1,212 research outputs found

    Knowledge use by extension advisers in the context of farmer organisations in Trás-os-Montes and Alto-Douro, Portugal. A new conceptual analysis framework

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    The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the discussion, in theoretical terms, on the use of the knowledge, during both the social and the technical encounters between extension advisers and farmers. This reflection result from a research project (interviews and ethnographical observation) about extension advisers of farmer’s organizations (FO). In nowadays, in Trás-os-Montes and Alto-Douro (TMAD), we can find around 150 FO and 300 FO extension advisers. In Portugal, actually, such organizations assume the main part of the technical support to farmers, and private organizations and State services play a minor role. These extension advisers perform a variety of tasks of different categories or types, including: supervision of activities; technical advice (office and field work levels); project planning and monitoring; training; reception and analysis of farm subsidies' applications; administrative work; replacing the Directors in some duties; management of on-going projects; strategy definition; social activities with member farmers. In most cases, the work comprises a mix of tasks involving all of the above categories. The eight (or more) hours of daily work are mostly taken by technical tasks (69% of the time), followed by administrative (15%) and management ones (12%). The social animation activities (1% of the time) are underestimated, as the interviewed people consider that they tend to be combined with other tasks and, in this sense, difficult to measure. Some elements also classify them as "technical", once they require the use of specific abstract knowledge. In our perspective, the daily interaction between extension advisers and farmers leads to the production and sharing of knowledge. This knowledge emerges from the re-definition of the scientific knowledge acquired during the agricultural education and training, as well as trough practice (in the technical-strategic sense). It is shaped by the contribution of the contextual sense, both relational and prudential, and from the interpretative sense. In this paper we will explain more accurately the process of mobilization and transformation of knowledge by extension advisers, in order to make it more useful to farmers

    Aldeias Vinhateiras: Requalificação Urbana, Turismo e Desenvolvimento Local no Douro

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    As aldeias do Douro Vinhateiro são espaços marcadamente rurais, tendencialmente fragilizados, em processo de decréscimo populacional, em que o sector primário continua a assumir um papel importante, predominando as actvidades vitivinícolas. No sentido de revitalizar algumas destas aldeias foi lançado um projecto de requalificação urbana abrangendo seis aldeias de diferentes concelhos, ao qual se seguiu um outro de dinamização socio-económica e, finalmente, uma plano de animação turística, que culminou no Festival das Aldeias Vinhateiras, realizado no Outono de 2007. Estas intervenções foram alvo de estudo, procurando responder a uma questão central: as aldeias estão vivas? No artigo apresentam-se os resultados globais a investigação, evidenciando-se as dificuldades sentidas no campo da revitalização socio-económica, bem como algumas pistas tendo em vista a dinamização do desenvolvimento local.The Douro Region villages are generally rural spaces, fragile and with a drecreasing po- pulation, in which the primary economic sector is still quite important, particularly the wine making related activities. In order to revilatize some of these villages, in different municipalities, a major project was launched, including interventions in the areas of urban regeneration, socio-economic development and tourism promotion, including the Wine Villages’ Festival, in 2007. This project was object of study, looking at a major question: are these villages alive? In this article the major research results are presented, showing the difficulties such kind of interventions face, and some ideas are offered regarding the promotion of local development

    Keratin-based peptide: biological evaluation and strengthening properties on relaxed hair

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    A peptide based on a fragment of hair keratin type II cuticular protein, keratin peptide (KP), was studied as a possible strengthening agent for weakened relaxed hair. The peptide was prepared both in aqueous water formulation (WF) and organic solvent formulations (OF), to determine the effect of organic solvents on peptide interaction with hair and the differences in hair recovery. Both peptide formulations were shown to improve mechanical and thermal properties of weakened hair with peptide in OF showing the stronger effect. As a potential new hair care product, and so would necessitate contact with skin, the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the peptide were also evaluated through different methodologies (Alamar Blue assay, 2′-7′-dichlorofluorescein probe, cell morphology and growth and evaluation of DNA damage by an alkaline version of the comet assay) in skin fibroblasts. These tests are indicators of the potential of peptide to cause irritation on skin or to be carcinogenic, respectively. The peptide in WF did not cause cytotoxicity or genotoxicity in any of the concentrations tested. The presence of OF, however, induced a 20% decrease in cell viability in all of the range of concentrations used after 72-h incubation. Moreover, OF inhibited cell growth and was considered genotoxic at first contact with cells. The peptide was therefore considered a promising strengthening agent for hair and was shown to be innocuous when applied in WF.The work was supported by a PhD Grant Fellowship (scholarship SFRH/BD/38363/2007) from FCT "Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia", Portugal. The authors have declared no conflict of interest


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    O território é formado por um conjunto de elementos, iniciativas e relações que marcam a relação sociedade e natureza. Nesse sentido, existem diversos territórios, entre eles os territórios vitícolas, cuja vinha e vinho são os pontos centrais da articulação territorial. No território do Vinho do Douro, Região Demarcada do Douro, norte de Portugal, a vitivinicultura faz parte da história, paisagem, cultura e economia. Porém, para a manutenção do desenvolvimento local deste território são realizadas ações coletivas, que atuam na valorização local, no fortalecimento do turismo, especialmente ligado ao vinho, na inovação vitivinícola e na criação de novas oportunidades comerciais para os produtos locais. Assim sendo, este trabalhodiscorre sobre o território e o desenvolvimento rural,abordando especificamente o papel das associações atuantes no Território do Douro em busca do desenvolvimento local

    Estados insulares, agendas políticas e políticas públicas: Os casos de Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe

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    Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe são dois pequenos Estados insulares de colonização portuguesa. Desde a independência, em 1975, que procuram as melhores soluções para superarem os múltiplos problemas económicos e sociais com que se confrontam. Este artigo examina a agenda política e as políticas públicas engendradas nestes dois países africanos, procurando demonstrar que a compreensão das diferenças, sucessos e, sobretudo, fracassos, não pode ser desligada do contexto histórico, dos constrangimentos externos e das dinâmicas sociopolíticas internas.Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe are two small island states of Portuguese colonization. Since their independence, in 1975, they are seeking the best solutions to overcome their economic and social problems. This article examines the political agenda and the public policies engendered in these two African countries, looking for understanding the differences, successes and, especially, the failures, which cannot be divorced from the historical context, external constraints and internal sociopolitical dynamics.Cap-Vert et Sao Tomé-et-Prince sont deux petits Etats insulaires de colonisation portugaise. Depuis l’indépendance, en 1975, ils sont à la recherche de meilleures solutions pour surmonter leurs problèmes économiques et sociaux. Cet article examine l’agenda politique et les politiques publiques engendrées dans ces deux pays, et cherche à comprendre les différences, les réussites et, en particulier, les échecs, qui ne peuvent être dissociés du contexte historique, des contraintes externes et des dynamiques sociopolitiques internes

    Estrangulamentos, potencialidades e iniciativas para o desenvolvimento do Interior Norte: a perspectiva das instituições locais e regionais

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    Toe main potentialities, hindrances, priorities and initiatives to the local development, namely in the Interior Norte region, presented in this article, result from the perspective of the Institutions on this subject. Toe developed work reflects the integrated vision of the intervenients (Institutions) and it gives clues to the strategic intervention that should be followed in a near future.Les principales potentialités, entraves, priorités et iniciatives pour le développement local, notamment dans la région Interior Norte, presentées dans cet article, sont le résultat de la perspective des Institutions sur ce sujet. Le travail développé démontre la vision integrée des intervenants (Institutions) et il donne des pistes pour l'intervention stratégique à suivre dans un future proche.As principais potencialidades, estrangulamentos, prioridades e iniciativas para o desenvolvimento local, nomeadamente no interior Norte, apresentadas nesta comunicação, são o resultado da perspectiva das Instituições sobre esta matéria. O trabalho desenvolvido reflecte a visão integrada dos intervenientes (Instituições), deixando pistas para a intervenção estratégica a seguir, num futuro próximo

    Empoderamento de comunidades rurais como prática de revitalização de aldeias

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    De um modo geral, os territórios rurais em Portugal, sobretudo os do interior, têm vindo a perder população, o que origina uma crescente desvitalização da economia e o declínio social, num processo em espiral com consequências negativas para a coesão do território e o desenvolvimento global do país. O projeto ASAS, de âmbito nacional, focou-se na intervenção em aldeias rurais isoladas, com base numa estratégia integrada de diversificação da economia e de criação de emprego local, através da valorização dos recursos endógenos do território, da participação comunitária e da cooperação interterritorial. A Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro dinamizou este projeto na região Norte de Portugal. Numa primeira fase, foram identificadas e caraterizadas oito aldeias, cujos processos de desenvolvimento registam práticas comunitárias ativas e diferenciadas, potencialmente sustentáveis e transferíveis para outros contextos. Posteriormente, foram selecionadas as aldeias de Provesende (Sabrosa) e Santa Leocádia de Geraz do Lima (Viana do Castelo), para uma análise SWOT, mais aprofundada com as comunidades, que mobilizou a participação ativa dos residentes e agentes institucionais. Dos resultados, destaca-se, como denominador comum, a importância de conhecer experiências exteriores e de envolver a população local para atingir níveis de cumplicidade, adesão e comprometimento. São precisos mais contactos com a população, é preciso animar o território, mas faltam agentes ativos e dinamizadores, que promovam mais consensos, que ajudem a ultrapassar obstáculos, a alargar os horizontes e que liderem os processos em determinados momentos. É fundamental a avaliação das práticas e a promoção da reflexividade, envolvendo as comunidades

    Circles and communities, sharing practices and learning: Looking at old and new extension education approaches

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    Abstract: We live today in a "knowledge society", but "knowledge transfer" is no more the dominant extension education paradigm. Th

    HLA haplotypes and differential regional mortality caused by COVID-19 in Brazil: an ecological study based on a large bone marrow donor bank dataset

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mortality rates varied among the states of Brazil during the course of the pandemics. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is a critical component of the antigen presentation pathway. Individuals with different HLA genotypes may trigger different immune responses against pathogens, which could culminate in different COVID-19 responses. HLA genotypes are variable, especially in the highly admixed Brazilian population. In this ecological study, we aimed to investigate the correlation between HLA haplotypes and the different regional distribution of COVID-19 mortality in Brazil. HLA data was obtained from 4,148,713 individuals registered in The Brazilian Voluntary Bone Marrow Donors Registry. COVID-19 data was retrieved from epidemiological bulletins issued by State Health Secretariats via Brazil’s Ministry of Health from February/2020 to July/2022. We found a positive significant correlation between the HLA-A*01~B*08~DRB1*03 haplotype and COVID-19 mortality rates when we analyzed data from 26 states and the Federal District. This result indicates that the HLAA*01~B*08~DRB1*03 haplotype may represent an additional risk factor for dying due to COVID-19. This haplotype should be further studied in other populations for a better understanding of the variation in COVID-19 outcomes across the world