476 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kosakata dalam humor di media sosial di Indonesia, menggali fungsi, mengidentifikasi nilai, dan potensi yang memungkinkan untuk menjadi bahan ajar. Ditemukan bahwa kosakata keseharian yang daya kejutnya muncul karena penggantian. Struktur wacana humor di media ini memiliki struktur bagian judul dan tubuh wacana. Judul wacana bersifat opsional karena ditulis secara cepat dengan mengedepankan penyampaian nilai humor. Fungsi humor mempererat pergaulan atau persaudaraan. Mereka disatukan dengan adanya kesamaan rasa berhumor, baik dari pengirim maupun penerima. Seperti karya fiksi lainnya, humor berisi pendidikan dan kritikan terhadap perilaku masyarakat. Humor ditulis mengkritisi perilaku menyimpang anggota masyarakat, termasuk larangan untuk lengah terhadap hal penting. Selain itu, humor ditulis untuk menanamkan karakter, seperti nilai kesederhanaan pada anak. Humor berpotensi menjadi bahan ajar dalam buku teks karena menjunjung tinggi prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia, nondiskriminasi, menonjolkan aspek sikap atau nilai, kemudahan pembelajar dalam mengakses bahan tersebut. Penulis dan penikmat humor disatukan oleh kesamaan profesi, agama, atau lainnya. Kata Kunci: humor, nilai, karya fiksi, bahan ajar, buku tek


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    Abstrak: Istilah pendidikan dengan konsep tarbiyah belum terdapat pada zaman nabi. Meski usaha dan kegiatan yang dicontohkan nabi Muhammad saw. sudah menunjukkan ke arah arti pendidikan saat ini.Senada dengan itu menurut Ahmad Salabi term taʻlīm dan ta`dīb meskipun jarang digunakan tetapi pada haikatnya kedua istilah tersebut telah digunakan sejak awal pertumbuhan pendidikan Islam, meski pada akhirnya terdapat juga perbedaan paradigma dalam mendefinisikan dan memahami istilah pendidikan tersebut.Keyword: Ide, Pemikiran, gagasan, Al-qur'a

    Determinants of digital wallet in pakistan using doi model: an exploratory research

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    Mestrado em IPB-ESTG e ASSOCIAÇÃO DE POLITÉCNICOS DO NORTE (APNOR): Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, P. Porto; Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloThe current study was designed to identify the determinants of digital wallets usages in Pakistan using DOI Model. This is a descriptive and exploratory research using mostly primary quantitative data. Both primary and secondary data is collected to answer the research questions. Primary data was collected through a survey by questionnaire survey based on DOI model that has been explained theoretically in the literature review section. The questionnaire was based on the factors determined in the model that test variables like adoptability, trialability, relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability and perceived risk associated with the technology. The sample consist of both young and middle age people either employed in government sector, private job or in a business. The study results indicated that factors like relative advantage, compatibility, complexity and perceived risk are the most important determinants of e-wallets in Pakistan. People do not find E-Wallets compatible with their lifestyle and consider the procedures confusing and complex. The percentage of perceived risk is also found to be very high as people believe that their personal and financial information is not safe with these applications. The discussion reveals that despite of these determinants there is potential of growth for digital payment systems in developing countries. People are slowly and gradually becoming aware of the benefits associated with digital payment systems. The study results are particularly important for e- wallet service providers in developing countries as they can use these results to devise their business and market strategy accordingly. The study also provided some recommendations that can be used as key points while promoting E-Wallet services.O presente estudo foi desenhado para identificar os determinantes do uso de carteiras digitais no Paquistão usando o modelo DOI. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, utilizando principalmente dados quantitativos primários. Os dados primários e secundários foram coletados para responder às perguntas da pesquisa. Os dados primários foram coletados por meio de um levantamento por questionário baseado no modelo DOI que foi explicado teoricamente na seção de revisão da literatura. O questionário foi baseado nos fatores determinados no modelo que testam variáveis como adotabilidade, experimentalidade, vantagem relativa, compatibilidade, complexidade, observabilidade e risco percebido associado à tecnologia. A amostra é composta por jovens e pessoas de meia idade, empregados no setor governamental, privado ou em uma empresa. Os resultados do estudo indicaram que fatores como vantagem relativa, compatibilidade, complexidade e risco percebido são os determinantes mais importantes das carteiras eletrônicas no Paquistão. As pessoas não consideram as carteiras eletrônicas compatíveis com seu estilo de vida e consideram os procedimentos confusos e complexos. A percentagem de risco percebido também é considerada muito alta, pois as pessoas acreditam que suas informações pessoais e financeiras não estão seguras com esses aplicativos. A discussão revela que, apesar desses determinantes, há potencial de crescimento para os sistemas de pagamento digital nos países em desenvolvimento. As pessoas estão lenta e gradualmente se conscientizando dos benefícios associados aos sistemas de pagamento digital. Os resultados do estudo são particularmente importantes para provedores de serviços de carteira eletrônica em países em desenvolvimento, pois eles podem usar esses resultados para planejar seus negócios e estratégias de mercado de acordo. O estudo também forneceu algumas recomendações que podem ser usadas como pontos-chave na promoção de serviços de carteira eletrônica

    Corporate social responsibility, family firms and financial market quality

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    This thesis examines the factors driving businesses to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and achieve Corporate Social Performance (CSP), focusing on ownership structure, country-level governance, and financial market quality. It investigates the differences in social and environmental performance and financial consequences between family and non-family firms in different institutional contexts.Chapter 2 investigates the impact of country-level shareholder protection on CSP of family firms compared with non-family firms. The study finds that stronger minority shareholder protection reduces family firms' focus on their own interests, resulting in a smaller CSP difference between family and non-family firms, while stronger shareholders' rights increase their focus on their own interests, resulting in a greater CSP difference between family and non-family firms.Chapter 3 examines the relationship between firms needing external financing and carbon emission disclosure. The results support the prediction that firms with higher net external financing needs disclose their carbon emissions more, enabling them to access capital at lower costs. Moreover, in countries with low financial development, firms with high external financing needs are more likely to increase their carbon disclosure. Chapter 4 examines the impact of family ownership on carbon emissions and firms' financial performance. The study finds that family firms with lower family control tend to make less effort, while those with higher control participate more in carbon emission reduction strategies. The analysis shows that more polluting family firms with a high level of control perform worse than less polluting similar family firms and non-family firms

    Low Power And High Efficiency Rectifying Circuit For Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Applications

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    Piezoelectric cantilever generated a voltage particularly dependent on the magnitude of vibration source and the resonant frequency. The magnitude of the electrical output from the energy harvester is dependent on the size of the device as well as the acceleration level of the vibration source. The type of piezoelectric used for this research is PSI-5A4E which is unimorph standard quick- mount extension sensor. The characteristics ofPSI-5A4E such as resonance frequency value, electrical equivalent circuit, the desired acceleration level, optimum power and optimum output voltage when connected to open circuit were investigated. The experiment has been set up to investigate the value of resonance frequency. After a series of experiment, the resulted value of resonance frequency is 61 Hz. To describe the electrical equivalent circuit for the piezoelectric generator, the PSI-5A4E is seen as a Norton equivalent of a voltage source, Vp, with internal impedance, Zp. This can be used to describe the power transfer from piezoelectric generator to a load. PSI-5A4E material has a capacitance of Cp=260nF. At resonance frequency, 61Hz, the complex conjugate load inductor is calculated to be L= 26.18H. There are two values of g-level were used for the analysis: 0.1g and 3g. To determine the optimum output power, subjected to the 61Hz resonance frequency and 0.1g and 3g level values, the experiment was conducted by varying the external load resistance from 1 on to 1 Mn. As a result, at 100k!1 load resistance, the optimum output is 0.38uW and 1.217uW for 0.1g and 3g-level respectively. Piezoelectric produced AC electrical energy which needs to be rectified first into DC before powering electronic devices. Concerning this goal, the simulation and experiment of various types of passive and active rectifiers have been carried out and been compared among each other. Full wave bridge rectifier (FWBR) is the conventional due to its simplicity and ready available. Howeyer, this option would not be compatible when operating at low voltage level because the voltage generated from the piezoelectric energy harvester could be less than that being required to operate the diodes. For this reason, low voltage operated rectifying circuit is vital for piezoelectric energy harvesting application. Various types of rectifiers are being used in the experiment whereby the characteristics of each rectifier is being studied and compared in order to identify the most suitable with high efficient rectifier to be integrated with piezoelectric energy harvester. For passive rectifier, the arrangements of the rectifier is in a form of full bridge and are tested with different type of diodes namely as standard diodes, zener diodes, Schottky diodes and MOSFETs. For active rectifier, the synchronous rectification method has been investigated. The output voltage and efficiency for all rectifiers has been compared. From the experimental results, active MOSFET op-amp rectifier has shown an efficiency of 96% and 98% for acceleration level of 0.1g and 3g respectively which is reported as the highest efficiency among all the other types of rectifier


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    In this modern era, with increasingly sophisticated technology, everyone must participate in developing this technology to be more practical and useful, especially in online-based learning media. Furthermore, one of the media-based learning tools that can help students learn English is using YouTube. Many teachers and students use YouTube to help them in the teaching and learning process (Irawan, 2022). Then, everyone can utilize YouTube as the instructional medium for Speaking skills. Speaking is now the main focus of many language programs as the demand for fluency in English increases. However, students must fully utilize all their strengths in learning and increasing speaking skills using YouTube. Hence, this study aims to determine the strengths and weaknesses of using YouTube as the instructional medium in EFL Speaking learning. The research design of this study was categorized into mix-methods, which is a step in the research method that incorporates qualitative and quantitative research approaches. So, the researcher used random sampling to acquire the sample and for the technique of the data collecting used questionnaire and unstructured interview. The findings present that students' perceptions through YouTube provide many advantages in learning English speaking. Still, besides that, there are also many challenges and weaknesses in using YouTube as the instructional medium for Speaking EFL learners. However, many challenges and weaknesses exist in using YouTube as the instructional medium for Speaking EFL learners

    Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Perpustakaan Melalui User Education di SDI Darul Hikmah

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    Perpustakaan yang berfungsi sebagai sarana belajar nonformal bagi para siswa yang masih belum optimal diberdayagunakan. Permasalahan ada pada kurangnya sosialisasi maupun motivasi yang ditumbuhkan oleh para pendidik di lingkungan sekolah, sehingga siswa kurang menggemari aktivitas berkunjung dan memanfaatkan koleksi yang dimiliki sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Informannya terdiri dari kepala sekolah, guru, maupun beberapa siswa yang dianggap representatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa user education merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk memperkenalkan siswa kepada perpustakaan dan membantu mereka menelusur bacaan yang sesuai dengan minat mereka. Perlunya dilakukan user education secara berkala terutama pada siswa baru dan siswa yang akan menghadapi ujian sekolah. The library as a non-formal education for students is not optimally function. The problem faced in the school were the lack of promotion and motivation by the teachers to the students, so the students were not interested in visiting and using the references in the library. It was qualitative research using descriptive method. The data was collected from the headmaster, the teachers, and the representative students. This research showed that user education was effective in intorducing the library to the students and assisting them in finding the references based on their interests. It is needed to introduce the user education especially for the new students and for the students who will do the final exam


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    The purpose of this research is to describe the forms and functions of illocutionary speech acts on the TikTok @najwashihab account, and to describe the implementation of illocutionary speech acts as teaching materials for persuasive texts in junior high schools. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, the data were obtained from Najwashihab's TikTok captions which were observed, read, identified, recorded by researchers for analysis so as to obtain the required illocutionary utterances. This data has the intent and function of influencing the speech partner. The results of this study indicate that there are 55 data found by researchers. The data includes types of directive illocutionary speech acts (28 data), assertive (19 data), and expressive (8 data).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk,fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi pada akun TikTok @najwashihab, dan memaparkan implementasi tindak tutur ilokusi sebagai bahan ajar teks persuasi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, data diperoleh dari caption TikTok milik Najwashihab yang diamati, dibaca, diidentifikkasi, dicatat oleh peneliti untuk dianalisis sehingga mendapatkan tuturan ilokusi yang dibutuhkan.Data ini memiliki maksud dan fungsi mempengaruhi mitra tutur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada 55 data yang ditemukan peneliti. Data tersebut diantaranya jenis tindak tutur ilokusi direktif (28 data), asertif (19 data), dan ekspresif (8 data)


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    The purpose of this research is to describe the forms and functions of illocutionary speech acts on the TikTok @najwashihab account, and to describe the implementation of illocutionary speech acts as teaching materials for persuasive texts in junior high schools. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, the data were obtained from Najwashihab's TikTok captions which were observed, read, identified, recorded by researchers for analysis so as to obtain the required illocutionary utterances. This data has the intent and function of influencing the speech partner. The results of this study indicate that there are 55 data found by researchers. The data includes types of directive illocutionary speech acts (28 data), assertive (19 data), and expressive (8 data).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk,fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi pada akun TikTok @najwashihab, dan memaparkan implementasi tindak tutur ilokusi sebagai bahan ajar teks persuasi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, data diperoleh dari caption TikTok milik Najwashihab yang diamati, dibaca, diidentifikkasi, dicatat oleh peneliti untuk dianalisis sehingga mendapatkan tuturan ilokusi yang dibutuhkan.Data ini memiliki maksud dan fungsi mempengaruhi mitra tutur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada 55 data yang ditemukan peneliti. Data tersebut diantaranya jenis tindak tutur ilokusi direktif (28 data), asertif (19 data), dan ekspresif (8 data)

    Effect of zakat (almsgiving) literacy level on muzakki’s decision to pay zakat in registered zakat institutions

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    Purpose – This study aims to determine the effect of the zakat (almsgiving) literacy level and several other factors on the decision of muzakki to pay zakat at the registered zakat institutions in Situbondo Regency.Method – This study uses a quantitative approach with logistic regression analysis. Result – The zakat literacy level, education, and trust have a positive and significant effect on the decision of muzakki to pay zakat at registered zakat institutions. The income variable in this study has no significant effect on the decision of muzakki to pay zakat at the registered zakat institutions in Situbondo Regency.Implication – This study gives insight about the role of zakat literacy in increasing zakat payment. This study could assist government to increase zakat payment.Originality – The use of the Simple Weighted Index (SAWI) method to find the value of the Zakat Literacy Index.
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