277 research outputs found
Arabidopsis phenotyping through geometric morphometrics
Background: Recently, great technical progress has been achieved in the field of plant phenotyping. High-throughput platforms and the development of improved algorithms for rosette image segmentation make it possible to extract shape and size parameters for genetic, physiological, and environmental studies on a large scale. The development of low-cost phenotyping platforms and freeware resources make it possible to widely expand phenotypic analysis tools for Arabidopsis. However, objective descriptors of shape parameters that could be used independently of the platform and segmentation software used are still lacking, and shape descriptions still rely on ad hoc or even contradictory descriptors, which could make comparisons difficult and perhaps inaccurate. Modern geometric morphometrics is a family of methods in quantitative biology proposed to be the main source of data and analytical tools in the emerging field of phenomics studies. Based on the location of landmarks (corresponding points) over imaged specimens and by combining geometry, multivariate analysis, and powerful statistical techniques, these tools offer the possibility to reproducibly and accurately account for shape variations among groups and measure them in shape distance units.
Results: Here, a particular scheme of landmark placement on Arabidopsis rosette images is proposed to study shape variation in viral infection processes. Shape differences between controls and infected plants are quantified throughout the infectious process and visualized. Quantitative comparisons between two unrelated ssRNA+ viruses are shown, and reproducibility issues are assessed.
Conclusions: Combined with the newest automated platforms and plant segmentation procedures, geometric morphometric tools could boost phenotypic features extraction and processing in an objective, reproducible manner.Instituto de BiotecnologíaFil: Manacorda, Carlos Augusto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Asurmendi, Sebastian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
Arabidopsis phenotyping through geometric morphometrics
Background: Recently, great technical progress has been achieved in the field of plant phenotyping. High-throughput platforms and the development of improved algorithms for rosette image segmentation make it possible to extract shape and size parameters for genetic, physiological, and environmental studies on a large scale. The development of low-cost phenotyping platforms and freeware resources make it possible to widely expand phenotypic analysis tools for Arabidopsis. However, objective descriptors of shape parameters that could be used independently of the platform and segmentation software used are still lacking, and shape descriptions still rely on ad hoc or even contradictory descriptors, which could make comparisons difficult and perhaps inaccurate. Modern geometric morphometrics is a family of methods in quantitative biology proposed to be the main source of data and analytical tools in the emerging field of phenomics studies. Based on the location of landmarks (corresponding points) over imaged specimens and by combining geometry, multivariate analysis, and powerful statistical techniques, these tools offer the possibility to reproducibly and accurately account for shape variations among groups and measure them in shape distance units. Results: Here, a particular scheme of landmark placement on Arabidopsis rosette images is proposed to study shape variation in viral infection processes. Shape differences between controls and infected plants are quantified throughout the infectious process and visualized. Quantitative comparisons between two unrelated ssRNA+ viruses are shown, and reproducibility issues are assessed. Conclusions: Combined with the newest automated platforms and plant segmentation procedures, geometric morphometric tools could boost phenotypic features extraction and processing in an objective, reproducible manner.Fil: Manacorda, Carlos Augusto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Asurmendi, Sebastian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
Consistent collective decisions under majorities based on difference of votes
The main criticism to the aggregation of individual preferences under majority rules refers to the possibility of reaching inconsistent collective decisions from the election process. In these cases, the collective preference includes cycles and even could prevent the election of any alternative as the collective choice. The likelihood of consistent outcomes under a class of majority rules constitutes the aim of this paper. Specifically, we focus on majority rules that require certain consensus in individual preferences to declare an alternative as the winner. Under majorities based on difference of votes, the requirement asks to the winner alternative to obtain a difference in votes with respect to the loser alternative taking into account that individuals are endowed with weak preference orderings. Same requirement is asked to the restriction of these rules to individual linear preferences
Desarrollo y aplicación de un sistema de expresión de poliproteínas autoclivables basado en la proteasa NIa del virus TEV para la obtención de plantas transgénicas con capacidad de procesar, secretar y dirigir subcelularmente las proteínas expresadas
Se desarrolló, perfeccionó y evaluó la factibilidad de aplicación práctica de un vector detransformación genética vegetal que permite la coexpresión de varias proteínas bajo elcontrol de un promotor común. El sistema desarrollado basado en la proteasa NIa derivada del TEV fue capaz deprocesar poliproteínas quiméricas y producir la acumulación de varias proteínas a partirde una única unidad transcripcional in vivo. Se expresaron diferentes combinaciones deproteínas (indicadoras, como GFP y GUS, cápsides de PVX, PVY y PLRV, así comoproteínas de defensa antifúngica) in vivo e in vitro. El nivel de acumulación de cadaproteína no dependió de la posición del ORF en la poliproteína. A pesar de lo expuestoel nivel de acumulación total de una proteína expresada a través de la poliproteína puedeser influenciada por propiedades intrínsecas de las mismas. Mediante microscopíaelectrónica se demostró que la cápside de PVY expresada a través de la poliproteína nosólo se procesa correctamente sino que el producto del procesamiento es capaz deformar partículas parecidas a virus (cápsides vacías). Cuando se agregó la señal de exportación al RE del gen de la patatina apoliproteínas conteniendo GUS y GFP, éstas fueron dirigidas al RE en protoplastos detabaco de la línea BY-2. Las plantas transgénicas de papa expresando estas poliproteínasmostraron menor actividad GUS que las plantas control expresando la mismapoliproteína pero sin señal de exportación. Este menor nivel de actividad podría seratribuido a que la proteína GUS resulta glicosilada en el RE. Estos resultados sugierenque la poliproteína es dirigida al RE y luego en el lumen procesada para liberar lasproteínas individuales. Se obtuvieron plantas de papa transgénica expresando poliproteínas conteniendocuatro genes antifúngicos, codificantes para una quitinasa, una glucanasa, AP24 y RIP. Se obtuvieron plantas altamente resistentes a el ataque de R. solani, demostrando elcorrecto procesamiento de la poliproteína y el sinergismo de las proteínas antifúngicasexpresadas para producir resistencia. Se encontró una asociación entre el espaciosubcelular de acumulación de las proteínas glucanasa y AP24 (vacuolar versusapoplásmico) con el nivel de resistencia contra Rhizoctonia.Development, characterization, as well as practical application of a plant transformationvector allowing the coexpression of different proteins under the control of a singlepromoter, is described. The system, based on NIa protease gene derived from tobaccoetch potyvirus was shown to express and process chimerical polyproteins and toaccumulate different proteins from a single transcription unit, including reporter genes (green fluorescent protein —GFP-and β-glucurunidase —GUS-), as well as coat proteinsof potato virus Y (PVY), potato virus X (PVX) and antifungal proteins. Thus, differentcombinations of proteins were expressed in vitro or in vivo showing that proteinaccumulation does not depend upon relative position of the ORF within the cassette. However, the overall level of accumulation may be influenced by intrinsic properties ofthe expressed proteins. Electron microscopy showed that the PVY CP expressed in thepolyprotein cassette assembled in vivo to form void virus-like-particles. Addition of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) targeting sequence from patatin tothe polyprotein containing GUS and GFP, targeted the protein to ER, in BY-2 tobaccoprotoplasts. Transgenic plants that encode the thus polyprotein exhibited lowerenzymatic activity than transgenic plants expressing GUS from the cassette without thepatatin leader sequence. Indirect evidence suggests that the low level of activity is theresult of glycosylation of GUS in the ER. These results suggest that the polyprotein isfirst targeted to the ER where the polyprotein is processed to release the individualproteins. Transgenic potato plants expressing a polyprotein including four anti-fungal ORFs (chitinase, glucanase, AP24 and a RIP) were produced. High levels of protectionagainst Rhizoctonia solani attack were shown, confirming the correct processing andsynergism of these proteins to produce resistance. We found an association between thesubcellular localization of the introduced glucanase and the level of resistance. Protein AP24 showed a similar but less apparent behavior. We conclude that the vector system pPRO10/20 is highly effective to expressseveral proteins in planta. The expressed proteins can be, cytoplasmic or exported to theapoplasm or other subcellular compartments like vacuoles.Fil: Asurmendi, Sebastián. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina
Komatxo artean 2: mahai-inguruak (2002-2006)
153 p.Euskal literatur mundua azken urteotan astindu duten gai garrantzitsuenetako zenbait eztabaidatzen dira honako mahainguru radiofonikoetan: belaunaldien arteko harremanak, literatur kritikaren gazi-gozoak, editore eta idazleen arteko gora-beherak, poesiaren etorkizuna, euskal irakurlegoaren izaera, kazetaritza eta literaturaren arteko amodio eta desamodioak, ipuin kontalaritzaren menturak, herri antzerkiaren iragana eta oraina..
Río Colorado Subgroup (Neuquén Group): Paleosimicity record in the Andean foreland basin, Neuquén basin, Neuquén y Río Negro provinces
La cuenca Neuquina se localiza en el sector centro-oeste de Argentina, constituyendo el depocentro mesozoico-neogeno más importante y una de las cuencas del hemisferio sur con excelente registro marino y continental. La evolución de la cuenca Neuquina se encuentra caracterizada por tres estadios de evolución: una etapa inicial de rift; subducción relacionada a un sag termal y un estadio de cuenca de antepaís. El Subgrupo Río Colorado es depositado en la cuenca durante el desarrollo de la etapa de antepaís. La tectónica sindepositacional del subgrupo es registrada por tres niveles deformados, dos en la Formación Bajo de Carpa y uno en la Formación Anacleto. Los mismos están integrados por estructuras de deformación y licuefacción interpretadas como sismitas. La deformación está representada por estructuras de carga simple, bolas y cogines, flamígeras, pseudonódulos, laminación convoluta, pinch and swell, slumps, areniscas desorganizadas, areniscas replegadas, diapiros de fango, fracturas, dish and pillar y brechas autoclásticas. Estas deformaciones en la Formación Bajo de la carpa involucra depósitos de cinturones de canal y de planicie de inundación; mientras que en la Formación Anacleto afecta a los depósitos de canales de mareas de alta y baja sinuosidad; planicies intermareal fango-arenosa y planicie fangosa supramareal, asociados a un sistema estuárico medio. Los niveles de sísmitas reconocidos podrían estar asociados al lineamiento Lindero Atravesado y Sierra Barrosa y ser una respuesta dinámica a la actividad de dichas es-tructuras. La naturaleza de las estructuras y su distribución sugiere que la magnitud de los sismos podría ser mayor a 6 en escala de Ritcher en el Mesozoico.The Neuquén basin is located in the central and western part of Argentina and represents the most important Mesozoic-Neogene depocenter in the country and is one of the basins of the Southern Hemisphere with an excellent marine and continental record. It is characterized by three stage of evolution: an initial rift, subduction related to “sag” a state of thermal and foreland basin. The Río Colorado Subgroup is deposited during the foreland development. Subgroup sindepositacional tectonics is recorded by three deformational levels, two in Bajo de la Carpa Formation and one in the Anacleto Formation. They are composed of deformation and liquefaction structures interpreted as sismites. The deformation is represented by simple load structures, balls and pillows, flaming, pseudonódulos, lamination convolute, pinch and swell, slumps, sandstone disorganized, folded sandstone, mud diapirs, fractures, dish and pillar and autoclastic breccias. These deformational structures in the Bajo de la Carpa Formation involves deposits of channel belts and flood plain, while in the Anacleto Formation deposits affects the tidal channels of high and low sinuosity, intertidal mud flats, sandy and muddy plain supratidal associated with an middle estuarine system. The recognized sismitas levels are probably
associated with Sierra Barrosa and Lindero Atravesado lineaments and these maybe are dynamic response to the activity of the structures. The nature of the structures and their distribution suggests that the magnitude of earthquakes is greater than 6 on Richter scale.Fil: Sanchez, Maria Lidia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; ArgentinaFil: Asurmendi, Estefania. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Armas, María Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; Argentin
An Algorithm to detect atrial fibrillation using short ECG segments
La fibrilación atrial es una enfermedad difícil de detectar hasta que se manifiesta de forma seria. Sin embargo, si se detecta con suficiente tiempo se puede aplicar un tratamiento para que sus síntomas estén controlados y no llegue a ser mortal. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un software que permita la detección de fibrilaciones atriales en electrocardiogramas de corta duración. Esto posibilitaría una temprana detección en electrocardiogramas realizados en centros de salud y hospitales, sin tener que hacer un estudio largo de la actividad cardiaca. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo se trabajara con el concepto de Deep Learning. Antes de ello, se implementa un detector de latidos automático, el cual debe ser muy preciso en la detección del pico de la onda R en el complejo QRS. A continuación se crea una red neuronal que será la encargada de diferenciar entre fibrilaciones atriales y ritmos sinusales. Por último, se evalúan los resultados obtenidos y se plantean los diferentes beneficios que supondría su implementación.Fibrilazio aurikularra gaixotasun zaila da hautemateko, modu larrian agertzen den arte. Hala ere, denbora nahikorekin hautematen bada, sintomak kontrolatzeko tratamendua jar daiteke eta ez da hilgarri izango. Proiektu honen helburua epe laburreko elektrokardiogrametan fibrilazio aurikularrak detektatzeko softwarea garatzea da. Modu honetan osasun zentroetan eta ospitaleetan burutu diren elektrokardiogrametan fibrilazio aurikularrak goiz detektatzea ahalbidetuko litzateke, bihotz-jardueraren azterketa luzea egin beharik gabe. Lan hau burutzeko Deep Learning kontzeptua lantzen dugu. Honen aurretik, bihotz taupaden detektore automatiko bat jarri da. Detektorea, oso zehatza izan behar du QRS konplexuko R uhinaren gailurra hautemateko. Ondoren, fibrilazio atrialen eta erritmo normalen artean bereizteko ardura duen neurona-sarea sortuko da. Azkenik, lortutako emaitzak ebaluatzen dira eta metodoaren aplikazioak dituen onura ezberdinak aztertuko dira.Atrial fibrillation is a difficult disease to detect until it manifests in a serious way. However, if it is detected early enough, treatment can be applied so that symptoms are controlled and do not become deadly. The objective of this project is to develop software that allows the detection of atrial fibrillations in short-term electrocardiograms. This would allow early detection in electrocardiograms performed in health centers and hospitals, without having to make a long study of cardiac activity. To carry out this work we will work with the concept of Deep Learning. Before that, an automatic heartbeat detector is implemented, which must be very accurate in detecting the peak of the R wave in the QRS complex. Then, a neural network is created that will be responsible for differentiating between atrial fibrillations and sinus rhythms. Finally, the results are evaluated and considered the various benefits that will have its implementation.
Komatxo artean 2: mahai-inguruak (2002-2006)
153 p.Euskal literatur mundua azken urteotan astindu duten gai garrantzitsuenetako zenbait eztabaidatzen dira honako mahainguru radiofonikoetan: belaunaldien arteko harremanak, literatur kritikaren gazi-gozoak, editore eta idazleen arteko gora-beherak, poesiaren etorkizuna, euskal irakurlegoaren izaera, kazetaritza eta literaturaren arteko amodio eta desamodioak, ipuin kontalaritzaren menturak, herri antzerkiaren iragana eta oraina..
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