12 research outputs found


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    The main goal of this research is to determine effect of the ten–weeks-long programmed Nordic Walking (NW) exercising to body composition and functional ability on 68 old year woman. For the evaluation of body composition, the following variables were obtained using the Bioelectric Impedance: Body mass, Body Mass Index, Body Fat Mass, Percentage of the Body Fat Mass and Fat Free Mass. For the evaluation of the functional capability, the UKK 2 km test was used and the following variables were followed: Maximal oxygen uptake and Fitness index. The program was based on aerobic exercise, with the aim of adjusting the body to physical exercise and training to improve muscle strength. The program consisted of a combination of NW and exercises for warming up, tightening and strengthening of the complete musculature. The results showed significant improvements in all observed characteristics, especially in functional parameters. Maximal oxygen uptake and Fitness index, in the end, compared to the initial measurement, improved by almost 61% (from 17.91 ml/kg/min to 29.62 ml/kg/min) and 63% (from 68 at 109). In addition, the results showed that the trend of changes in all observed characteristics has a significant increase at the level of 89.88% (for Fat free mass) to 98.73% (Fitness index). Continued application of the proposed program could contribute to the improvement of the examined variables related to body composition and functional capacity, which can result in better health status of the target population

    Trend promene osnovnih antropometrijskih karakteristika studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije u toku studija

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    By applying transversal method of research on a sample of 267 male and 88 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade determination of basic anthropometrical characteristics in the function of the year of study was conducted. Basic anthropometrical characteristics were expressed in following variables: body weight - BW, expressed in kg; body height - BH, expressed in cm; body mass index - BMI, expressed in kg/m2. The obtained results showed statistically significant tendency of change in students of the ACPS during the course of studies, namely in increase of BM as basic measure for estimation of body voluminosity (1.2 kg per a study year, F ratio 4287, p = 0.039), as well as in BMI, as a measure for the assessment of the body status, that is, the state of nourishment (0.42 kg/m2 per a study year, F ratio 7.191, p = 0.008). As for female students, the obtained results showed statistically significant tendency of change, namely in decrease of BMI, as a measure for the assessment of the body status, that is, the state of nourishment (- 0.56 kg/m2 per a study year, F ratio 8.290, p = 0.005). At this point, based on the research results, we can not say for sure what could be the cause of the determined trend of increase of voluminosity and body nourishment in male students, and decrease of body nourishment in female students, which should be determined in future researches.Na uzorku od 267 ispitanika muškog pola i 88 ispitanika ženskog pola studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) iz Beograda primenom transverzalne metode istraživanja izvršeno je dijagnostikovanje osnovnih antropometrijskih karakteristika u funkciji godine studija. Osnovne antropometrijske karakteristike ispitanika su bile predstavljene sledećim varijablama: telesna masa - TM, izražena u kg; telesna visina - TV, izražena u cm; i telesno-maseni indeks (BMI), izražen u kg/m2. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je kod studenata KPA u toku studija došlo do statistički značajnog trenda promene, i to povećanja kod TM, kao osnovne mere za procenu voluminoznosti tela (1.20 kg po godini studija, F odnos 4.287, p = 0.039) kao i kod BMI, kao mere za procenu telesnog statusa, tj. stanja uhranjenosti (0.42 kg/m2 po godini studija, F odnos 7.191, p = 0.008). U odnosu nastudentkinje, dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u toku studija KPA došlo do statistički značajnog trenda promene, i to smanjenja kod BMI, kao mere za procenu telesnog statusa, tj. stanja uhranjenosti (- 0.56 kg/m2 po godini studija, F odnos 8.290, p = 0.005). U ovom trenutku se na osnovu rezultata istraživanja ne može sa sigurnošću tvrditi šta je posledica utvrđenog trenda povećanja voluminoznosti i telesne uhranjenosti kod studenata odnosno smanjenja telesne uhranjenosti kod studentkinja, što treba utvrditi u narednim istraživanjima

    The impact of type of dietary protein, animal versus vegetable, in modifying cardiometabolic risk factors: A position paper from the International Lipid Expert Panel (ILEP)

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    Proteins play a crucial role in metabolism, in maintaining fluid and acid-base balance and antibody synthesis. Dietary proteins are important nutrients and are classified into: 1) animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy), and, 2) plant proteins (legumes, nuts and soy). Dietary modification is one of the most important lifestyle changes that has been shown to significantly decrease the risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease (CVD) by attenuating related risk factors. The CVD burden is reduced by optimum diet through replacement of unprocessed meat with low saturated fat, animal proteins and plant proteins. In view of the available evidence, it has become acceptable to emphasize the role of optimum nutrition to maintain arterial and CV health. Such healthy diets are thought to increase satiety, facilitate weight loss, and improve CV risk. Different studies have compared the benefits of omnivorous and vegetarian diets. Animal protein related risk has been suggested to be greater with red or processed meat over and above poultry, fish and nuts, which carry a lower risk for CVD. In contrast, others have shown no association of red meat intake with CVD. The aim of this expert opinion recommendation was to elucidate the different impact of animal vs vegetable protein on modifying cardiometabolic risk factors. Many observational and interventional studies confirmed that increasing protein intake, especially plant-based proteins and certain animal-based proteins (poultry, fish, unprocessed red meat low in saturated fats and low-fat dairy products) have a positive effect in modifying cardiometabolic risk factors. Red meat intake correlates with increased CVD risk, mainly because of its non-protein ingredients (saturated fats). However, the way red meat is cooked and preserved matters. Thus, it is recommended to substitute red meat with poultry or fish in order to lower CVD risk. Specific amino acids have favourable results in modifying major risk factors for CVD, such as hypertension. Apart from meat, other animal-source proteins, like those found in dairy products (especially whey protein) are inversely correlated to hypertension, obesity and insulin resistance

    Functional dimorphism and characteristics considering maximal hand grip force in top level athletes in the Republic of Serbia

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    Aim. The aim of this work was to define functional dimorphism (F maxNd/DoHGiso) and model characteristics at maximal isometric hand grip force (FmaxHGiso) in top level athletes in the Repupllc of Serbia. 256 top level athletes were tested from taekwondo, waterpolo, track and fields, basketball, orienteering, volleyball, archery, boxing, judo, handball and power lifting teams. Methods. In order to assess the FmaxHGiso we used standardized equipment, i.e., a sliding device that measures isometric finger flexor force, with a tenslometric probe fixed inside the device. Results. The average values of FmaxHGiso and relative force measured by allometric and classic method for right and left hand grip for the total sample were 632±125.67, 591.06±118.91 N; 32.47±5.56, 30.31±5.16 N/BM0.667; 0.7548±0.1363, 0.7044±0.1252 DaN/BM. The average value of FmaxNd/DoHGiso was 0.924±0.0752. Significant difference was established for the measurement characteristics at the level of Wilks Lambda 0.357, F=3.853, P=0.000. Maximal average value F maxHGiso for left and right hand is found in power lifters (795.08±94.45, 827.65±103.45 N) and minimal in taekwondo (454.67±48.2, 502.67±74.21 N). The most expressed F maxNd/DoHGiso was found in handball 0.8757±0.07. Considering defined classification of FmaxNd/DoHGiso, we classified the examinees from different sports in 4 groups: symmetry (volleyball, basketball, judo, boxing, power lifting 0.9337 to 0.9597); average (taekwondo, waterpolo 0.9076 to 0.9336); asymmetry (track and fields, orienteering, archery 0.8816 to 0.9075); dominant asymmetry of functional hand grip relations (handball <0.8815). Conclusion. The results obtained can be used to determine criteria decisions from the aspect of diagnostic procedures, metric aspect, medical aspect

    Hormonalne metode za manipulaciju estrusnim ciklusom kod mlečnih krava

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    Reproduction efficiency in dairy cows is declining all over the world. Epidemiologic studies suggest that diseases have greater effect on herd fertility compared to the parameters like milk production. Immediate solution to the problem of infertility may be the application of some method of hormonal manipulation of estrous cycle in dairy cows. Reproductive system ultrasound examination enables today's veterinarians to visualize ovarian changes during the estrous cycle, giving them a chance to intervene with exogenous hormonal inhibition and/or stimulation of temporary ovarian structures at the appropriate time. Summarizing possible hormonal methods for estrous cycle manipulation we have analyzed following protocols: prostaglandin based protocols, prostaglandin + progestagensin combination, regimes using prostaglandin + gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin + GnRH + estradiol protocols. In dairy herds where estrus detection does not represent a significant problem, prostaglandin based or Select Synch protocols are methods of choice for the hormonal manipulation of estrous cycle. However, if there are problems regarding estrus detection Ovsynch or Presynch + Ovsynch could be an effective alternative for the hormonal manipulation of estrous cycle. Furthermore, fixed time artificial insemination (TAI) could be modified to coincide with the second GnRH injection, thus reducing the time and number of visits. .Efikasnost reprodukcije kod mlečnih krava ima tendenciju pogoršanja u svim delovima sveta pa i u Republici Srbiji. Epidemiološka ispitivanja ukazuju da se razlozi za smanjenje reproduktivne efikasnosti pre moraju tražiti u parametrima vezanim za pojavu različitih oboljenja nego u porastu proizvodnje mleka. Međutim, trenutno rešenje za problem smanjene plodnosti mlečnih krava najčešće se traži u primeni različitih hormonalnih metoda za manipulaciju estrusnim ciklusom kod mlečnih krava. Ultrazvučni pregled reproduktivnog trakta kod mlečnih krava je omogućio veterinarima da direktno prate promene na jajnicima i uterusu tokom estrusnog ciklusa, otvarajući prostor za pravovremenu primenu hormona radi inhibicije/stimulacije privremenih endokrinih struktura na jajnicima. U našem pokušaju da sumiramo najznačajnije hormonalne metode za manipulaciju estrusnog ciklusa kod mlečnih krava analizirali smo protokole bazirane isključivo na aplikaciji prostaglandina, metode zasnovane na kombinovanju prostaglandina i progestagena, režime manipulacije bazirane na primeni kombinacije prostaglandina i gonadotropnog oslobađajućeg hormona (GnRH), kao i primenu prostaglandina, GnRH i estradiola. U stadima mlečnih krava gde je optimalna detekcija estrusa metoda izbora za hormonalnu manipulaciju estrusnog ciklusa je tzv. Select Synch protokol. Ukoliko je na farmi ustanovljen prisutan problem detekcija estrusa može se primeniti Ovsynch protokol ili kombinacija Presynch i Ovsynch protokola za hormonalnu manipulaciju estrusnog ciklusa. Fiksno vreme veštačkog osemenjavanja koje se sprovodi u toku Ovsynch protokola može se pomeriti tako da se vrši u vreme druge aplikacije GnRH, čime se smanjuje broj fizičkih intervencija i skraćuje trajanje protokola.

    Somatotype of male and female judokas according to weight categories

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    Study aim: The body structure can play a determining role in the achievement of top judo performance, and it seems to influence the type of techniques applied. The aim of this study is to determine the somatotypes in male and female national level judokas across weight categories in order to observe possible differences among athletes

    The Role of Nutraceuticals in Statin Intolerant Patients.

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    Statins are the most common drugs administered for patients with cardiovascular disease. However, due to statin-associated muscle symptoms, adherence to statin therapy is challenging in clinical practice. Certain nutraceuticals, such as red yeast rice, bergamot, berberine, artichoke, soluble fiber, and plant sterols and stanols alone or in combination with each other, as well as with ezetimibe, might be considered as an alternative or add-on therapy to statins, although there is still insufficient evidence available with respect to long-term safety and effectiveness on cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment. These nutraceuticals could exert significant lipid-lowering activity and might present multiple non-lipid-lowering actions, including improvement of endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness, as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. The aim of this expert opinion paper is to provide the first attempt at recommendation on the management of statin intolerance through the use of nutraceuticals with particular attention on those with effective low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction

    Nutraceutical approaches to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A position paper from the International Lipid Expert Panel (ILEP)

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    Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a common condition affecting around 10–25% of the general adult population, 15% of children, and even > 50% of individuals who have type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is a major cause of liver-related morbidity, and cardiovascular (CV) mortality is a common cause of death. In addition to being the initial step of irreversible alterations of the liver parenchyma causing cirrhosis, about 1/6 of those who develop NASH are at risk also developing CV disease (CVD). More recently the acronym MAFLD (Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease) has been preferred by many European and US specialists, providing a clearer message on the metabolic etiology of the disease. The suggestions for the management of NAFLD are like those recommended by guidelines for CVD prevention. In this context, the general approach is to prescribe physical activity and dietary changes the effect weight loss. Lifestyle change in the NAFLD patient has been supplemented in some by the use of nutraceuticals, but the evidence based for these remains uncertain. The aim of this Position Paper was to summarize the clinical evidence relating to the effect of nutraceuticals on NAFLD-related parameters. Our reading of the data is that whilst many nutraceuticals have been studied in relation to NAFLD, none have sufficient evidence to recommend their routine use; robust trials are required to appropriately address efficacy and safety