4,775 research outputs found

    Teaching for the Intergration of the Christian Personality

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    Teaching for a full-orbed commitment or for the complete integration of the Christian personality is not substitution for the work of the Holy Spirit. God. has placed the means for Christian education into human hands, for He has given the Church the command to teach the Word of God through which the Holy Spirit enters into the hearts of men. Christians educators are co-workers of the Holy Spirit in achieving the desired goal. This, then, is the purpose of this paper: that we discuss those factors which are essential in teaching for the fullest possible commitment to Jesus Christ

    Analyse canonique généralisée régularisée et approche PLS

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    International audienceNous donnons dans cette communication une définition de l'analyse canonique généralisée au niveau de la population (ACG-population) qui constitue le cadre théorique de l'approche PLS proposée par Herman Wold et à ses extensions proposées par Jan-Bernd Lohmöller et Nicole KrÀmer. En écrivant les équations stationnaires de l'ACG-population au niveau de l'échantillon et en utilisant des estimations régularisées (shrinkage estimations) des matrices de covariance des blocs, nous obtenons de nouvelles équations stationnaires au niveau de l'échantillon. Ces équations stationnaires sont également celles d'un problÚme d'optimisation que nous appelons analyse canonique généralisée régularisée (ACGR). En recherchant un point fixe de ces équations stationnaires au niveau de l'échantillon nous obtenons un algorithme trÚs similaire à l'approche PLS de Wold-Lohmöller-KrÀmer. De plus, nous démontrons la convergence monotone de l'algorithme proposé. Mots-clés: Analyse de tableaux multiples, Approche PLS, Analyse canonique généralisée régularisé

    Note sur les sols de la région Gallion-Comté

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    Photoproduction of pi+ pi- pairs in a model with tensor-pomeron and vector-odderon exchange

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    We consider the reaction (gamma p) to (pi+ pi- p) at high energies. Our description includes dipion production via the resonances rho, omega, rho-prime and f2, and via non-resonant mechanisms. The calculation is based on a model of high energy scattering with the exchanges of photon, pomeron, odderon and reggeons. The pomeron and the C=+1 reggeons are described as effective tensor exchanges, the odderon and the C=-1 reggeons as effective vector exchanges. We obtain a gauge-invariant version of the Drell-Soeding mechanism which produces the skewing of the rho-meson shape. Starting from the explicit formulae for the matrix element for dipion production we construct an event generator which comprises all contributions mentioned above and includes all interference terms. We give examples of total and differential cross sections and discuss asymmetries which are due to interference of C=+1 and C=-1 exchange contributions. These asymmetries can be used to search for odderon effects. Our model is intended to provide all necessary theoretical tools for a detailed experimental analysis of elastic dipion production for which data exist from fixed target experiments, from HERA, and are now being collected by LHC experiments.Comment: 49 page

    Strength and Noetherianity for infinite Tensors

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    This thesis has four chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the concepts of Noetherianity up to the action of a group and polynomial functors. In Chapter 2, we prove that certain spaces associated to sequences of diagonal embeddings are Noetherian up to the action of the groups acting on them. Chapter 3 is devoted to investigating the strength of polynomials. In Chapter 4, we study closed subsets of polynomial functors. We prove that strict closed subsets always arise as unions of images from smaller polynomial functors

    How to coexist with fire ants: The roles of behaviour and cuticular compounds

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    tBecause territoriality is energetically costly, territorial animals frequently respond less aggressively toneighbours than to strangers, a reaction known as the “dear enemy phenomenon” (DEP). The contrary,the “nasty neighbour effect” (NNE), occurs mainly for group-living species defending resource-basedterritories. We studied the relationships between supercolonies of the pest fire ant Solenopsis saevissimaand eight ant species able to live in the vicinity of its nests plus Eciton burchellii, an army ant predatorof other ants. The workers from all of the eight ant species behaved submissively when confrontedwith S. saevissima (dominant) individuals, whereas the contrary was never true. Yet, S. saevissima weresubmissive towards E. burchellii workers. Both DEP and NNE were observed for the eight ant species, withsubmissive behaviours less frequent in the case of DEP. To distinguish what is due to chemical cues fromwhat can be attributed to behaviour, we extracted cuticular compounds from all of the nine ant speciescompared and transferred them onto a number of S. saevissima workers that were then confronted withuntreated conspecifics. The cuticular compounds from three species, particularly E. burchellii, triggeredgreater aggressiveness by S. saevissima workers, while those from the other species did not
