2,285 research outputs found

    Competitividade da soja e a geração de divisas

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    The high Brazilian external dependence turns the persecution for foreign reserves a permanent concern. This paper analyzes soybean competitiveness after 1990 as it led Brazilian agricultural exports and became its main exchange value source. By using several indicators it concludes for an increasing competitiveness of the grain and decreasing for cake of soybeans since 1997. During the ninety decade there were expressive increases of crop productivity, but after that the production was due to area increases; from 1991 to 2003 doubled the share of inputs (fertilizers, corrective and pesticides) in the production cost, the expense with those imported inputs was multiplied by ten, while soybean and its derived product export value was multiplied by four; the reached competitiveness is considered not maintainable since the export value concentration exposes the country to risks related to international conjuncture.Competitiveness, Agriculture, Soybean, External market, International Relations/Trade,

    An intelligent decision support system for road freight transport

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    This paper presents an Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) to optimize transport and logistics activities in a set of Portuguese companies currently operating in the freight transport sector. This IDSS comprises three main modules that can be used individually or chained together, dedicated to: a geographic clustering detection of transport services; a transport driver suggestion; and a route and truck-load optimization. The IDSS was entirely designed and developed to support real-time data and it consists of an end-to-end solution (E2ES), given that it covers all the main transport and logistics processes since the registration in the database to the optimized transport plan. The entire set of functionalities inserted in the IDSS was designed and validated by freight transport sector experts from the different companies that will use the proposed system.ERDF - European Regional Development Fund(undefined)The authors would like to express the most significant recognition to the project on which this IDSS has arisen, “aDyTrans - Dynamic Transportations Platform” reference NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-045174, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERD

    Production optimization of biodiesel from frying oil waste to reduce the environmental impacts

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    The objective of this study was to reduce the environmental impacts of used frying oil waste through the production of biodiesel. A 22 factorial planning has been used to evaluate the influences of alcohol/oil and reaction time on the biodiesel production yield. The optimal condition to produce the biodiesel has been found by use of the response surface methodology and analysis of variance to obtain the fitting model. This study was conducted in Campinas city, Brazil, where were collected the waste oil. An analysis of ecological cost also has been developed. Cooking oils collected from Campinas homes were mixed with ethanol in planned proportions (1:9, 1:7 and 1:5) and were transesterified at 60 °C and planned reaction times (30, 60 or 90 min), in order to obtain biodiesel, using 0.1% NaOH as a catalyst. The results of the physical-chemical analyses demonstrated that the biodiesels obtained possessed characteristics close to those required by Brazilian standards. This fuel could be used in fleets of buses, trucks and machines, or even sold to fuel distributors, which results in a solving between US0.8andUS0.8 and US4.5 millions. Thus, Campinas would gain environmental credits and become a sustainable city8621625CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQsem informaçãoThe authors thank to Nine July University (UNINOVE) and National Research Council CNPq for the financial support

    A família e a escola na construção da cidadania

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    A famĂ­lia e a escola desempenham um papel importantĂ­ssimo na construção da cidadania de crianças e jovens. Portanto, individualmente e em conjunto, ambas podem e devem possibilitar o desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias necessĂĄrias a uma vida harmĂłnica e equilibrada em sociedade. O exemplo dos mais velhos Ă© fundamental para a assimilação e aprendizagem da vida democrĂĄtica, com responsabilidade, autonomia e solidariedade. A educação para a carreira pode favorecer desde cedo o futuro adulto a ter uma vida profissional e produtiva mais satisfatĂłria, realizando atividades para as quais esteja efetivamente vocacionado. O objetivo do presente artigo Ă© refletir e repensar o papel da famĂ­lia e da escola na formação de sujeitos cidadĂŁos. Infelizmente, os pais contemporĂąneos eximem-se da autoridade que lhes seria devida para educar seus filhos, optando por transferirem tal responsabilidade para a escola (Savater, 2008). Se outrora pensĂĄvamos apenas na necessidade de educar nossos filhos e alunos, hoje tambĂ©m jĂĄ carecemos de uma educação parental (Gameiro, 2004; Delgado-Martins, 2011). Uma intervenção recomendada aos profissionais e familiares que atuam junto aos jovens deve considerar uma trĂ­plice função: «  mudança de atitude dos adultos face aos adolescentes; aposta no diĂĄlogo intergeracional; ajuda aos jovens na concretização dos seus projectos de vida» (Matos & Sampaio, 2009, pp. 23-24). Sem alguns parĂąmetros, minimamente coerentes e sensatos, de vivĂȘncia social e cĂ­vica de professores, pais, outros familiares e/ou pessoas prĂłximas, dificilmente teremos no futuro uma sociedade verdadeiramente cidadĂŁ.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo comparou os motivos de ingresso e permanĂȘncia de jovens na prĂĄtica do Kung-Fu. Um questionĂĄrio semiestruturado foi elaborado sobre a importĂąncia (‘nada importante’, ‘pouco importante’, ‘importante’, ‘muito importante’) de nove motivos (mĂ­dia, saĂșde, estĂ©tica, filosofia, autodefesa, kung-fu, esporte, lazer, outros) para ingresso e permanĂȘncia e foi aplicado a 50 praticantes de ambos os sexos (14 a 17 anos) com ao menos um ano de treinamento. Foram observadas diferenças significativas (P<0,001) entre motivos de ingresso e permanĂȘncia pela frequĂȘncia de respostas agrupadas ‘nada importante e pouco importante’ e ‘importante e muito importante’. A autodefesa foi identificada como muito importante pela maioria (n=26, 52%) para ingresso e importante (n=20, 40%) para permanĂȘncia. A saĂșde foi considerada pela maioria como muito importante (n=28, 56%) para a permanĂȘncia e como importante para o ingresso (n=19, 38%). A filosofia foi considerada nada importante para ingresso pela maioria (n=9, 18%), mas muito importante (n=24, 48%) para permanĂȘncia. A mĂ­dia foi identificada como nada importante para permanĂȘncia pela maioria (n=16, 32%), mas como importante para ingresso (n=21, 42%). A filosofia, a saĂșde, a autodefesa, as particularidades do Kung-Fu, o esporte, o lazer e a estĂ©tica sĂŁo os fatores considerados mais importantes para a permanĂȘncia na arte marcial por pelo menos um ano de treino

    Consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e direção de veículos, balanço da lei seca, Brasil 2007 a 2013

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    O estudo analisa a tendĂȘncia da frequĂȘncia de adultos que dirigem alcoolizados, nas capitais brasileiras, apĂłs aprovação das leis que proĂ­bem uso de ĂĄlcool e direção. Foram utilizados dados do sistema de VigilĂąncia de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças CrĂŽnicas por InquĂ©rito TelefĂŽnico (Vigitel), entre 2007 e 2013. A frequĂȘncia de adultos que dirigiram apĂłs o consumo abusivo foi reduzida em 45,0% no perĂ­odo (2,0% em 2007 a 1,1% em 2013). ReduçÔes significativas foram verificadas nos anos imediatamente apĂłs a publicação das leis que proĂ­bem o uso do ĂĄlcool e direção entre 2007 e 2008 (-0,5%) e entre 2012 e 2013 (-0,5%). As melhorias apontadas em relação a dirigir alcoolizado mostram mudança dos hĂĄbitos da população brasileira.The study analyzes the trend in frequency of adults who drive under the influence of alcohol in major Brazilian cities after the passing of laws, which prohibit drunk driving. Data from the Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (VIGITEL) between 2007 and 2013 were analyzed. The frequency of adults who drove after abusive alcohol consumption was reduced by 45.0% during this period (2.0% in 2007 to 1.1% in 2013). Between 2007 and 2008 (-0.5%) and between 2012 and 2013 (-0.5%), significant reductions were observed in the years immediately after the publication of these laws that prohibit drunk driving. These improvements towards the control of drunk driving show a change in the Brazilian population’s lifestyle

    Age and menarcheal status do not influence metabolic response to aerobic training in overweight girls

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    BACKGROUND: Multidisciplinary intervention is an alternative for the treatment of children and adolescent obese. However, the influence of age and menarcheal status in the pattern of metabolic response of obese girls has not been investigated. The following study examined the effects of a 12-week multidisciplinary intervention on metabolic health in overweight girls and the contribution of age and menarcheal status on the resulting changes. METHODS: Eighty-eight overweight girls (10 - 16 years) were considered initially for this study and randomly assigned (intervention group: n = 58; control group: n = 30). Forty-six girls completed the intervention program and 16 girls completed the follow-up for the control group. The 12-week intervention included aerobic exercises (three times per week) and nutritional intervention. Anthropometrical measures (body mass, body mass index and waist circumference), menarcheal status and metabolic profiles including glucose, insulin, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were assessed in the beginning and after of intervention. Additionally, were calculated homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI). RESULTS: After 12-week, girls decreased significantly the body mass (76.6 ± 14.7 to 75.7 ± 14.6 kg) body mass index (30.1 ± 4.0 to 29.4 ± 4.0 kg/m(2)) and waist circumference (98.9 ± 10.9 to 96.5 ± 11.4 cm). There were differences in HDL-C (43.1 ± 8.2 to 50.3 ± 9.4 mg/dl), TG (120.9 ± 64.3 to 93.3 ± 47.9 mg/dl) and insulin (16.9 ± 7.6 to 15.6 ± 9.8 mg/dl). Relative contribution of age was significant only for within-subject variability in waist circumference. CONCLUSIONS: The multidisciplinary based on aerobic training intervention used in this study produced substantial benefits on metabolic health indicators in overweight girls. The changes observed were not related to inter-individual variability in age and maturity status


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as apreensĂ”es associadas a crimes de contrabando e descaminho na fronteira Brasil/BolĂ­via entre os anos de 2015 e 2017 e apreensĂ”es em nĂ­vel nacional entre 2012 e 2017, atravĂ©s da anĂĄlise de sĂ©ries temporais para o ajuste de modelos e construção de intervalos de predição para prover informaçÔes que auxiliem as autoridades no combate e prevenção aos crimes fiscais. Em nĂ­vel nacional verificou-se aumento das arrecadaçÔes. Na fronteira Brasil/BolĂ­via, constatou-se decrĂ©scimo nas ocorrĂȘncias, refletindo a fragilidade na fiscalização local, sugerindo a necessidade de implementar polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas com foco na repressĂŁo e vigilĂąncia


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as apreensĂ”es associadas a crimes de contrabando e descaminho na fronteira Brasil/BolĂ­via entre os anos de 2015 e 2017 e apreensĂ”es em nĂ­vel nacional entre 2012 e 2017, atravĂ©s da anĂĄlise de sĂ©ries temporais para o ajuste de modelos e construção de intervalos de predição para prover informaçÔes que auxiliem as autoridades no combate e prevenção aos crimes fiscais. Em nĂ­vel nacional verificou-se aumento das arrecadaçÔes. Na fronteira Brasil/BolĂ­via, constatou-se decrĂ©scimo nas ocorrĂȘncias, refletindo a fragilidade na fiscalização local, sugerindo a necessidade de implementar polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas com foco na repressĂŁo e vigilĂąncia
