257 research outputs found

    Transition between Open and Guided Inquiry Instruction

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    AbstractScientific inquiry refers to activities in which knowledge and understanding of how scientists study the natural world. Depending on how much teacher structure is supplied and whether there is an already existing solution to the problem or question, inquiry was classified as confirmation, structured, guided and open inquiry. The research aims at presenting the instance of transition between guided and open inquiry. This study was carried out with 25 pre-service teachers at a state university. Two activities were practiced. During the activities, pre-service teachers designed their own experiments, made researches about their concepts and made argumentation about experiments. When applying open inquiry appeared difficulty, guided inquiry was applied. These difficulties were 1) Absence of science process skills as formulating hypotheses, research questions and defining variables. 2) Pre-service teachers met for the first time with an inquiry based laboratory. 3) When researching about concepts and associating their experiments with works of scientists, they did not know where and how to start research

    Utvrđivanje fenolnih substanci kod šest različitih populacija medvjeđe lijeske (Corylus colurna L.) i usporedba fluktuacije fenola u slučaju nedostatka vode

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    Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) is one of the naturally grown hazelnut species in Turkey. It can be easily separated from other hazel species with its thick single stem and tall appearance. It can be used in afforestation and erosion control studies due to low demand for habitat and strong root system. It contains substances with high medicinal value in its fruits and leaves. Hazel leaves have strong antioxidant activity due to their high phenolic content. Objective of the study was primarily to determine the individual phenolic constituents of six different population of Turkish Hazelnut and then to evaluate the effect of water deficiency stress generated by irrigation regime on phenolic constituents and photosystem II activity on these genotypes. Grafted plants were produced by taking scions from six different populations of Turkish Hazelnut (Oğuzlar, Erenler, Merkeşler, Seben, Güney Felakettin and Pelitcik). The study was started when the grafted seedlings were 7 years old in greenhouse. During the experiment (June and July), two different levels of irrigation were applied (W1: the soil was fully irrigated to reach field capacity in each irrigation; W2: 50% reduction of W1 irrigation water). After the application of two different irrigation regimes, leaves were collected for each month, dried, extracted with methanol and then quantitatively analyzed and compared for individual phenolic constituents (gallic acid monohydrate, caffeic acid, rutin hydrate, luteolin-7-O-β-D glucoside, kaempferol, rosmarinic acid, myricetin, quercetin, coumarin and apigenin) by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a diode array detector (DAD). Generally, rutin, kaempferol and luteolin were dominant individual phenols in methanol extracts of Turkish hazelnut leaves. Pelitcik population was noticeable source of rutin and kaempferol in June, and the halved irrigation regime significantly increased the levels of both phenols in July. Similarly, the highest total phenolic content was observed in the Pelitcik population in June and the halved irrigation regime significantly increased the total phenolic content in both months in this population. It was also determined to what extent water deficiency physiologicallyaffects the quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem II activity through chlorophyll fluorescence technique in hazelnut leaves. Generally, Fv/Fm value decreased with water deficiency. This study showed that water deficiency stress generally caused an increase in phenolic constituents in Turkish Hazel leaves and they may be proper natural sources of phenolic constituents with abiotic stress applications in pharmaceutical and food industry.Medvjeđa lijeska (Corylus colurna L.) jedna je od prirodno rasprostanjenih vrsta lijeske u Turskoj. Lako se može razlikovati od drugih vrsta zahvaljujući svojoj visini i promjeru debla. Vrlo često se koristi za pošumljevanje terena sklonih eroziji zbog snažnog korijenja i skromnih ekloških zahtjeva. Njezino lišće i plodovi sadrže mnogo tvari koje se koriste u medicinske svrhe. Lišće medvjeđe ljeske ima snažno antioksidativno djelovanje zbog visokog sadržaja fenola. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi sadržaj fenola u lišću šest populacija medvjeđe lijeske te procijeniti učinak sušnoga stresa na sadržaj fenola i kvantnu učinkovitost fotosustava II. Istraživane biljke proizvedene su cijepljenjem nakon sakupljanja plemki iz šest populacija medvjeđe lijeske (Oğuzlar, Erenler, Merkeşler, Seben, Güney Felakettin i Pelitcik). Istraživanje je provedeno u stakleničkim uvjetima kad su kalemljene biljke bile stare 7 godina. Tijekom pokusa (lipanj i srpanj), primijenjena su dva različita načina navodnjavanja (W1: tlo je navodnjavano do poljskog vodnog kapaciteta; W2: tlo je navodnjavano s 50 % manje vode u odnosu na W1 način navodnjavanja). Nakon primjene dva različita režima navodnjavanja, lišće je uzorkovano u lipnju i srpnju. Nakon toga je osušeno, ekstrahirano s metanolom te kvantitativno analizirano s ciljem utvrđivanja njegova fenolnog sastava (galna kiselina monohidrat, kofeinska kiselina, rutin, hidrat, luteolin-7-O-β-D glukozid, kaempferol, rozmarinska kiselina, miricetin, kvercetin, kumarin i apigenin) uz korištenje tekuće kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) i detektora s nizom dioda (DAD). Rutin, kaempferol i luteolin bili su dominantni fenoli u ekstraktu metanola iz lišća medvjeđe lijeske. Populacija Pelitcik bila je značajan izvor rutina i kaempferola u lipnju, a W2 režim navodnjavanja značajno je povećao razine oba fenola u srpnju. Isto tako, najviši sadržaj fenola zabilježen je u populaciji Pelitcik u lipnju, a W2 režim navodnjavanja značajno je povećao ukupan sadržaj fenola u lipnju i srpnju. Također je utvrđeno u kojoj mjeri nedostatak vode utječe na kvantnu učinkovitost fotosustava II (Fv/Fm). Općenito, Fv/Fm vrijednosti opadaju s nedostatkom vode. Ova studija pokazala je da nedostatak vode kod medvjeđe ljeske potiče produkciju fenola te da se na taj način može osigurati prirodni izvor fenola koji se može koristiti u farmaceutskoj i prehrambenoj industriji

    Entrepreneurial Call for Strategic Agility in Fast-Paced Business Environment

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    The 21st century came with blending of threats and opportunities of deep-routed obstructions of fast-paced business environment. Research on strategic management has consequently increased and grabbed the attention of both academicians and strategic policy makers. The current study is therefore directed to analyze the multifaceted influence of entrepreneurial orientation on strategic agility and organizational performance. The study uses exploratory approach; primary data is collected from 323 professionals working in private sectors in twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The study found significantly positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and strategic agility, entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance, and strategic agility and organizational performance. The study discusses important implications regarding entrepreneurs' deployment of entrepreneurial orientation and strategic agility for enhancing organizational performance

    Assessment of kinematic rock slope failures in Mudurnu Valley, Turkey

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    Slope instabilities are one of the most frequent natural hazards capable of causing severe failures both at regional and large scales. Mudurnu, which is settled on a steep valley, is affected by regional rock slope instabilities. These instabilities constitute a hazard and create an important risk to the community since they threaten human lives, settlement areas, and historically-important structures. In order to minimize the hazard and risk associated with slope instabilities, rock masses along the valley were characterized and the potential failure mechanisms were defined. The west side of the valley, which is the focus of the research, is characterized by Cretaceous pelagic discontinuous limestone, and is prone to complex failures. The aim of the study is to characterize the rock mass along the valley, divide the area into geomechanically-uniform sectors, define possible modes of failure (kinematics) and ultimately quantify the potential failure (kinetics) and the associated risk. For the study, in addition to the field work and scan-line survey measurements, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was utilized to collect high-resolution images from problematic locations that were not accessible. Then, a point cloud of the area was generated. The images were interpreted and the resulting structural representation of the rock mass was compared with information gathered from the scan-line survey in the field. Afterwards, it was used to identify the possible modes of failure along the valley. Since seismic activity in the area is significant due to the proximity of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), which is the most active fault system in Turkey, dynamic loading was also considered for the stability analyses

    Designing By Golden Ratio: ? Code in Nature, Architecture and Structural Design

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    DergiPark: 246020trakyafbdİnsanın parçası olduğu doğayı ve bir üst ölçekte evreni anlama isteği ve merakı, bu anlamanın bir ara yüzü olarak bir yanda matematik, fizik, kimya gibi temel bilimlerin ve bilgilerin ve sonrasında da pek çok farklı disiplinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlarken, diğer yanda sanat ve felsefede de önemli tartışmaları gündeme getirerek, anlama eyleminin de yeni araç ve ara yüzleri için farklı düzlemleri oluşturmaktadır. Tüm bu süreçte farklı bilgilerin ve olguların sembolik ama herkes tarafından anlaşılabilen bir anlatım biçimi olan matematik farklı bilgi alanlarının birbiri ile “konuşmasını” değil, anlama eyleminin model ve araçlarını da sağlamıştır. Bu bağlamda, insanoğlunun doğadaki büyüme modelini ve doğal yapılaşmalardaki tasarım estetiğini anlamakta kullandığı, esinlendiği/ öğrendiği/ uyguladığı parametrelerden en eskisi olan altın oran özellikle sanat ve mimarlıkta matematiğin rolünü gösteren ve izini tarih boyunca pek çok yapıtta görebileceğimiz bir benzeşim ölçütü olmuştur. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucu, Fi dizininin doğadaki formların gelişiminin (morphogenesis) açıklanması kadar; mimarlık tarihine baktığımızda, mimarlıktaki estetik ve yapısal formların da gelişmesinin açıklanabilmesine yardımcı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma, “altın oranın, ? (Fi)”, doğada ve mimarlıkta nasıl sistematik olarak kodlandığını (? dizini) örneklendirmektedir. Ayrıca bu oranın kabuk gibi bazı yapıların strüktür sisteminde de karşımıza çıkması, ? dizininin yapı davranışının eniyilenmesi konusunda da bir araç olabileceği tartışmasını gündeme getirmektedir.Mathematical construction and form/structures of nature in universe have been studied and been discussed by philosophers, mathematicians, scientists and artists throughout the centuries. This cosmic query has led important developments in mathematics and physics as in many other disciplines and through this learning process inter discipliner knowledge has been growing exponentially by those feed backs. Golden ratio is one of the oldest and probably the persistent parameters used by human being to understand/ inspire/ learn and implement the growth model of nature and design aesthetic of natural structures. It is seen that, phi code facilitates to explain not only developments of forms in nature (morphogenesis), but also to explain aesthetic and structural forms of work of art and architecture. This study exemplifies how the golden ratio, ? (phi) is coded (? code) in nature, art and architecture. Furthermore, this paper introduces a discussion platform that phi code could be a tool to optimize the structural behavior as it is seen in some structural systems like shells

    First record of carbonates with spherulites and cone-in-cone structures from the Precambrian of Arctic Norway, and their palaeoenvironmental significance

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    Accepted manuscript version, licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. We report for the first time carbonates from the upper Ediacaran sedimentary succession of Finnmark, Arctic Norway. Carbonates occur as calcareous siliciclastic beds, lenses, and concretions, some with calcite spherulites and cone-in-cone (CIC) calcite, in a mudrock to fine-grained sandstone succession from approximately 3 m to 26 m above the base of the 2nd cycle of the Manndrapselva Member of the Stáhpogieddi Formation (Vestertana Group). They occur c. 40 m below the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary, which is well defined by trace fossils. Thin-section petrography and scanning micro X-ray fluorescence elemental mapping reveal a layered composition of the calcareous sedimentary rocks. In some of those, well-developed nested cones of CIC calcite form the outer layer. Thin clay coatings outline individual cones. The inner layers are composed of (1) carbonate with calcite spherulites (grainstone) and (2) thinly laminated fine-grained calcareous siliciclastics (mudstone and wackestone) indicated by elevated concentrations of Al, Si, Fe, and Ti. The inner siliciclastic layers contain framboidal pyrite and probably organic matter. Formation of calcite spherulites took place probably at the sediment–water interface either in a coastal littoral environment or in situ in the sublittoral zone under high alkaline conditions whereas CIC calcite formed during burial diagenesis and clearly in pre-Caledonian time before metamorphism and cleavage formation. This new record of carbonates with calcite spherulites and CIC structures from the Ediacaran of Arctic Norway adds to their rare occurrences in the geological record

    Lead Accumulations in Biotic and Abiotic Components of Emet Stream, Uluabat Lake Basin, Turkey

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    Abstract.-Emet Stream is one of Turkey's most important river systems. It is used for purposes such as irrigation water, industrial water supply, receiving environment for domestic and industrial wastes and fishing activities around the regions that the stream passes. The aim of this study is to determine the lead levels both in biotic (fish tissues) and abiotic (water and sediment) components of Emet Stream. Water, sediment and fish samples (Squalius cii, (Richardson, 1857); Capoeta tinca, (Heckel, 1843); Barbus oligolepis, Battalgil, 1941) were collected from eight stations (one of them is on the Kınık Stream and one of them is on the Dursunbey Stream) on the Emet Stream seasonally between the dates of November 2010 -August 2011. According to data, the lowest Pb concentrations of water and sediment were determined in E1 station (0.00307 mg/L and 10.48 mg/kg); the highest Pb concentrations were determined in E4 station for water (0.02503 mg/L) and in E8 station for sediment (48.53 mg/kg). Pb accumulations in biotic and abiotic components of Emet Stream were determined as sediment > fish tissues > water; the Pb accumulations in tissues of S. cii and B. oligolepis follows as, liver > kidney > gill > muscle; in tissues of C. tinca follows as, kidney > liver > gill > muscle respectively and it was also determined that biotic components of system were highly affected by the lead

    Patient Characteristics and Frequent Localizations of Rhinoliths

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    Objective:A rhinolith is a rare entity affecting all people in all age groups. It is defined as a mineralized foreign body. The purpose of the present study was to reveal the distribution in age and gender and the localization, side, and prominent symptoms of rhinoliths to identify the risk groups and characteristics of the rhinoliths in a large case series.Methods:A retrospective review was performed from the medical charts of 28 patients who were diagnosed with rhinolith and underwent surgery between May 2011 and January 2015 in Ankara Research and Training Hospital. All data, including age, gender, duration of symptoms, localization of the lesion and accompanying pathologies, were documented.Results:In total, 28 patients (18 females and 10 males) with a mean age of 26.2±16.6 (5-62) years who were diagnosed with rhinolithiasis were reviewed. Nasal obstruction (71.4%) and nasal discharge (64.3%) were the most common complaints. The rhinolith was located in the right nasal cavity in 24 patients and in the left in four; this difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). There were 11 accompanying pathologies including nasal septal deviation (n=6), nasal polyposis (n=2), concha bullosa (n=2), and adenoid vegetation (n=1). In 21 (75%) patients, the most common site was the nasal base of the cavity between the inferior turbinate and the nasal septum.Conclusion:If unilateral right-sided nasal obstruction with foul-smelling purulent discharge is detected in a young adult and a nasal examination reveals a mass in the floor of the cavity, a rhinolith should be strongly considered in the differential diagnosis

    The geomorphology and radar facies of Kaitorete Spit, Canterbury, New Zealand

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    Kaitorete Spit is a mixed sand and gravel barrier beach complex that is located at the northeastern end of the Canterbury Bight. Kaitorete Spit was examined during this study using a combination of ground penetrating radar surveys, sedimentological and geomorphological examinations of the barrier beach complex. The geomorphology formed on Kaitorete has developed in three different environments. At the northeastern end of Kaitorete low elevation spit recurves are formed. South of these are numerous parallel beach ridges, formed by the tops of prograded storm berms. Lacustrine geomorphic features have developed over the marine geomorphology. Small scale cuspate ridges have formed in shallow lake water and associated with lake bottom sediments. Lacustrine beach ridges, lacustrine beach ridge plains and lacustrine spit complexes all formed along the shore of a higher lake. Nine different radar facies were found developed in the radar profiles collected on Kaitorete Spit. The facies are defined on the basis of their internal reflector patterns. Generally, the reflector patterns could be predicted by interpreting the geomorphic features over which the radar profiles ran. Three of the radar facies revealed reflector patterns that could not be predicted using geomorphology alone. At the eastern end of Kaitorete Spit, the radar profiles revealed that the marine spit recurves comprise a spit beach overlying a spit platform. It also reveals that the distal end of the spit platform was reworked by tidal currents into a series of seaward prograding foresets. The radar profiles also revealed that immediately the barrier beach reached the edge of the spit platform, a rise in the elevation of the beach crest occurred due to an increase in the wave energy expended on the beach. In the centre of the barrier beach complex the radar profiles revealed that two long overwash barriers developed, which fill two long (up to 12 km), thin lake outlet lagoons. These lagoons developed as a result of breaching due to a large river overfilling the lake basin. After the initial breach, the longshore drift and lake outflow developed a dynamic equilibrium, resulting in the progressive eastward dislocation of the outlet mouth. The large volume of lake water acted to buffer the high flows of the river thereby, maintaining flow conditions at the outlet channel which were conducive to lagoon elongation. Associated with the lacustrine spit complexes are scarp-like ridges which have steep reflectors which dip away from the lake. These developed in a similar way to shore-parallel bars, with material moving up the stoss side and avalanching down the lee side. The combined application of ground penetrating radar and geomorphology reveals a much more complete geological history of an area where outcrop is sparse