43 research outputs found

    The timing of oilseed flax sowing in the steppe zone of Western Siberia

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    In the steppe zone of the Omsk region from 2020 to 2022 two sowing periods (May, 15 and 25) of Severny oilseed flax with a seeding rate of five million germinated seeds per hectare on four chemicalization backgrounds were tested. With the norm for the steppe zone of the HTC 0.78 all the years of the experiments this indicator was only 0.37-0.58. Having sowed in the third decade of May, the yield of oilseed flax seeds with the use of a tank mixture of herbicides (Agritox, WC 1 l/ha and Legion, EC 0,4 l/ha) with a working fluid flow rate of 200 l/ha 0.868 tons of oilseeds were obtained from 1 ha and 1.009 t/ha were obtained with the help of a complex chemicalization, where Lingohumate 100 g/ha was used during the leaf development phase in a mixture of herbicides and Isagry Bor 0.5 l/ha during the building phase. They provided a profitability level of 197 %. Similar results were obtained having used only herbicides – 179.9 %. Ammophos’s introduction during sowing did not bring a significant increase in yield and reduced economic indicators. Having sowed in the second decade of May, the annual oilseeds yield was significantly lower and, accordingly, the level of profitability was decreasing sharply from 27.8 to 87.8 %

    Genomic signatures of freshwater adaptation in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii)

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    Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) is an essential target of commercial fishing in the North Pacific Ocean. Previous studies have suggested the existence of marine and lake ecological forms of this species within its range. The lake ecological form of herring has a shortened life cycle, spending the winter and spawning in brackish waters near the shoreline without long migrations for feed-ing; it also has a relatively smaller body size than the marine form. Genetic-based studies have shown that brackish water Pacific herring not only can be distinguished as a separate lake eco-logical form but possibly has its genetic legacy. Here, as part of an ongoing study, using ddRAD-sequencing data for marine and lake ecological forms from a total of 54 individuals and methods of comparative bioinformatics, we describe genomic signatures of freshwater adaptivity in Pacific herring. In total, 253 genes containing discriminating SNPs were found, and part of those genes was organized into genome clusters, also known as “genomic islands of divergence”. Moreover, the Tajima’s D test showed that these loci are under directional selection in the lake populations of the Pacific herring. Yet, most discriminating loci between the lake and marine eco-logical forms of Pacific herring do not intersect (by gene name) with those in other known marine fish species with known freshwater/brackish populations. However, some are associated with the same physiological trait—osmoregulation.publishedVersio

    Time- and dose dependent actions of cardiotonic steroids on transcriptome and intracellular content of Na+ and K+: a comparative analysis

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    Recent studies demonstrated that in addition to Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition cardiotonic steroids (CTSs) affect diverse intracellular signaling pathways. This study examines the relative impact of [Na+]i/[K+]i-mediated and -independent signaling in transcriptomic changes triggered by the endogenous CTSs ouabain and marinobufagenin (MBG) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). We noted that prolongation of incubation increased the apparent affinity for ouabain estimated by the loss of [K+]i and gain of [Na+]i. Six hour exposure of HUVEC to 100 and 3,000 nM ouabain resulted in elevation of the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio by ~15 and 80-fold and differential expression of 258 and 2185 transcripts, respectively. Neither [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio nor transcriptome were affected by 6-h incubation with 30 nM ouabain. The 96-h incubation with 3 nM ouabain or 30 nM MBG elevated the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio by ~14 and 3-fold and led to differential expression of 880 and 484 transcripts, respectively. These parameters were not changed after 96-h incubation with 1 nM ouabain or 10 nM MBG. Thus, our results demonstrate that elevation of the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio is an obligatory step for transcriptomic changes evoked by CTS in HUVEC. The molecular origin of upstream [Na+]i/[K+]i sensors involved in transcription regulation should be identified in forthcoming studies

    Deoxygenation affects composition of membrane-bound proteins in human erythrocytes

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    Background/Aims: ATP release from erythrocyte plays a key role in hypoxia-induced elevation of blood flow in systematic circulation. We have previously shown that hemolysis contributes to erythrocyte ATP release triggered by several stimuli, including hypoxia, but the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia-increased membrane fragility remain unknown. Methods: In this study, we compared the action of hypoxia on hemolysis, ATP release and the composition of membrane-bound proteins in human erythrocytes. Results: Twenty minutes incubation of human erythrocytes in the oxygen-free environment increased the content of extracellular hemoglobin by ∼1.5 fold. Paired measurements of hemoglobin and ATP content in the same samples, showed a positive correlation between hemolysis and ATP release. Comparative analysis of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of erythrocyte ghosts obtained under control and deoxygenated conditions revealed a ∼2-fold elevation of the content of membrane-bound protein with Mr of ∼60 kDa. Conclusion: Deoxygenation of human erythrocytes affects composition of membrane-bound proteins. Additional experiments should be performed to identify the molecular origin of 60 kDa protein and its role in the attenuation of erythrocyte integrity and ATP release in hypoxic conditions

    Measurement of electrodynamics characteristics of higher order modes for harmonic cavity at 2400 MHz

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    In the frameworks of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) upgrade program an application of additional superconducting harmonic cavities operating at 800 MHz is currently under discussion. As a possible candidate, an assembly of two cavities with grooved beam pipes connected by a drift tube and housed in a common cryomodule, was proposed. In this article we discuss measurements of loaded Q-factors of higher order modes (HOM) performed on a scaled aluminium single cell cavity prototype with the fundamental frequency of 2400 MHz and on an array of two such cavities connected by a narrow beam pipe. The measurements were performed for the system with and without the matching load in the drift tube.

    Розробка методики структурно-параметричної оцінки стану об’єкту

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    A method of structural and parametric assessment of the object state has been developed. The essence of the method is to provide an analysis of the current state of the object under analysis. The key difference of the developed method is the use of advanced procedures for processing undefined initial data, selection, crossover, mutation, formation of the initial population, advanced procedure for training artificial neural networks and rounding coordinates. The use of the method of structural-parametric assessment of the object state allows increasing the efficiency of object state assessment. An objective and complete analysis is achieved using an advanced algorithm of evolution strategies. The essence of the training procedure is the training of synaptic weights of the artificial neural network, the type and parameters of the membership function, the architecture of individual elements and the architecture of the artificial neural network as a whole. An example of using the proposed method in assessing the operational situation of the troops (forces) grouping is given. The developed method is 30–35 % more efficient in terms of the fitness of the obtained solution compared to the conventional algorithm of evolution strategies. Also, the proposed method is 20–25 % better than the modified algorithms of evolution strategies due to the use of additional improved procedures according to the criterion of fitness of the obtained solution. The proposed method can be used in decision support systems of automated control systems (artillery units, special-purpose geographic information systems). It can also be used in DSS for aviation and air defense ACS, DSS for logistics ACS of the Armed Forces of UkraineПроведена разработка методики структурно-параметрической оценки состояния объекта. Сущность методики заключается в обеспечении анализа текущего состояния объекта, который анализируется. Ключевым отличием разработанной методики, является использование усовершенствованных процедур обработки неопределенных исходных данных, селекции, скрещивания, мутации, формирования начальной популяции, усовершенствованной процедуры обучения искусственных нейронных сетей и округления координат. Использование методики структурно-параметрической оценки состояния объекта позволяет повысить оперативность оценки состояния объекта. Объективный и полный анализ достигается использованием усовершенствованного алгоритма эволюционных стратегий. Сущность процедуры обучения состоит в том, что происходит обучение синаптических весов искусственной нейронной сети, типа и параметров функции принадлежности, а также архитектуры отдельных элементов и архитектуры искусственной нейронной сети в целом. Приведён пример использования предложенной методики на примере оценки состояния оперативной обстановки группировки войск (сил). Разработанная методика имеет на 30–35 % большую эффективность по критерию пригодности полученного решения по сравнению с классическим алгоритмом эволюционных стратегий. Также предложенная методика лучше на 20–25 % по сравнению с модифицированными методами эволюционных стратегий за счет использования дополнительных усовершенствованных процедур по критерию пригодности полученного решения. Предлагается использование предложенной методики в системах поддержки принятия решений автоматизированных систем управления (артиллерийских подразделений, геоинформационных систем специального назначения). Также возможно использование в СППР АСУ авиацией и противовоздушной обороны, СППР АСУ логистического обеспечения Вооруженных Сил УкраиныПроведено розробку методики структурно-параметричної оцінки стану об’єкту. Сутність методики полягає в забезпеченні аналізу поточного стану об’єкту, що аналізується. Ключовою відмінністю розробленої методики, є використання удосконалених процедур оброблення невизначених вихідних даних, селекції, схрещування, мутації, формування початкової популяції, удосконаленої процедури навчання штучних нейронних мереж та округлення координат. Використання методики структурно-параметричної оцінки стану об’єкту дозволяє підвищити оперативність оцінки стану об’єкту. Об’єктивний та повний аналіз досягається використанням удосконаленого алгоритму еволюційних стратегій. Сутність процедури навчання полягає в тому, що відбувається навчання синаптичних ваг штучної нейронної мережі, типу та параметрів функції належності, а також архітектури окремих елементів і архітектури штучної нейронної мережі в цілому. Наведений приклад використання запропонованої методики на прикладі оцінки стану оперативної обстановки угруповання війсь (сил). Розроблена методика має на 30–35 % більшу ефективність за критерієм придатності отриманого рішення в порівнянні з класичним алгоритмом еволюційних стратегій. Також запропонована методика є кращою на 20–25 % у порівнянні з модифікованими алгоритмами еволюційних стратегій за рахунок використання додаткових удосконалених процедур за критерієм придатності отриманого рішення. Пропонується використання запропонованої методики в системах підтримки прийняття рішень автоматизованих систем управління (СППР АСУ) артилерійськими підрозділами, геоінформаційних систем спеціального призначення). Також можливо використання СППР АСУ авіацією та протиповітряної оборони, СППР АСУ логістичного забезпечення Збройних Сил Україн

    Торцева фреза з підвищеною надійністю закріплення різальних вставок

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    Торцева фреза з підвищеною надійністю закріплення різальних вставок містить корпус із отворами, циліндричні різальні вставки з напрямними плоскими лисками, які встановлені в цих отворах і закріплені за допомогою кріпильних гвинтів, останні розташовані в різьових отворах, виконаних у корпусі, осі яких розміщені в площині осі отворів під різальні вставки та перпендикулярні їй. Плоскі лиски на різальних вставках виконано у вигляді занижених ділянок-пазів, кількість яких відповідає кількості кріпильних гвинтів, і довжина кожної з цих ділянок, виміряна уздовж осі різальної вставки, є не меншою, ніж діаметр кріпильних гвинтів. Крім цього, у кожному різьовому отворі зверху кріпильного гвинта встановлено стопорний гвинт з таким же діаметром різі та контактуючий своїм робочим нижнім торцем із кріпильним гвинтом

    Search for exclusive photoproduction of Zc±(3900) at COMPASS

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    Patterns and Temporal Dynamics of Natural Recombination in Noroviruses

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    Noroviruses infect a wide range of mammals and are the major cause of gastroenteritis in humans. Recombination at the junction of ORF1 encoding nonstructural proteins and ORF2 encoding major capsid protein VP1 is a well-known feature of noroviruses. Using all available complete norovirus sequences, we systematically analyzed patterns of natural recombination in the genus Norovirus both throughout the genome and across the genogroups. Recombination events between nonstructural (ORF1) and structural genomic regions (ORF2 and ORF3) were found in all analyzed genogroups of noroviruses, although recombination was most prominent between members of GII, the most common genogroup that infects humans. The half-life times of recombinant forms (clades without evidence of recombination) of human GI and GII noroviruses were 10.4 and 8.4–11.3 years, respectively. There was evidence of many recent recombination events, and most noroviruses that differed by more than 18% of nucleotide sequence were recombinant relative to each other. However, there were no distinct recombination events between viruses that differed by over 42% in ORF2/3, consistent with the absence of systematic recombination between different genogroups. The few inter-genogroup recombination events most likely occurred between ancient viruses before they diverged into contemporary genogroups. The recombination events within ORF1 or between ORF2/3 were generally rare. Thus, noroviruses routinely exchange full structural and nonstructural blocks of the genome, providing a modular evolution

    The timing of oilseed flax sowing in the steppe zone of Western Siberia

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    In the steppe zone of the Omsk region from 2020 to 2022 two sowing periods (May, 15 and 25) of Severny oilseed flax with a seeding rate of five million germinated seeds per hectare on four chemicalization backgrounds were tested. With the norm for the steppe zone of the HTC 0.78 all the years of the experiments this indicator was only 0.37-0.58. Having sowed in the third decade of May, the yield of oilseed flax seeds with the use of a tank mixture of herbicides (Agritox, WC 1 l/ha and Legion, EC 0,4 l/ha) with a working fluid flow rate of 200 l/ha 0.868 tons of oilseeds were obtained from 1 ha and 1.009 t/ha were obtained with the help of a complex chemicalization, where Lingohumate 100 g/ha was used during the leaf development phase in a mixture of herbicides and Isagry Bor 0.5 l/ha during the building phase. They provided a profitability level of 197 %. Similar results were obtained having used only herbicides – 179.9 %. Ammophos’s introduction during sowing did not bring a significant increase in yield and reduced economic indicators. Having sowed in the second decade of May, the annual oilseeds yield was significantly lower and, accordingly, the level of profitability was decreasing sharply from 27.8 to 87.8 %