16 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This research was conducted in grade IV of SD Negeri 2 Penambongan and was aimed at investigating the characteristics of students' learning difficulties, the factors causing difficulties in learning Mathematics, and the efforts conducted to resolve the difficulties of learning Mathematics. This research applied the qualitative approach with a case study design. The participants of the research were principal, class teacher, three grade IV students (chosen by the teacher's recommendation), and parents. The data were collected through observations, interviews, and document collections. The results of the data analysis showed that 1) the characteristics of difficulties in learning Mathematics experienced by the students was the abnormality of visual-spatial perception, 2) the internal factors causing difficulties in learning Mathematics were student's attitude, learning interest, motivation, and ability of sensing, while the external factors causing difficulties in learning Mathematics were learning strategies, learning aid, family, and society, 3) the efforts conducted by teachers to resolve the difficulties in learning Mathematics were motivating and supporting students when finding difficulties, the efforts conducted by students were joining extra courses out of school, and the efforts conducted by parents were motivating and accompanying their children when studying at home


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    Osteoarthritis is a degenerative health disorder where there is stiffness and inflammation in the joints which is characterized by damage to joint cartilage so that it can cause pain in the joints of the hands, neck, back, waist, and most often the knee joints. After doing therapy 6 times, the results of the assessment of increasing functional values ​​in both knees, namely right knee tenderness T1 = 60mm to T6 = 50mm, right knee motion pain T1 = 70mm to T6 = 60mm, and silent pain T1-T6 = 10mm, and the left knee showed tenderness T1=30mm to T6=10mm, motion pain T1=65mm to T6=60mm, and silent pain T1-T6=10mm. Increased muscle value in both legs, namely the right knee flexor muscle T1= 3 to T6=4, on the left knee T1=4 becomes T6=5, and the right knee extensor muscle T1=3 becomes T6=4, and the left knee T1= 30mm becomes T6=3, becomes T6=4. Ultrasound, Trancutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and Exercise Therapy can help reduce pain, improve basic functional and increase muscle strength in cases of Bilateral Genu Osteoarthriti

    Income Tax Article 21 Receipt Before and After the Implementation of Tax Incentives for Permanent Employees During the Pandemic of Covid-19

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    The purpose of this Final Project Report research is to find out the Level of Article 21 Income Tax Acceptance Before and After the Existence of Tax Incentives for Permanent Employees During the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Cilegon Primary Tax Service Office. The method used is the descriptive method. Sources of data come from observations and interviews obtained from the Cilegon Primary Tax Service Office. The results of this study show that the level of income tax revenue under Article 21 after tax incentives, especially in 2020 and 2021, has decreased and has not even reached the target set. The Covid-19 pandemic has limited human activity which has had an impact on the decline in the economy in Indonesia, thus reducing revenue from Article 21 Income Tax. Efforts made by KPP Pratama Cilegon in increasing tax revenues include holding tax classes, conducting socialization, conducting counseling, and applying tax sanctions.The purpose of this Final Project Report research is to find out the Level of Article 21 Income Tax Acceptance Before and After the Existence of Tax Incentives for Permanent Employees During the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Cilegon Primary Tax Service Office. The method used is the descriptive method. Sources of data come from observations and interviews obtained from the Cilegon Primary Tax Service Office. The results of this study show that the level of income tax revenue under Article 21 after tax incentives, especially in 2020 and 2021, has decreased and has not even reached the target set. The Covid-19 pandemic has limited human activity which has had an impact on the decline in the economy in Indonesia, thus reducing revenue from Article 21 Income Tax. Efforts made by KPP Pratama Cilegon in increasing tax revenues include holding tax classes, conducting socialization, conducting counseling, and applying tax sanctions.

    Model matematika penyebaran flu burung dengan vaksinasi dan pertumbuhan logistik pada populasi unggas

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    Flu burung adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza tipe A. Virus influenza tipe B dan C dapat diisolasi dari manusia dan sifatnya kurang patogen dibandingkan dengan virus influenza tipe A. Dalam penelitian ini populasi manusia dibagi menjadi tiga kelas yaitu kelas manusia rentan S(t), kelas manusia terinfeksi I(t), dan kelas manusia sembuh R(t). Sedangkan populasi unggas dibagi menjadi tiga kelas yaitu kelas unggas rentan Sb(t), kelas unggas terinfeksi Ib(t), dan kelas unggas divaksinasi Vb(t). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh satu titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit (P0) dan satu titik kesetimbangan endemik (P1). Analisis kestabilan juga telah dilakukan diperoleh  R0 kurang dari 1 maka  P0 stabil asimtotik lokal dan R0 lebih dari1 maka P1 stabil asimtotik lokal. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa proporsi unggas yang divaksinasi dan unggas terinfeksi yang dibakar memperkecil populasi unggas yang terinfeksi flu burung sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya wabah endemik

    Faktor Dominan Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur pada Remaja di SMPN 98 Jakarta

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    Konsumsi buah dan sayur di Indonesia, khususnya di Jakarta Selatan, masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada remaja di SMPN 98 Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain studi cross sectional dan teknik sampling stratified random sampling menggunakan data primer yang melibatkan 208 remaja kelas VII dan VIII SMPN 98 Jakarta dari bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2017. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi sendiri oleh responden dan dilakukan dua kali wawancara food recall 24-hour. Analisis statistik digunakan uji korelasi dan regresi, t-independen, serta regresi linier ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata konsumsi buah dan sayur remaja SMPN 98 Jakarta tahun 2017 adalah 85,1 ± 26,58 g/hari. Sementara rekomendasi WHO konsumsi buah dan sayur 400 g/hari. Analisis multivariat (nilai beta paling tinggi = 0,204) menunjukkan tingkat pendidikan ibu sebagai faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur, setelah dikontrol oleh variabel self-efficacy, aktivitas fisik, pengaruh orang tua, keterpaparan media massa, serta ketersediaan buah dan sayur. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pendidikan gizi melalui sekolah agar terjadi peningkatan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada remaja. Kata kunci: konsumsi buah dan sayur; remaja SMP; pendidikan ibu Abstract Consumption of fruits and vegetables in Indonesia, especially in South Jakarta, is still very low. The aim of this study was to determine the dominant factor associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among teenagers in Junior High School 98 Jakarta. A cross sectional study design and stratified random sampling were used in this study with primary data among 208 respondents grade VII and VIII in Junior High School 98 Jakarta from April until Mei 2017. Data were collected through individual questionnaire and two time 24-hour food recall interviews. Statistical analysis used were correlations and regression test, independent t-test, and multiple regression linier. The result of this study showed the average of fruit and vegetable consumption among student in Junior High School 98 Jakarta is 85.1 ± 26.58 g/day. Meanwhile, according to WHO, recommendation of fruit and vegetable consumption is 400 g/day. Multivariate analysis (the highest beta value = 0.204) showed mother education level is the dominant factor associated with fruit and vegetable consumption, once controlled by self-efficacy, physical activity, parents influence, mass media exposure, and fruit and vegetable availability. Therefore, nutrition education is needed to be done among schools to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in teenagers. Keywords: fruit and vegetable consumption; Junior High School teenagers; mother’s education leve

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength Stress Urinary Incontinence: Kekuatan Otot Dasar Panggul dan Stres Inkontinensia Urin

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      Objective: To examine the relationship between muscle strength and muscle thickness of levator ani with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in women.Methods: This study uses a comparative cross-sectional study design. We collected 82 women who visiting the Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo with the study group were subjects with positive cough tests while the control group were subjects with negative cough tests. The data obtained in the form of history taking, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), physical examination (POPQ), cough test. perineometer, and ultrasound.Results: We found no significant difference between the levator ani muscle thickness to the incidence of SUI with the median levator ani muscle thickness 0.63 cm (range 0.31-1.02 and p = 0.897). While levator ani muscle strength against SUI has a median of 19.5 (range 4.6-88.6 and p = 0.001). In multivariate analysis it was found that purely SUI, prolapse and age had no significant effect on the strength of levator ani muscles with a p-value of 0.243; 0.844; 0.903.Conclusions: There is no significant difference in levator ani muscle thickness between women who experience SUI compared to those who do not. Women with SUI have weaker levator ani muscle strength than those who do not experience but are not statistically significant. And there is no correlation between muscle strength and levator ani muscle thickness in women with SUI.Keywords: muscle strength, muscle thickness, perineometer, stress urinary incontinence, ultrasound.   Abstrak Tujuan : Untuk mengkaji hubungan antara kekuatan otot dan ketebalan otot levator ani dengan keluhan IU-T pada perempuan.Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain perbandingan potong lintang dengan melibatkan 82 wanita yang berkunjung di poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dengan kelompok studi adalah subyek dengan tes batuk positif sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah subyek dengan tes batuk negative. Data yang diperoleh berupa hasil anamnesis, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), pemeriksaan fisik (POPQ), tes batuk. perineometer , dan USG.Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara ketebalan otot levator ani terhadap kejadian IUT dengan median ketebalan otot levator ani 0,63 cm (jarak 0,31-1,02 dan p=0,897). Sedangkan kekuatan otot levator ani terhadap IUT memiliki median 19,5 (jarak 4,6-88,6 dan p=0,001). Pada analisis multivariat didapatkan bukti bahwa secara murni IUT, prolap dan usia tidak mempunyai pengaruh bermakna terhadap kekuatan otot levator ani dengan nilai p masing-masing 0,243; 0,844; 0,903.Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada ketebalan otot levator ani antara perempuan yang mengalami IU-T dibanding yang tidak mengalami. Perempuan IU-T mempunyai kekuatan otot levator ani yang lebih lemah dibanding yang tidak mengalami, namun tidak bermakna secara statistik. Tidak terdapat hubungan korelasi antara kekuatan otot dan ketebalan otot levator ani pada perempuan yang mengalami IU-T. Kata kunci : inkontinensia urin jenis tekanan, ketebalan otot, kekuatan otot, perineometer, US

    The effect of Paraquat Dichloride application on diversity and abundance of soil arthropods in the corn field

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    We investigated the effect of paraquat dichloride herbicide application on diversity and abundance of soil arthropods in a corn field. In addition to control (0 mL/L), four concentrations of paraquat dichloride were applied i.e. 3.33 mL / L, 4 mL / L, 4.66 mL / L and  5.33 mL / L. Sampling was carried out four times, namely at T0 (before tillage), T1 (after tillage), T2 (after spraying herbicides), and T3 (before harvesting) using a pitfall trap method. Soil arthropod samples were identified to the family level. The total number of individuals was then analyzed to obtain species richness, species dominance index, species diversity index and similarity index of Sorensen. The result showed that paraquat dichloride did not give any significant effect (p>0.05) on the number of individuals, species richness, species dominance index, diversity index and Sorensen similarity index of soil arthropods. The composition of soil arthropods in the control and in the treatment with the highest concentration shows a high level of similarity

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Postpartum Contraceptives Method Choice (IUD vs Tubectomy) and Characteristic Aspects: A Retrospective Descriptive Study

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    Objective: This study aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on postpartum contraceptive methods. Methods: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted at a single secondary center, utilizing secondary data retrieved from medical records at the Inpatient Installation of Sebelas Maret University Hospital, Surakarta, covering the period from January 2020 to January 2022. Results: Among users of intra-uterine devices (IUDs), 85% were below 35 years old, 65% were primiparous, 67% had a history of previous injectable contraceptive use, 79% received routine antenatal care, and 51% had education below a college level. These individuals were educated about the importance of contraceptive programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sixty-six percent of IUD insertions were conducted via vaginal delivery, and 27% had health facilities within less than 1 km. In contrast, tubectomy contraceptive users comprised 106 patients, with the majority (54%) being aged 35 years or older, all being multiparous, and 25% tested positive for COVID-19. Among tubectomy users, 43% had a history of previous injectable contraceptive use, 85% received routine antenatal care, and 54% had education below a college level. Similar to the IUD group, they were educated about the significance of contraceptive programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eighty-four percent of tubectomies were performed via cesarean section, and 27% of patients lived within less than 1 km from health facilities. Conclusion: The usage rates of intra-uterine devices and tubectomy for contraceptives remained stable during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there was a decrease in postpartum in-person visits and mobility, coupled with an increase in hospitalizations.Keywords: contraceptive; family planning; intrauterine device; tubectom

    Feasibility Study of The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Fisheries Processing Unit and Their Mackerel Tuna Pindang Product in Banyuwangi

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    Development of fisheries commodities to fulfill people needs could be achieved by creating of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study was aimed to evaluate the feasibility of processing units and quality of mackerel tuna pindang product in a SME. The feasibility of the processing units was investigated through a survey and interview, while the product quality was determined based on the chemical composition, histamine and microbial test. The analyses showed that many deviations including 19 minor, 8 major, 28 serious and 22 critical deviations were occurred in the SME. These deviations suggest that the SME did not meet the regulation required by the government and was included in the Group D. Furthermore, the histamine and microbial levels indicate the product has been severely contaminated