40 research outputs found

    El papel de las facetas en la organización del conocimiento: aspectos teóricos e históricos

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    On Friday, the 3rd of October, 2014, Professor José María Izquierdo Arroyo delivered a lecture on "The role of the facets in knowledge organization: their theoretical and historical aspects" in the 19th Ibersid conference, during the tribute that Ibersid and Scire members offered to him on the occasion of his retirement as a professor of the University of Murcia, Spain. Professor Izquierdo began his speech by framing the analysis of facets within the philosophical problem of knowledge, which he understands inside the classical tradition as a truth-seeking and dialogic process, which, though deeply personal, is built, validated and shared during communication. He then started to break down the evolution of the concept of ‘facet’ departing from Aristotle. He collected the relevant ideas of the great Greek philosopher from his treatises on logic, rhetoric and ethics. Thereafter, Professor Izquierdo traced the transmission, interpretation and improvement of Aristotle's seminal ideas during the classical and medieval times, paying special attention to the contribution of St. Thomas Aquinas and Ramon Llull. Subsequently, he followed their development during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, focusing his attention on the contributions of Leibnitz. After that, he showed their fructification in the contemporary age throughout fields as different as Linguistics, Communication or Library and Information Science, represented by authors—so diverse, but so intellectually connected—as Ranganathan, Wilkinson, Benveniste, Lasswell, Lausberg or Fillmore. Finally, Professor Izquierdo showed how the Aristotelian tradition unfolds specifically in the LIS subfields of content analysis and knowledge organisation through such concepts as ‘role indicators’, ‘function operators’ and facets. In conclusion, both the detailed outlines of the conference and the audio files themselves are documents of great importance for an archaeology of knowledge organization as a scientific discipline, and for the study of its intellectual history and philosophical roots.El viernes 3 de octubre de 2014 el profesor José María Izquierdo Arroyo pronunció en Ibersid una lección magistral sobre “El papel de las facetas en la organización del conocimiento: aspectos teóricos e históricos” durante el homenaje que le ofrecieron los miembros de Ibersid y Scire con ocasión de su jubilación como catedrático de la Universidad de Murcia. El profesor Izquierdo comenzó enmarcando el análisis de facetas dentro del problema central de conocimiento como búsqueda de la verdad y proceso dialógico, que se construye y valida en procesos de comunicación. Seguidamente, comenzó a desglosar la evolución del concepto de facetas partiendo de Aristóteles. Analizó las ideas relacionadas del gran filósofo griego recogidas en sus tratados de lógica, retórica y ética. Seguidamente, trazó la transmisión e interpretación de las ideas seminarles de Aristóteles durante las épocas clásica y medieval, prestando especial atención a Santo Tomás de Aquino y Ramón Llul. A continuación, siguió su desarrollo durante el Renacimiento y la Ilustración, centrándose en las aportaciones de Leibnitz; hasta llegar al pensamiento moderno con sus diversos frutos en los campos de la información, la lingüística, la comunicación y la documentación, a través de autores tan diversos, pero tan intelectualmente conectados, como Ranganathan, Wilkinson, Benveniste, Lasswell, Lausberg o Fillmore. Finalmente, se muestra como toda esta tradición se concreta en el papel de las facetas dentro del análisis documental del contenido y la organización del conocimiento, a través de algunos de sus conceptos centrales, como los indicadores de rol o función y las propias facetas. En conclusión, tanto los detallados esquemas de la conferencia como el propio archivo de audio constituyen documentos de gran importancia para la arqueología de la organización del conocimiento como disciplina, y para su historia intelectual

    Entrevista a José María Izquierdo Arroyo, realizada por Mónica Izquierdo Alonso en Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), junio de 2014

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    Interview to José María Izquierdo Arroyo by Mónica Izquierdo Alonso (Alcalá de Henares, June 2014) on his contribution to information science and, in particular, to knowledge organization and representation. The interview highlights his contribution to the integration of concepts and theories coming from Logic, Linguistics and Semiotics to improve information retrieval by semantic methodos.Entrevista a José María Izquierdo Arroyo, realizada por Mónica Izquierdo Alonso en Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) en junio de 2014, sobre su contribución a la Ciencia de la Información y, en particular, a la representación y organización del conocimiento. Se destacan sus aportaciones en la incorporación de concep-tos y teorías de la lógica, la lingüísitca y la semiótica para mejorar la recuperación de la información mediante métodos semánticos

    Diseño de una base de datos de prensa controlada por un lenguaje facetado de estructura combinatoria («Thesaurus»)

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    This project has been developed within the framework of the Plan de Información y Documentación de las Comunidades Autónomas (Documentation and lnformation Plan of the Spanish Autonomous Communitics) having as a specific aim the creation and coordination of informational data bases. lt describes the development and housekeeping of a data base and a combinatory-structured documentary language for the management of current general information rclated to the Murcian Comunidad Autónoma. The various record structures managed by the data base are dealt with, as well as the specific type of hardware suggested for data storage and retrieval, constituent features of the controlling thesaurus, and work guidelines in developing and implementing these products in an integrated fashion.Este proyecto se inscribe en el marco del Plan de Información y Documentación de las Comunidades Autónomas, uno de cuyos objetivos es favorecer la creación y coordinación de Bases de Datos. Describe la construcción y el mantenimiento de una base de datos y un lenguaje documental de estructura combinatoria («Thesaurus»), para el tratamiento de la documentación de actualidad referida a la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. Incluye los diversos tipos de registros que integrarán las Bases de Datos, el equipo informático propuesto para el almacenamiento y recuperación de la información, las características del Thesaurus que ha de controlarla y el plan de trabajo a seguir en la elaboración de ambos productos. Tareas que se realizan de modo conjunto

    Predictive factors and early biomarkers of response in multiple sclerosis patients treated with natalizumab

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    There are an increasing number of treatments available for multiple sclerosis (MS). The early identification of optimal responders to individual treatments is important to achieve individualized therapy. With this aim, we performed a multicenter retrospective longitudinal study including 186 MS patients treated with natalizumab who were followed for 2 years. We analyzed the following variables at recruitment: sex, current age, age at disease onset, disease duration, EDSS, number of T2 and Gd + lesions, IgG and IgM oligoclonal bands, HLA class II (DR, DRB, DQA, DQB, and DRB1*15:01), IgG and IgM antibody titers against human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and the antibody response to Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) through the measurement of the anti-EBNA-1 and anti-VCA IgG titers, in relation to clinical response (no relapses or disability progression), and to NEDA-3 (no evidence of disease activity in terms of clinical response and no changes in MRI scans either) after 2-years follow-up. Baseline EDSS score, baseline EBNA-1 IgG titers and percentage change of HHV6 IgG titers between baseline and 6 month visits were significantly different in clinical responders and in NEDA-3 status (all of them remained significant in the multivariate analysis). We identified three variables for the early identification of natalizumab optimal responders in a rapid and cost-effective approach

    Requisitos de un Sistema de Información para Gestión de Patrimonio

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    [ES] El área del Patrimonio Cultural ha tenido un gran avance en los últimos años. Actualmente se están desarrollando nuevas métodos y herramientas como consecuencia del traspaso de conocimiento que se está produciendo. Una de estas posibilidades es la de crear un sistema para Patrimonio Cultural con las ventajas de un Sistema de Información Geográfica. Las dificultades no son nimias, consistiendo el primer paso en crear un marco de requerimientos comunes para las múltiples necesidades que se pueden presentar. En este trabajo presentamos un conjunto de requerimientos que cumple dicho objetivo, obtenido a partir del estudio de las necesidades de varios equipos de restauradores y profesionales del Patrimonio Histórico.[EN] Cultural Heritage has had a great development in recent years. Currently, new tools are being developed as a result of transferring knowledge between areas. One of these possibilities is to create a system for Cultural Heritage with the advantages of Geographic Information System. The difficulties are not trivial, being the first step to create a framework of common requirements for the multiple needs that may arise. We present a set of requirements that provide that objective, obtained from the study of the needs of various restoration and Cultural Heritage professional teams.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía a través del proyecto de excelencia PE09-TIC-5276Luzón, MV.; Martín Perandrés, D.; Arroyo, G.; López Rodríguez, JR.; Herce Fimia, J.; Izquierdo De Montes, R.; Jiménez Sancho, Á.... (2012). Requisitos de un Sistema de Información para Gestión de Patrimonio. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(5):43-47. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4498OJS434735AGNELLO, F. et al. (2003): "Cultural heritage and information systems, an investigation into a dedicated hypertext". The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 34, 5.CIGNONI, P. et al. (2008): "Meshlab: an open-source mesh processing tool". En Sixth Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference, pp. 129-136.CIGNONI, P. et al. (2008): "Meshlab: an open-source 3D mesh processing system". ERCIM News, 73, pp. 45-46.HODAČ, J. (2005): "3D information system of historical site. Proposal and Realisation of a Functional Prototype". Acta Polytechnica 45, 1.IOANNIDIS, C. et al. (2003): "An integrated spatial information system for the development of the archaeological site of mycenae". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 34, 5.LAMOLDA, F. et al. (2008): "Registro mediante la utilizacion de escaner 3D del estado previo a la intervencion de la fuente de los leones". En Taller en el IX Congreso Internacional de Rahabilitacion del Patrimonio Arquitectonico y Edificacion - Sevilla, Espana.MEYER, E. et al. (2006): "Intrasite level cultural heritage documentation: Combination of survey, modeling and imagery data in a web information system". En 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.MEYER, E. et al. (2007): "A web information system for the management and the dissemination of cultural heritage data". Journal of Cultural Heritage 8, pp. 396-411. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2007.07.003NAGLIČ, K. (2003): "Cultural heritage information system in the republic of Slovenia". En ARIADNE 5 Workshop on Documentation, Interpretation, Presentation and Publication of Cultural Heritage. Prague.TORRES, J.C. et al. (2007): "Generacion automatizada de modelado 3D para difusion y documentacion del patrimonio historico". En I Simposium de Informatica Grafica e Patrimonio Historico, La Coruna, pp. 111-120.VLC: VISUAL COMPUTING LAB. http://vcg.isti.cnr.it

    Faunal evidence of the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami in Gibraltar (S Iberian Peninsula)

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    This paper analyzes the first systematic faunal record of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in the Mediterranean. On the basis of sedimentological and paleontological features, the sedimentary record of a core collected in Gibraltar was divided into six sedimentary facies, with a paleoenvironmental evolution from a shallow marine paleoenviroment to an increasingly restricted lagoon. This record includes a bioclastic layer deposited by the 1755 Lisbon tsunami and characterized by an erosive base, presence of basal rip-up clasts and abundant shell debris composed by marine and brackish molluscs. The paleoenvironmental reconstruction derived from the foraminiferal analysis is congruent with that inferred from the sedimentary and the macrofaunal reconstructions, with the introduction of brackish species into the innermost, intertidal areas of a confined lagoon. This paleontological record is the first faunal evidence of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami in the Mediterranean.We thank the Gibraltar National Museum and its Director, Dr. Clive Finlayson, for the efforts made to conserve and acquire the BH borehole core. In addition, we thank the review of Dr. Akihisa Kitamura and Dr. Briony Mamo, whose suggestions greatly improved the manuscript, and the associate-editor of Geobios, Dr. Frédéric Quillévéré, for his kind help and comments during the revision process. This research was supported by two postdoctoral fellows of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Government (Subprograma JDCMICINN, JCI-2010-06160) and the Huelva University (PP2010 P-01). Furthermore, this work is carried out through DGYCIT project CTM2006-06722/MAR, DGYCIT project CGL2006-01412, FEDER 2014-2020 project UHU-126029, PID2021- 127268NB-I00 project funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/50110 0011033/ and by FEDER, and AYUDA PUENTE 2021 project M2615 of the Rey Juan Carlos University. Other funds have come from the Andalusian Government (groups RNM-238, RNM-293 and RNM-349) and Autonomous University of Madrid (GPG-418 Research Group). It is a contribution to the Research Center in Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage (CIPHCN) of the University of Huelva

    Transcriptomics reveals a distinct metabolic profile in T cells from severe allergic asthmatic patients

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    The reasons behind the onset and continuation of chronic inflammation in individuals with severe allergies are still not understood. Earlier findings indicated that there is a connection between severe allergic inflammation, systemic metabolic alterations and impairment of regulatory functions. Here, we aimed to identify transcriptomic alterations in T cells associated with the degree of severity in allergic asthmatic patients. T cells were isolated from severe (n = 7) and mild (n = 9) allergic asthmatic patients, and control (non-allergic, non-asthmatic healthy) subjects (n = 8) to perform RNA analysis by Affymetrix gene expression. Compromised biological pathways in the severe phenotype were identified using significant transcripts. T cells' transcriptome of severe allergic asthmatic patients was distinct from that of mild and control subjects. A higher count of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) was observed in the group of individuals with severe allergic asthma vs. control (4,924 genes) and vs. mild (4,232 genes) groups. Mild group also had 1,102 DEGs vs. controls. Pathway analysis revealed alterations in metabolism and immune response in the severe phenotype. Severe allergic asthmatic patients presented downregulation in genes related to oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid oxidation and glycolysis together with increased expression of genes coding inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-19, IL-23A and IL-31). Moreover, the downregulation of genes involved in TGFβ pathway together with a decreased tendency on the percentage of T regulatory cell (CD4 + CD25+), suggest a compromised regulatory function in severe allergic asthmatic patients. This study demonstrates a transcriptional downregulation of metabolic and cell signalling pathways in T cells of severe allergic asthmatic patients associated with diminished regulatory T cell function. These findings support a link between energy metabolism of T cells and allergic asthmatic inflammation