213 research outputs found

    Platelet function under systemic oxidative stress

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    Neben ihrer zentralen physiologischen Bedeutung für die primäre Hämostase und die plasmatische Blutgerinnung spielen Thrombozyten und ihr Aktivierungszustand eine entscheidende Rolle in der Entstehung und dem Fortschreiten atherosklerotischer Erkrankungen. Eine Vielzahl an Befunden weist darauf hin, dass Lipoproteine - speziell LDL und HDL – imstande sind, die Thrombozytenaktivierung direkt zu beeinflussen. Hohe Plasmakonzentrationen von HDL gehen mit einer verminderten Thrombozytenreaktivität einher, während erhöhte Plasmakonzentrationen von LDL eng mit Thrombozytenhyperreaktivität korrelieren. Da jedoch Lipoproteine von hypercholesterinämischen Patienten eine erhöhte Anfälligkeit für oxidative Modifizierung zeigen bleibt unklar, ob die in diesen Patienten zu beobachtende Thrombozytenaktivierung primär eine Folge der erhöhten LDL Konzentrationen oder eine Konsequenz der Lipoproteinoxidation ist. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass nicht nur native HDL sondern auch native LDL einen inhibierenden Effekt auf Thrombozyten ausüben. Beide Lipoproteinklassen sind im Stande die durch verschiedene Agonisten verursachte Thrombozytenaggregation und Degranulierung abzuschwächen. Nach Oxidation der Lipoproteine durch das in vivo vorkommende Oxidans Hypochlorit verlieren sowohl LDL als auch HDL ihren hemmenden Einfluss auf die Thrombozytenfunktion und entwickeln die Fähigkeit unabhängig von anderen Agonisten Thrombozytenaggregation, Degranulierung und GPIIb/IIIa Aktivierung hervorzurufen, wie auch die intrazelluläre VASP Phosphorylierung zu reduzieren. Darüber hinaus sind Hypochlorit-oxidierte LDL im Stande, die Expression von CD40L an der Thrombozytenoberfläche zu induzieren. Dieser Befund ist auch insofern von großem Interesse, als CD40L Entzündungen und prothrombotische Antworten hervorruft, welche für das Fortschreiten von atherosklerotischen Geschehnissen mitverantwortlich sind. Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Daten weisen darauf hin, dass der Scavenger Rezeptors CD36 eine zentrale Rolle in der Interaktion von Thrombozyten mit oxidierten Lipoproteinen spielt, da das Blocken dieses Rezeptors zu einer starken Abschwächung der biologischen Wirkung oxidierter Lipoproteine auf die Thrombozyten führt. Die hier vorgestellten Befunde unterstützen das Modell, dass oxidativer Stress in engem Zusammenhang mit (potentiell) pro-thrombotischen und pro-inflammatorischen Folgereaktionen steht und dass hierbei Thrombozyten wie auch Lipoproteine eine entscheidende Rolle einnehmen.Besides their important function in primary haemostasis and coagulation, platelets and their activation state play a pivotal role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic disease. A wealth of evidence indicates that lipoproteins, especially low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL), directly influence the activity state of platelets. It is generally accepted that high plasma levels of HDL inversely correlate with platelet hyperreactivity, whereat plasma levels of LDL show the opposite effect. Since hypercholesterolemic patients also show enhanced susceptibility to oxidative lipoprotein modification, it remains unclear if the underlying mechanism of platelet activation in these patients is a consequence of lipoprotein oxidation. Results of this study indicate that not only native HDL but also native LDL have inhibitory effects on platelet activation. Both classes of lipoproteins are able to impair agonist-induced platelet aggregation and degranulation. Upon oxidative modification of lipoproteins, which was performed by the in vivo occurring oxidant hypochlorite, not only LDL but also HDL invert their function and acquire the ability to independently trigger platelet aggregation, degranulation, GPIIb/IIIa activation and decrease of VASP phosphorylation. Moreover, hypochlorite-oxidised LDL upregulate expression of platelet CD40L. The latter is of special interest since (soluble) CD40L elicits inflammatory and pro-thrombotic responses that favour and accelerate the progression of atherosclerosis. The results shown within this work clearly argue for a central role of scavenger receptor CD36 in the interaction of platelets with oxidised lipoproteins, since blocking of this receptor leads to a strong attenuation of all platelet-activating effects. These novel findings further support the model that oxidative stress is closely related to potentially atherogenic events and that the interaction of platelets and lipoproteins might therefore play a pivotal role in the progression of these events

    Learning spaces in adult education. Current literature and academic reception

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    Das Thema Lernräume wird in der Erwachsenenbildung vielfältig rezipiert, ist aber theoretisch schwach abgesichert; selbst der Begriff „Lernraum“ wird folglich unterschiedlich verstanden und konzeptionell gefüllt. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick zur aktuellen Literatur und stellt wissenschaftliche Rezeptionsstränge vor. Fraglich bleibt dabei letztlich, wie der Autor ausführt, inwiefern ein breites Verständnis von Raum sowie eine große Themenvielfalt für die wissenschaftliche Debatte hilfreich sind. Auch werden wirkvolle Veränderungsdynamiken von Lernräumen, die die Erwachsenenbildung derzeit bewegen, rezipiert und diskutiert. Fazit des Beitrages: Es scheint eine Art thematische Beliebigkeit zu geben, die es möglich macht, nahezu jede Frage zu Lernen unter dem Aspekt des Raumes bzw. Ortes zu behandeln. (DIPF/Orig.)The topic of learning spaces has been received in a variety of ways in adult education and yet is weakly anchored in theory; even the term “learning space” is understood in different ways and stuffed with different concepts. This article provides an overview of the current body of literature and presents the diverse ways in which it has been received academically. It remains to be seen, the author explains, to what extent a broad understanding of space and a great variety of topics is useful in academic debate. Also received and discussed are effective changes in the dynamics of learning spaces, which are currently in vogue in adult education. The article concludes that there appears to be a kind of arbitrariness in topics that makes it possible to deal with nearly any question about learning from the perspective of space or place. (DIPF/Orig.

    The digital transformation and in-company training. The interconnection of socio-technical processes as a reference for adult education action

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    Die Nutzung digitaler Technologien steigert die Relevanz betrieblicher Bildung auch ohne dabei revolutionäre Auswirkungen zu postulieren. In ihren Funktionen als Arbeitsinstrumente, Lerninstrumente und Universalinstrumente erfordern und ermöglichen digitale Technologien betriebliche Bildungsarbeit. Wie sich diese Funktionen in Betrieben zeigen und welche Implikationen darin für betriebliche Bildung enthalten sind, ist Thema dieses Beitrags. Nach einem Problemaufriss folgt ein theoretischer Rahmen und dessen explorative Anwendung auf Daten aus holzverarbeitenden Betrieben. Ziel ist es, Anknüpfungspunkte für Wissenschaft und Praxis sichtbar zu machen. Die Ergebnisse legen der Erwachsenenbildung nahe, betriebliches Bildungspersonal dabei zu unterstützen, sich eine pädagogisch reflektierte Handlungsfähigkeit anzueignen. Für die Wissenschaft gilt es, den differenzierten Blick auf die Verflechtung technischer und sozialer Prozesse zu schärfen. (DIPF/Orig.)The use of digital technologies increases the relevance of company training even without postulating revolutionary consequences. In their functions as work tools, learning tools and universal tools, digital technologies require and enable in-company training. The topic of this article is how these functions appear in companies and what implications this has for in-company training. An outline of problems is followed by a theoretical framework and its exploratory application to data from wood processing companies. The goal is to make visible starting points for science and practice. The findings suggest that adult education should support company staff trainers in acquiring the ability to reflect on education and act in its interest. For science in particular, it is necessary to improve ones focus on the interconnection of technical and social processes. (DIPF/Orig.

    Myeloid but not epithelial tissue factor exerts protective anti-inflammatory effects in acid aspiration-induced acute lung injury

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    Essentials Tissue factor (TF) represents a central link between hemostasis and inflammation. We studied the roles of myeloid and airway epithelial TF in acid-caused acute lung injury (ALI). TF on myeloid cells displays a non-coagulatory role regulating the inflammatory response in ALI. Airway epithelial TF contributes to hemostatic functions, but is dispensable in ALI pathogenesis. SUMMARY: Introduction Acute lung injury (ALI) is a life-threatening condition characterized by damaged alveolar-capillary structures and activation of inflammatory and hemostatic processes. Tissue factor (TF) represents a crucial link between inflammation and coagulation, as inflammatory mediators induce myeloid TF expression, and TF initiates extrinsic coagulation. Objective As pulmonary inflammation stimulates TF expression and TF modulates immune responses, we aimed to elucidate its impact on ALI. In particular, we wanted to distinguish the contributions of TF expressed on airway epithelial cells and TF expressed on myeloid cells. Methods Mice with different cell type-specific TF deficiency and wild-type littermates were intratracheally treated with hydrochloric acid, and leukocyte recruitment, cytokine levels, thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) complexes and pulmonary protein-rich infiltrates were analyzed. Results Our data demonstrate that a lack of epithelial TF did not influence acute responses, as bronchoalveolar neutrophil accumulation 8 h after ALI induction was unaltered. However, it led to mild, prolonged inflammation, as pulmonary leukocyte and erythrocyte numbers were still increased after 24 h, whereas those in wild-type mice had returned to basal levels. In contrast, myeloid TF was primarily involved in regulating the acute phase of ALI without affecting local coagulation, as indicated by increased bronchoalveolar neutrophil infiltration, pulmonary interleukin-6 levels, and edema formation, but equal TAT complex formation, 8 h after ALI induction. This augmented inflammatory response associated with myeloid TF deficiency was confirmed in vitro, as lipopolysaccharide-stimulated TF-deficient alveolar macrophages released increased levels of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 and tumor necrosis factor-α as compared with wild-type macrophages. Conclusion We conclude that myeloid TF dampens inflammation in acid-induced ALI

    Forschungsnetzwerk Erwachsenenbildung (adult education research network). Online discussions and workshops about networking practice and research

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    Das "Forschungsnetzwerk Erwachsenenbildung" existiert seit 2005 und versteht sich als Plattform für Forscher*innen und Praktiker*innen. 2011 wurde das Format der "Werkstattgespräche" eingeführt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Vernetzungsmöglichkeit, die im Laufe der Zeit immer weniger Zuspruch seitens der Vertreter*innen der außeruniversitären Erwachsenenbildung erhielt. Eine Initiativgruppe zur Revitalisierung des Forschungsnetzwerks und der Werkstattgespräche machte sich 2019 auf eine Spurensuche. Was war schiefgelaufen? Welche Änderungen sind notwendig? Welche Formate zielführend? Es folgte ein offen ausgeschriebener Ideenaustausch, bei dem sich sowohl der Wunsch nach regelmäßiger informeller Vernetzung als auch nach ungezwungenen Formaten herauskristallisierte. Die Initiativgruppe lädt daher seit Oktober 2021 zu verschiedenen Veranstaltungen ein. Ziel ist ein niederschwelliger, fachlicher und informeller Austausch, um Themen, die der EB-Community unter den Nägeln brennen, gemeinsam zu sondieren und außerdem das Konzept der "Werkstattgespräche" wieder für alle zu öffnen und attraktiv zu machen. (DIPF/Orig.)The Adult Education Research Network has been in existence since 2005 and sees itself as a platform for researchers and practitioners. In 2011 the format of workshops was introduced. They provide an opportunity for networking that over time has become increasingly less popular with adult education practitioners who are unaffiliated with universities. In 2019 an initiative to revive the research network and the meetings began searching for answers to the following questions: What went wrong? What changes are necessary? What formats are effective? What followed was an open exchange of ideas during which a wish for regular informal networking as well as informal formats crystallized. As a result, the initiative has organized different events since October 2021. The goal is to facilitate an easily accessible, professional and informal exchange during which hot topics in the adult education community may be explored as well as to make the concept of workshops accessible and attractive to everyone. (DIPF/Orig.

    Kompetenzanerkennung und Validierungspraxis in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung

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    Lehrende in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung verfügen über viel praktische Lern- und Berufserfahrungen, die sie jedoch nicht immer sichtbar nachweisen können. Für ihre Professionalisierung ist es wichtig, die eigenen Kompetenzen in einem Validierungs- und Anerkennungsverfahren prüfen zu lassen. Doch wie kann die Qualität solcher Prüfverfahren gesichert werden? Die Autorinnen und Autoren präsentieren die Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen Begleitstudie an der Weiterbildungsakademie Österreich (wba) und reflektieren den kausalen Zusammenhang von Professionalisierung und Kompetenzvalidierung. Dabei zeigt sich ein Handlungsfeld von großer Komplexität, in dem die Expertise und das Zusammenspiel der Beteiligten auf unterschiedlichen Verfahrensebenen über die Qualität entscheidet


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    Human existence presupposes the experience of different areas, different from each other, but which are intertwined in the constitution of a single being. Biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects are part of this human constitution and have unique importance for the life of each person. In view of a society where segmental health models predominate, which limit the approach of care to biopsychic aspects, by which the concept of health corresponds to the simple absence of disease, this article proposes a theoretical approach to integralized care, based on contributions of logotherapy and self-regulation of values. Initially, the study sought to bring conceptual aspects linked to the notion of care. As a result of this bibliographical research, it is pointed out that the theoretical bases of logotherapy tend to contribute in a singular way to the dimensioning of the conception of comprehensive health care and that the self-regulatory process, involving ethical values, shows an important practical potential for the use of care models, based on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. The outcome of the article suggests, however, in order to avoid conceptual confusions and the mistaken use of concepts, further deepening the theoretical study of max scheler's existentialism and Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy.La existencia humana presupone la experiencia de diferentes áreas, diferentes entre sí, pero que están entrelazadas en la constitución de un solo ser. Los aspectos biológicos, psicológicos, sociales y espirituales forman parte de esta constitución humana y tienen una importancia única para la vida de cada persona. Ante una sociedad donde predominan los modelos de salud segmentarios, que limitan el abordaje de la atención a aspectos biopsicicos, por los que el concepto de salud corresponde a la simple ausencia de enfermedad, este artículo propone un enfoque teórico de la atención integralizada, basado en aportes de logoterapia y autorregulación de valores. Inicialmente, el estudio buscó traer aspectos conceptuales vinculados a la noción de cuidado. Como resultado de esta investigación bibliográfica, se señala que las bases teóricas de la logoterapia tienden a contribuir de manera singular al dimensionamiento de la concepción de la atención integral de la salud y que el proceso de autorregulación, involucrando valores éticos, muestra un importante potencial práctico para el uso de modelos de atención, basados en la Logoterapia y el Análisis Existencial. El resultado del artículo sugiere, sin embargo, para evitar confusiones conceptuales y el uso erróneo de conceptos, profundizar aún más el estudio teórico del existencialismo de Max Scheler y la Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl.O existir humano pressupõe a vivência de âmbitos diversos, diferentes entre si, mas que se imbricam na constituição de um único ser. Aspectos biológicos, psicológicos, sociais e espirituais fazem parte dessa constituição humana e têm importância ímpar para a vida de cada pessoa. Em vista de uma sociedade onde predominam modelos de saúde segmentários, que limitam a abordagem do cuidado aos aspectos biopsíquicos, pelos quais o conceito de saúde corresponde à simples ausência de doença, este artigo propõe uma abordagem teórica de cuidado integralizado, a partir de contribuições da Logoterapia e da autorregulação de valores. Inicialmente, o estudo procurou trazer aspectos conceituais atrelados à noção de cuidado. Como resultado desta pesquisa bibliográfica, assinala-se que as bases teóricas da logoterapia tendem a contribuir de maneira singular para o dimensionamento da concepção de cuidado em saúde integral e que o processo autorregulatório, envolvendo valores éticos, mostra um potencial prático importante para o uso de modelos de cuidado, baseados na Logoterapia e Análise Existencial. O desfecho do artigo sugere, entretanto, com o fim de evitar confusões conceituais e o emprego equivocado de conceitos, maior aprofundamento no estudo teórico do existencialismo de Max Scheler e da Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl.O existir humano pressupõe a vivência de âmbitos diversos, diferentes entre si, mas que se imbricam na constituição de um único ser. Aspectos biológicos, psicológicos, sociais e espirituais fazem parte dessa constituição humana e têm importância ímpar para a vida. O estudo procurou trazer aspectos conceituais atrelados à noção de cuidado. Em seguida, pretendeu-se apresentar bases e pressupostos logoterapêuticos como substratos para um possível dimensionamento conceitual da ideia de integralidade no cuidado. Posteriormente, a teoria da autorregulação de valores foi abordada em interface com o conceito de noodinâmica, existente na Logoterapia, a fim de trazer possível apontamento de uma prática autorregulatória favorecedora da consecução do cuidado em termos humano-existenciais. Como resultado desta pesquisa bibliográfica, assinala-se que as bases teóricas da logoterapia tendem a contribuir de maneira singular para o dimensionamento da concepção de cuidado em saúde integral e que o processo autorregulatório, envolvendo valores éticos, mostra um potencial prático importante para o uso de modelos de cuidado, baseados na Logoterapia e Análise Existencial. O desfecho do artigo sugere com o fim de evitar confusões conceituais e o emprego equivocado de conceitos, maior aprofundamento no estudo teórico do existencialismo de Scheler e da Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl, pois tanto a axiologia do primeiro quanto a psicoterapia do segundo detêm uma abordagem singular e pouco comum em tempos atuais: de um existir humano, cuja subjetividade não se coloca de maneira estanque e sobreposta à realidade, mas se posiciona em relação dialógica com o mundo objetivo.


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    Human existence presupposes the experience of different areas, different from each other, but which are intertwined in the constitution of a single being. Biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects are part of this human constitution and have unique importance for the life of each person. In view of a society where segmental health models predominate, which limit the approach of care to biopsychic aspects, by which the concept of health corresponds to the simple absence of disease, this article proposes a theoretical approach to integralized care, based on contributions of logotherapy and self-regulation of values. Initially, the study sought to bring conceptual aspects linked to the notion of care. As a result of this bibliographical research, it is pointed out that the theoretical bases of logotherapy tend to contribute in a singular way to the dimensioning of the conception of comprehensive health care and that the self-regulatory process, involving ethical values, shows an important practical potential for the use of care models, based on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. The outcome of the article suggests, however, in order to avoid conceptual confusions and the mistaken use of concepts, further deepening the theoretical study of max scheler's existentialism and Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy.La existencia humana presupone la experiencia de diferentes áreas, diferentes entre sí, pero que están entrelazadas en la constitución de un solo ser. Los aspectos biológicos, psicológicos, sociales y espirituales forman parte de esta constitución humana y tienen una importancia única para la vida de cada persona. Ante una sociedad donde predominan los modelos de salud segmentarios, que limitan el abordaje de la atención a aspectos biopsicicos, por los que el concepto de salud corresponde a la simple ausencia de enfermedad, este artículo propone un enfoque teórico de la atención integralizada, basado en aportes de logoterapia y autorregulación de valores. Inicialmente, el estudio buscó traer aspectos conceptuales vinculados a la noción de cuidado. Como resultado de esta investigación bibliográfica, se señala que las bases teóricas de la logoterapia tienden a contribuir de manera singular al dimensionamiento de la concepción de la atención integral de la salud y que el proceso de autorregulación, involucrando valores éticos, muestra un importante potencial práctico para el uso de modelos de atención, basados en la Logoterapia y el Análisis Existencial. El resultado del artículo sugiere, sin embargo, para evitar confusiones conceptuales y el uso erróneo de conceptos, profundizar aún más el estudio teórico del existencialismo de Max Scheler y la Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl.O existir humano pressupõe a vivência de âmbitos diversos, diferentes entre si, mas que se imbricam na constituição de um único ser. Aspectos biológicos, psicológicos, sociais e espirituais fazem parte dessa constituição humana e têm importância ímpar para a vida de cada pessoa. Em vista de uma sociedade onde predominam modelos de saúde segmentários, que limitam a abordagem do cuidado aos aspectos biopsíquicos, pelos quais o conceito de saúde corresponde à simples ausência de doença, este artigo propõe uma abordagem teórica de cuidado integralizado, a partir de contribuições da Logoterapia e da autorregulação de valores. Inicialmente, o estudo procurou trazer aspectos conceituais atrelados à noção de cuidado. Como resultado desta pesquisa bibliográfica, assinala-se que as bases teóricas da logoterapia tendem a contribuir de maneira singular para o dimensionamento da concepção de cuidado em saúde integral e que o processo autorregulatório, envolvendo valores éticos, mostra um potencial prático importante para o uso de modelos de cuidado, baseados na Logoterapia e Análise Existencial. O desfecho do artigo sugere, entretanto, com o fim de evitar confusões conceituais e o emprego equivocado de conceitos, maior aprofundamento no estudo teórico do existencialismo de Max Scheler e da Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl.O existir humano pressupõe a vivência de âmbitos diversos, diferentes entre si, mas que se imbricam na constituição de um único ser. Aspectos biológicos, psicológicos, sociais e espirituais fazem parte dessa constituição humana e têm importância ímpar para a vida. O estudo procurou trazer aspectos conceituais atrelados à noção de cuidado. Em seguida, pretendeu-se apresentar bases e pressupostos logoterapêuticos como substratos para um possível dimensionamento conceitual da ideia de integralidade no cuidado. Posteriormente, a teoria da autorregulação de valores foi abordada em interface com o conceito de noodinâmica, existente na Logoterapia, a fim de trazer possível apontamento de uma prática autorregulatória favorecedora da consecução do cuidado em termos humano-existenciais. Como resultado desta pesquisa bibliográfica, assinala-se que as bases teóricas da logoterapia tendem a contribuir de maneira singular para o dimensionamento da concepção de cuidado em saúde integral e que o processo autorregulatório, envolvendo valores éticos, mostra um potencial prático importante para o uso de modelos de cuidado, baseados na Logoterapia e Análise Existencial. O desfecho do artigo sugere com o fim de evitar confusões conceituais e o emprego equivocado de conceitos, maior aprofundamento no estudo teórico do existencialismo de Scheler e da Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl, pois tanto a axiologia do primeiro quanto a psicoterapia do segundo detêm uma abordagem singular e pouco comum em tempos atuais: de um existir humano, cuja subjetividade não se coloca de maneira estanque e sobreposta à realidade, mas se posiciona em relação dialógica com o mundo objetivo.

    Cell Type-Specific Roles of NF-κB Linking Inflammation and Thrombosis

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    The transcription factor NF-κB is a central mediator of inflammation with multiple links to thrombotic processes. In this review, we focus on the role of NF-κB signaling in cell types within the vasculature and the circulation that are involved in thrombo-inflammatory processes. All these cells express NF-κB, which mediates important functions in cellular interactions, cell survival and differentiation, as well as expression of cytokines, chemokines, and coagulation factors. Even platelets, as anucleated cells, contain NF-κB family members and their corresponding signaling molecules, which are involved in platelet activation, as well as secondary feedback circuits. The response of endothelial cells to inflammation and NF-κB activation is characterized by the induction of adhesion molecules promoting binding and transmigration of leukocytes, while simultaneously increasing their thrombogenic potential. Paracrine signaling from endothelial cells activates NF-κB in vascular smooth muscle cells and causes a phenotypic switch to a “synthetic” state associated with a decrease in contractile proteins. Monocytes react to inflammatory situations with enforced expression of tissue factor and after differentiation to macrophages with altered polarization. Neutrophils respond with an extension of their life span—and upon full activation they can expel their DNA thereby forming so-called neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which exert antibacterial functions, but also induce a strong coagulatory response. This may cause formation of microthrombi that are important for the immobilization of pathogens, a process designated as immunothrombosis. However, deregulation of the complex cellular links between inflammation and thrombosis by unrestrained NET formation or the loss of the endothelial layer due to mechanical rupture or erosion can result in rapid activation and aggregation of platelets and the manifestation of thrombo-inflammatory diseases. Sepsis is an important example of such a disorder caused by a dysregulated host response to infection finally leading to severe coagulopathies. NF-κB is critically involved in these pathophysiological processes as it induces both inflammatory and thrombotic responses