24 research outputs found

    A new method for continuous measurements of oceanic and atmospheric N2O, CO and CO2: performance of off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) coupled to non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR)

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    A new system for continuous, highly-resolved oceanic and atmospheric measurements of N2O, CO and CO2 is described. The system is based upon off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) and a non-dispersive infrared analyzer (NDIR) both coupled to a Weiss-type equilibrator. Performance of the combined setup was evaluated by testing its precision, accuracy, long-term stability, linearity and response time. Furthermore, the setup was tested during two oceanographic campaigns in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean in order to explore its potential for autonomous deployment onboard voluntary observing ships (VOS). Improved equilibrator response times for N2O (2.5 min) and CO (45 min) were achieved in comparison to response times from similar chamber designs used by previous studies. High stability of the OA-ICOS analyzer was demonstrated by low optimal integration times of 2 and 4 min for N2O and CO respectively, as well as detection limits of < 40 ppt and precision better than 0.3 ppb Hz−1/2. Results from a direct comparison of the method presented here and well-established discrete methods for oceanic N2O and CO2 measurements showed very good consistency. The favorable agreement between underway atmospheric N2O, CO and CO2 measurements and monthly means at Ascension Island (7.96°S 14.4°W) further suggests a reliable operation of the underway setup in the field. The potential of the system as an improved platform for measurements of trace gases was explored by using continuous N2O and CO2 data to characterize the development of the seasonal equatorial upwelling in the Atlantic Ocean during two RV/ Maria S. Merian cruises. A similar record of high-resolution CO measurements was simultaneously obtained offering for the first time the possibility of a comprehensive view on the distribution and emissions of these climate relevant gases on the area. The relatively simple underway N2O/CO/CO2 setup is suitable for long-term deployment on board of research and commercial vessels although potential sources of drift such as cavity temperature and further technical improvements towards automation still need to be addressed

    Biological productivity in the Mauritanian upwelling estimated with a triple gas approach

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    Due to their high biological productivity coastal upwelling regions are important for biogeochemical cycles in the ocean and for fisheries. Upwelled water is not only enriched in nutrients but also supersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 and N2O and undersaturated for O2. We present a novel approach to estimate carbon based net community production (NCP) using surface ocean data for CO2, O2 and N2O from three cruises to the Mauritanian upwelling region (Northwest Africa) that were conducted in different seasons. Through combination of the saturation patterns of CO2, O2 and N2O effects of air–sea gas exchange and NCP could be separated. NCP values ranges from 0.6 ± 0.1g C m−2 d−1 during times of weak upwelling to 1.6 ± 0.4 g C m−2 d−1 during strong upwelling. The estimated NCP values show a strong relationship with a wind derived upwelling index, which was used to estimate annual NCP

    Nitrous oxide during the onset of the Atlantic Cold Tongue

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    The tropical Atlantic exerts a major influence in climate variability through strong air-sea interactions. Within this region, the eastern side of the equatorial band is characterized by strong seasonality, whereby the most prominent feature is the annual development of the Atlantic Cold Tongue (ACT). This band of low sea surface temperatures (∌22-23°C) is typically associated with upwelling-driven enhancement of surface nutrient concentrations and primary production. Based on a detailed investigation of the distribution and sea-to-air fluxes of N2O in the eastern equatorial Atlantic (EEA), we show that the onset and seasonal development of the ACT can be clearly observed in surface N2O concentrations, which increase progressively as the cooling in the equatorial region proceeds during spring-summer. We observed a strong influence of the surface currents of the EEA on the N2O distribution, which allowed identifying “high” and “low” concentration regimes that were, in turn, spatially delimited by the extent of the warm eastward-flowing North Equatorial Countercurrent and the cold westward-flowing South Equatorial Current. Estimated sea-to-air fluxes of N2O from the ACT (mean 5.18±2.59 ”mol m−2 d−1) suggests that in May-July 2011 this cold-water band doubled the N2O efflux to the atmosphere with respect to the adjacent regions, highlighting its relevance for marine tropical emissions of N2O. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Exploring the evidence base for national and regional policy interventions to combat resistance

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    The effectiveness of existing policies to control antimicrobial resistance is not yet fully understood. A strengthened evidence base is needed to inform effective policy interventions across countries with different income levels and the human health and animal sectors. We examine three policy domains—responsible use, surveillance, and infection prevention and control—and consider which will be the most effective at national and regional levels. Many complexities exist in the implementation of such policies across sectors and in varying political and regulatory environments. Therefore, we make recommendations for policy action, calling for comprehensive policy assessments, using standardised frameworks, of cost-effectiveness and generalisability. Such assessments are especially important in low-income and middle-income countries, and in the animal and environmental sectors. We also advocate a One Health approach that will enable the development of sensitive policies, accommodating the needs of each sector involved, and addressing concerns of specific countries and regions

    Eddy Study to Understand Physical-Chemical-Biological Coupling and the Biological Carbon Pump as a Function of Eddy Type off West Africa, Cruise No. M160, 23.11.2019 - 20.12.2019, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Mindelo (Cabo Verde)

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    Cruise M160 is part of concerted MOSES/REEBUS Eddy Study featuring three major research expeditions (M156, M160, MSM104). It aims to develop both a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the role of physical-chemical-biological coupling in eddies for the biological pump. The study is part of the MOSES “Ocean Eddies” event chain, which follows three major hypotheses to be addressed by the MOSES/REEBUS field campaigns: (1) Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale eddies play an important role in transferring energy along the energy cascade from the large-scale circulation to dissipation at the molecular level. (2) Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale eddies are important drivers in determining onset, magnitude and characteristics of biological productivity in the ocean and contribute significantly to global primary production and particle export and transfer to the deep ocean. (3) Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale eddies are important for shaping extreme biogeochemical environments (e.g., pH, oxygen) in the oceans, thus acting as a source/sink function for greenhouse gases. In contrast to the other two legs, MOSES Eddy Study II during M160 did not include any benthic work but focused entirely on the pelagic dynamics within eddies. It accomplished a multi-disciplinary, multi-parameter and multi-platform study of two discrete cyclonic eddies in an unprecedented complexity. The pre-cruise search for discrete eddies suitable for detailed study during M160 had already started a few months prior to the cruise. Remote sensing data products (sea surface height, sea surface temperature, ocean color/chlorophyll a) were used in combination with eddy detection algorithms and numerical modelling to identify and track eddies in the entire eddy field off West Africa. In addition, 2 gliders and 1 waveglider had been set out from Mindelo/Cabo Verde for pre-cruise mapping of the potential working area north of the Cabo Verdean archipelago. At the start of M160, a few suitable eddies – mostly of cyclonic type – had been identified, some of which were outside the safe operation range of the motorglider plane. As technical problems delayed the flight operations, the first eddy (center at 14.5°N/25°W) for detailed study was chosen to the southwest of the island of Fogo. It was decided to carry out a first hydrographic survey there followed by the deployment of a suite of instruments (gliders, waveglider, floats, drifter short-term mooring). Such instrumented, we left this first eddy and transited – via a strong anticyclonic feature southwest of the island of Santiago – to the region northeast of the island of Sal, i.e. in the working range of the glider plane. During the transit, a full suite of underway measurements as well as CTD/RO section along 22°W (16°-18.5°N) were carried in search for sub-surface expressions of anticyclonic eddy features. In the northeast, we had identified the second strong cyclonic eddy (center at 18°N/22.5°W) which was chosen for detailed study starting with a complete hydrographic survey (ADCP, CTD/RO, other routine station work). After completion of the mesoscale work program, we identified a strong frontal region at the southwestern rim of the cyclonic eddy, which was chosen for the first sub-mesoscale study with aerial observation component. There, the first dye release experiment was carried out which consisted of the dye release itself followed by an intense multi-platforms study of the vertical and horizontal spreading of the initial dye streak. This work was METEOR-Berichte, Cruise M160, Mindelo – Mindelo, 23.11.2019 4 – 20.12.2019 supported and partly guided by aerial observation of the research motorglider Stemme, which was still somewhat compromised by technical issues and meteorological conditions (high cloud cover, Saharan dust event). Nevertheless, this first dye release experiment was successful and showed rapid movement of the dynamic meandering front. After completion of work on this second eddy and execution of a focused sampling program at the Cape Verde Ocean Observation, RV METEOR returned to the first eddy for continuation of the work started there in the beginning of the cruise. This was accompanied by a relocation of the airbase of Stemme from the international airport of Sal to the domestic airport of Fogo. The further execution of the eddy study at this first eddy, which again included a complete hydrographic survey followed by a mesoscale eddy study with dye release, was therefore possible with aerial observations providing important guidance for work on RV METEOR. Overall, M160 accomplished an extremely intense and complex work program with 212 instrument deployments during station work, 137 h of observation with towed instruments and a wide range of underway measurements throughout the cruise. Up to about 30 individually tracked platforms (Seadrones, glider, wavegliders, drifters, floats) were in the water at the same time providing unprecedented and orchestrated observation capabilities in an eddy. All planned work components were achieved and all working groups acquired the expected numbers of instrument deployments and sampling opportunities

    La nature de la relation entre les médecins en formation et les infirmiÚres et son évolution au cours de l'internat dans un service de chirurgie digestive

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    Management des organisations de santé et médico-socialesThÚses et écrits académique

    CirkulĂŠre om vedligeholdelse og omsĂŠtning af stengĂŠrder: (Til stiftsĂžvrighederne)

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    Evaluation of an Innovative Care Pathway in the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Pathologies: “One-Day Diagnosis”

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    “One-Day Diagnosis” (1DD) for hepatobiliary and pancreatic (HBP) diseases is an innovative care pathway that combines, on the same day, surgical consultation, medical imaging, anesthesia, diagnosis announcement, and therapeutic support consultations. The objective was to evaluate the length of the 1DD care pathway compared to a conventional one. The prospective “1DD care pathway” arm included 330 consecutive patients (January 2017–April 2019) vs. 152 (November 2014–November 2015) in the retrospective “conventional” one. In the 1DD group, diagnosis was made on the same day in 83% of consultations vs. 68.4% (p = 0.0005). Although there was no difference in overall time to diagnosis, diagnostic and therapeutic management was faster in the 1DD group (1 day vs. 15 days, p p = 0.67). As an organizational innovation, the 1DD for HBP pathologies is a promising care pathway that optimizes diagnostic and therapeutic management, without creating medical overconsumption or additional costs. Given patient satisfaction, this model should be generalized to optimize cancer care by adapting it to the constraints of different healthcare structures

    Underway N2O/CO/CO2 measurements in the eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean during M90, M91 and M93

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    Dissolved N2O, CO and CO2 were measured in the surface ocean layer in the eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean during the Meteor cruise M90 (Cristobal-Callao, October/November 2012) and in the upwelling off Peru during M91 (Callao-Callao, December 2012) and M93 (Callao-Balboa, February/March 2013). First (preliminary) results are presented