172 research outputs found

    The Documentation study of the Metascience of "Mukkutram" as in Yenvagaith Thervu, Neerkkuri and Neikkuri in "Keel Vaayu" (Azhal Keel Vaayu)

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    The Phrase MUKKUTRAM was not delivered in the verses of Yugmuni In the detailing verses of 96 Thaththuvam. In Noi Naadal Part I it has been compared to Mukkutram as its synonym. These three Thodam are not individually and they are as a Thread with three yawn do like a Tool its pathway.As per the verses of Kannusaamiyam about Naadi in “மாற்றுநல் வாதமு மாறாத பித்தகபம்” Thodam is of Vaatham, Pitham and Kabam. Moreover we have to make difference of Thirithodam (Muththodam) which is the normal trihumor and Thiri Thodam is done as the unbalanced interference of the Trihumor. The origin of Trihumor is stated in the verses of Kannusaamiyam as stated in Noi Naadal part I page 157, “வந்தகலை மூன்றில் வாய்வா மபானனடன் தந்த பிராணன் சமானனும் சந்தமுறக் கூட்டுறவில் ரேகித்தல் கூறும்வாதம் பித்தம் நாட்டுங் கபமேயாம் நாடு” - கண்ணுசாமியம். clears that the Trihumor that has been originated as Vaatham, Pitham and Kabam. In Noi Naadal page 10 it has been stated that the Vayu’s Arththaamsam (basic) is making with gas exchange, Theyu’s Arththaamsam (basic) is felt by exchange of feelings and Pirithivi’s Arththaamsam (basic) is solidified outcrest. Vazli, Azhal and Iyyam is nothing but the increased basics as Vaathaththil Vaatham, Pithaththil Pitham, Kabaththil Kabam as defined in Noi Naadal page no 142 and states the the doubling of the individual humor called as Vazli, Azhal and Iyyam. The words of Noi Naadal page 107 determines about Vazli, Azhal and Iyyam, which are doing the work of the increased or decreased Trihumor (Muththodam). The page 108 of Noi Naadal part I declines that Vazli, Azhal and Iyyam are the state of Increased or decreased of the Trihumor (Muththodam) causing disease, by the cause of intrinsic as well as Extrinsic factors made increased or decreased of Trihumors by the verses, “மிகினும் குறையினும் நோய் செய்யும் நூலோர் வளிமுதலா யெண்ணிய மூன்று” - திருவள்ளுவர். “தன்வினை புறவினை தாழினும் மிகினும் உடலைப் பிணிக்கு முண்மையிது தாமே” - கையெழுத்துப் பிரதி. The words declining that the Vaatham, Pitham and Iyyam are found in their state as “Samana samayam”, Increase in it’s state as “Santhi samayam” and increased in others state as “Pirakoba samayam” in page 158 of Noi Naadal Part I. The diagnostic science made in Siddha is the inter relationship between the Iymbootham, Arusuvai and Mukkutram. The verses said in the page 146 of Noi Naadal part I retrieve that, “மதித்திடற் கருமை வாய்ந்த மாண்பரி கார மெல்லாம் துதித்திட வுணர்ந்தா னேலுந் துகளறப் பிணியின் றன்மை பதித்திட வுணரா னாகிற் பயனுறா னாக லானே விதித்திடு பிணித்ரி றத்தை வியம்புது முதற்கண் மன்னோ” - சிகிச்சா ரத்ன தீபம். Stating that, a good physician should know about the eightfold methodology and about the symptoms and medicine in according to the siddha basics. The verses said in Sathaga Naadi deteriorates that a good physician should be appropriated with Discipline, Dignity and Decorum to be a physician, and he has to be with the Attachment with the patient and should get the knowledge about the disease, Diagnosis and the treatise in according to the reference with the Peragaraathy (Big Dictionary) as Agaththiyam, Tholkaapiyam and Nanool and with the grace of Senior Physicians to get cure even an incurable disease. The metascience of MUKKUTRAM in textual evidences made possibility by 89% of terminological availability and compatibility in TVS Agaraathi, by 33.3% of terminological availability and compatibility in Tamil Lexicon and by 78% of terminological availability and compatibility in A Comprehensive Tamil – English dictionary of Low and High Tamil by Winslow. The Observation study of Keel Vaayu (Azhal Keel Vaayu) by Yenvagaith Thervu is compatible to the terminologies of Mukkutram ie, about Vatham, Pitham and Kabam in their Naadi observed and in the Neerkurri and Neikkuri has been observed in the Thontham and the clear of the Individual terminology as Mukkutram, Vatham, Pitham and Kabam cannot be correlated and in the interlinkage of the individual humor is correlted with the Neikkuri signs with the Metascientic approach. The documentation has been done in the Title of “THE DOCUMENTATION OF THE METASCIENCE OF MUKKUTRAM AS IN YENVAGAITH THERVU, NEERKKURI AND NEIKKURI IN KEEL VAAYU (AZHAL KEEL VAAYU)” gives the partial fulfilled perfoamance. There should be interior study of the terminologies in according to the Agaththiyam grammar to get the Spectacular propogation of the Siddha System of medicine as “Thamizh maruththuvam”

    IPAVS: Integrated Pathway Resources, Analysis and Visualization System

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    Integrated Pathway Resources, Analysis and Visualization System (iPAVS) is an integrated biological pathway database designed to support pathway discovery in the fields of proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and systems biology. The key goal of IPAVS is to provide biologists access to expert-curated pathways from experimental data belonging to specific biological contexts related to cell types, tissues, organs and diseases. IPAVS currently integrates over 500 human pathways (consisting of 24 574 interactions) that include metabolic-, signaling- and disease-related pathways, drug–action pathways and several large process maps collated from other pathway resources. IPAVS web interface allows biologists to browse and search pathway resources and provides tools for data import, management, visualization and analysis to support the interpretation of biological data in light of cellular processes. Systems Biology Graphical Notations (SBGN) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway notations are used for the visual display of pathway information. The integrated datasets in IPAVS are made available in several standard data formats that can be downloaded. IPAVS is available at: http://ipavs.cidms.org

    Solving a Boundary Value Problem via Fixed-Point Theorem on ®-Metric Space

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    In this paper, we prove the fixed-point theorem for rational contractive mapping on ®-metric space. Additionally, an Euclidean metric space with a binary relation example and an application to the first-order boundary value problem are given. Moreover, the obtained results generalize and extend some of the well-known results in the literature.The authors thank the Basque Government for its support of this work through Grant IT1207-19

    Fixed-Point Theorems for Nonlinear Contraction in Fuzzy-Controlled Bipolar Metric Spaces

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of fuzzy-controlled bipolar metric space and prove some fixed-point theorems in this space. Our results generalize and expand some of the literature’s well-known results. We also provide some applications of our main results to integral equations.The authors thank the Basque Government for its support of this study through grant IT1555-22

    Zmiany w stężeniu greliny, CCK, GLP-1 i ekspresji receptorów aktywowanych przez proliferatory peroksysomów w szczurzym modelu anoreksji wywołanej przez hipoksję

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      Introduction: A high-altitude environment causes appetite loss in unacclimatised humans, leading to weight reduction. Ghrelin, cholecystokinin (CCK), and glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1), are gut hormones involved in the regulation of food intake and energy metabolism. The liver is an important site of metabolic regulation, and together with the gut it plays a role in food intake regulation. This study intends to study the timedependent changes occurring in plasma gut hormones, PPARα, PPARδ, and PGC1α, in the stomach and liver during hypoxia. Material and methods: Male Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to hypobaric hypoxia in a decompression chamber at 7620 m for different durations up to seven days. Results: Hypoxia increased circulating ghrelin from the third day onwards while CCK and GLP-1 decreased immediately. An increase in ghrelin, ghrelin receptor protein levels, and GOAT mRNA levels in the stomach was observed. Stomach cholecystokinin receptor (CCKAR), PPARα, and PPARδ decreased. Liver CCKAR decreased during the first day of hypoxia and returned to normal levels from the third day onwards. PPARα and PGC1α expression increased while PPARδ protein levels reduced in the liver on third day. Conclusion: Hypoxia alters the expression of ghrelin and ghrelin receptor in the stomach, CCKAR in the liver, and PPAR and its cofactors, which might be possible role players in the contribution of gut and liver to anorexia at high altitude. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 334–341)    Wstęp: Przebywanie na dużej wysokości powoduje utratę apetytu u osób do tego nieprzystosowanych i prowadzi do redukcji masy ciała. Grelina, cholecystokinina (CCK) i peptyd glukagonopodobny 1 (GLP-1) są hormonami przewodu pokarmowego biorącymi udział w regulacji przyjmowania pokarmu i metabolizmu energii. Wątroba stanowi ważne miejsce regulacji metabolicznej i razem z jelitem spełnia istotną funkcję w regulacji przyjmowania pokarmu. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu ocenę zmian zależnych od czasu w stężeniu hormonów przewodu pokarmowego oraz ekspresji PPARα, PPARδ oraz PGC1α w żołądku i wątrobie występujących podczas hipoksji. Materiał i metody: Szczury Sprague Dawley płci męskiej poddano działaniu hipoksji hipobarycznej w komorze dekompresyjnej na wysokości 7620 m. Pobyty w komorze różniły się czasem trwania, do maksymalnie 7 dni. Wyniki: Hipoksja podwyższała stężenie krążącej greliny od trzeciego dnia pobytu z komorze do końca jego trwania, podczas gdy stężenia CCK i GLP-1 uległy natychmiastowemu obniżeniu. Zaobserwowano podwyższenie stężenie greliny, białka receptora greliny i GOAT mRNA w żołądku. W żołądku ekspresja receptorów cholecystokininy (CCKAR), PPARα i PPARδ uległy obniżeniu. stężenie wątrobowego CCKAR uległ obniżeniu pierwszego dnia wystąpienia hipoksji, powrócił do prawidłowego stężenia trzeciego dnia i pozostał prawidłowy do końca pobytu w komorze. Ekspresje PPARα i PGC1α wzrosły, podczas gdy stężenie białka PPARδ uległo obniżeniu w wątrobie. Wnioski: Hipoksja zmienia ekspresję greliny oraz receptora greliny w żołądku, CCKAR w wątrobie i PPAR oraz jego kofaktory, które mogą odgrywać rolę w przyczynianiu się jelit i wątroby do anoreksji przy przebywaniu na dużej wysokości. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 334–341)

    Fixed Points on Covariant and Contravariant Maps with an Application

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    Fixed-point results on covariant maps and contravariant maps in a (Formula presented.) -algebra-valued bipolar metric space are proved. Our results generalize and extend some recently obtained results in the existing literature. Our theoretical results in this paper are supported with suitable examples. We have also provided an application to find an analytical solution to the integral equation and the electrical circuit differential equation. © 2022 by the authors