73 research outputs found

    Analisis Sistem Proses Pindah Massa pada Ekstraksi Secara Mekanik Minyak Kedelai (Glycine Max Oil)

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    Abstract Soybean, a vegetable protein-rich commodity needed to improve public nutrition, safe to consume, and the price affordable. The purpose of this research are to: 1. determine the effect of pressure and time of extraction the mass balance, yield and level of soybean oil extraction, 2. Gain mass transfer coefficient value in soybean oil extraction process, and 3. analyze the mechanism of mass changes during the extraction process soybean oil is mechanically using hydraulic pressing. Oil obtained results indicate an increase due to the influence of a given amount of pressure and length of time silenced. The greater the pressure exerted, the more oil produced this shows soybean oil can come out with a maximum at the greatest pressure of 200 kg/cm2. Mass transfer coefficient in soybean oil extraction process at a pressure of 100 kg/cm2 5.57x10-5 gcm3/cm seconds. In the pressure is 200 kg/cm2 15.39 x 10-5g cm3/cm seconds. Keywords: mass transfer, mechanical extraction, soybean oil Diterima: 12 Maret 2010; Disetujui: 7 September 201

    A fuzzy micro-climate controller for small indoor aeroponics systems

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    The Indonesian agricultural sector faces challenges producing affordably priced food using sustainable practices. A soilless cultural practice, such as indoor aeroponics, is a compelling alternative to conventional agriculture. The objective of the present study was to develop a system for micro-climate management in a pilot-scale indoor aeroponics system. For this purpose, three fuzzy logic controllers were developed and evaluated to maintain plant chamber parameters (temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity) at desired set points controlled by embedded system controls designed using BASCOM-AVR software. The results showed that the fuzzy controllers provided excellent responses and experienced relatively low errors in all controlled parameters. All parameters changes followed the set point very smoothly and responded accordingly.The averaged percent of working times in which temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity were maintained within less than ±1°C, ±5%, and ±30 lux from the set points were found to be 88.43%, 95.91%, and 85.51%, respectively

    The Response Surface Methodology Approach Successfully Optimizes a Dry Milling Process of Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Flour Production that uses Micro Mill- Assisted by Cyclone Separator

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of feed rate and inlet air velocity on the physicochemical properties of porang flour by using Central Composite Design Method of Response Surface Methodology (CCD –RSM), in order to ascertain whether the CCD-RSM as a predictive approach is accurate in optimizing porang flour production. Advanced instruments, including FTIR (Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and PSA (Particle Size Analyzer) were used to characterize an optimum micro-mill milled porang flour (OMMPF). The predicted optimum conditions for producing porang flour were feed rate of 48.86 kg/h, and an inlet air velocity of 9.00 m/s, which produced a calcium oxalate content of 2.43±0.00%, a degree of whiteness (DoW) of 57.04±0.00, a viscosity of 4104.80±1.50 cPs, and a glucomannan content of 53.39 ±0.00 % d.b. The verification experimental data were not statistically significantly different (P>0.05) to the prediction optimization data generated by the Design Expert Software. OMMPF had an amorphous form based on the XRD-Diffraction analysis. DSC analysis revealed that first and second peaks were at 99.5 -105.50C and 310.2 - 316.8 0C, respectively.  Particle size analysis of OMMPF was in the range 238.68 - 467.48 µm. We conclude that the Response Surface Methodology is an accurate approach for optimizing porang flour production

    Perancangan Mesin Pencuci Biodiesel dengan Sistem Penyemprotan Air dalam Minyak sebagai Upaya Minimalisasi Proses Emulsifikasi dan Konsumsi Penggunaan Energi

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    Proses pencucian biodiesel memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan mutu dan rendemen yang akan dicapai. Proses pencucian yang salah dapat mengakibatkan rendahnya rendemen akibat terjadinya emulsifikasi antara air dan minyak serta dapat menyebabkan mutu biodiesel yang rendah. Metode pencucian yang selama ini dikenal ada 3 macam yaitu: a) Pencucian gelembung, b) Pencucian kabut dan c) Pencucian dengan pengaduk. Mesin pencuci yang dirancang adalah dengan mensirkulasikan air pencuci dan mengkabutkannya ke dalam lapisan minyak. Metode ini diharapkan akan memiliki beberapa keunggulan yaitu: a). Memerlukan energi yang lebih kecil dibanding dengan metode pencucian pengaduk, karena hanya menggunakan pompa dengan daya kecil, b) Tidak memiliki resiko oksidasi, karena udara tidak terlibat dalam proses pencucian dan c) memiliki efisiensi proses yang tinggi karena selain digunakan untuk proses pencucian, pompa juga digunakan untuk proses pengisian dan pengeluaran. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan penelitian ini adalah a) prototipe unit mesin penghasil bio-diesel, b). Karakteristik dari bio-diesel yang dihasilkan, c). Efisiensi total dari sistem yang telah dibuat dan d). Konsep pengembangan industri biodisel

    Analisis Pemasaran Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Kranji, Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Permasalahan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) di PPI Kranji, Lamongan tidak hanya pada produksi dan faktor produksi, tetapi juga pada distribusi pemasaran tangkapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik lembaga pemasaran ikan tongkol serta menganalisis pola distribusi pemasaran, margin pemasaran, fisher’s share, dan efisiensi pemasaran pada setiap pelaku usaha. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari—Februari 2022 di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Kranji, Kabupaten Lamongan, Jawa Timur. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Jumlah responden yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini ialah 79 orang yang terdiri atas 25 nelayan, 16 agen pemasaran, 7 pedagang lokal Kranji, 13 pengepul, 12 pedagang lokal kota Lamongan, 3 pedagang luar kota, 2 pengolah ikan asap, dan 1 pengelola pabrik pengalengan tongkol. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis margin pemasaran, fisher’s share, dan efisiensi pemasaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat pola distribusi pemasaran ikan tongkol di PPI Kranji. Total nilai margin dari saluran pemasaran 1 dan 2 adalah sebesar Rp12.832,00 dengan persentase margin sebesar 40% dan persentase Fisher’s share sebesar 60%. Total margin pada saluran pemasaran 3 yang diperoleh adalah sebesar Rp25.832,00 dengan persentase margin sebesar 57% dan persentase fisher’s share sebesar 43%. Total margin pada saluran pemasaran 4 adalah sebesar Rp20.832,00 dengan persentase margin sebesar 52% dan persentase Fisher’s share sebesar 48%. Hasil efisiensi distribusi pemasaran di PPI Kranji <1 menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran ikan tongkol tergolong efisien. Dengan tujuan menunjang pemasaran tangkapan yang baik, PPI Kranji sebaiknya menyediakan serta membangun infrastruktur yang memadai sehingga kegiatan pemasaran bisa terlaksana dengan baik.Title: Marketing Analysis of Mackerel Tuna (Euthynnus Affinis) at Kranji Fish Landing Base, Lamongan Regency Problems in the utilization of mackerel tuna resources (Euthynnus affinis) at Fish Landing Base of Kranji (PPI Kranji), Lamongan are not only in production and factors of production, but also in marketing distribution of the catch. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of tuna marketing institutions and analyze marketing distribution patterns, marketing margins, fisher’s share and marketing efficiency for each business actor. The study was conducted in January-February 2022 at the Kranji Fish Landing Base, Lamongan Regency, East Java Province. The sampling methods used are purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The number of respondents who were sampled in this study were 79 people consisting of 25 fishermen, 16 marketing agents, 7 local Kranji traders, 13 collectors, 12 local traders from Lamongan, 3 traders outside the city, 2 smoked fish processors and 1 cob cannery. The data analysis method used is marketing margin analysis, fisher’s share and marketing efficiency. The results showed that there were 4 distribution patterns of tuna marketing. The total margin value from marketing channels 1 and 2 is Rp12,832 with the margin percentage 40% and the Fisher’s share percentage 60%. The total margin of marketing channel 3 is Rp25,832 with the margin percentage 57% and the fisher’s share percentage 43%. Marketing channel 4 earned total margin of Rp20,832 with the margin percentage 52% and the fisher’s share percentage 48%. The results of marketing distribution efficiency at PPI Kranji <1 indicates that the marketing of tuna is classified as efficient. To support the good marketing of the catches, it is suggested chat, PPI Kranji provides or builds adequate infrastructure so that marketing activities can be carried out properly.

    The Effect of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) on Glandular Trichome and Compounds of Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon cablin, Benth)

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    Patchouli oil could be obtained by extraction of patchouli leaves, where the leaves and patchouli is the main ingredient in the pharmaceutical industries such as cosmetics, perfumes, and recently for medical as antiseptic ingredient, because it is a fixative for other essential oils. Patchouli oil stored in glandular trichome (GT) cells and glandular mesophila (GM) cells within the leaves of patchouli plant.  The research aimed to determine the effect of PEF (pulsed electric field) treatment on opening or damages on the cell wall of glandular trichome of fresh patchouli leaves and the quality of patchouli oil. Patchouli plant varieties of Sidikalang (Aceh) resulted by tissue culture in the Laboratory of Biology-Brawijaya University, after acclimatization planted in field trials.  After 7 months age of plant, the fresh leaves (more than one leaves) were taken to observe the GT cell structure using light microscopy and SEM. Subsequently another leafe was treated with PEF at field strengths (E) between 50-150 V/Cm with a time of 2-3 seconds, and observed using SEM. Before distillation, 150 g of patchouli dry leaves was treated with PEF at 150 V/Cm and 15 seconds. The results showed that the PEF with field strength (E=100 V/Cm) and 2 seconds treatment, the GT cell walls were broken down (rupture).  PEF treatment also increases 35% of the oil yield and better the proportion compound of patchouli oil. Keywords: PEF, glandular trichome, cell wall changes, yield and oil compoun

    Studi Evaluasi Bentuk Longsoran

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    Peristiwa tanah longsor atau dikenal dengan gerakan massa tanah, buatan atau kombinasi, sering terjadi pada lereng alami atau lereng non alami dan sebenarnya merupakan fenomena alam. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah mengetahui parameter yang berpengaruh dalam kelongsoran dan mengevaluasi bentuk longsoran tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan suatu model pendekatan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kondisi suatu daerah lereng dengan membandingkan kemiringan lereng. Berdasarkan pendekatan ini maka dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menentukan besarnya keruntuhan lereng atau longsoran yang terjadi. Kemiringan lereng yang digunakan adalah 90 derajat, 80 derajat, 70 derajat, 60 derajat, 50 derajat dan 40 derajat. Benda uji longsor yang digunakan adalah tanah, pasir, campuran tanah dan pasir. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) parameter tanah yang berpengaruh terhadap kelongsoran adalah berat volume tanah (y), ketinggian lereng (H), kemeringan lereng (o) dan kadar air (w). 2) semakin besar kemiringan lereng dan proporsi pasir, maka volume longsor semakin besar, 3) bentuk longsor yang didapat berbentuk translational slip yang mempunyai bidang gelincir masa tanah berbentuk gelincir

    Pengaruh Gelombang Mikro terhadap Kualitas Hasil Minyak Atsiri Jahe (Zingiber officinale) dengan Hidrodistilasi

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    Essential oil commodity is one form of strategic export product that has high economic value, one of which is ginger essential oil.  The optimal method of extraction ginger essential oil is still a research topic in an effort to increase its quantity and quality. The purpose of this research is to obtain the optimal heating process parameters with microwave. Ginger essential oil produced by hydro-distillation and microwave pretreatment with 100 and 180 W of maximum output and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 min of pretreatment duration. Parameters of essential oil obtained were evaluated, i.e. yield, density, refractive index; total acid number, and zingiberene content. The results indicated that microwave pretreatment with 100 W and 2 min as the best microwave pretreatment combination. The combination produced ginger essential oil with 1.364% of yield, 0.889 g/mL of density, 1.49 of refraction index, 1,5 of total acid number, and 24.7% of zingiberene content. The parameters of the microwave heating process as pretreatment have succeeded in producing ginger essential oil with better quantity and quality

    IDENTIFIKASI POTENSI BAHAYA DAN PEMANTAUAN CRITICAL POINT, (HACCP) PRODUK MAKANAN PENERBANGAN: Identification of Hazards and Critical Point Monitoring Potentials, (HACCP) Flight Food Products

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    ABSTRACTHACCP has been known as a system that uses a systematic and preventive approach that is shown to biological, chemical and physical hazards through anticipatory and preventive measures by no relying on inspection and testing on the final product. The application of HACCP is not only for the food industry but can be applied to the catering industry, catering services and food at hotels and restaurants. For this reason, modern food companies really need to determine quality standards for the consumers they serve. The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of HACCP on aviation food products (Aerofood ACS SUB) by identifying potential hazards and applying Critical Control Points (CCP). The methods are 1) observation of Critical Control Points (CCP) performed at receiving (CCP 1), chiller and freezer (Storage) (CCP 2), cooking (CCP 3), blast chilling (CCP 4), portioning (CCP 5). 2) Microbiological sampling consisting of random raw material samples at each arrival, hand swab samples randomly in the production and operational areas, swab equipment samples were also taken according to random, Dry good samples were taken randomly in storage, random ice cube samples , water tab samples are taken according to the sample. The company has HACCP planning as a guide for all processes that will take place within the company. All are based on the principles of HACCP for the whole process. The implementation of critical control points is in 5 places, namely receiving, storage, cooking, chilling and portioning blast. At each of these critical points, the standard critical temperature is different. Materials that do not meet the standards are rejected for further processing. In terms of microbiological hazards, it is checked by testing samples on foodstuffs, ready to eat food, dry good, air test, hand swab, production equipment, water and ice cube. The implementation of each sample test has been determined by PT. Aerofood ACS Surabaya based on standard procedures. If the results of checking is not the standards, repairs are handled or changes in the flow of handling procedures. Keywords: HACCP, CCP, Critical Limits, management system ABSTRAKHACCP telah dikenal luas diseluruh dunia sebagai suatu sistem yang menggunakan pendekatan sistimatis dan preventif yang ditunjukan kepada bahaya biologis, kimia dan fisik melalui langkah-langkah antisipatif dan pencegahan dengan tidak lagi mengandalkan pada pemeriksaan dan pengujian pada produk akhir. Penerapan HACCP tidak hanya untuk industri pangan melainkan dapat diterapkan pada industri catering dan jasa boga serta makanan di hotel dan restauran. Untuk itu perusahaan pangan modern sangat perlu untuk menentukan standart mutu untuk konsumen yang dilayaninya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis penerapan HACCP pada produk makanan penerbangan (Aerofood ACS SUB) dengan identifikasi potensi bahaya dan penerapan Critical Control Point (CCP). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Pengamatan Critical Control Point (CCP) yang dilakukan di receiving (CCP 1), chiller dan freezer (Storage) (CCP 2), cooking (CCP 3), blast chilling (CCP 4), portioning (CCP 5). 2) Pengambilan sampel Mikrobiologi yang terdiri dari sampel raw material secara random disetiap kedatangan, sampel hand swab secara random di area produksi dan operasional, sampel equipment swab juga diambil sesuai random, sampel Dry good diambil secara random di storage, sampel ice cube secara random, sampel Water tab diambil sesuai sampel. Perusahan telah membuat perencanaan HACCP sebagai panduan untuk semua proses yang akan berlangsung didalam perusahaan. Semua disusun berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip HACCP untuk keseluruhan proses. Penerapan critical control point terdapat di 5 tempat yaitu receiving, storage, cooking, blast chilling dan portioning. Disetiap titik kritis ini, suhu kritis standart adalah berbeda beda. Bahan yang tidak memenuhi standard ditolak untuk diproses selanjutnya. Dalam hal bahaya mikrobiologi dilakukan pengecekkan melalui uji sampel pada bahan makanan, makanan ready to eat, dry good, uji udara, hand swab, peralatan produksi, air dan ice cube. Pelaksanaan masing-masing pengujian sampel sudah ditetapkan oleh PT. Aerofood ACS Surabaya berdasarkan prosedur standar. Jika hasil pengecekkan tidak memenuhi standart maka dilakukan perbaikan penanganan atau pengubahan alur prosedur handling. Kata kunci: HACCP, CCP, Batas Kritis, management syste


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    The effect of conventional convective drying (CCD) and convective solar drying (CSD) based on a solar collector and photovoltaic on the quality of dried red pepper was researched. The study was aimed to determine the effect of five drying system (CCD 50°C, CCD 60°C, CCD 70°C, CSD, and open sun drying) on the quality attributes of dried red pepper. The quality observed were rehydration ratio, ascorbic acid, capsaicin, non-enzymatic browning index, anthocyanin, and carotenoids. The results of the study confirmed that the drying system significantly affected the quality attributes of dried red pepper except for anthocyanin.  The CSD had a satisfactory result, shown by some attributes  (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and ratio) which were not statistically different from the quality of dried red pepper gained from CCD 50°C
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