41 research outputs found

    Robust relations between CCN and the vertical evolution of cloud drop size distribution in deep convective clouds

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    In-situ measurements in convective clouds (up to the freezing level) over the Amazon basin show that smoke from deforestation fires prevents clouds from precipitating until they acquire a vertical development of at least 4 km, compared to only 1-2 km in clean clouds. The average cloud depth required for the onset of warm rain increased by similar to 350 m for each additional 100 cloud condensation nuclei per cm(3) at a super-saturation of 0.5% (CCN0.5%). In polluted clouds, the diameter of modal liquid water content grows much slower with cloud depth (at least by a factor of similar to 2), due to the large number of droplets that compete for available water and to the suppressed coalescence processes. Contrary to what other studies have suggested, we did not observe this effect to reach saturation at 3000 or more accumulation mode particles per cm(3). The CCN0.5% concentration was found to be a very good predictor for the cloud depth required for the onset of warm precipitation and other microphysical factors, leaving only a secondary role for the updraft velocities in determining the cloud drop size distributions. The effective radius of the cloud droplets (r(e)) was found to be a quite robust parameter for a given environment and cloud depth, showing only a small effect of partial droplet evaporation from the cloud's mixing with its drier environment. This supports one of the basic assumptions of satellite analysis of cloud microphysical processes: the ability to look at different cloud top heights in the same region and regard their r(e) as if they had been measured inside one well developed cloud. The dependence of r(e) on the adiabatic fraction decreased higher in the clouds, especially for cleaner conditions, and disappeared at r(e)>=similar to 10 mu m. We propose that droplet coalescence, which is at its peak when warm rain is formed in the cloud at r(e)=similar to 10 mu m, continues to be significant during the cloud's mixing with the entrained air, cancelling out the decrease in r(e) due to evaporation

    Aerosol number fluxes over the Amazon rain forest during the wet season

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    Number fluxes of particles with diameter larger than 10 nm were measured with the eddy covariance method over the Amazon rain forest during the wet season as part of the LBA (The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) campaign 2008. The primary goal was to investigate whether sources or sinks dominate the aerosol number flux in the tropical rain forest-atmosphere system. During the measurement campaign, from 12 March to 18 May, 60% of the particle fluxes pointed downward, which is a similar fraction to what has been observed over boreal forests. The net deposition flux prevailed even in the absolute cleanest atmospheric conditions during the campaign and therefore cannot be explained only by deposition of anthropogenic particles. The particle transfer velocity v(t) increased with increasing friction velocity and the relation is described by the equation v(t) = 2.4x10(-3)xu(*) where u(*) is the friction velocity. Upward particle fluxes often appeared in the morning hours and seem to a large extent to be an effect of entrainment fluxes into a growing mixed layer rather than primary aerosol emission. In general, the number source of primary aerosol particles within the footprint area of the measurements was small, possibly because the measured particle number fluxes reflect mostly particles less than approximately 200 nm. This is an indication that the contribution of primary biogenic aerosol particles to the aerosol population in the Amazon boundary layer may be low in terms of number concentrations. However, the possibility of horizontal variations in primary aerosol emission over the Amazon rain forest cannot be ruled out.National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA)LBA infrastructure teamCNPq/MCT Millennium Institute ProgramFAPES

    A comparison of dry and wet season aerosol number fluxes over the Amazon rain forest

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    Vertical number fluxes of aerosol particles and vertical fluxes of CO(2) were measured with the eddy covariance method at the top of a 53 m high tower in the Amazon rain forest as part of the LBA (The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) experiment. The observed aerosol number fluxes included particles with sizes down to 10 nm in diameter. The measurements were carried out during the wet and dry season in 2008. In this study focus is on the dry season aerosol fluxes, with significant influence from biomass burning, and these are compared with aerosol fluxes measured during the wet season. Net particle deposition fluxes dominated in daytime in both seasons and the deposition flux was considerably larger in the dry season due to the much higher dry season particle concentration. The particle transfer velocity increased linearly with increasing friction velocity in both seasons. The difference in transfer velocity between the two seasons was small, indicating that the seasonal change in aerosol number size distribution is not enough for causing any significant change in deposition velocity. In general, particle transfer velocities in this study are low compared to studies over boreal forests. The reasons are probably the high percentage of accumulation mode particles and the low percentage of nucleation mode particles in the Amazon boundary layer, both in the dry and wet season, and low wind speeds in the tropics compared to the midlatitudes. In the dry season, nocturnal particle fluxes behaved very similar to the nocturnal CO(2) fluxes. Throughout the night, the measured particle flux at the top of the tower was close to zero, but early in the morning there was an upward particle flux peak that is not likely a result of entrainment or local pollution. It is possible that these morning upward particle fluxes are associated with emission of primary biogenic particles from the rain forest. Emitted particles may be stored within the canopy during stable conditions at nighttime, similarly to CO(2), and being released from the canopy when conditions become more turbulent in the morning.National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA)LBACNPq/MCTFAPES

    Aerosol and precipitation chemistry measurements in a remote site in Central Amazonia: the role of biogenic contribution

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    In this analysis a 3.5 years data set of aerosol and precipitation chemistry, obtained in a remote site in Central Amazonia (Balbina, (1A degrees 55' S, 59A degrees 29' W, 174 m a.s.l.), about 200 km north of Manaus) is discussed. Aerosols were sampled using stacked filter units (SFU), which separate fine (d < 2.5 mu m) and coarse mode (2.5 mu m < d < 10.0 mu m) aerosol particles. Filters were analyzed for particulate mass (PM), Equivalent Black Carbon (BCE) and elemental composition by Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE). Rainwater samples were collected using a wet-only sampler and samples were analyzed for pH and ionic composition, which was determined using ionic chromatography (IC). Natural sources dominated the aerosol mass during the wet season, when it was predominantly of natural biogenic origin mostly in the coarse mode, which comprised up to 81% of PM10. Biogenic aerosol from both primary emissions and secondary organic aerosol dominates the fine mode in the wet season, with very low concentrations (average 2.2 mu g m(-3)). Soil dust was responsible for a minor fraction of the aerosol mass (less than 17%). Sudden increases in the concentration of elements as Al, Ti and Fe were also observed, both in fine and coarse mode (mostly during the April-may months), which we attribute to episodes of Saharan dust transport. During the dry periods, a significant contribution to the fine aerosols loading was observed, due to the large-scale transport of smoke from biomass burning in other portions of the Amazon basin. This contribution is associated with the enhancement of the concentration of S, K, Zn and BCE. Chlorine, which is commonly associated to sea salt and also to biomass burning emissions, presented higher concentration not only during the dry season but also for the April-June months, due to the establishment of more favorable meteorological conditions to the transport of Atlantic air masses to Central Amazonia. The chemical composition of rainwater was similar to those ones observed in other remote sites in tropical forests. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) pH was 4.90. The most important contribution to acidity was from weak organic acids. The organic acidity was predominantly associated with the presence of acetic acid instead of formic acid, which is more often observed in pristine tropical areas. Wet deposition rates for major species did not differ significantly between dry and wet season, except for NH4+, citrate and acetate, which had smaller deposition rates during dry season. While biomass burning emissions were clearly identified in the aerosol component, it did not present a clear signature in rainwater. The biogenic component and the long-range transport of sea salt were observed both in aerosols and rainwater composition. The results shown here indicate that in Central Amazonia it is still possible to observe quite pristine atmospheric conditions, relatively free of anthropogenic influences.FAPESPFAPESPCNPqCNP

    Impactos na saúde humana de partículas emitidas por queimadas na Amazônia brasileira

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact on human health of exposure to particulate matter emitted from burnings in the Brazilian Amazon region. METHODS: This was an ecological study using an environmental exposure indicator presented as the percentage of annual hours (AH%) of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3. The outcome variables were the rates of hospitalization due to respiratory disease among children, the elderly and the intermediate age group, and due to childbirth. Data were obtained from the National Space Research Institute and the Ministry of Health for all of the microregions of the Brazilian Amazon region, for the years 2004 and 2005. Multiple regression models for the outcome variables in relation to the predictive variable AH% of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3 were analyzed. The Human Development Index (HDI) and mean number of complete blood counts per 100 inhabitants in the Brazilian Amazon region were the control variables in the regression analyses. RESULTS: The association of the exposure indicator (AH%) was higher for the elderly than for other age groups (β = 0.10). For each 1% increase in the exposure indicator there was an increase of 8% in child hospitalization, 10% in hospitalization of the elderly, and 5% for the intermediate age group, even after controlling for HDI and mean number of complete blood counts. No association was found between the AH% and hospitalization due to childbirth. CONCLUSIONS: The indicator of atmospheric pollution showed an association with occurrences of respiratory diseases in the Brazilian Amazon region, especially in the more vulnerable age groups. This indicator may be used to assess the effects of forest burning on human health.OBJETIVO: Analisar o impacto à saúde humana pela exposição ao material particulado das emissões de queimadas na Amazônia brasileira. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico utilizando o indicador de exposição ambiental apresentado como percentagem anual de horas (AH%) de PM2,5 acima de 80 μg/m³ e como desfecho taxas de hospitalização por doenças respiratórias em crianças, idosos e grupos etários intermediários e taxas de hospitalização por parto. Os dados foram obtidos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais e do Ministério da Saúde para todas as microrregiões da Amazônia Brasileira, nos anos 2004 e 2005. Foram analisados modelos de regressão múltipla das variáveis de desfecho com a variável preditora AH% acima de 80 μg/m³ para PM2,5. O Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e o número médio de hemogramas por 100 habitantes na região da Amazônia brasileira foram variáveis de controle nas análises de regressão. RESULTADOS: Observou-se maior associação do indicador de exposição (AH%) para os idosos do que para outros grupos etários (β = 0,10). Para cada ponto percentual de aumento no indicador de exposição, houve aumento de 10% na taxa de hospitalização de idosos, 8% em internações de crianças, e 5% para a faixa etária intermediária, mesmo ajustando por IDH e número médio de hemogramas. Não foi encontrada associação entre AH% e a taxa de hospitalização por parto. CONCLUSÕES: O indicador de poluição atmosférica mostrou associação com a ocorrência de doenças respiratórias, em especial nos grupos etários mais vulneráveis da Amazônia brasileira, podendo ser utilizado na abordagem dos efeitos da queima das florestas na saúde humana.OBJETIVO: Analizar el impacto a la salud humana por la exposición al material particulado de las emisiones de incendios en el Amazonas brasilero. MÉTODOS: Estudio ecológico utilizando el indicador de exposición ambiental, presentado como porcentaje anual de horas (AH%) de PM2,5 encima de 80 µg/m³ y como resultado tasas de hospitalización por enfermedades respiratorias en niños, ancianos y grupos etarios intermediarios y tasas de hospitalización por parto. Los datos fueron obtenidos del Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciales y del Ministerio de la Salud de Brasil para todas las microrregiones del Amazonas Brasilero, en los años 2004 y 2005. Fueron analizados modelos de regresión múltiple de las variables de resultado con la variable predoctora AH% encima de 80 µg/m³ para PM2,5. El Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH) y el número promedio de hemogramas por 100 habitantes en la región del Amazonas Brasilero fueron variables de control en los análisis de regresión. RESULTADOS: Se observó mayor asociación del indicador de exposición (AH%) para los ancianos en comparación con otros grupos etarios (? = 0,10). Para cada punto porcentual de aumento en el indicador de exposición, hubo aumento de 10% en la tasa de hospitalización de ancianos, 8% en internaciones de niños, y 5% para el grupo etario intermedio, aún ajustando por IDH y número promedio de hemogramas. No fue encontrada asociación entre AH% y la tasa de hospitalización por parto. CONCLUSIONES: El indicador de polución atmosférica mostró asociación con la ocurrencia de enfermedades respiratorias, en especial en los grupos etarios más vulnerables del Amazona Brasilero, pudiendo ser utilizado en el abordaje de los efectos de incendios de las selvas en la salud humana.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso (FAPEMS)/Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Saúde - DECI

    Measured and modelled cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration in São Paulo, Brazil: the importance of aerosol size-resolved chemical composition on CCN concentration prediction

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    Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei\ud (CCN), aerosol size distribution and non-refractory chemical\ud composition were performed from 16 to 31 October 2012\ud in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA), Brazil. CCN\ud measurements were performed at 0.23, 0.45, 0.68, 0.90 and\ud 1.13% water supersaturation and were subsequently compared\ud with the Köhler theory, considering the chemical composition.\ud Real-time chemical composition has been obtained\ud by deploying, for the first time in the SPMA, an aerosol\ud chemical ionization monitor (ACSM). CCN closure analyses\ud were performed considering internal mixtures.\ud Average aerosol composition during the studied period\ud yielded (arithmetic mean ±standard deviation) 4.81±3.05,\ud 3.26±2.10, 0.30±0.27, 0.52±0.32, 0.37±0.21 and\ud 0.04±0.04 μgm−3 for organics, BC, NH4, SO4, NO3\ud and Cl, respectively. Particle number concentration was\ud 12 813±5350 cm−3, with a dominant nucleation mode.\ud CCN concentrations were on average 1090±328 and\ud 3570±1695 cm−3 at SS = 0.23% and SS = 1.13 %, respectively.\ud Results show an increase in aerosol hygroscopicity in the\ud afternoon as a result of aerosol photochemical processing,\ud leading to an enhancement of both organic and inorganic secondary\ud aerosols in the atmosphere, as well as an increase in\ud aerosol average diameter.\ud Considering the bulk composition alone, observed CCN\ud concentrations were substantially overpredicted when compared\ud with the Köhler theory (44.1±47.9% at 0.23% supersaturation and 91.4±40.3% at 1.13% supersaturation).\ud Overall, the impact of composition on the calculated CCN\ud concentration (NCCN) decreases with decreasing supersaturation,\ud partially because using bulk composition introduces\ud less bias for large diameters and lower critical supersaturations,\ud defined as the supersaturation at which the cloud\ud droplet activation will take place. Results suggest that the\ud consideration of only inorganic fraction improves the calculated\ud NCCN.\ud Introducing a size-dependent chemical composition based\ud on filter measurements from previous campaigns has considerably\ud improved simulated values for NCCN (average overprediction\ud error 14.8±38.6% at 0.23% supersaturation and\ud 3.6±21.6% at 1.13% supersaturation). This study provides\ud the first insight on aerosol real-time composition and hygroscopicity\ud at a site strongly impacted by emissions of a unique\ud vehicular fleet due to the extensive biofuel usageFAPES

    Perspectivas de pesquisas na relação entre clima e o funcionamento da Floresta Amazônica

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    Pesquisas recentes do programa LBA (Programa de\ud Grande Escala da Biosfera‑Atmosfera na Amazônia)\ud demonstram ligações entre o clima e o uso da terra\ud na Amazônia e o funcionamento do bioma (1). A\ud vegetação tem uma estreita relação com a atmosfera,\ud controlando uma série de processos físico‑químicos que influenciam\ud a taxa de formação de nuvens, quantidade de núcleos de condensação\ud de nuvens, quantidade de vapor de água, balanço de radiação, emissão\ud de gases biogênicos e de efeito estufa entre tantas outras propriedades.\ud A Amazônia, por sua localização tropical e grande área (Figura 1), é\ud uma importante fonte de vapor de água para nosso planeta. Ela também\ud contém o maior reservatório de carbono entre os ecossistemas\ud terrestres, e tem um papel fundamental na mitigação das mudanças\ud climáticas em curso. A mobilização de pequena fração do carbono\ud acumulado na biomassa da floresta pode perturbar o ciclo de carbono\ud global. A Amazônia também é parte do mais intenso ciclo hidrológico\ud de nosso planeta, com um sofisticado processamento e reciclagem de\ud vapor de água, que alimenta a maior bacia hidrológica. Estes aspectos\ud fazem da região amazônica uma questão central em pesquisas de clima\ud e nas mudanças globais. Desde seu início, o programa LBA focou no\ud relacionamento entre clima, ciclos biogeoquímicos e o papel da mudança\ud de uso do solo em curso, alterando o funcionamento do bioma

    Comparing properties of natural biogenic with biomass burning particles in Amazonia.

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    The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in\ud Amazonia (LBA) is a long-term (20 years) research effort\ud aimed at the understanding of the functioning of the\ud Amazonian ecosystem. The strong biosphere-atmosphere\ud interaction is a key component of the ecosystem functioning.\ud Two aerosol components are the most visible: The natural\ud biogenic emissions of particles and VOCs, and the biomass\ud burning emissions.\ud Two aerosol and trace gases monitoring stations were\ud operated for 4 years in Manaus and Porto Velho, two very\ud distinct sites, with different land use change. Manaus is a very\ud clean and pristine site and Porto Velho is representative of\ud heavy land use change in Amazonia. Aerosol composition,\ud optical properties, size distribution, vertical profiling and\ud optical depth were measured from 2008 to 2012. Aerosol\ud radiative forcing was calculated over large areas. It was\ud observed that the natural biogenic aerosol has significant\ud absorption properties. Organic aerosol dominates the aerosol\ud mass with 80 to 95%. Light scattering and light absorption\ud shows an increase by factor of 10 from Manaus to Porto\ud Velho. Very few new particle formation events were\ud observed. Strong links between aerosols and VOC emissions\ud were observed. Aerosol radiative forcing in Rondonia shows\ud a high -15 watts/m² during the dry season of 2010, showing\ud the large impacts of aerosol loading in the Amazonian\ud ecosystem. The increase in diffuse radiation changes the\ud forest carbon uptake by 20 to 35%, a large increase in this\ud important ecosystem

    Physical–chemical characterisation of the particulate matter inside\ud two road tunnels in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area

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    The notable increase in biofuel usage by the road\ud transportation sector in Brazil during recent years has significantly\ud altered the vehicular fuel composition. Consequently,\ud many uncertainties are currently found in particulate\ud matter vehicular emission profiles. In an effort to better\ud characterise the emitted particulate matter, measurements\ud of aerosol physical and chemical properties were undertaken\ud inside two tunnels located in the São Paulo Metropolitan\ud Area (SPMA). The tunnels show very distinct fleet profiles:\ud in the Jânio Quadros (JQ) tunnel, the vast majority\ud of the circulating fleet are light duty vehicles (LDVs), fuelled\ud on average with the same amount of ethanol as gasoline.\ud In the Rodoanel (RA) tunnel, the particulate emission\ud is dominated by heavy duty vehicles (HDVs) fuelled with\ud diesel (5% biodiesel). In the JQ tunnel, PM2.5 concentration\ud was on average 52 μgm−3, with the largest contribution\ud of organic mass (OM, 42 %), followed by elemental carbon\ud (EC, 17 %) and crustal elements (13 %). Sulphate accounted\ud for 7% of PM2.5 and the sum of other trace elements\ud was 10%. In the RA tunnel, PM2.5 was on average\ud 233 μgm−3, mostly composed of EC (52 %) and OM\ud (39 %). Sulphate, crustal and the trace elements showed a\ud minor contribution with 5 %, 1 %, and 1 %, respectively. The\ud average OC: EC ratio in the JQ tunnel was 1.59±0.09, indicating\ud an important contribution of EC despite the high\ud ethanol fraction in the fuel composition. In the RA tunnel,\ud the OC: EC ratio was 0.49±0.12, consistent with previous\ud measurements of diesel-fuelled HDVs. Besides bulk carbonaceous\ud aerosol measurement, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons\ud (PAHs) were quantified. The sum of the PAHs concentration\ud was 56±5 ngm−3 and 45±9 ngm−3 in the RA\ud and JQ tunnel, respectively. In the JQ tunnel, benzo(a)pyrene\ud (BaP) ranged from 0.9 to 6.7 ngm−3 (0.02–0. 1‰of PM2.5)\ud whereas in the RA tunnel BaP ranged from 0.9 to 4.9 ngm−3\ud (0.004–0. 02‰ of PM2.5), indicating an important relative\ud contribution of LDVs emission to atmospheric BaP.\ud Real-time measurements performed in both tunnels provided\ud aerosol size distributions and optical properties. The\ud average particle count yielded 73 000 cm−3 in the JQ tunnel\ud and 366 000 cm−3 in the RA tunnel, with an average diameter\ud of 48 nm in the former and 39 nm in the latter. Aerosol single\ud scattering albedo, calculated from scattering and absorption\ud observations in the JQ tunnel, indicates a value of 0.5 associated\ud with LDVs. Such single scattering albedo is 20–50%\ud higher than observed in previous tunnel studies, possibly as a\ud result of the large biofuel usage. Given the exceedingly high\ud equivalent black carbon loadings in the RA tunnel, real time\ud light absorption measurements were possible only in the JQ\ud tunnel. Nevertheless, using EC measured from the filters, a\ud single scattering albedo of 0.31 for the RA tunnel has been\ud estimated. The results presented here characterise particulate\ud matter emitted from nearly 1 million vehicles fuelled with a\ud considerable amount of biofuel, providing a unique experimental\ud site worldwideFAPESP - 2008/58104-8CNPq - 402383/2009-

    Biogeography in the air: fungal diversity over land and oceans

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    Biogenic aerosols are relevant for the Earth system, climate, and public health on local, regional, and global scales. Up to now, however, little is known about the diversity and biogeography of airborne microorganisms. We present the first DNA-based analysis of airborne fungi on global scales, showing pronounced geographic patterns and boundaries. In particular we find that the ratio of species richness between Basidiomycota and Ascomycota is much higher in continental air than in marine air. This may be an important difference between the 'blue ocean' and 'green ocean' regimes in the formation of clouds and precipitation, for which fungal spores can act as nuclei. Our findings also suggest that air flow patterns and the global atmospheric circulation are important for the understanding of global changes in biodiversity.Max Planck Society (MPG)Max Planck Society (MPG)LEC Geocycles in MainzLEC Geocycles in Mainzstate Rheinland-Pfalz [596]state RheinlandPfalzGerman Research Foundation [DE1161/2-1, PO1013/5-1, FOR 1525 INUIT]German Research Foundatio