19 research outputs found

    Effect of Ascaridia galli infection on histopathologic description, size of small intestines villi surface and body weight change in starters

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    Nematode Ascaridia galli is an important parasitic disease in poultry and is responsible for considerable economic losses in retarded growth and lowered egg production. The effects of A. galli infection based on histopathologic description, size of small intestines villi surface and body weight change in starters was investigated. One hundred and thirty five day old chicks (DOC) were divided into three groups for three levels of infection dose rate (0,800 and 8000 infective eggs) with 3 replications of 45 DOC each. Infections were carried out every week respectively from week 2th until week 5th. Results showed that the infection of A. galli caused degeneration and necroses in villi ephitelial cells and crypts of small intestine and infiltration of leucocytes. In the heavy infection group some epithelial cells were replaced by fibrocytes. A.  galli infection decreased daily body weight gain of starter lower (5.5% in light and 13.4% in heavy dosage infection) compared to that of the non infected group. After six weeks of heavy infection the size of small intestine villi surface was decreasing to 20.0%, while the daily body weight gain was decreasing to 12.3% compared to that of the non infection group. Key words: Ascaridia galli, Starter, Productivit

    Production and Nutritive Value of Indigofera zollingeriana and Leucaena leucocephala in Peatland

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    Abstract. This study was aimed to determine and compare the dry matter yield and nutrient content of Indigofera and Leucaena grown in peatland. This experiment was conducted in peatland type soil (type sapric) in Pekanbaru city, DM yield and nutrient contents data were analyzed by 2x3 factorial design with 3 replication. Two treatments compared were Indigofera zollingeriana (Indigofera) and Leucaena leucocephala (Leucaena). Indigofera was proven significantly higher than Leucaena in all harvest regarding dry matter (DM) of leaf and stem of 29.9% and 25%, respectively, crude protein (CP) of 23.1% and 17.6%, respectively. While neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) content of Indigofera leaf (35.9% and 25.1%, respectively) was significantly lower than those of Leucaena leaf (40.9% and 29.3%, respectively). It was concluded that the production and nutritive value of Indigofera zollingeriana was superior to Leucaena leucocephala in peatland (type sapric). Key words: Legume tree, Sapric, nutrient content, In vitro digestibiliy              Abstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan dan membandingkan bahan kering dan kandungan nutrisi Indigofera dan Leucaena yang tumbuh di lahan gambut. Percobaan ini dilakukan di lahan gambut di Pekanbaru menggunakan pola faktorial 2x3 dengan ulangan 3 kali. Dua perlakuan yang dibandingkan adalah Indigofera zollingeriana (Indigofera) dan Leucaena leucocephala (Leucaena). Indigofera terbukti secara nyata lebih tinggi daripada Leucana di semua periode panen, berkaitan dengan kandungan BK (bahan kering) daun dan batang berturut-turut 29,9% dan 25%, dan protein kasar (PK) 23,1% dan 17,6%. sedangkan neutral detergent fibre (NDF) dan acid detergent fibre (ADF) daun indigofera berturut-turut 35,9% dan 25,1%, lebih rendah secara nyata daripada daun Leucaena, yaitu 40,9% dan 29,3%. Disimpulkan bahwa produksi dan nilai nutrisi Indigofera zollingeriana lebih tinggi dari Leucaena leucocephala di lahan gambut (jenis saprik) Kata kunci: Pohon legume, Saprik, Kandungan Nutrisi, Kecernaan in vitr

    Use of Biochemical Indicators to Evaluate The Nutritional Status of Lactating Cows

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    ABSTRACT: Nutrient requirement is important to the annual, especially to cope with the physiological demands. Tropical countries face many problems of feeding management associated with animal production. Protein,energy and minerals (calcium and phosphorous) arc found in the blood and milk which can be collected in a simple manner and used to detect the nutritional status of the animal, These blood and milk constituents could be reliable biochemical indicators associated with production states of animals. The objective of this research is to study the correlation betwoen dry matter intake with milk productionJevels of blood calcium, phosphorous, protein,and milk calcium, phosphorous and protein and also urinary allantoin. Twelve lactating cows were davided randomly into 3 groups according to milk production. Group 1, 11 dan 111 produced 15 I, 10 1 and 5 1 of milk per day respectively. All animals were fed concentrate and elephant grass at a level calculated for a cow producing 10 I of milk per day as recomended by NRC (1988). Results showed that group 1,11 and 111 consumed respectively 14,9714.13 and 13.68 kg dry matter. There were deficiencies of calsiuni and phosphorous intakes in group I (4.81% and 636%) but not in the other groups. Milk production decreased in group 1 (38.6%) as compared to group I I,while production in group Ill increased by about 37.50%. Blood calcium and phosphorous concentrations increased in group III (12.6 % and 635 %). There was significant correlation between dry matter intake and milk production (1=0.7) but protein intake and urinary allautoin was not highly correlated. Key Words: Biochemical Indicators, Allantoin, Nutritional Statu

    Profil Darah dan Nilai Hematologi Domba Lokal yang Dipelihara di Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat Sukabumi

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    Blood profil and hematological status of local sheep under the gunung walat education forest area SukabumiABSTRACT. Gunung Walat Education Forest (HPGW) is one of special forest which integrated with farm system (Agrosilvopastural). This forest is heterogeneous which dominated with agathis, damar and pinus trees. To support the farming system is needed basic data haematology and blood profil of sheep that lived in HPGW. This research was aimed to evaluate haematological values covering Red Blood Cell, haemoglobin, Packed Cell Volume, MCV, MCH, MCHC and blood nutrient profil of lambs and ewes fed with mixed grass which is grow surrounding HPGW. Evaluation were done on 5 productive ewes and 5 male lambs 5-6 month ages, before and after eating time. The result showed that RBC of the lamb was (7.57 0.40) x 106/mm3 and for ewes was (5.71 0.05) x 106/mm3. Hb of lamb was (7.21 0.27) g/100ml and for ewes was (6.62 0.54) g/100ml, PCV of lamb was (28.10 7.21) % and ewes was (26.80 3.42) %, MCV of lamb was (32.68 1,23) fl and ewes was (50.91 1.53) fl, MCH of lamb was (10.82 0.47) pg and ewes was (12.93 0.29) pg, MCHC of lamb was (27,53 4.70)% and for ewes was (25.54 1.57) %. There were no significant difference on haematological values before and after feeding time except for Packed Cell Volume (P 0.05). The clinical result showed that lambs was suffering normocytic hypochromic anaemia and adults was suffering macrocytic hypochromic anaemia. Glucose level and total blood protein were at normal level while blood triglyseride concentration was lower than normal ewes concentration.

    Protecting the environment through insect farming as a means to produce protein for use as livestock, poultry, and aquaculture feed

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    Securing protein for the approximate 10 billion humans expected to inhabit our planet by 2050 is a major priority for the global community. Evidence has accrued over the past 30 years that strongly supports and justifies the sustainable use of insects as a means to produce protein products as feed for pets, livestock, poultry, and aquacultured species. Researchers and entrepreneurs affiliated with universities and industries, respectively, from 18 nations distributed across North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia contributed to the development of this article, which is an indication of the global interest on this topic. A brief overview of insects as feed for the aquaculture industry along with a review of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), as a model for such systems is provided


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    Animal activities can cause variation in energy utilization. The effect of concentrate supplementation on grazing activity compare with housing condition was studied, in relation to energy metabolism. Sixteen growing Priangan Sheep (15 kg) werw allotted into four groups, two groups were fed with mix native grass plus 500 g.d-1 of concentrate (C+N) and ad libitum of mox native grass only (N), in the house using individual pens, whereas other two group were fed as same as mention above but they spent for a half of day in grazing area. Concentrate ration contained 17.40 MJ.kg-1 of gross energy (GE) and 18.00% of crude protein (CP), while the mix native brass contained 14.00 MJ.kg-1 GE and 12.60% of CP. Sheep were fed at approximately two times a day, morning and afternoon, while water were given ad libitum. Grazing time was started from 08:00 am. to 17.00 p.m., after and before fed by concentrate. Energy balance were measured during a 7-d experimental period, which was preceded by a month adaptation period. Average daily gain (ADC), heat production (HP), metabolizable energy (ME) and retained energy (RE) were measured using balance trial, heart rate (HR) was monitored using Polar Sport Tester and urea space for body composition. Results showed that dry matter intake (DMI) were 3.5% from the body weight (BW) in all groups. The values of ME on sheep fed by concentrate were 5.02 and 6.70 MJ.d-1 for housing and grazing groups, respectively, which were significance difference (P<0.05) with sheep fed native grass only, 4.73 and 4.86 MJ.d-1 for housing and grazing group, respectively. Heat production for grazing groups tended to be higher than for those housing (P=0.08), and the data showed that percentage of HP/GE start from 31 till 43%. Values of ADG and RE of sheep fed concentrate were higher than for those without concentrate, whereas the values were 109, 50, 114 and 48g.d-1 and 1.22, 0.56, 1.28 and 0.54 MJ.d-1 for housing and grazing, with and without concentrate, respectively. Percentage of fat and protein were around 20.99 and 19.31%. There was a good correlation between HP and HR following the equation Y=2.36 + 0.059 X witk r= 0.88, where Y=HP and X=HR. There were significance differences for percentage of body compositions among the groups

    Effect of tempe waste on excreation of purine derivatives and microbial–N supply in lactating Etawah crossbred goats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate excretion of purine derivatives and microbial–N supply in lactating Etawah crossbred goats fed with fermented soybean waste. Sixteen first lactating goats were randomly allotted into four dietary treatment groups that received 50% king grass plus R1: 50% concentrate, R2: 25% concentrate and 25% fresh tempe waste, R3: 25% concentrate and 25% fermented tempe waste, and R4: 25% concentrate and 25% gelatinizing of liquid tempe waste. Fermented tempe waste was made by fermentation of tempe waste (seed content of soybean) using Aspergillus niger, while for the gellatinizing of liquid tempe waste was made by gelatinized with maize flour. Protein balance studies were conducted during two week trial and at the end of the research. Urinary protein and purine derivatives were collected for analysis. Microbial–N supply was calculated from purine derivatives excretion. Results showed that nitrogen consumptions were significantly different between R4 and three other treatments and apparent digestible nitrogen in R3 were higher than that of R4 (P<0.05). The nitrogen retention in R1 and R3 were higher than that of R2 and R4. Urinary purine derivatives in this study showed that allantoin, xanthine and hypoxanthine in R3 were higher than that of R4, while R1 and R2 were the same and the highest uric acid excretion and total purine derivatives were observed in R3. Microbial–N supply were significantly different between all treatments where R3 was the highest. This research concluded that fermented soybean waste had the highest total purine derivatives excretion and microbial–N supply to the lactating Etawah crossbred goats

    Effect of tempe waste on excreation of purine derivatives and microbial–N supply in lactating Etawah crossbred goats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate excretion of purine derivatives and microbial–N supply in lactating Etawah crossbred goats fed with fermented soybean waste. Sixteen first lactating goats were randomly allotted into four dietary treatment groups that received 50% king grass plus R1: 50% concentrate, R2: 25% concentrate and 25% fresh tempe waste, R3: 25% concentrate and 25% fermented tempe waste, and R4: 25% concentrate and 25% gelatinizing of liquid tempe waste. Fermented tempe waste was made by fermentation of tempe waste (seed content of soybean) using Aspergillus niger, while for the gellatinizing of liquid tempe waste was made by gelatinized with maize flour. Protein balance studies were conducted during two week trial and at the end of the research. Urinary protein and purine derivatives were collected for analysis. Microbial–N supply was calculated from purine derivatives excretion. Results showed that nitrogen consumptions were significantly different between R4 and three other treatments and apparent digestible nitrogen in R3 were higher than that of R4 (P0.05). The nitrogen retention in R1 and R3 were higher than that of R2 and R4. Urinary purine derivatives in this study showed that allantoin, xanthine and hypoxanthine in R3 were higher than that of R4, while R1 and R2 were the same and the highest uric acid excretion and total purine derivatives were observed in R3. Microbial–N supply were significantly different between all treatments where R3 was the highest. This research concluded that fermented soybean waste had the highest total purine derivatives excretion and microbial–N supply to the lactating Etawah crossbred goats.   Key words: Etawah crossbred goats, Aspergillus niger, allantoin, xanthin and hypoxanthi

    Nutrient digestibility and beef cattle performance fed by lerak (Sapindus rarak) meal in concentrate ration

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    This research was aimed to study the use of Lerak fruit meal to improve performance and feed digestibility of beef cattle. The research consisted of two trials (in vitro and in vivo studies). The in vitro trial was screening of bioactive compounds (saponin, tanin, dan diosgenin) in Lerak fruit (including seed) and continued to evaluate the effectivity of these compounds against ruminal protozoa. The in vivo study was done using 12 Ongole Crossbreed cattle which received 1of 3 different treatments: 1) concentrate without Lerak as control, 2) concentrate containing 2.5% Lerak, and 3) concentrate containing 5% Lerak. Anti protozoal activity, daily gain, and nutrient digestibility of beef cattle were measured. Results showed that saponin concentration in Lerak extracted by methanol was higher than that in Lerak extracted by water and Lerak meal, 81.5%; 8.2% and 3.85% respectively. Lerak extracted by methanol have higher antiprotozoal activity in vitro than Lerak extracted by water. In vivo experiment showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) of nutrient intake and digestibility in all treatments, that means the ration had good palatability and quality. Average daily gain of PO fed 2.5% Lerak was 20% higher than that of control diet (0.9 kg/day)