42 research outputs found


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    The development of the techology of information and communication hasin luenced the aspect of human living. That development can be seen from the kind of education which is based on technology. Applying technology of information and communication (TIK) is inally shown to the learning method in the schools and universities. One of the applications of the role of technology of information and communication in supporting to the learning process is by using blog.Blog is the application which is free of charge that can be used as one online-learning media. There are steps that need to be run in its developing: 1) making email; 2)making blog account; 3) making project menu, pro ile, download and information or according to necessary; 4) adapting with the level of learning.Developing blog as a media of Islamic learning in university is hoped to increase the understanding of Islamic learning in the level of university, also able to increase the knowledge of internet technology in this context of developing blog.The development of the techology of information and communication hasin luenced the aspect of human living. That development can be seen from the kind of education which is based on technology. Applying technology of information and communication (TIK) is inally shown to the learning method in the schools and universities. One of the applications of the role of technology of information and communication in supporting to the learning process is by using blog.Blog is the application which is free of charge that can be used as one online-learning media. There are steps that need to be run in its developing: 1) making email; 2)making blog account; 3) making project menu, pro ile, download and information or according to necessary; 4) adapting with the level of learning.Developing blog as a media of Islamic learning in university is hoped to increase the understanding of Islamic learning in the level of university, also able to increase the knowledge of internet technology in this context of developing blog

    Pembuatan Kuis pada Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktirf dengan Fitur Triggerssoftwarepowerpoint

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    At this time the learning media is one aspect that plays a role in learning. One is the role of media in the form of interactive learning, where students become the center of learning and the teacher as a facilitator and motivator. One aspect that needs to appear on an interactive learning media is the quiz feature. Microsoft Powerpoint is one of the bases that can be used for developing interactive learning media. Through this application the presentation of the evaluation of learning can be realized with interesting, fun, and attract students to focus in evaluation of learning. Techniques or features that can be used are triggers and script macros

    Children Songs as A Learning Media Used in Increasing Motivation and Learning Student in Elementary School

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    Motivation can be a driving force within students that gives rise to learning activities, which ensures continuity of learning activities and which gives direction to learning activities so that the desired goals of the learning subject can be achieved. Students who have strong motivation will have much energy to do learning activities. The results of learning activities will also be optimal if there is the right motivation—media in education functions as a means to achieve learning objectives. Therefore, the information contained in the media must be able to engage students, both mentally and in the form of real activities, so that learning can occur. The use of media in learning in elementary schools can affect student motivation, and the findings evidence this. Differences in learning motivation in thematic learning between the experimental class taught using the learning media of children's songs and the control class taught using classical music learning media, which is seen from the average score of the experimental class at 77.35 and the control class 68.00. From these results, the average experimental class was higher than the control class (77, 35 68.00)


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      Abstract: At this time the learning media is one aspect that plays a role in learning. One is the role of media in the form of interactive learning, where students become the center of learning and the teacher as a facilitator and motivator. One aspect that needs to appear on an interactive learning media is the quiz feature. Microsoft Powerpoint is one of the bases that can be used for developing interactive learning media. Through this application the presentation of the evaluation of learning can be realized with interesting, fun, and attract students to focus in evaluation of learning. Techniques or features that can be used are triggers and script macros


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    Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi memberikan kontribusi positif dalam dunia pendidikan, salah satu bentuk kontribusi tersebut ialah produk-produknya. Penggunaan teknologi sudah merupakan bagian dari pembelajaran dan terintegrasi dalam mata pembelajaran di sekolah. Dengan kemudahan yang diberikan oleh teknologi, maka siswa memiliki kesempatan dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran dengan cara yang lebih menarik dan bervariasi sesuai dengan gaya belajar masing-masing. Seni musik merupakan salah satu bidang keilmuan yang muncul di sekolah, dan salah satu materi yang diajarkan adalah penguasaan notasi balok dan angka. Kehadiran program “BaTa” (Balok to Angka) sebagai salah satu buah teknolgi dapat dimanfaatkan dalam membantu siswa dalam memahami notasi balok dan angka sebagai bahasa musik. Program BaTa merupakan program untuk menterjemahkan bentuk notasi, sehingga siswa memiliki pengalaman pribadi dalam mengenal bentuk, tempat, dan simbol notasi

    Penggunaanmultimedia Interaktif Untukmeningkatkankemampuanmembaca Aksara Jawa pada Siswa Kelas 5 Sdnegeri Blimbing 4

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    The purpose of this study is to increase student motivation in learning and improving reading skills Javanese script for fifth grade students of Elementary School of Blimbing 4 Sukuharjo using multimedia interactive. This research is a classroom action research. This study uses a system of cycles, ranging from planning, action, observation and reflection than to next cycles. The subjects were the student of fifth grade of SD Negeri Blimbing 4. Data collection techniques used were observation, questionnaires, interview and discussion, review of documents, as well as tests. The technique of data validity checks using triangulation techniques and triangulation methods. For data analysis techniques used comparative descriptive and critical analysis. This research was conducted in two cycles


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    Krisis ekonomi global akibat pandemi menyebabkan kondisi perekonomian yang memburuk, UMKM menghadapi permasalah penjualan dan produksi yang menurun, sementara UMKM memiliki peranan penting sebagai sumber pendapatan dan  lapangan pekerjaan. Pendampingan diperlukan untuk membangun UMKM.  Niagadesa merupakan model pendampingan untuk meningkatkan produksi dan pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan bahan aku setempat (pisang), oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis keuntungan olahan pisang.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Jagabaya kecamatan Mekarmukti kabupaten Garut (Selatan) Jawa Barat pada bulan November 2022. Desain penelitian adalah desain kuantitatif, metoda pelaksanaan penelitian adalah studi kasus, data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder, data primer diperoleh dari wawancara dengan pelaku usaha, analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: pendapatan usaha tepung pisang memberikan keuntungan terbesar dibanding biskuit pisang dan sale pisang kering/basah, namun permintaan tepung pisang lebih kecil dibanding sale pisang/kering/basah. Permintaan sale pisang kering/basah yang lebih tinggi menyebabkan produksi yang lebih banyak walaupun keuntungan lebih kecil


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan analisis estetika karawitan Jawa dalam kaitannya dengan nilai-nilai luhur Tamansiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yaitu mengamati secara langsung ke lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara kepada pelaku seni, lembaga, dan masyarakat sekitar. Hasil wawancara digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan hambatan dari masing-masing kelompok karawitan yang ada dilingkungan Tamansiswa. Hasil wawancara di analisis menggunakan analisis SWOT kemudian dipetakan dengan matriks EFAS dan IFAS. Tujuan akhir dari penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi analisis estetika pada karawitan jawa yang berada di Yogyakarta dan khususnya berada di lingkungan Tamansiswa. Gamelan dan Tamansiswa menjadi satu kesatuan estetika karena nilai yang terkandung dalam gamelan itu sendiri erat dengan ajaran Tamansiswa yaitu Tri Saksi Jiwa (Cipta, Rasa, Karsa) cipta selalu terkait dengan bentuk instrument gamelan sedangkan rasa adalah manifestasi  dari hasil yang di bunyikan dari gamelan kemudian karsa adalah ciri khas kebudayaan yang meliputi kekuatan gotong-royong (kebersamaan) dalam menyajikan pertunjukan gamelan

    Experimental study of wet ethanol impact on performance and exhaust gas emissions of gasoline engine with egr system

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    The increasing number of gasoline engines as a mode of transportation has an impact on increasing the consumption of gasoline fuel, which is becoming increasingly depleted and rising air pollution, especially in urban areas. To overcome this problem, ethanol as an alternative fuel was blended with gasoline in this study. Therefore, this study is intended to investigate the performance and exhaust emissions of gasoline engine fueled by gasoline and wet ethanol applying the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. Wet ethanol was used as an alternative fuel because the price is competitive with gasoline. The percentage of wet ethanol blended into gasoline was in the range of 5% to 15%. This experiment was carried out at engine speed variations of 2500 rpm to 4000 rpm at intervals of 500 rpm. The results of this experiment illustrate that blending 15% wet ethanol into gasoline without EGR produces an increase of 11.74% torque, 11.73% brake power, and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of 3.80%, exhaust gas temperature of 4.1%, and 38.7% thermal efficiency than that of P100. Addition of 10% wet ethanol into gasoline fuel reduces 41.1% CO and 44.30% HC emissions. Meanwhile, the use of cold EGR with the addition of 10% wet ethanol increases CO2 emissions by 28.1% and decreases O2 by 7.5%


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    The research descriptive aims to describe the implementation of character education through musical extracurricular activities in inclusive education schools in SD Siluk. The subjects of this study were the school principal, musical teacher, class teacher, special assistant teacher, and students. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive qualitative analysis with data analysis models according to Miller and Huberman. The result showed the 1) the implementation of character education through musical extracurricular activities at SD Siluk by shaking hands, picking up instruments in the box. Pray before & after the activity, students adhere to ethics in music. The use of lectures, questions, and answers, and practice methods. Provide exemplary & personal approach to students. Train to your confidence by taking part in the competition & performing arts. Clean up of gamelan and restore the instrument. 2) the dimensions of the development of inclusive education in karawitan include the dimensions of culture, policy, and practice. 3) character values formed are responsibility, love the motherland, appreciate achievement, cooperation, confidence. 4) Supporting factors are community leaders who have gamelan, using technology that supports musical activities, karawitan space is quitter extensive