917 research outputs found

    Hysteretic behavior of angular dependence of exchange bias in FeNi/FeMn bilayers

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    For FeNi/FeMn bilayers, the angular dependence of exchange bias shows hysteresis between clockwise and counterclockwise rotations, as a new signature. The hysteresis decreases for thick antiferromagnet layers. Calculations have clearly shown that the orientation of antiferromagnet spins also exhibits hysteresis between clockwise and counterclockwise rotations. This furnishes an interpretation of the macroscopic behavior of the ferromagnetic layer in terms of the thermally driven evolution of the magnetic state of the antiferromagnet layer

    A note on four nonradioactive labeling systems for dot hybridization detection of potato viruses

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    Des clones d'ADN complémentaire ont été fabriqués à partir des ARN génomiques des virus S (PVS), X (PVX) et Y (PVY) de la pomme de terre (Solarium tuberosum). Les clones ont été sélectionnés pour leur spécificité par l'hybridation avec divers ARN viraux. Les clones S12 de PVS et X6 de PVX se sont avérés très spécifiques à l'ARN de PVS et PVX respectivement, alors que le clone Y10 de PVY a hybride fortement à l'ARN du PVY et faiblement à l'ARN du PVS. Quatre systèmes commerciaux non radioactifs de marquage des acides nucléiques et de détection ont été comparés entre eux et avec le marquage radioactif traditionnel de la sonde au 32P. La détection colorimétrique de sondes d'ADN marquées à la digoxygénine permet de déceler 1 ng de virions (60 pg d'ARN), soit une sensibilité du même ordre que l'autoradiographie avec des sondes marquées au phosphore radioactif. Les sondes sulfonées, biotinylées et marquées à la peroxydase ont été moins sensibles en permettant la détection de 600 pg d'ARN viral.Complementary DNA clones of genomic RNAs of potato (Solarium tuberosum) viruses S (PVS), X (PVX) and Y (PVY) were produced and tested for their capacity to hybridize with various plant virus RNAs. PVS clone S12 and PVX clone X6 were found to be very specifie to PVS and PVX RNA respectively, whereas PVY clone Y10 strongly hybridized with PVY RNA and weakly with PVS RNA. Four commercial, nonradioactive Systems of nucleic acid labeling and detection were compared to the usual 32P-labeled probe using dot hybridization experiments. Colorimetric detection of digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes gave a level of sensitivity of 1 ng of virions (60 pg of RNA), similar to autoradiography of 32P-labeled probes. Sulfonated, biotinylated and peroxidase-labeled probes were slightly less sensitive, allowing detection of 600 pg of viral RNA

    Management of Occupational Manganism: Consensus of an Experts' Panel

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    Studies and Research Projects / Report R-417, Montréal, IRSST http://www.irsst.qc.ca/en/_publicationirsst_100134.html (Lucchini R was a member of the Expert Panel

    Constrained Monte Carlo Method and Calculation of the Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Anisotropy

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    We introduce a constrained Monte Carlo method which allows us to traverse the phase space of a classical spin system while fixing the magnetization direction. Subsequently we show the method's capability to model the temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy, and for bulk uniaxial and cubic anisotropies we recover the low-temperature Callen-Callen power laws in M. We also calculate the temperature scaling of the 2-ion anisotropy in L10 FePt, and recover the experimentally observed M^2.1 scaling. The method is newly applied to evaluate the temperature dependent effective anisotropy in the presence of the N'eel surface anisotropy in thin films with different easy axis configurations. In systems having different surface and bulk easy axes, we show the capability to model the temperature-induced reorientation transition. The intrinsic surface anisotropy is found to follow a linear temperature behavior in a large range of temperatures

    Differences in oxygen uptake but equivalent energy expenditure between a brief bout of cycling and running

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    BACKGROUND: We examined aerobic and anaerobic exercise energy expenditure and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) between a 250 Watt, 1-minute bout of cycling and uphill treadmill running. METHODS: Fourteen active to well-trained subjects volunteered for the investigation (VO(2 )max: 57.0 ± 12.9 ml·kg·min(-1 )cycle; 59.3 ± 13.7 ml·kg·min(-1 )run; p = 0.44). Anaerobic energy expenditure was estimated from △blood lactate. Statistical analysis was completed using a paired t-test (mean ± SD). RESULTS: Perceived exertion did not differ between exercise bouts (14.0 ± 2.3 cycle; 13.2 ± 2.1 run; p = 0.29). Exercise oxygen uptake was significantly greater for running (41.4 ± 6.9 kJ) compared to cycling (31.7 ± 7.7 kJ) (p = 0.0001). EPOC was not different between cycling and running (p = 0.21) so that exercise oxygen uptake + EPOC was greater for running (103.0 ± 13.5 kJ) as compared to cycling (85.4 ± 20.2 kJ; p = 0.008). Anaerobic energy expenditure was significantly greater for cycling (32.7 ± 8.9 kJ) versus running (22.5 ± 11.1 kJ) (p = 0.009). Aerobic + anaerobic exercise energy expenditure (cycle 64.3 ± 12.2 kJ; run 63.9 ± 10.1 kJ) (p = 0.90) and total energy expenditure (including EPOC; cycle 118.0 ± 21.8 kJ; run 125.4 ± 19.1 kJ; p = 0.36) were similar for cycling and running. CONCLUSION: Oxygen-only measures reveal discrepancy in energy expenditure between cycling and uphill running. Measurements of exercise oxygen uptake, △blood lactate and a modified EPOC promote the hypothesis of a similarity in exercise and total energy expenditure between 1-minute work-equivalent bouts of cycling and uphill running

    De l'Abbittibbi-Témiskaming 5

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    Ouvrage contenant les études suivantes: Jean Laflamme, «Le Marquis de vaudreuil et l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Seconde partie: 1724-1731». Benoît-Beaudry Gourd, «Les journaux de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue 1920-1950. Portrait historique». Dan Glenday, «Thirty years of labour relations in the mining industry in Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, 1934-1964». Pierre Leblond, «Certaines caractéristiques d'un village minier de compagnie: la localité de Joutel en Abitibi.» Noël Savard, «L'environnement et l'industrie minière à Rouyn-Noranda». Maurice Asselin, «Le rôle de la frontière dans les relations entre le Nord-Ouest québécois et l'Ontario». Claude P. Bigue, «La concession du domaine public et l'aménagement des terrains riverains de l'Harricana.

    The cyclic ground state structure of the HF trimer revealed by far infrared jet-cooled Fourier transform spectroscopy.

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    International audienceThe rovibrationally resolved Fourier transform (FT) far infrared (FIR) spectra of two intermolecular librations of (HF)3, namely the in-plane ν6 and out-of-plane ν4 bending fundamentals centered, respectively, at about 494 cm(-1) and 602 cm(-1), have been recorded for the first time under jet-cooled conditions using the supersonic jet of the Jet-AILES apparatus. The simultaneous rotational analysis of 245 infrared transitions belonging to both bands enabled us to determine the ground state (GS), ν6 and ν4 rotational and centrifugal distortion constants. These results provided definite experimental answers to the structure of such a weakly bound trimer: firstly the vibrationally averaged planarity of cyclic (HF)3, also supported by the very small value of the inertia defect obtained in the GS, secondly the slight weakening of the hydrogen bond in the intermolecular excited states evidenced from the center of mass separations of the HF constituents determined in the ground, ν6 = 1 and ν4 = 1 states of (HF)3 as well as the decrease of the fitted rotational constants upon excitation. Finally, lower bounds of about 2 ns on ν6 and ν4 state lifetimes could be derived from the deconvolution of experimental linewidths. Such long lifetimes highlight the interest in probing low frequency intermolecular motions of molecular complexes to get rid of constraints related to the vibrational dynamics of coupled anharmonic vibrations at higher energy, resulting in loss of rotational information

    A numerical ocean circulation model of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas

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    The dynamics and thermodynamics of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas are investigated using a three-dimensional primitive equation ocean circulation model. The horizontal resolution of the model is 1° in the zonal direction and 0.5° in the meridional direction. The vertical structure is described by 15 levels. The model is driven by both annual mean and seasonally varying wind and thermohaline forcing. The connections of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas with the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean are modelled with an open boundary condition. The simulated currents are in reasonable agreement with the observed circulation