15 research outputs found

    سرقت علمی در تاریخ پزشکی: کاشف گردش خون ریوی، ابن نفیس یا ویلیام هاروی

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    Introduction: The theory of pulmonary circulation took more than 1000 years to come into existence as we know it today. Methods: In this descriptive study, an attempt was made to gain access to reliable sources for investigating various opinions regarding the earliest discovery of pulmonary blood circulation. Results: After the rediscovery of Ibn Nafis' manuscript no.62243 titled “Sharah al Tashreeh al Qanoon”, or "Commentary on the anatomy of Canon of Avicenna" in 1924 AD in Europe, it became clear that Ibn Nafis had described the pulmonary circulation almost 300 years before Harvey, and the historians like Aldo Mieli, Max Mayrhoff, Edward Coppola etc. clearly state that Ibn Nafis should be given the credit for the discovery of the pulmonary circulation. Conclusion: According to the results over the false theories during the medical history which there has been some exploration of their Muslim medicine attributed mistakenly to the scientists European that this considered theft and away from medical ethics.تئوری گردش خون ریوی آن‌گونه که ما امروزه آن را می‌شناسیم نزدیک به هزار سال پیش کشف شده است این کشف با گذشت زمان به افراد مختلفی نسبت داده شده است. در این پژوهش سعی شده است تا از طریق دسترسی به منابع معتبر در قالب یک مقاله توصیفی دیدگاه‌های مختلف در زمینه کشف اولیه گردش خون کوچک بررسی گردد. با کشف نسخه‌های دست‌نویس ابن نفیس با عنوان شرح‌حالی بر تشریح قانون و یا تفسیر بر ساختار قانون ابن سینا در سال 1924 میلادی در اروپا مشخص گردید که ابن نفیس گردش خون ریوی را 300 سال قبل از ویلیام هاروی به تفصیل ارائه داده است به گونه‌ای که بسیاری از مورخان از جمله آلدو میلی، ماکس ماروف، ادوارد کوپولا و دیگران به طور واضح بیان داشته‌اند که این کشف باید به ابن نفیس نسبت داده شود. با توجه به نتایج مطالعه مذکور مشخص می‌گردد که تئوری‌های نادرستی به مرور در طی تاریخ پزشکی به وجود آمده است که در طی آن‌ها برخی از اکتشافات پزشکان مسلمان به اشتباه به دانشمندان اروپایی نسبت داده شده است که این امر سرقت علمی محسوب شده و به دور از اخلاق پزشکی است

    Spousal involvement and CPAP adherence: A dyadic perspective

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    Poor adherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment is associated with substantial health care costs, morbidity and mortality, and has been a leading obstacle in the effective management of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Successful interventions to improve CPAP adherence may ultimately include a variety of components. For patients living with spouses (refers to all domestic partners), the spouse will likely be an integral component to any successful intervention. Developing understanding of the role of spouses in adherence to CPAP has been identified to be a critical research need. This review expands the investigation of CPAP adherence to a broader context, from an exclusive focus on individual patients to a dyadic perspective encompassing both patients and their spouses. A conceptual framework based on social support and social control theories is proposed to understand spousal involvement in CPAP adherence. Methodologies for future investigations are discussed, along with implications for developing interventions that engage both patients and their spouses to improve CPAP use

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    Jesus and Mehr recognition according to oriental sources

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    Early oriental historians have used two series of sources about ancient history of Iran, including Iranian and non-Iranian sources. As these sources are independent of each other, two different chronologies about these ancient periods have arisen. Naturally, this duality has led to different and contradictory results about dating important events of this period. One of them is the contradictory reports about two separate religious personalities – Messiah Mehr and Jesus of Nazareth. Despite the fact that these historians have taken the identity and time of appearance of Messiah Mehr and Jesus from the abovementioned two sources, they unknowingly considered the two characters as one and the same person. Al-Mas’udi is one of the earlier oriental historians who made remarkable reports and points regarding the alterations of political and religious history of the Ashkanian dynasty by the earlier Sasanians. These alterations caused the reality of Messiah Mehr to be concealed. This article tries to explain briefly the reasons for this topic through the viewpoints of oriental historians with emphasis on Al-Mas’udi’s reports