190 research outputs found
This work carried out an experimental and numerical study of the kinetics of freezing of the Brazilian codling (Urophycis brasiliensis) muscle in air blast freezer, with air temperature set at 253.15 K and the average convective heat transfer coefficient at 25.4 W m-2 K-1. The initial temperature of the fish muscle was 277.15 K and the final temperature 255.15 K. The objective of this work was verify the best agreement between the experimental temperature profile and the numerical temperature profile to Brazilian codling muscle, using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) as numerical tool. In relation to the obtained results, it was verified that a good agreement between the experimental and numerical temperature profiles for the Brazilian codling muscle. The experimental freezing time found was 6618 s, and the freezing time through the numerical simulation was 6246 s. The error percentage found was 5.6%.Este trabalho realizou um estudo experimental e numérico da cinética de congelamento do músculo de abrótea (Urophycis brasiliensis) em uma câmara fria de convecção a ar forçado, com a temperatura do ar fixada em 253,15 K e o coeficiente convectivo médio de transferência de calor de 25,4 W m-2 K-1. A temperatura inicial do músculo do pescado foi de 277,15 K e a temperatura final de 255,15 K. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a melhor concordância entre o perfil de temperatura experimental e o perfil de temperatura numérico para o músculo de abrótea, utilizando o CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) como ferramenta numérica. Em relação aos resultados obtidos, verificou-se uma boa concordância entre os perfis experimentais e numéricos de temperatura para o músculo de abrótea. O tempo de congelamento experimental encontrado foi de 6618 s, e o tempo de congelamento pela simulação numérica foi de 6246 s. O percentual de erro encontrado foi de 5,6%
Concerns about global warming and high oil prices have spearheaded the search for alternate and more environmentally friendly sources of energy. One of the developments that has shown exceptional value is the increasing use of ethanol derived from biomass such as sugarcane, corn, beet and wheat. As the world's largest producer of sugar cane, Brazil has benefited from this trend to become also the largest producer of ethanol after the United States. Energy generation from biomass has also become a source of increasing interest due to growing environmental concerns and the depletion of the world's fossil fuel reserves. In this paper we analyze a sugar and ethanol producing sugar cane mill in Brazil that has both the option to expand production and invest in a more efficient bioelectricity cogeneration unit to allow the generation and sale of surplus bioelectricity generated from sugarcane bagasse, where the second option is conditional on the first one being exercised. The option to expand production is a function of the expected future prices of sugar and ethanol, while the decision to invest in the cogeneration plant will depend on future prices of energy. Both decisions are modeled as American type compound options over their respective underlying uncertainties. Many authors such as Schatzki
Profile of cytokines and soluble TNF receptors in response to moderate and intense exercises in active and remission patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Introduction: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a rheumatic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation that is associated with clinical symptoms and disease severity. Therefore, strategies to reduce inflammation, such as physical exercise, have a potential therapeutic role in SLE due to its anti-inflammatory effects. This study sought to compare cytokines and soluble TNF receptors response to: (1) moderate vs. intense aerobic exercise in active SLE (SLEACT) and remission SLE (SELREM) patients; (2) SLEACT vs. SLEREM patients undergoing moderate and intense aerobic exercises; and (3) SLE patients vs. healthy controls (HC) undergoing moderate and intense aerobic exercises. Methods: twelve SLEREM (age: 35.3±5.7 yrs; BMI: 25.6±3.4 kg/m2), 11 SLEACT (age: 30.4±4.5 yrs; BMI: 26.1±4.8 kg/m2) and 10 age-and BMI-matched HC (age: 30.6±5.2 yrs; BMI: 24.1±2.3 kg/m2) performed 30-min sessions of moderate (~50% of VO2max) and intense (~70% of VO2max) exercises. Serum cytokines (INF-γ, IL-10, IL-6, TNF-α) and soluble receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) were measured at rest, immediately after the exercise, every 30-min during three hours of recovery, and 24 h after the end of exercise session. Results: there were no differences for cytokines and sTNFRs responses between moderate and intense aerobic exercise for SLEACT and SLEREM patients (P\u3e0.05). Similar responses were found when SLEACT and SLEREM patients were compared for moderate and intense exercises, except for 1) serum TNF-α, which was lower in SLEACT than SLEREM patients after moderate exercise (P\u3c0.05); 2) serum sTNFR1, which was higher in SLEREM than SLEACT patients at 30th and 60th minutes of moderate exercise recovery (P=0.027 and P=0.036, respectively); and 3) serum sTNFR2, which remained higher during both sessions of exercise and recovery for SLEREM in comparison to SLEACT patients (P\u3c0.01). Also, a time-effect was observed for serum IL-6 and TNF-α (P\u3c0.05) after intense exercise with a posterior reduction under baseline values, reaching the values experienced by HC. Conclusion: cytokines and sTNFRs were not different in both exercise intensities for SLEACT and SLEREM, except for a few differences, which pointed out to a less inflammatory pattern in SLEACT patients, suggesting that exercise (even more intensive) can be safely performed by SLE patients with active disease. Finally, the reduction shown in serum IL-6 and TNF-α after intense exercise in SLEACT patients supports evidences for an anti-inflammatory effect of exercise and reinforces the importance of physical exercise to SLE treatment
Safety and possible effects of low-intensity resistance training associated with partial blood flow restriction in polymyositis and dermatomyositis
Our aim was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a low-intensity resistance training program combined with partial blow flow restriction (BFR training) in a cohort of patients with polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM).\ud
In total, 13 patients with PM and DM completed a 12-week twice a week low-intensity (that is, 30% one-repetition-maximum (1RM)) resistance exercise training program combined with partial blood flow restriction (BFR). Assessments of muscle strength, physical function, quadriceps cross sectional (CSA) area, health-related quality of life, and clinical and laboratory parameters were assessed at baseline and after the intervention.\ud
The BFR training program was effective in increasing the maximal dynamic strength in both the leg-press (19.6%, P <0.001) and knee-extension exercises (25.2% P <0.001), as well as in the timed-stands (15.1%, P <0.001) and timed-up-and-go test (−4.5%, P =0.002). Quadriceps CSA was also significantly increased after the intervention (4.57%, P =0.01). Similarly, all of the components of the Short Form-36 Health Survey, the Health Assessment Questionnaire scores, and the patient- and physician reported Visual Analogue Scale were significantly improved after training (P <0.05). Importantly, no clinical evidence or any other self-reported adverse event were found. Laboratory parameters (creatine kinase and aldolase) were also unchanged (P >0.05) after the intervention.\ud
We demonstrated that a 12-week supervised low-intensity resistance training program associated with partial blood flow restriction may be safe and effective in improving muscle strength and function as well as muscle mass and health-related quality of life in patients with PM and DM.\ud
Trial registration\ud
Clinicaltrials.gov \ud
. Registered November 29, 2011.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloConselho Nacional de Pesquisa e DesenvolvimentoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio
Cardiac autonomic impairment and chronotropic incompetence in fibromyalgia
We aimed to gather knowledge on the cardiac autonomic modulation in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) in response to exercise and to investigate whether this population suffers from chronotropic incompetence (CI).\ud
Fourteen women with FM (age: 46 ± 3 years; body mass index (BMI): 26.6 ± 1.4 kg/m2) and 14 gender-, BMI- (25.4 ± 1.3 kg/m2), and age-matched (age: 41 ± 4 years) healthy individuals (CTRL) took part in this cross-sectional study. A treadmill cardiorespiratory test was performed and heart-rate (HR) response during exercise was evaluated by the chronotropic reserve. HR recovery (deltaHRR) was defined as the difference between HR at peak exercise and at both first (deltaHRR1) and second (deltaHRR2) minutes after the exercise test.\ud
FM patients presented lower maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) when compared with healthy subjects (22 ± 1 versus CTRL: 32 ± 2 mL/kg/minute, respectively; P < 0.001). Additionally, FM patients presented lower chronotropic reserve (72.5 ± 5 versus CTRL: 106.1 ± 6, P < 0.001), deltaHRR1 (24.5 ± 3 versus CTRL: 32.6 ± 2, P = 0.059) and deltaHRR2 (34.3 ± 4 versus CTRL: 50.8 ± 3, P = 0.002) than their healthy peers. The prevalence of CI was 57.1% among patients with FM.\ud
Patients with FM who undertook a graded exercise test may present CI and delayed HR recovery, both being indicative of cardiac autonomic impairment and higher risk of cardiovascular events and mortality.This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Grant 2009/51897-5)
Immunothrombosis and COVID-19 ‒ a nested post-hoc analysis from a 3186 patient cohort in a Latin American public reference hospital
Objective: COVID-19 is associated with an elevated risk of thromboembolism and excess mortality. Difficulties with best anticoagulation practices and their implementation motivated the current analysis of COVID-19 patients who developed Venous Thromboembolism (VTE).
Method: This is a post-hoc analysis of a COVID-19 cohort, described in an economic study already published. The authors analyzed a subset of patients with confirmed VTE. We described the characteristics of the cohort, such as demographics, clinical status, and laboratory results. We tested differences amid two subgroups of patients, those with VTE or not, with the competitive risk Fine and Gray model.
Results: Out of 3186 adult patients with COVID-19, 245 (7.7%) were diagnosed with VTE, 174 (5.4%) of them during admission to the hospital. Four (2.3% of these 174) did not receive prophylactic anticoagulation and 19 (11%) discontinued anticoagulation for at least 3 days, resulting in 170 analyzed. During the first week of hospitalization, the laboratory most altered results were C-reactive protein and D-dimer. Patients with VTE were more critical, had a higher mortality rate, worse SOFA score, and, on average, 50% longer hospital stay.
Conclusion: Proven VTE incidence in this severe COVID-19 cohort was 7.7%, despite 87% of them complying completely with VTE prophylaxis. The clinician must be aware of the diagnosis of VTE in COVID-19, even in patients receiving proper prophylaxis
Processo de produção de (ALFA)-Hidroxi-Ésteres
Em 13/02/2017: Cumprimento de exigência em 1ª instânciaDepositadaCompostos produzidos através de redução seletiva utilizando enzimas redutases produzidas por microorganismos pertencentes às famílias Saccharomycetaceae e/ou Dothioraceae
Objective: To report the experience on the organization of the nurse's work process in the immunization sector of a Regional Polyclinic in the city of Niterói-R.J. Methodology: descriptive study of the experience report type, carried out in the first semester of 2022 by nursing students at the Universidade Federal. In the Health Unit, learning was possible through observation of the professionals' routine in the vaccine room; assisting the daily life, the organization of the environment, the control of stock of vaccines and sera/conservation, organization of the supply of materials, preparation and administration of immunizations; waste disposal and Records. Results and discussion: The activity of understanding and observing the functioning of the immunization sector was carried out by academics from the 6th period of nursing at the Universidade Federal Fluminense who had the opportunity to experience the managerial practices of the unit's vaccination sector and the dimensions of the process of work, specifically, the Management Work Process. In order to carry out the activity, initially it was necessary to have the environment, as well as the observation of the sector's organization on a daily basis; among them the organization of the team and the respective functions, care with the cold chain, biological waste, among others. Final considerations: The present study identified the importance of management in the exercise of professional practices as an indispensable factor for the planning of material resources, personnel dimensioning, problem solving, decision-making, autonomy and evaluation of the services provided.Relatar la experiencia sobre la organización del proceso de trabajo del enfermero en el sector de inmunización de un Policlínico Regional de la ciudad de Niterói-R.J. Metodología: estudio descriptivo del informe de experiencia tipo, realizado en el primer semestre del año 2022 por los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Federal. En la Unidad de Salud, el aprendizaje fue posible a través de la observación de la rutina de los profesionales en la sala de vacunación; ayudar a la rutina diaria, la organización del medio ambiente, el control de las existencias de vacunas e inmunobiológicos y su conservación, la organización del suministro de materiales, la preparación y administración de inmunizadores; Eliminación de residuos y registros. Resultados y discusión: La actividad de comprensión y observación del funcionamiento del sector de inmunización fue realizada por estudiantes del 6º período de enfermería de la Universidad Federal Fluminense que tuvieron la posibilidad de experimentar las prácticas de gestión del sector de vacunación de la unidad y las dimensiones del proceso de trabajo, específicamente, el proceso de trabajo gerencial. Para llevar a cabo la actividad, inicialmente fue necesario el ambiente, así como la observación de la organización del sector en el día a día; entre ellos la organización del equipo y sus funciones, cuidado con la red de frío, residuos biológicos, entre otros. Consideraciones finales: El presente estudio identificó la importancia de la gestión en el ejercicio de las prácticas de la profesión como un factor indispensable para la planificación.Relatar a experiência sobre a organização do processo de trabalho do enfermeiro no setor de imunização de uma Policlínica Regional no município de Niterói-R.J. Metodologia: estudo descritivo do tipo relato de experiência, realizado no primeiro semestre do ano de 2022 pelos estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Federal. Na Unidade de Saúde foi possível o aprendizado através da observação da rotina dos profissionais na sala de vacinas; assistindo o cotidiano, a organização do ambiente, o controle de estoque de vacinas e imunobiológicos e soros sua conservação, organização do fornecimento de materiais, preparo e administração de imunizantes; descarte dos resíduos e Registros. Resultados e discussão: A atividade de compreensão e observação do funcionamento do setor de imunização foi realizado por acadêmicos do 6º período de enfermagem da Universidade Federal Fluminense que tiveram a possibilidade de vivenciar as práticas gerenciais do setor de vacinação da unidade e as dimensões do processo de trabalho, especificamente, o processo de trabalho gerencial. Para a realização da atividade, inicialmente foi necessária a ambiência, assim como a observação da organização do setor no dia a dia; entre eles a organização da equipe e as respectivas funções, cuidados com a rede de frio, resíduos biológicos, entre outros. Considerações finais: O presente estudo identificou a importância da gestão no exercício das práticas da profissão como um fator indispensável para o planejamento de recursos de materiais, dimensionamento de pessoal, resolução de problemas, tomada de decisão, autonomia e avaliação dos serviços prestados.Relatar a experiência sobre a organização do processo de trabalho do enfermeiro no setor de imunização de uma Policlínica Regional no município de Niterói-R.J. Metodologia: estudo descritivo do tipo relato de experiência, realizado no primeiro semestre do ano de 2022 pelos estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade Federal. Na Unidade de Saúde foi possível o aprendizado através da observação da rotina dos profissionais na sala de vacinas; assistindo o cotidiano, a organização do ambiente, o controle de estoque de vacinas e imunobiológicos e soros sua conservação, organização do fornecimento de materiais, preparo e administração de imunizantes; descarte dos resíduos e Registros. Resultados e discussão: A atividade de compreensão e observação do funcionamento do setor de imunização foi realizado por acadêmicos do 6º período de enfermagem da Universidade Federal Fluminense que tiveram a possibilidade de vivenciar as práticas gerenciais do setor de vacinação da unidade e as dimensões do processo de trabalho, especificamente, o processo de trabalho gerencial. Para a realização da atividade, inicialmente foi necessária a ambiência, assim como a observação da organização do setor no dia a dia; entre eles a organização da equipe e as respectivas funções, cuidados com a rede de frio, resíduos biológicos, entre outros. Considerações finais: O presente estudo identificou a importância da gestão no exercício das práticas da profissão como um fator indispensável para o planejamento de recursos de materiais, dimensionamento de pessoal, resolução de problemas, tomada de decisão, autonomia e avaliação dos serviços prestados
Contribution of the carbohydrate-binding ability of Vatairea guianensis lectin to induce edematogenic activity
Vatairea guianensis lectin (VGL), Dalbergiae tribe, is a N-acetyl-galactosamine (GalNAc)/Galactose (Gal) lectin previously purified and characterized. In this work, we report its structural features, obtained from bioinformatics tools, and its inflammatory effect, obtained from a rat paw edema model. The VGL model was obtained by homology with the lectin of Vatairea macrocarpa (VML) as template, and we used it to demonstrate the common characteristics of legume lectins, such as the jellyroll motif and presence of a metal-binding site in the vicinity of the carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD). Protein-ligand docking revealed favorable interactions with N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, D-galactose and related sugars as well as several biologically relevant N- and O-glycans. In vivo testing of paw edema revealed that VGL induces edematogenic effect involving prostaglandins, interleukins and VGL CRD. Taken together, these data corroborate with previous reports showing that VGL interacts with N- and/or O-glycans of molecular targets, particularly in those presenting galactosides in their structure, contributing to the lectin inflammatory effect. © 2017 Elsevier B.V. and Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire (SFBBM
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