67 research outputs found


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    Saat ini ketergantungan kita terhadap teknologi informasi telah meningkatkan kekhawatiran internasional akan keamanan informasi dan cyber dalam menghadapi serangan cyber yang bermotif politik, sosial dan agama. Panama Papers merupakan salah satu bentuk ancaman nyata dari serangan cyber. Karena serangan cyber dan kemampuan pertahanan terus berkembang dengan cepat, berbagai masalah yang terkait dengan kebijakan dan praktik dunia maya akan semakin meningkat dan akan memerlukan strategi keamanan nasional dan hubungan internasional yang komprehensif, salah satunya adalah negara Islandia. Setelah kebocoran Panama Papers, di negara tersebut terjadi protes baik dari lawan politik maupun dari masyarakat Islandia yang menuntut pengunduran Perdana Menteri negara tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan jawaban akan masalah yang diteliti yaitu untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa ancaman yang ditimbulkan oleh serangan cyber dari segi politik, keamanan, dan ekonomi dalam kasus Panama Papers. dalam penelitian ini yaitu stabilitas politik negara Islandia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis metode kualitatif yaitu penelitian tentang riset yang bersifat deskriptif dan cenderung menggunakan analisis. Selain itu penulis menggunakan metode historis analisis untuk menggambarkan peristiwa masa lampau agar dapat memahami peristiwa masa saat ini dan kemungkinan perkembangannya di masa mendatang. Panama Papers adalah kebocoran dari basis data firma hukum lepas pantai, Mossack Fonseca. Tax Havens memudahkan orang untuk menghindar dari membayar pajak kepada pemerintah mereka. Di antara para pemimpin nasional dengan kekayaan lepas pantai, salah satunya adalah perdana menteri Islandia, Sigmundur DavĂ­Ă° Gunnlaugsson. Setelah adanya Panama Papers, sejumlah anggota parlemen Islandia mengkritik peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Perdana Menteri, dan masyarakat melakukan protes massa dengan menyerukan pemerintah untuk mengundurkan diri serta melakukan pemilihan baru. Kata Kunci: Serangan Cyber, Panama Papers, Stabilitas Politik Islandi


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    Choosing the right learning model will encourage students to be active in learning activities. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model is a learning model that helps make the class atmosphere more enjoyable and students will be excited about learning. Based on the results of initial observations in class IV at SDN 01 Demangan City of Madiun that in learning that takes place in class the teacher applies lectures and assignments. This study aims to improve science learning outcomes through the application of Problem Based Learning learning models. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The results of this study indicate that the Improvement of Class IV Science Learning Outcomes at SDN 01 Demangan City of Madiun in the Material of Changes in Energy Forms after going through the application of the Problem Based Learning Model is said to be successful. This can be proven in the pre-cycle stage, cycle I and cycle II, namely from the average value at the initial condition (pre-cycle) of 69 with classical completeness of 40% (6 students) of 15 students. Cycle I was 74 with classical completeness of 60% (9 students). Cycle II of 81 with classical mastery of 80% (12 students) Keywords: learning outcomes; energy transformation matter; problem based learnin


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    Nizam al-Mulk bukan hanya sekedar wazir yang telah membangkitkan keterpurukan Daulah Abbasiyah namun beliau juga telah membawa zamannya dengan sebutan golden age. Keberhasilan Nizam al-Mulk dalam membangkitkan keterpurukan Daulah Abbasiyah sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan Baghdad terutama pada bidang politik dan ekonomi Islam. Pemikiran Nizam al-Mulk terhadap politik dan ekonomi Islam dituangkan dalam karyanya “The Book The Book of Government or Rules for Kings (The Siyar al-Muluk or Siyasat-Nama of Nizam al-Mulk)” yang sekarang menjadi suatu pusat perhatian yang sangat besar. Makalah ini merupakan analisis deskripsi terhadap pemikiran Nizam al-Mulk khususnya pada pemikiran Ekonomi Islam. Yang bertujuan untuk menganalisa pemikiran Nizam al-Mulk terhadap ekonomi Islam

    A Modeling in the Theft Recidivists from the Perspective of Bandura

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    A high number of criminal theft phenomena in Indonesia are carried out by recidivists. Recidivism is the repetition of the same crime which causes the individual to return to being a prisoner within a certain period of time. Based on the preliminary study it was found that the perpetrator learned this theft from the closest person in his environment. This study aims to examine the process of the formation of repeated theft criminal behavior associated with modeling from the perspective of Bandura and the influencing factors. The research method used is a qualitative case study approach. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews with three participants and a thematic analysis was carried out. This study found that there is a pattern of learning theft behavior in recidivists, namely (1) attention process, the individual is interested in the theft after directly seeing the theft process being carried out (2)retention process, the strategy and criminal methods of theft are stored in the form of verbal and visual coding ( 3) motoric production, starting to try because of cooperation until they become used to it (4) motivational process, the behavior is maintained because stealing is considered a way to easily achieve needs. The ease with which criminal behavior is found in the surrounding environment and accepted becomes an external factor, while internal factors are low self-esteem, low self-control, and a long criminal history. The results of the analysis also show that this behavior is imitated and maintained by recidivists by considering rewards. Key word : Modelling, Theft recidivism, Bandura's perspectiv


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    Nowadays, the times affect the development of the education system for children. Full-time employment parents and the problem of leaving their children unattended and without essential activities are reasons full-day schools are in great demand. The learning conditions for a relatively long time and the various activities implemented in this full-day school affect the need for unique facilities compared to other schools, especially in maintaining children’s concentration in learning. This research uses a literature review, field surveys, and interviews with case studies of Salman Al Farisi Elementary School, a pioneer of full-day school in Bandung with an integrated Islamic education concept. Lighting is an interior architecture element that mainly affects student concentration in the classroom. Due to the existing problems, an interactive lighting system must be implemented in Salman Al Farisi Elementary School classrooms to support activities and maintain student concentration in learning. Arduino devices as artificial intelligence tools have the potential to be used in Salman Al Farisi Elementary School classrooms to create an interactive lighting system. The interactive lighting system required is the adjustable room light to maintain student concentration according to the ongoing activity

    Optimization of LPG Distribution Route Using Variable Neighborhood Tabu Search Algorithm

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    PT. Galaxi Energi Pratama (GEP) is one of the biggest distributors of subsidized LPG in Malang Raya area. Currently the route planning is not done very well, which results in a high fuel cost. With the company's main business process being distribution, the planning needs to be improved to maximize the profit. The problem in PT. GEP is classified as the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips (HVRPM). This problem is classified as NP-Hard and requires high computational effort to obtain a good solution so metaheuristic method is preferred. In this research, variable neighborhood tabu search (VNTS) algorithm is developed to solve the HVRPM and implemented to minimize the fuel cost of PT. GEP. The developed algorithm is implemented in the six instances collected from the case study. The generated trips produce a total savings of Rp 150,876 for one operational week, or roughly 18% of the initial cost. The computation time of the algorithm is evaluated by comparing with Simulated Annealing using a problem with the same size. VNTS has a lower average time and is expected to perform competitively when a standardized dataset is used for comparison. The solution quality of the algorithm is then compared with branch-and-bound method. VNTS is able to find one global optimal solution out of the six instances and overall, it performs better than branch-and-bound


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    The ability to solve problems is one of the 21st-century skills that students master. In school, there are various cognitive styles in solving math problems. So it is necessary to describe the problem-solving skills of students of State Junior High School (SMP Negeri) 3 Kasihan Bantul class VIII in terms of the cognitive style of field-dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) of the academic year 2017/2018.  This research is qualitative descriptive research. The subject of research consists of 2 students whose cognitive style FD and two students cognitive FI style. The instrument used in this research consists of the main instrument that is self-researcher. The auxiliary instruments are Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) and Problem Solving Testing (TKPM). For data collection techniques used are GEFT, TKPM, and interviews. To obtain data consistency, used technique triangulation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that the subject of FD tends to think globally in solving the problem. Subjects have used three problem-solving indicators: understanding the problem by repeated reading, planning by analyzing, implementing plans that have been prepared to get the results of completion, and drawing conclusions. At the same time, the subject of FI is more analytical in solving the problem. The subject has used three troubleshooting indicators, understood the problem by repeated reading, drafted a settlement plan from the information obtained, executed the plan developed to get the result of completion, and drew conclusions. The subject of FD and FI equally did not re-examine the answer

    Pengaruh Pemberian N-Actylcysteine (NAC) terhadap Kadar Malondialdehyde (MDA) pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. Several classifications of diabetes mellitus include type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and other types of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is caused by chronic hyperglycemia which causes cell and tissue damage due to increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cannot be compensated by antioxidants. To reduce ROS levels, a definitive therapy is needed, namely by administering exogenous antioxidants, one of which is N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) therapy. N-Acetylcysteine works by forming the antioxidant gluthathione which aims to fulfill the body's natural antioxidant deficit in overcoming hyperglycemia. This study was a true experimental research study with a pre-posttest research design. The sample used was 20 patient blood serum samples, which were measured for MDA levels before NAC administration. Then, NAC therapy was administered at a dose of 3X400 mg per day for 5 weeks, and MDA levels were measured after the therapy using the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substance (TBARS) method. The results of the study showed that the mean MDA level before administration of NAC and the average MDA level after administration of NAC respectively, is 3.28 ± 0.427 nmol/ml, and 2.76 ± 0.251 nmol/ml.. There was a significant decrease in MDA levels in the blood serum of type 2 diabetes patients with a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.5). Thus, it can be concluded that the use of NAC has an effect on reducing MDA levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Malondialdehyde, NAC

    Islamisasi Al-Attas Terhadap Konsep Asuransi: Asuransi Syariah Vs Asuransi Konvensional

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    ABSTRAK Pada masa kontemporer ini, banyak masyarakat Muslim Indonesia yang berasumsi bahwa asuransi merupakan pilihan yang terbaik. Karena mereka menganggap bahwa asuransi dapat menjamin kehidupan mereka. Namun, hal ini kurang dibenarkan dalam syari’ah Islam karena asuransi yang mereka gunakan adalah asuransi konvensional. Yang mana didalamnya terdapat permasalahan-permasalahan seperti gharar dan maisir yang sangat bertentangan dengan syari’ah Islam. Maka dari itu perlu diadakannya Islamisasi dalam konsep asuransi konvensional yang ada, sehingga asuransi konvensional yang ada di Indonesia dapat berubah sesuai dengan konsep asuransi dalam Islam (asuransi syari’ah). Adapun metode kajian yang digunakan dalam membahas permasalahan ini yaitu penelitian literatur. Data dalam penelitian ini didapat dengan menggunakan metode dokumenter, untuk mencari data-data tentang konsep asuransi konvensional dan konsep, teori serta proses Islamisasi Naquib al-Attas dan Isma’il Raji al-Faruqi yang bersumber dari buku, jurnal, internet, dan makalah. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah induktif, deduktif, dan analisis deskriptif komparatif. Proses Islamisasi yang diterapkan terhadap konsep asuransi konvensional dengan menggunakan proses Islamisasi yang dipaparkan oleh Al-Attas, yaitu pertama, dengan menghapus konsep-konsep dan nilai-nilai Barat didalam konsep asuransi, seperti konsep uang hangus, konsep riba, konsep gharar dan maisir, akad tabaduli. Dan kedua, memasukkan konsep-konsep dan nilai-nilai Islam kedalamnya, seperti konsep akad takafuli, tabarru’, mudharabah, konsep amanah, dan konsep pengawasan terhadap asuransi yang dijalankan. Sehingga jika proses Islamisasi ini diterapkan kepada semua konsep asuransi konvensional di seluruh Indonesia, bahkan dunia maka semua akan berubah menjadi konsep asuransi yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Kata Kunci: Al-Attas; Asuransi; Islamisasi ABSTRACT In this contemporary period, many Indonesian Muslim communities assume that insurance is the best choice. Because they assume that insurance can guarantee their lives. But, this is not justified in Islamic shari'ah because the insurance they use is conventional insurance. Which there many problems in its such as gharar and maisir which are very contrary to the Islamic shari'ah. Therefore it is necessary to hold Islamization in the existing conventional insurance concept, so that conventional insurance in Indonesia can change in accordance with the concept of insurance in Islam. The study method used in discussing this problem is literature research. The data in this study were obtained by using the documentary method, to find data on conventional insurance concepts and the concepts, theories and processes of Islamization of Naquib al-Attas and Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi sourced from books, journals, the internet, and papers. The data analysis methods used are inductive, deductive, and comparative descriptive analysis. Islamization applied to the concept of conventional insurance by using the Islamization process described by Al-Attas, first, by removing Western concepts and values in the concept of insurance, such as the concept of charred money, the concept of usury, the concept of gharar and maisir, and contract tabaduli. And second, incorporating Islamic concepts and values into them, such as the concept of akad takafuli, tabarru', mudharabah, amanah concept, and the concept of supervision of insurance that is carried out. So if this Islamization is applied to the all conventional insurance in the world, then everything will turn out to be an insurance concept that is in accordance with Islamic values. Keyword: Al-Attas; Islamization; Insuranc

    Pemodelan Lama Rawat Pasien COVID-19 di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Menggunakan Metode Regresi Kuantil Bayesian

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentiïŹkasi model terbaik dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi lama rawat pasien COVID-19 di Provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan menggunakan metode regresi kuantil dan regresi kuantil Bayesian. Metode regresi kuantil Bayesian merupakan metode pendugaan parameter yang menggabungkan konsep analisis kuantil ke dalam pendekatan Bayesian. Pada pendekatan Bayesian, digunakan distribusi Asymmetric Laplace Distribution (ALD) dalam pembentukan fungsi likelihood sebagai dasar dari pembentukan distribusi posterior yang digunakan dalam proses pendugaan parameter. Data penelitian yang digunakan adalah data 688 pasien terkait COVID-19 di RSUP M. Djamil Kota Padang dan RS Universitas Andalas pada bulan Maret-Juli 2020. Penelitian ini membandingkan hasil dugaan parameter yang diperoleh dari kedua metode untuk menentukan model terbaiknya. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh model dengan metode regresi kuantil Bayesian secara keseluruhan memiliki hasil estimasi parameter yang lebih baik dengan lebar selang kepercayaan 95% yang lebih kecil dan ukuran kebaikan model yang lebih besar daripada metode regresi kuantil. Lama rawat pasien COVID19 di Provinsi Sumatera Barat dipengaruhi oleh faktor usia, diagnosa terkait COVID-19 dan status pulang pasien, dimana model terbaiknya diperoleh dari penggunaan metode regresi kuantil Bayesian
