23 research outputs found

    HerMES: The contribution to the cosmic infrared background from galaxies selected by mass and redshift

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    The cosmic infrared background (CIB), discovered in Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) data from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE; Puget et al. 1996; Fixsen et al. 1998), originates from thermal re-radiation of imagine cutting out hundreds of thumbnails from a map centered on the positions where galaxies are known to be, and averaging those thumbnails together until an image of the average galaxy emerges from the noise. These positional priors can come in many forms, e.g., they could be catalogs of UV, optical, IR, or radio sources. Note that the output is the average of that population in the stacked maps, i.e., there will likely be sources whose actual fluxes are higher or lower. Thus, the more homogeneous the sources comprising the input list, the more meaningful the stacked flux will be.Web of Scienc

    Observing Supermassive Black Holes across cosmic time: from phenomenology to physics

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    In the last decade, a combination of high sensitivity, high spatial resolution observations and of coordinated multi-wavelength surveys has revolutionized our view of extra-galactic black hole (BH) astrophysics. We now know that supermassive black holes reside in the nuclei of almost every galaxy, grow over cosmological times by accreting matter, interact and merge with each other, and in the process liberate enormous amounts of energy that influence dramatically the evolution of the surrounding gas and stars, providing a powerful self-regulatory mechanism for galaxy formation. The different energetic phenomena associated to growing black holes and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), their cosmological evolution and the observational techniques used to unveil them, are the subject of this chapter. In particular, I will focus my attention on the connection between the theory of high-energy astrophysical processes giving rise to the observed emission in AGN, the observable imprints they leave at different wavelengths, and the methods used to uncover them in a statistically robust way. I will show how such a combined effort of theorists and observers have led us to unveil most of the SMBH growth over a large fraction of the age of the Universe, but that nagging uncertainties remain, preventing us from fully understating the exact role of black holes in the complex process of galaxy and large-scale structure formation, assembly and evolution.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures. This review article appears as a chapter in the book: "Astrophysical Black Holes", Haardt, F., Gorini, V., Moschella, U and Treves A. (Eds), 2015, Springer International Publishing AG, Cha

    The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: Hunting for the Most Extreme Obscured AGN at >10 keV

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    We identify sources with extremely hard X-ray spectra (i.e., with photon indices of Γ0.6{\rm{\Gamma }}\lesssim 0.6) in the 13 deg2 NuSTAR serendipitous survey, to search for the most highly obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected at >10keV\gt 10\,\mathrm{keV}. Eight extreme NuSTAR sources are identified, and we use the NuSTAR data in combination with lower-energy X-ray observations (from Chandra, Swift XRT, and XMM-Newton) to characterize the broadband (0.5–24 keV) X-ray spectra. We find that all of the extreme sources are highly obscured AGNs, including three robust Compton-thick (CT; NH>1.5×1024{N}_{{\rm{H}}}\gt 1.5\times {10}^{24} cm−2) AGNs at low redshift (z<0.1z\lt 0.1) and a likely CT AGN at higher redshift (z = 0.16). Most of the extreme sources would not have been identified as highly obscured based on the low-energy (<10\lt 10 keV) X-ray coverage alone. The multiwavelength properties (e.g., optical spectra and X-ray–mid-IR luminosity ratios) provide further support for the eight sources being significantly obscured. Correcting for absorption, the intrinsic rest-frame 10–40 keV luminosities of the extreme sources cover a broad range, from 5×1042\approx 5\times {10}^{42} to 1045 erg s−1. The estimated number counts of CT AGNs in the NuSTAR serendipitous survey are in broad agreement with model expectations based on previous X-ray surveys, except for the lowest redshifts (z<0.07z\lt 0.07), where we measure a high CT fraction of fCTobs=3012+16%{f}_{\mathrm{CT}}^{\mathrm{obs}}={30}_{-12}^{+16} \% . For the small sample of CT AGNs, we find a high fraction of galaxy major mergers (50% ± 33%) compared to control samples of "normal" AGNs

    The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: A First Sensitive Look at the High-energy Cosmic X-Ray Background Population

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    We report on the first 10 identifications of sources serendipitously detected by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) to provide the first sensitive census of the cosmic X-ray background source population at gsim 10 keV. We find that these NuSTAR-detected sources are ≈100 times fainter than those previously detected at gsim 10 keV and have a broad range in redshift and luminosity (z = 0.020-2.923 and L 10-40 keV ≈ 4 × 1041-5 × 1045 erg s–1); the median redshift and luminosity are z ≈ 0.7 and L 10-40 keV ≈ 3 × 1044 erg s–1, respectively. We characterize these sources on the basis of broad-band ≈0.5-32 keV spectroscopy, optical spectroscopy, and broad-band ultraviolet-to-mid-infrared spectral energy distribution analyses. We find that the dominant source population is quasars with L 10-40 keV > 1044 erg s–1, of which ≈50% are obscured with N H gsim 1022 cm–2. However, none of the 10 NuSTAR sources are Compton thick (N H gsim 1024 cm–2) and we place a 90% confidence upper limit on the fraction of Compton-thick quasars (L 10-40 keV > 1044 erg s–1) selected at gsim 10 keV of lsim 33% over the redshift range z = 0.5-1.1. We jointly fitted the rest-frame ≈10-40 keV data for all of the non-beamed sources with L 10-40 keV > 1043 erg s–1 to constrain the average strength of reflection; we find R < 1.4 for Γ = 1.8, broadly consistent with that found for local active galactic nuclei (AGNs) observed at gsim 10 keV. We also constrain the host-galaxy masses and find a median stellar mass of ≈1011 M ☉, a factor ≈5 times higher than the median stellar mass of nearby high-energy selected AGNs, which may be at least partially driven by the order of magnitude higher X-ray luminosities of the NuSTAR sources. Within the low source-statistic limitations of our study, our results suggest that the overall properties of the NuSTAR sources are broadly similar to those of nearby high-energy selected AGNs but scaled up in luminosity and mass

    Active galactic nuclei: what’s in a name?

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    Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are energetic astrophysical sources powered by accretion onto supermassive black holes in galaxies, and present unique observational signatures that cover the full electromagnetic spectrum over more than twenty orders of magnitude in frequency. The rich phenomenology of AGN has resulted in a large number of different "flavours" in the literature that now comprise a complex and confusing AGN "zoo". It is increasingly clear that these classifications are only partially related to intrinsic differences between AGN, and primarily reflect variations in a relatively small number of astrophysical parameters as well the method by which each class of AGN is selected. Taken together, observations in different electromagnetic bands as well as variations over time provide complementary windows on the physics of different sub-structures in the AGN. In this review, we present an overview of AGN multi-wavelength properties with the aim of painting their "big picture" through observations in each electromagnetic band from radio to gamma-rays as well as AGN variability. We address what we can learn from each observational method, the impact of selection effects, the physics behind the emission at each wavelength, and the potential for future studies. To conclude we use these observations to piece together the basic architecture of AGN, discuss our current understanding of unification models, and highlight some open questions that present opportunities for future observational and theoretical progress.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Review, 56 pages, 25 figure

    Local AGN Survey (LASr): I. Galaxy sample, infrared colour selection and predictions for AGN within 100 Mpc

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    To answer major questions on supermassive black hole (SMBH) and galaxy evolution, a complete census of SMBH growth, i.e., active galactic nuclei (AGN), is required. Thanks to all-sky surveys by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) missions, this task is now feasible in the nearby Universe. We present a new survey, the Local AGN Survey (LASr), with the goal of identifying AGN unbiased against obscuration and determining the intrinsic Compton-thick (CT) fraction. We construct the most complete all-sky galaxy sample within 100 Mpc (90% completeness for log (M*/M⊙) ∼ 9.4), four times deeper than the current reference, the Two Micron All-Sky Survey Redshift Survey (2MRS), which misses ∼20% of known luminous AGN. These 49k galaxies serve as parent sample for LASr, called LASr-GPS. It contains 4.3k already known AGN, ≥82% of these are estimated to have Lnuc(12μm) < 1042.3 erg s−1, i.e., are low-luminosity AGN. As a first method for identifying Seyfert-like AGN, we use WISE-based infrared colours, finding 221 galaxies at Lnuc(12μm) ≥ 1042.3 erg s−1 to host an AGN at 90% reliability. This includes 61 new AGN candidates and implies and optical type 2 fraction of 50–71%. We quantify the efficiency of this technique and estimate the total number of AGN with Lint(2-10  keV) ≥ 1042 erg s−1 in the volume to be 362+145−116 (⁠8.6+3.5−2.8× 10−5 Mpc−3). X-ray brightness estimates indicate the CT fraction to be 40–55% to explain the Swift non-detections of the infrared selected objects. One third of the AGN within 100 Mpc remain to be identified, and we discuss the prospects for the eROSITA all-sky survey to detect them

    Clustering of Obscured and Unobscured Quasars in the Boötes Field: Placing Rapidly Growing Black Holes in the Cosmic Web

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    We present the first measurement of the spatial clustering of mid-infrared-selected obscured and unobscured quasars, using a sample in the redshift range 0.7 < z < 1.8 selected from the 9 deg2 Boötes multiwavelength survey. Recently, the Spitzer Space Telescope and X-ray observations have revealed large populations of obscured quasars that have been inferred from models of the X-ray background and supermassive black hole evolution. To date, little is known about obscured quasar clustering, which allows us to measure the masses of their host dark matter halos and explore their role in the cosmic evolution of black holes and galaxies. In this study, we use a sample of 806 mid-infrared-selected quasars and ≈250,000 galaxies to calculate the projected quasar-galaxy cross-correlation function wp (R). The observed clustering yields characteristic dark matter halo masses of log(M halo [h -1 M sun]) = 12.7+0.4 -0.6 and 13.3+0.3 -0.4 for unobscured quasars (QSO-1s) and obscured quasars (Obs-QSOs), respectively. The results for QSO-1s are in excellent agreement with previous measurements for optically selected quasars, while we conclude that the Obs-QSOs are at least as strongly clustered as the QSO-1s. We test for the effects of photometric redshift errors on the optically faint Obs-QSOs, and find that our method yields a robust lower limit on the clustering; photo-z errors may cause us to underestimate the clustering amplitude of the Obs-QSOs by at most ~20%. We compare our results to previous studies, and speculate on physical implications of stronger clustering for obscured quasars

    A Correlation between Star Formation Rate and Average Black Hole Accretion in Star-forming Galaxies

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    We present a measurement of the average supermassive black hole accretion rate (BHAR) as a function of the star formation rate (SFR) for galaxies in the redshift range 0.25 < z < 0.8. We study a sample of 1767 far-IR-selected star-forming galaxies in the 9 deg2 Boötes multi-wavelength survey field. The SFR is estimated using 250 μm observations from the Herschel Space Observatory, for which the contribution from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) is minimal. In this sample, 121 AGNs are directly identified using X-ray or mid-IR selection criteria. We combined these detected AGNs and an X-ray stacking analysis for undetected sources to study the average BHAR for all of the star-forming galaxies in our sample. We find an almost linear relation between the average BHAR (in M ☉ yr–1) and the SFR (in M ☉ yr–1) for galaxies across a wide SFR range 0.85 < log SFR < 2.56: log BHAR = (– 3.72 ± 0.52) + (1.05 ± 0.33)log SFR. This global correlation between SFR and average BHAR is consistent with a simple picture in which SFR and AGN activity are tightly linked over galaxy evolution timescales