18. Secondary structure of Amoebophrya snRNA. FIGURE S19. Example of introner elements (IEs) in Amoebophrya. FIGURE S20. Distribution the direct repeats with size ranging between 3 and 8 nucleotides in A25. FIGURE S21. Distribution of the direct repeats with size ranging between 3 and 8 nucleotides in A120. FIGURE S22. Composition of direct repeats in introners elements. The diversity in composition of the three (a, b, c) most abundant of direct repeats in introner elements in A25 (up) and A120 (down). FIGURE S23. Terminal inverted repeat locations around the splicing sites in A25 and A120. The position of inverted repeats according to the location of the splice sites in A25 and A120. Left, the inverted repeats of A120 are located at 1–5 the nucleotides upstream and downstream of the splice sites. Right, the inverted repeats of A25 are located at the 1–6 nucleotides in upstream and downstream of the splice sites. FIGURE S24. The flowchart for the in silico search of introner elements. FIGURE S25. Hierarchical clustering analysis (pairwise similarity and OrthoMCL) of all intron families and of the inverted repeats in A25 and A120. FIGURE S26. Percentage of genes with assigned functions in relation with introns composition. FIGURE S27. Difference in the proportion of IEs-containing-genes compared to their KEGG assignment in A25 and A120. FIGURE S28. Distribution of conserved introns. TABLE S1. RCC number, date and site of isolation of strains considered in this study. TABLE S2. Metrics of Nanopore runs for the two Amoebophrya strains. TABLE S3. Search for pathways involved in plastidial functions that are entirely independent of plastid-encoded gene content. TABLE S4. Number of the different types of introns identified in A25 and A120 genomes. TABLE S5. Search for RNA editing in A25 and A120 introns. TABLE S6. Putative Amoebophrya A25 and A120 snRNP homologs. TABLE S7. Classification into families of non-canonical introns in A25 and A120. TABLE S8. RNAseq read assembly statistics of Amoebophrya A25 and A120 corresponding samples from the different time of infection and to the freeliving stage (dinospore only). TABLE S9. Total number of contigs belonging to samples from different stages of infection and the proportion of them that were aligned against the genomes of both Amoebophrya A25 and A120. ND corresponds to “not determined” when no measurement was done. TABLE S10. Metabolic pathway screened in A25 and A120 proteomes.This research was funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) Grant ANR-14-CE02-0007 HAPAR, the CEA and the Région Bretagne (RC doctoral grant ARED PARASITE 9450 and EK postdoctoral grant SAD HAPAR 9229), and the CNRS (X-life SEAgOInG).http://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomedicinesam2022BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Rapid protein evolution, organellar reductions, and invasive intronic elements in the marine aerobic parasite dinoflagellate Amoebophrya spp

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    Background: Dinoflagellates are aquatic protists particularly widespread in the oceans worldwide. Some are responsible for toxic blooms while others live in symbiotic relationships, either as mutualistic symbionts in corals or as parasites infecting other protists and animals. Dinoflagellates harbor atypically large genomes (similar to 3 to 250 Gb), with gene organization and gene expression patterns very different from closely related apicomplexan parasites. Here we sequenced and analyzed the genomes of two early-diverging and co-occurring parasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya strains, to shed light on the emergence of such atypical genomic features, dinoflagellate evolution, and host specialization. Results: We sequenced, assembled, and annotated high-quality genomes for two Amoebophrya strains (A25 and A120), using a combination of Illumina paired-end short-read and Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) MinION long-read sequencing approaches. We found a small number of transposable elements, along with short introns and intergenic regions, and a limited number of gene families, together contribute to the compactness of the Amoebophrya genomes, a feature potentially linked with parasitism. While the majority of Amoebophrya proteins (63.7% of A25 and 59.3% of A120) had no functional assignment, we found many orthologs shared with Dinophyceae. Our analyses revealed a strong tendency for genes encoded by unidirectional clusters and high levels of synteny conservation between the two genomes despite low interspecific protein sequence similarity, suggesting rapid protein evolution. Most strikingly, we identified a large portion of non-canonical introns, including repeated introns, displaying a broad variability of associated splicing motifs never observed among eukaryotes. Those introner elements appear to have the capacity to spread over their respective genomes in a manner similar to transposable elements. Finally, we confirmed the reduction of organelles observed in Amoebophrya spp., i.e., loss of the plastid, potential loss of a mitochondrial genome and functions. Conclusion: These results expand the range of atypical genome features found in basal dinoflagellates and raise questions regarding speciation and the evolutionary mechanisms at play while parastitism was selected for in this particular unicellular lineage

    Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition

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    A unique collection of oceanic samples was gathered by the Tara Oceans expeditions (2009-2013), targeting plankton organisms ranging from viruses to metazoans, and providing rich environmental context measurements. Thanks to recent advances in the field of genomics, extensive sequencing has been performed for a deep genomic analysis of this huge collection of samples. A strategy based on different approaches, such as metabarcoding, metagenomics, single-cell genomics and metatranscriptomics, has been chosen for analysis of size-fractionated plankton communities. Here, we provide detailed procedures applied for genomic data generation, from nucleic acids extraction to sequence production, and we describe registries of genomics datasets available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA, www.ebi.ac.uk/ena). The association of these metadata to the experimental procedures applied for their generation will help the scientific community to access these data and facilitate their analysis. This paper complements other efforts to provide a full description of experiments and open science resources generated from the Tara Oceans project, further extending their value for the study of the world's planktonic ecosystems

    Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome

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    Introduction: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most widely cultivated crop on Earth, contributing about a fifth of the total calories consumed by humans. Consequently, wheat yields and production affect the global economy, and failed harvests can lead to social unrest. Breeders continuously strive to develop improved varieties by fine-tuning genetically complex yield and end-use quality parameters while maintaining stable yields and adapting the crop to regionally specific biotic and abiotic stresses. Rationale: Breeding efforts are limited by insufficient knowledge and understanding of wheat biology and the molecular basis of central agronomic traits. To meet the demands of human population growth, there is an urgent need for wheat research and breeding to accelerate genetic gain as well as to increase and protect wheat yield and quality traits. In other plant and animal species, access to a fully annotated and ordered genome sequence, including regulatory sequences and genome-diversity information, has promoted the development of systematic and more time-efficient approaches for the selection and understanding of important traits. Wheat has lagged behind, primarily owing to the challenges of assembling a genome that is more than five times as large as the human genome, polyploid, and complex, containing more than 85% repetitive DNA. To provide a foundation for improvement through molecular breeding, in 2005, the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium set out to deliver a high-quality annotated reference genome sequence of bread wheat. Results: An annotated reference sequence representing the hexaploid bread wheat genome in the form of 21 chromosome-like sequence assemblies has now been delivered, giving access to 107,891 high-confidence genes, including their genomic context of regulatory sequences. This assembly enabled the discovery of tissue- and developmental stage–related gene coexpression networks using a transcriptome atlas representing all stages of wheat development. The dynamics of change in complex gene families involved in environmental adaptation and end-use quality were revealed at subgenome resolution and contextualized to known agronomic single-gene or quantitative trait loci. Aspects of the future value of the annotated assembly for molecular breeding and research were exemplarily illustrated by resolving the genetic basis of a quantitative trait locus conferring resistance to abiotic stress and insect damage as well as by serving as the basis for genome editing of the flowering-time trait. Conclusion: This annotated reference sequence of wheat is a resource that can now drive disruptive innovation in wheat improvement, as this community resource establishes the foundation for accelerating wheat research and application through improved understanding of wheat biology and genomics-assisted breeding. Importantly, the bioinformatics capacity developed for model-organism genomes will facilitate a better understanding of the wheat genome as a result of the high-quality chromosome-based genome assembly. By necessity, breeders work with the genome at the whole chromosome level, as each new cross involves the modification of genome-wide gene networks that control the expression of complex traits such as yield. With the annotated and ordered reference genome sequence in place, researchers and breeders can now easily access sequence-level information to precisely define the necessary changes in the genomes for breeding programs. This will be realized through the implementation of new DNA marker platforms and targeted breeding technologies, including genome editing

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    Development of a targeted metagenomic approach to study a genomic region involved in light harvesting in marine Synechococcus

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    Synechococcus, one of the most abundant cyanobacteria in marine ecosystems, displays a broad pigment diversity. However, the in situ distribution of pigment types remains largely unknown. In this study, we combined flow cytometry cell sorting, whole-genome amplification, and fosmid library construction to target a genomic region involved in light-harvesting complex (phycobilisome) biosynthesis and regulation. Synechococcus community composition and relative contamination by heterotrophic bacteria were assessed at each step of the pipeline using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism targeting the petB and 16S rRNA genes, respectively. This approach allowed us to control biases inherent to each method and select reliable WGA products to construct a fosmid library from a natural sample collected off Roscoff (France). Sequencing of 25 fosmids containing the targeted region led to the assembly of whole or partial phycobilisome regions. Most contigs were assigned to clades I and IV consistent with the known dominance of these clades in temperate coastal waters. However, one of the fosmids contained genes distantly related to their orthologs in reference genomes, suggesting that it belonged to a novel phylogenetic clade. Altogether, this study provides novel insights into Synechococcus community structure and pigment type diversity at a representative coastal station of the English Channel