19 research outputs found

    Treatment of a giant hepatic echinococcal cyst with percutaneous drainage and in vivo assessment of the protoscolicidal effect of praziquantel

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    Therapy choices for cystic echinococcisis (CE) are stage-specific: surgical, minimally invasive, medical or observation without intervention. PAIR (percutaneous aspiration, instillation of a scolicide, and re-aspiration) has been considered the treatment of choice for uncomplicated echinococcal liver cysts. However, PAIR carries the risk of toxic cholangitis or hypernatremia and that the cyst frequently refills with bile after withdrawing the catheter. We treated a patient with a giant CE 1 liver cyst with puncture drainage (PD) under albendazole coverage. Drainage enabled us to monitor the morphology of protoscolices under praziquantel (PZQ) co-medication. Protoscolices degenerated within 5 days of PZQ 50 mg/kg/d. The cyst cavity solidified with no evidence of reactivation or secondary spread. Percutaneous treatments can replace surgery in a significant number or cases with hepatic CE. PD allows to assess microscopically the viability of protoscolices under co-medication with PZQ-albendazole and to avoid the instillation of topical scolicides

    Effects of Spirulina on Cyclophosphamide-Induced Ovarian Toxicity in Rats: Biochemical and Histomorphometric Evaluation of the Ovary

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    Cyclophosphamide (Cyc) is known to cause ovotoxicity and infertility in women. Our aim is to investigate the possible ovotoxic effects of Cyc and possible antioxidant and protective effects of blue-green algae, Spirulina (Sp), in rat ovaries. Eighteen rats were given: group I (n=6, control); group II (n=6, CP), a single dose Cyc; group III (n=6, Sp+Cyc), 7 days Sp+single dose Cyc. Tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) activities are assessed biochemically. Normal and atretic primordial and primary follicle counts for all sections obtained for each ovary are calculated. Mean number of follicle counts for each group are compared. In Sp+Cyc group, tissue MDA levels were significantly lower than those in the CP and higher than those in the C group (CP>Sp+Cyc>C). Tissue SOD activity was significantly higher in Sp+Cyc group than that in the CP group and lower than that in the C group (C>Sp+Cyc>C). No statistically significant difference was found between the ovarian CAT activities in any group. Histomorphometrically, there was also no significant difference between the mean numbers of normal and atretic small follicle counts. Our results suggest that single dose Cyc has adverse effects on oxidant status of the ovaries and Sp has protective effects in Cyc-induced ovotoxicity

    Infiltration pattern predicts metastasis and progression better than the T-stage and grade in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: a proposal for a novel infiltration-based morphologic grading

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    The advancing edge profile is a powerful determinant of tumor behavior in many organs. In this study, a grading system assessing the tumor-host interface was developed and tested in 181 pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNETs), 63 of which were <=2 cm. Three tumor slides representative of the spectrum (least, medium, and most) of invasiveness at the advancing edge of the tumor were selected, and then each slide was scored as follows. Well-demarcated/encapsulated, 1 point; Mildly irregular borders and/or minimal infiltration into adjacent tissue, 2 points; Infiltrative edges with several clusters beyond the main tumor but still relatively close, and/or satellite demarcated nodules, 3 points; No demarcation, several cellular clusters away from the tumor, 4 points; Exuberantly infiltrative pattern, scirrhous growth, dissecting the normal parenchymal elements, 5 points. The sum of the rankings on the three slides was obtained. Cases with scores of 3-6 were defined as "non/minimally infiltrative" (NI; n = 77), 7-9 as "moderately infiltrative" (MI; n = 68), and 10-15 as "highly infiltrative" (HI; n = 36). In addition to showing a statistically significant correlation with all the established signs of aggressiveness (grade, size, T-stage), this grading system was found to be the most significant predictor of adverse outcomes (metastasis, progression, and death) on multivariate analysis, more strongly than T-stage, while Ki-67 index did not stand the multivariate test. As importantly, cases <=2 cm were also stratified by this grading system rendering it applicable also to this group that is currently placed in "watchful waiting" protocols. In conclusion, the proposed grading system has a strong, independent prognostic value and therefore should be considered for integration into routine pathology practice after being evaluated in validation studies with larger series

    Tracheostomy practices in intensive care units in Turkey: Turkish Thoracic Society critical care assembly point prevelance trial

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    Objectives: The inadequate quality and nature of sleep is a commonly reported problem among hospitalized patients. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of progressive muscle relaxation training program on sleep quality, sleep state, pain and life quality of patients who underwent pulmonary resection

    Patient profile at intensive care units in Turkey: 922 patients multicenter prevalence study.

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