44 research outputs found

    Structured Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Few-Shot Generation of Content-Grounded QA Conversations

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    We introduce a structured chain-of-thought (SCoT) prompting approach to generating content-grounded multi-turn question-answer conversations using a pre-trained large language model (LLM). At the core of our proposal is a structured breakdown of the complex task into a number of states in a state machine, so that actions corresponding to various subtasks, e.g., content reading and utterance generation, can be executed in their own dedicated states. Each state leverages a unique set of resources including prompts and (optionally) additional tools to augment the generation process. Our experimental results show that SCoT prompting with designated states for hallucination mitigation increases agent faithfulness to grounding documents by up to 16.8%. When used as training data, our open-domain conversations synthesized from only 6 Wikipedia-based seed demonstrations train strong conversational QA agents; in out-of-domain evaluation, for example, we observe improvements of up to 13.9% over target domain gold data when the latter is augmented with our generated examples

    Finding Function in Form: Compositional Character Models for Open Vocabulary Word Representation

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    We introduce a model for constructing vector representations of words by composing characters using bidirectional LSTMs. Relative to traditional word representation models that have independent vectors for each word type, our model requires only a single vector per character type and a fixed set of parameters for the compositional model. Despite the compactness of this model and, more importantly, the arbitrary nature of the form-function relationship in language, our "composed" word representations yield state-of-the-art results in language modeling and part-of-speech tagging. Benefits over traditional baselines are particularly pronounced in morphologically rich languages (e.g., Turkish)

    AMR Parsing with Instruction Fine-tuned Pre-trained Language Models

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    Instruction fine-tuned language models on a collection of instruction annotated datasets (FLAN) have shown highly effective to improve model performance and generalization to unseen tasks. However, a majority of standard parsing tasks including abstract meaning representation (AMR), universal dependency (UD), semantic role labeling (SRL) has been excluded from the FLAN collections for both model training and evaluations. In this paper, we take one of such instruction fine-tuned pre-trained language models, i.e. FLAN-T5, and fine-tune them for AMR parsing. Our extensive experiments on various AMR parsing tasks including AMR2.0, AMR3.0 and BioAMR indicate that FLAN-T5 fine-tuned models out-perform previous state-of-the-art models across all tasks. In addition, full fine-tuning followed by the parameter efficient fine-tuning, LoRA, further improves the model performances, setting new state-of-the-arts in Smatch on AMR2.0 (86.4), AMR3.0 (84.9) and BioAMR (82.3)

    Software using the Gr枚bner Cover for geometrical loci computation and classification

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    We describe here a properly recent application of the Gr枚bner Cover algorithm (GC) providing an algebraic support to Dynamic Geometry computations of geometrical loci. It provides a complete algebraic solution of locus computation as well as a suitable taxonomy allowing to distinguish the nature of the different components. We included a new algorithm Locus into the Singular grobcov.lib library for this purpose. A web prototype has been implemented using it in Geogebra

    Incidencia del modelo de educaci贸n deportiva en las necesidades psicol贸gicas b谩sicas y amistad de estudiantes

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    El estudio se plante贸 como objetivo conocer el impacto de la aplicaci贸n de un programa de 7 semanas del modelo de educaci贸n deportiva sobre la satisfacci贸n de las Necesidades Psicol贸gicas B谩sicas (NPB) y las metas de amistad en estudiantes que realizan educaci贸n f铆sica durante la unidad did谩ctica de f煤tbol sala. En donde se realiz贸 un dise帽o cuasi experimental con grupo control. Participaron en cada grupo (n=36) estudiantes con edades entre 15 y 18 a帽os (M = 15.80, DT = 0,67). Se realizaron an谩lisis de diferencia de medias a trav茅s de la pruebe t de student para muestras relacionadas con medidas pre- y post-test, adem谩s se realizaron correlaciones bivariadas pre- y post-test para el Grupo experimental. Los resultados revelaron diferencia significativa para las NPB de competencia (t = -2.60, P < .05) y autonom铆a (t = -2.22, P < .05.), metas de amistad aproximaci贸n (t = -2.69, P < .05), y evitaci贸n (t = -3.15, P < .01), no as铆 para la NPB de relaci贸n con los dem谩s. Con respecto a las correlaciones del GE en el pre-test se muestran significativas las NPB, las cuales no correlacionan con las metas de amistad, en el post-test todas correlacionan entre s铆. Se concluye la importancia de que los docentes apliquen el modelo de Educaci贸n Deportiva. Palabras clave: Educaci贸n deportiva, programa de intervenci贸n, necesidades psicol贸gicas b谩sicas, deporte, amistad. 聽 ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the impact of the application of a 7-week program of the sports education model on the satisfaction of the Basic Psychological Needs (BPN) and friendship goals in students who took part in physical education during soccer practice in the didactic unit given. A quasi-experimental design with a control group was used. Students between ages of 15 and 18 years old (M = 15.80, SD = 0.67) participated in each group (n=36). Mean difference analyses were performed through Student's t-test for related samples with pre-and post-test measures, and bivariate correlations were made with the pre-and post-test for the experimental group. The results showed a significant difference for the NPB of competence (t = -2.60, P < .05) and autonomy (t = -2.22, P < .05.), friendship goals (t = -2.69, P < .05), and avoidance (t = -3.15, P < .01), not like this for the NPB of relationship with others. Concerning the similarities of the GE pre-test, the NPB are significant, which do not correlate with the friendship goals, in the post-test, all they get along. It is concluded that it is essential for teachers to apply the Sports Education model. Keywords: Sports education, intervention program, basic psychological needs, sports, friendship

    Findings of the WMT 2018 shared task on quality estimation

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    漏 2018 The Authors. Published by Association for Computational Linguistics. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher鈥檚 website: http://dx.doi.org/10.18653/v1/W18-6451We report the results of the WMT18 shared task on Quality Estimation, i.e. the task of predicting the quality of the output of machine translation systems at various granularity levels: word, phrase, sentence and document. This year we include four language pairs, three text domains, and translations produced by both statistical and neural machine translation systems. Participating teams from ten institutions submitted a variety of systems to different task variants and language pairs.The data and annotations collected for Tasks 1, 2 and 3 was supported by the EC H2020 QT21 project (grant agreement no. 645452). The shared task organisation was also supported by the QT21 project, national funds through Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT), with references UID/CEC/50021/2013 and UID/EEA/50008/2013, and by the European Research Council (ERC StG DeepSPIN 758969). We would also like to thank Julie Beliao and the Unbabel Quality Team for coordinating the annotation of the dataset used in Task 4

    Ensemble-Instruct: Generating Instruction-Tuning Data with a Heterogeneous Mixture of LMs

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    Using in-context learning (ICL) for data generation, techniques such as Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2023) or the follow-up Alpaca (Taori et al., 2023) can train strong conversational agents with only a small amount of human supervision. One limitation of these approaches is that they resort to very large language models (around 175B parameters) that are also proprietary and non-public. Here we explore the application of such techniques to language models that are much smaller (around 10B--40B parameters) and have permissive licenses. We find the Self-Instruct approach to be less effective at these sizes and propose new ICL methods that draw on two main ideas: (a) Categorization and simplification of the ICL templates to make prompt learning easier for the LM, and (b) Ensembling over multiple LM outputs to help select high-quality synthetic examples. Our algorithm leverages the 175 Self-Instruct seed tasks and employs separate pipelines for instructions that require an input and instructions that do not. Empirical investigations with different LMs show that: (1) Our proposed method yields higher-quality instruction tuning data than Self-Instruct, (2) It improves performances of both vanilla and instruction-tuned LMs by significant margins, and (3) Smaller instruction-tuned LMs generate more useful outputs than their larger un-tuned counterparts. Our codebase is available at https://github.com/IBM/ensemble-instruct

    Evaluaci贸n automatizada de las competencias ambientales adquiridas por estudiantes de nivel superior, caso: Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Acapulco

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    La problem谩tica ambiental, como un fen贸meno de riesgo para nuestro planeta se incrementa a medida que la poblaci贸n y las industrias van en aumento, y m谩s a煤n, cuando no se contemplan estrategias o alternativas que mitiguen esta situaci贸n.El trabajo evaluaci贸n automatizada de las competencias ambientales adquiridas por estudiantes de nivel superior, caso: Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Acapulco consiste en evaluar mediante encuestas on-line el impacto de las competencias adquiridas por los alumnos que tomaron la asignatura Desarrollo Sustentable, impartida en el Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Acapulco (ITA). La evaluaci贸n realizada mediante el sistema automatizado demostr贸 que los estudiantes hacen conciencia con un m铆nimo de responsabilidad, ya que el resultado apenas logra rebasar el 41% de educaci贸n ambiental. El aporte de sistemas automatizados que impulsen el desarrollo en conocimiento y gestionen la educaci贸n ambiental en las instituciones educativas contribuir谩 con el cuidado del medio ambiente y mejora en la calidad de vida de la sociedad, teniendo impactos de desarrollo de sustentable

    Conceptualizaci贸n de territorios inteligentes: Una aproximaci贸n desde el enfoque sociot茅cnico.

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    El concepto de territorios inteligentes ha ido emergiendo en la literatura por la necesidad de extender las premisas de las ciudades&nbsp;inteligentes a entornos rurales o de enfoque regional. Este trabajo hace una conceptualizaci贸n de territorios inteligentes desde un enfoque sociot茅cnico,a partir de la revisi贸n de literatura del concepto de ciudad inteligente, donde se identifican tanto componentes tecnol贸gicos (conectividad,&nbsp;anal铆tica, instrumentaci贸n y aplicaciones) como contextuales (institucionalizaci贸n, especializaci贸n inteligente e innovaci贸n), como parte esencialpara el desarrollo de estas iniciativas. Se expone una arquitectura gen茅rica con los componentes expuestos y se definen algunas estrategias para la&nbsp;dinamizaci贸n de territorios inteligentes a partir de los componentes propuestos

    Impulso a la productividad y competitividad de los emprendedores de la ciudad del Tena para el crecimiento econ贸mico sustentable

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    Este art铆culo est谩 basado en las necesidades reales de los emprendedores que promueven el esp铆ritu empresarial y la sostenibilidad de los peque帽os y medianas empresas de la ciudad del Tena, en ese sentido muchos de los negocios presentan algunas falencias, una de las m谩s importantes es la necesidad de capacitaci贸n de los comerciantes y emprendedores en las distintas 谩reas de la peque帽a empresa, el objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n estriba en ver como el perfeccionamiento de las competencias y habilidades de los emprendedores impact贸, considerando la aplicaci贸n y transferencia del conocimiento, para ello se cont贸 con la participaci贸n de los alumnos de la UCACUE, los mismos que efectuaron talleres y acompa帽amientos de capacitaci贸n para fortalecer el emprendimiento productivo de los microempresarios que realizan actividades de comercio en los mercados de la ciudad. La metodolog铆a utilizada en la investigaci贸n fue de campo de car谩cter descriptivo, en base a la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica y documental, y al instrumento la encuesta, que busc贸 diagnosticar y puntualizar las necesidades de los emprendedores. Para el c谩lculo del tama帽o de la muestra se ha utilizado la f贸rmula del error est谩ndar de la poblaci贸n, correspondiendo a 148 comerciantes encuestados,&nbsp; los resultados arrojaron microempresarios capacitados en t茅cnicas de administraci贸n, finanzas,&nbsp; marketing, servicio al cliente, entre otros., adem谩s&nbsp; se&nbsp; medi贸 y evalu贸 factores que influyen en el emprendimiento y la importancia de componentes que inciden en la sostenibilidad, la generaci贸n de riqueza, empleo y la dinamizaci贸n de la econom铆a, lo que finalmente, termina en beneficio a la sociedad