66 research outputs found

    Persepsi Siswa Mengenai Kompetensi Guru Dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Pada Siswa Kelas Xi Ips Sma Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/ 2012

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) adakah pengaruh persepsi siswa mengenai kompetensi guru terhadap Prestasi belajar siswa, 2) adakah pengaruh motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa, 3)adakah pengaruh persepsi siswa mengenai kompetensi guru dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 yang berjumlah 190 siswa dengan sampel sebanyak 48 siswa yang diambil dengan teknik Simple Random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket dan dokumentasi. Metode angket sebelumnya telah diuji cobakan dengan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier ganda, uji t, uji F, sumbangan efektif dan sumbangan relatif. Hasil analisis regresi memperoleh persamaan garis regresi: Y = 54,847 + 0,647X1 + 0,564X2. Persamaan menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar dipengaruhi oleh kompetensi guru dan motivasi belajar. Kesimpulan yang diambil adalah: 1) Ada pengaruh yang positif kompetensi guru terhadap presetasi belajar siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis regresi linier ganda (uji t) diketahui bahwa t hitung > ttabel, yaitu 3,304 > 2,021 dan nilai signifikansi t tabel, yaitu 2,281 > 2,021 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,001, dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 22,3%; 3) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara kompetensi guru dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis variansi regresi linier ganda (uji F) diketahui bahwa Fhitung > Ftabel, yaitu 10,114 > 3,23 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,000. Dengan koefisien determinasi yang diperoleh sebesar 0,483. 4) Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,483 menunjukkan bahwa besarnya pengaruh antara kompetensi guru dan motivasi belajar terhadapprestasi belajar adalah sebesar 48,3%, sedangkan 51,8% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti

    Strategies Used in Translating Idiomatic Expression in The Subtitle Translation of `The Transporter 2` Movie.

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    The thesis entitled `the strategy used in translating idiomatic expression in the subtitle translation of `the transporter 2` movie is aimed at describing the strategies used by the translator in the subtitle translation of the `transporter 2` movie. the strategies here is what the translator deals with idioms. The study is qualitative analysis. The data of this study were analyzed by using two steps. first analyzing the translation work and the reason why the translator did it. second, writing them down and comparing the source text and the target text. The strategies used in the subtitle translation according to bakers theory consists of four strategies of translation, those are: translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and form, translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, translation by paraphrasing and translation by omission. there are 70 idiomatic expressions in the subtitle of The Transporter 2 movie which are divided into four part as the strategies as the strategies used by the translator and, the dominant strategy used by Qoryati as the translator is translation by paraphrase which appears in 62 cases. 3 of them were translated by omission. meanwhile, 3 of them were translated by the strategy of translation using idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, and the last, two of them were translated by the strategy of translation using idiom of similar meaning and form. these strategy will help the translator to deal with the problem in translating idiomatics expressions in subtitle translation, the strategies are used in to make the result of translation not only enjoyable but also meaningful for the readers

    Analisis Penggantian Komponen Mesin Tube Splicing Dan Mesin Tube Curing Dengan Distribusi Weibull Dan Perhitungan Efisiensi Biaya Di PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk

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    Industrial problems about spare parts/production equipment replacement is one of the very important issue, because this issue relates to the cost that must be issued , both as a consequence of the replacement appliance, repair or the most fatal is the lost production due to the damage. PT Gajah tungal Tbk is a large company with a very much number and type of machines or production equipment. With the number reached 2,569 machines, of course, engine components / spare parts for these machines are very many and need to be replaced periodically to maintain reliability of these machines . Replacement engine components often occurs when the engine failure has occurred. The number of machines in the PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk requires an effective and efficient component maintenance system. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the replacement of machine components O - Ring Seal on Tube Splicing machines and motor on Tube Curing machine with weibull distribution.This study using software weibull 9 ++for the determination of a suitable distribution and determine the optimal time replacement components of the O-ring Seal on Tube Splicing machine and Motor on Tube Curing machine. Then the results are applied to compare the cost of maintenance of the components in the event of replacement with the replacement schedule. The result shows that weibull distribution can help determine the reliability of the preventive maintenance engine components which impact to increases the efficiency of maintenance cost


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    Proses penyesuaian terhadap budaya memiliki cara dan perilaku alamiah yang memperhatikan konteks masyarakat beda budaya. Komunikasi sebagai langkah awal dalam menjalin proses pembelajaran terhadap budaya masyarakat beragam. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk menelaah budaya komunikasi di lingkungan manusia gerobak. Teori yang digunakan yaitu dengan mengambil studi kasus sebagai kacamata dalam melihat objek penelitian sebagai suatu kasus yang menarik dalam perspektif budaya komunikasi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data-data yang kemudian dianalisis dengan langkah-langkah atau prosedur kualitatif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terjadi jalinan budaya komunikasi antara pemulung maupun pengepul yang berasal dari berbagai daerah.Meskipun mereka memiliki budaya dan bahasa masing-masing, serta peran yang berbeda, namun tetap mampu menempatkan diri pada lingkungan. Hal inilah yang dapat mengurangi&nbsp; munculnya konflik beda budaya


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    Teknologi virtualisasi merupakan topik yang mulai ramai diteliti oleh para peneliti. Hal tersebut tidak terlepas dari kemampuan teknologi tersebut dalam memangkas biaya penyediaan infrastruktur dan operasional secara mandiri bagi setiap servis yang akan dilayani. Melalui teknologi ini, sebuah layanan dapat dikonfigurasikan tanpa mempengaruhi konfigurasi dari layanan lainnya meskipun dalam satu mesin fisik yang sama. Dengan teknologi ini satu mesin fisik dijadikan sebuah sumber daya bersama yang dapat dibagi dan dipakai oleh beberapa layanan sekaligus. Setiap layanan tersebut ditempatkan dalam sebuah wadah atau kontainer. Setiap kontainer dari mesin virtual memiliki sumber daya masing-masing. Sumber daya tersebut dialokasikan dan diatur oleh hypervisor-nya. Hypervisor diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 jenis yaitu Native/Bare-metal Hypervisor dan Hosted Hypervisor. Proxmox Virtual Environment (ProxmoxVE) merupakan sistem operasi mesin virtual yang dibangun dari sistem operasi Linux Debian dengan kernel RHEL yang telah dimodifikasi. Dalam penelitian ini, akan diteliti performa dari virtualisasi server menggunakan ProxmoxVE. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui ketergantungan antar mesin virtual yang berjalan di atas ProxmoxVE. Pengujian dilakukan dengan memberi pembebanan sesuai skenario pengujian yang ada. Dari basil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ProxmoxVE dapat menjalankan mesin virtual secara penuh layaknya baremetal hypervisor. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan tidak adanya saling keterkaitan antar mesin virtual yang diujikan

    Psikologi Komunikasi Sebagai Pendekatan Fase Adaptasi di Era Pasca Covid-19

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    The post-Covid-19 era is marked by all social activities having resumed. However, the new era poses problems for the students of Islamic boarding schools who have to re-adapt after a long period of studying at home (online). This research elaborates the re-adaptation phase and the communication approach implemented by the students of the Islamic boarding school. The research uses an explanatory qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Sources of data were obtained from six students of the Thoriqul Huda Islamic Boarding School. The results showed that the re-adaptation phase included; honeymoon, crisis, recovery and adjustment. The adaptation phase is running again effectively by using a communication psychology approach in the recovery phase.   Era pasca Covid-19 ditandai dengan seluruh kegiatan dan aktivitas sosial sudah berjalan kembali. Namun era baru menimbulkan permasalahan bagi santri pondok pesantren yang harus melakukan adaptasi kembali setelah lama belajar di rumah (online). Penelitian ini mengelaborasi fase adaptasi kembali dan pendekatan komunikasi yang di implementasikan santri pondok pesantren. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif eksplanatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Sumber data diperoleh dari enam santri Pondok Pesantren Thoriqul Huda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fase adaptasi kembali meliputi; honeymoon, crisis, recovery dan adjustment. Fase adaptasi kembali berjalan secara efektif dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi komunikasi pada fase pemulihan (recovery).

    Dinamika komunikasi dakwah antarbudaya: Studi fenomenologi pada mubaligh di Yayasan Kasih Palestina Lampung

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    The borderless issue comes after the new era of globalization calls the urgency of being brought up all over the countries with no limit. This current issue has led the practice of da'wah being applied in many more huge areas by struggling at maintaining the virtue of each cultaral perspective across the countries. This study is aimed at investigating the way on how the acculturation of different cultures might get along and the strategy of da'wah among the cultures attributed to some Mubaligh at Kasih Palestina Lampung Foundation. The researcher adopted the theory of Alfred Schutz that advocating the perspective on how one particular environment belongs to one's characteristics of person. Thus, people may express themselves as the member of their community. In another hand, to cope with the phenomenon of da'wah communication dynamics between the two different cultures of Mubaligh, the assumption lies within the theory is closely related to the phenomenon of social interaction in which the behavior of individual person can be significantly affected by the process of imitating others' behavior. Another theory of adaptive interaction also reveals that for the two interlocutors by which the communication they are engaged, the synchronized interactional pattern can be found as indicating their involvement. Finally, accomodation theory generally supplies the background of the interlocutors' behavior by their intention and strategy to the engagement of their communication. The appropriate paradigm to explain the theory is by interpreting the situation where the interaction takes place by using the sociocultural approach. This research is a qualitative research. The techniques used in gathering the data are observation, interview and documentation. The data gathered will be further analyzed by employing the procedures of phenomenology in several main steps: describing all the relevant data of subjects' experience, making a highlight of the statements, classifying the highlighted statements, describing the nature, and writing a complex description. The result of this study shows that there is a higher dynamics da’wah communication existed in the interaction between the Mubaligh and the society. The dynamics communication observed can be further categorized as an integrative communication by which the integration of a new culture with the prior culture of the Mubaligh can affect significantly to the acquisition of their new culture. In some recommendations, there is still a need for the Mubaligh to have a better adaptation with the society and the environment they live within, a better adjustment of da'wah activities can be done by understanding the virtue of the local culture, and implementing an appropriate strategy is strongly pivotal to enhance the performance of da’wah in the future. Therefore, a further study is still needed to conduct a research on the process of adaptation by employing a comprehensive manners to enlarge the perspective of the current practice

    Pengorganisasian Pesan Dakwah Da’i Selebriti Ustad Al Habsy

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    Indonesian society is currently experiencing changes in the context of the missionary movement. A da’i celebrity in her missionary activities has not been oriented towards the resulting impact. Research on organizing da’i's da'wah message has the purpose of knowing the organization of messages in preaching. Based on the theme raised in this study formulate a problem about how to construct da'wah messages, how to form Al Habsyi's da'wah messages. Relevant to the objectives, this study uses qualitative methods with  a case study approach. Da'wah messages conveyed by cleric Al Habsyi namely mubasyaroh. Organizing messages by increasing the attention  of mad’u,  through nasyid,  the needs of mad’u,  fulfillment of the  material of  mad’u preaching on religious messages, describes the contents of the message of da'wah, through stories. Utilizing stories and taking actions with persuasive communication, namely by carrying out the Sunnah.AbstrakMasyarakat Indonesia saat ini mengalami perubahan dalam konteks gerakan dakwah. Seorang da’i selebriti dalam kegiatan dakwahnya belum berorientasi pada dampak yang dihasilkan. Penelitian tentang pengorganisasian pesan dakwah da’i selebriti ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengorganisasian pesan dalam berdakwah. Berdasarkan tema yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini merumuskan masalah tentang bagaimana konstruk pesan dakwah, bagaimana merumuskan pesan dakwah Al Habsyi. Relevan dengan tujuan, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pesan dakwah yang disampaikan ustad Al Habsyi yaitu secara mubasyaroh. Pengorganisasian pesan dengan meningkatkan perhatian mad’u, melalui nasyid, kebutuhan mad’u, pemenuhan materi dakwah mad’u atas pesan agama, menggambarkan isi pesan dakwah, melalui kisah. Pemanfaatan kisah  dan melakukan tindakan dengan komunikasi yang bersifat persuasif, yaitu dengan menjalankan sunnahnya..

    A visual semiotic analysis of multicultural values in an Indonesian English textbook

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    In the context of the role of culture in language learning, many textbook analysts have so far investigated the representations of cultures in EFL textbooks. Most of the previous findings on the study of culture indicate that EFL textbooks contain more about the cultures of inner circle countries compared to the expanding and outer circle countries. In Indonesia, this area of cultural issues in English textbooks appears to be underexplored. To narrow the gap, this study using the visual semiotic theory of Barthes (1977) examined the multicultural values represented in an Indonesian vocational high school English textbook through the visual images in the textbook. This study shows that there are four categories of multicultural values represented in the EFL textbook: respecting other people’s tradition, appreciating other people’s perspectives, appreciating other people’s cultural products, and appreciating women’s equal rights. These insights give students opportunities to enhance their intercultural communication competence (ICC) by appreciating cultural diversity and accepting racial and religious differences around them


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    Abstract : This research was intended to improve the eighth grade students’ descriptive text writing achievement at SMPN 1 Sempu by using single pictures. The data that were collected were the students’ achievement in writing descripitive text and picture’s facilitation in composing descriptive text. The methods used to collect the data were : test and questionnaire. The data about students’ achievement was collected through writing test and the data about picture’s facilitation was collected through questionnaire. The analysis data in this research was collected from writing test and observation. The result of writing test in the form of the students’ scores of writing test was analyzed quantitatively. The research findings of the writing achievement revealed the students who got score ≥ 70 or more increased from 54.8% in the first cycle to 77.4% in the second cycle. The result of questionnaire also increased from 54.8% in the first cycle to 84.3% in the second cycle. In conclusion, the use of single pictures could improve the eighth grade students’ descriptive text writing achievement at SMPN 1 Sempu. Key Words : single pictures, writing achievement, descriptive tex
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