14 research outputs found

    Le conte algérien des deux langues arabe et amazighe comme agent identitaire

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    Le conte est une réalité sociale, culturelle et civilisationnelle remarquablement protectrice et enrichissante. Issu des traditions orales, il a pu s’offrir une position et un statut bien particuliers dans l’écrit et notamment dans l’écrit littéraire. Lui donner une place et un rôle dans les manuels et les programmes pédagogiques est une entreprise qui s’est montrée pleine de potentialités. Le conte algérien des deux langues arabe et amazighe, est un outil pédagogique qui devrait retrouver sa place au sein du système éducatif, non seulement en tant que genre littéraire, mais également en tant qu’agent identitaire qui aurait pour objectif de participer à la constitution d’une identité bien ancrée et consciente.The tale is a social reality, cultural, educational and civilized, remarkably protective and rich. It came from the oral traditions and it gained a special position and status in writing especially in the literary ones. It save it an important place and role in the manuals and the pedagogical programmers that undertakings whichextremely displayed full of potentials. The Algerian talein Arabic and Tamazight, is a pedagogical tool that has to gain its place within the educational system. Not only as a literary sort but also as an ideological agent which has the objective to participate in the establishing of family rooted and conscious identity

    Hepatic hydatid disease: four case reports

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    We report four cases who were referred to Mansoura University Teaching Hospital, Egypt suffering from abdominal pain and gastrointestinal manifestations. The patients' history was unremarkable, except that they had contact with dogs and live in rural communities. Laboratory findings showed peripheral blood eosinophilia, leucocytosis, and elevated liver enzymes. Serological tests were positive in three cases. Ultrasonography showed well-circumscribed cystic masses in the liver. Diagnosis of hydatid cysts was confirmed by computed tomography (CT). Surgical treatment along with chemotherapy was performed and all patients recovered well. The results of these cases support the notion that CT scan can led to increased clarity, regarding surgical management, because of discordance between radiographic and laboratory findings

    Improving Egypt’s Access to Vaccines and Medicines: Communication during COVID-19 / تحسين إتاحة الوصول إلى اللقاحات والأدوية في مصر: سياسة توعية الجمهور خلال أزمة فيروس كورونا

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    Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Egyptian government has been following protocol as best as possible when it comes to responding to the needs of the health and economic sectors amid difficult times. From lockdown measures to the WHO’s recommended practices in terms of isolation of cases and treatments, Egypt has been lauded as one of the fastest and most effective countries in terms of COVID-19 emergency response. Authorities have implemented several awareness campaigns directed at citizens to inform them about the pandemic, how to prevent infection, what to do if infected and how to act accordingly. Authorities have utilized all the available tools in their arsenal to help spread awareness and safeguard public health. Egypt is working diligently on all fronts to ensure the availability, affordability, and attractiveness of vaccines, succeeding in the first two points – with news every day about unveiling more vaccines to people in need. However, Egypt is still lacking in the third point. Egyptians are still hesitant when it comes to receiving their vaccines and this may be attributed to several factors, a “missing piece” in the current government’s communication strategy is apparent. While the analysis dwells on describing the current communication plan implemented by authorities, the authors suggest and recommend an augmented version of the current strategy; one that involves utilizing the “bottom/up” and “top/down approach” and mobilizes all relevant stakeholders in shaping a campaign that helps raise awareness, dispel misconceptions and information about the vaccines, and builds an open channel with the community


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    The purpose of this investigation is to develop a simple method for the assessment of pesticides in Khat leaves, Catha edulis FORSK. (Celastraceae) shrub, chewed by about 60 % of the Yemeni people, producing amphetamine-like psychostimulation. The first procedures involve solid-phase extraction using Adsorbex® RP-C18 and Bakerbond® RP-C18 disposable cartridges with 40 % acetonitrile for elution. Isocratic and gradient analysis was carried out by means of high-performance liquid chromatography using different stationary phases to analyse methidathion, peconazole and dimethoate. An UltrasphereODS RP-18-column with UV-detection at 210 nm and 80/20 % (v/v) acetonitrile/water as mobile phase (isocratic) was used to determine the content of methidathion, peconazole and dimethoate (detection limit 20-25 ng). The method was validated with fortified samples at pesticide concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. Average recoveries ranging from 97.9 and 101.6% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 1.7-3.8 %. Each recovery analysis was repeated four times. Limits of detection ranged from the analytical procedures were applied to 5 samples of khat and no detectable amounts of pesticides were found in any sample under the conditions described

    Socioeconomic and behavioral factors leading to acquired bacterial resistance to antibiotics in developing countries.

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    In developing countries, acquired bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents is common in isolates from healthy persons and from persons with community-acquired infections. Complex socioeconomic and behavioral factors associated with antibiotic resistance, particularly regarding diarrheal and respiratory pathogens, in developing tropical countries, include misuse of antibiotics by health professionals, unskilled practitioners, and laypersons; poor drug quality; unhygienic conditions accounting for spread of resistant bacteria; and inadequate surveillance

    La communication au temps du covid-19 : analyse discursive du discours d’Emmanuel Macron du 25 mars 2020

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    "Watzlawickwrotein1967: "It is impossible not to communicate. This is certainly crucial for civilisations. And what’s just as important is what this communication produces in the Other. The reaction, feeling or behaviour it engenders. Persuasion is the objective of all communication. In the digital age, this need and objective seem to have become more complex and ramified. The discursive analysis proposed in this article looks back at French President Emmanuel Macron’s speech of 25 March 2020. It was a speech that was intended to strike a balance between health restrictions and individual and collective freedoms

    Psoriasis: is it a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases?

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    Background/objectives Psoriasis, newly considered as a systemic inflammatory condition, has a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Measurement of carotid artery intima-media thickness (C-IMT) represents a noninvasive diagnostic tool for predicting cardiovascular disorders. We aimed to determine if psoriatic patients have an increased risk for the development of cardiovascular disorders by assessment of the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis in psoriasis patients. Methods Forty adult psoriatic patients and 40 matched healthy controls were selected in this study. All participants were subjected to full history, examination, assessment of the severity of psoriasis using psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score, measuring serum lipid profile (cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides) and C-IMT. Results Psoriatic patients showed significantly higher serum lipid profile findings and C-IMT. There was a positive statistically significant correlation between C-IMT and each of age of the patients (r = 0.760, p<.001) and severity of psoriasis (PASI score). Conclusions There is increased susceptibility to CVDs in psoriatic patients represented by increased incidence of subclinical atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia in our patients


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    The purpose of this investigation is to develop a simple method for the assessment of pesticides in Khat leaves, Catha edulis Forsk. (Celastraceae) shrub, chewed by about 60 % of the Yemeni people, producing amphetamine-like psychostimulation. The first procedures involve solid-phase extraction using Adsorbex® RP-C18 and Bakerbond® RP-C18 disposable cartridges with 40 % acetonitrile for elution. Isocratic and gradient analysis was carried out by means of high-performance liquid chromatography using different stationary phases to analyse methidathion, peconazole and dimethoate. An Ultrasphere®ODS RP-18-column with UV-detection at 210 nm and 80/20 % (v/v) acetonitrile/water as mobile phase (isocratic) was used to determine the content of methidathion, peconazole and dimethoate (detection limit 20-25 ng). The method was validated with fortified samples at pesticide concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. Average recoveries ranging from 97.9 and 101.6% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 1.7-3.8 %. Each recovery analysis was repeated four times. Limits of detection ranged from the analytical procedures were applied to 5 samples of khat and no detectable amounts of pesticides were found in any sample under the conditions described