4,362 research outputs found

    Manhaj Ibn Hibban dalam Kitab al-Ṡiqāt (Kritik Rijāl al-Ḥadīṡ Kategori Majhūl)

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    This study examined Ibn Hibban's manhaj in his work al-Ṡiqāt, with a particular emphasis on his criticism of rijāl al-hadīs majhūl category. This research utilized a historical and philosophical method, using data sources including Ibn Hibban's work al-Ṡiqāt, as well as additional books, books, and articles that explore al-jarḥ wa al-ta'dīl. The data were gathered from representative references, identified, selected, and cited based on their relevance to the issue, and then examined utilizing content analysis and comparison approaches. The findings of this analysis suggested that Ibn Hibban considered 'adālah to be the fundamental nature of a Muslim, such that if a narrator was not jarhed, 'adālah was what applied to him. Parts scholars believed that some of Ibn Hibban's evaluations in al-Ṡiqāt were accurate, while others believed they were not. This was because Ibn Hibban's rules contradicted the jumhur in determining the justice of a narrator, and there was a contradiction between Ibn Hibban's statement in al-Ṡiqāt and his practice, in which Ibn Hibban included narrators who he himself determined were not ṡiqah under various categories and for a specific purpose. In contrast to Ibn Hibban's manhaj, Ibn Hibban included the narrators of the majhūl in al-Ṡiqāt since they were not plundered


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    This study aims to determine the effect of social support on career decisions. With the development of science and technology, people choose professions based on their interests, talents, abilities, motivation to fulfill their daily needs, and motivation to realize themselves. However, before making a career decision, one of the supports is psychological well-being which concerns the condition of individual social support. Someone who has a lot of social support, the lower the psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and stress. On the other hand, when social support is low, psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and stress are greater. Thus affecting the psychological well-being and career decisions of individuals. This study shows that social support has a significant relationship related to psychological well-being and career decisions, the hypothesized results of several relevant articles indicate that a positive value means that if social support increases, then psychological well-being increases which influences individual career decisions


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat kesesuaian atau relevansi silabus mata pelajaran produktif kompetensi keahlian Teknik Sepeda Motor Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan yang diterapkan dan diajarkan di SMK Diponegoro Depok Sleman dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja yaitu bengkel sepeda motor yang ada di Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian ini juga bermaksud untuk mengetahui kompetensi yang diajarkan kepada siswa tetapi tidak dibutuhkan oleh bengkel sepeda motor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah bengkel resmi sepeda motor Ahass Honda, Yamaha, dan Kawasaki di wilayah kabupaten Sleman sebanyak 60 bengkel. Sampel yang diambil berjumlah 31 bengkel dengan menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Penghitungan jumlah sampel menggunakan nomogram Harry King dengan tingkat kesalahan 10% atau tingkat kepercayaan 90%. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket tertutup dengan empat pilihan jawaban bergradasi. Validasi instrumen angket penelitian melalui teknik Expert Judgment. Pengujian reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach yang dihitung menggunakan program komputer SPSS 17. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah perhitungan persentase dengan kategori penilaian relevan (76-100%), cukup relevan (56-75%), kurang relevan (40-55%), dan tidak relevan (<40%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata relevansi mata pelajaran produktif kompetensi keahlian Teknik Sepeda Motor kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan SMK Diponegoro Depok Sleman dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan di bengkel sepeda motor termasuk kategori relevan yaitu sebesar 81,73%. Sebanyak 26 responden atau 83,37% menyatakan relevan dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan di bengkel sepeda motor. Secara keseluruhan sebagian besar mata pelajaran produktif Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Sepeda Motor yang diajarkan di SMK Diponegoro Depok Sleman dibutuhkan oleh bengkel sepeda motor. Dari 27 kompetensi yang diajarkan, sebanyak 21 kompetensi termasuk kategori relevan dan terdapat 6 kompetensi yang termasuk cukup relevan. Kompetensi yang termasuk kategori cukup relevan adalah Memahami Proses-proses Dasar Pembentukan Logam (64,78%), Menginterpretasikan Gambar Teknik (74,19%), Melakukan Perbaikan Sistem Hidrolik (64,52%), Memperbaiki Sistem Gas Buang (64,52%), Menginterpretasikan Gambar Teknik Melalui Komputer (60,48%), dan Melaksanakan Pekerjaan Pengecatan (59,68%)

    Mengangkat Citra Meluaskan Agama: Kiprah Humas Pondok Pesantren Tanpa Kyai di Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi

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    ABSTRACT: The Bustanil Inshaf Islamic Boarding School, Tebo Regency, Jambi Province, was established in 2020. The founder of this Islamic Boarding School is not Kyai an Educator, but an entrepreneur who intends to invite the local community to take their children to study Islam. A year later the manager of the Islamic boarding school established a Public Relations (PR) section aimed at socializing the existence of this institution and attracting the interest of the surrounding community to take their children to study at the boarding school. This article will describe the communication strategy of the PR organization and the obstacles experienced in improving the image of the Bustanil Inshaf Islamic Boarding School. Using qualitative data, through interviews with 10 informants in March 2022, as well as observations of Islamic Boarding School Public Relations activities, the study found that the PR communication strategy for improving the image of the Bustanil Inshaf Islamic Boarding School is to build direct, active and good communication with multiple parties, namely: the community, local leaders and government agencies. Public Relations is also active in communicating through social media. The parents of the students were also asked to help spread the news about the existence of this Islamic Boarding School. The news about the extracurricular activities of active students and the strategic location of the Islamic Boarding School has made the image of the Islamic Boarding School increase. Barriers experienced by the PR are minimal resources with knowledge of multi-media publications that have not been optimal. However, these obstacles did not prevent the Public Relations of the Bustanil Inshaf Islamic Boarding School from trying to raise its image to spread religious teachings to the younger generation

    Dinas Tata Kota Palembang

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    One of the major rivers in the city of Palembang is Musi River. Musi River separates the city into sections Ulu and Ilir. The bridge is connecting regions separated by the Musi River. Lack of facilities bridge in the city of Palembang, so that the government implement development Musi IV Bridge. Musi IV Bridge connecting the Regions 13 Ulu with the Region Bom BaruHarbour. Construction site Musi IV Bridge in Regions Bom BaruHarbouris the location of Dinas Tata Kota Palembang. Dinas Tata Kota Palembang is oneof the buildings in the relocation. Dinas Tata Kota Palembang, now occupy temporary offices at the Port 35 Ilir. For these reasons, the Dinas Tata Kota Palembang Department has not had a permanent office. Dinas Tata Kota Palembang new have the identity of the city of Palembang in the form of custom house namely Rumah Limas and Kain Songket motives. In addition to the form of government offices, Department of City Planning provides the facility of Palembang City Gallery, and the Diner as a support facility. Development projects Dinas Tata Kota Palembang uses architectural style Neo-Vernekular. The use of architectural style Neo-Vernekular for the Dinas Tata Kota Palembang using the architectural style Vernekular are modified

    Pembinaan Literasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa dan Komunikasi Pada Siswa di Desa Padatuo Kecamatan Tonra Kabupaten Bone

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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa dan komunikasi pada siswa di Desa Padatuo Kecamatan Tonra Kabupaten Bone melalui pembinaan literasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan karena siswa masih kurang dalam kemampuan berbahasa dan komunikasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah pembinaan. Tahapan pengabdian ini adalah persiapan dan sosialisai program, penyampaian materi, lapak buku, pembinaan literasi dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut adalah 85% siswa selalu hadir dan mengikuti pembelajaran sampai selesai dan 82% dari seluruh siswa mampu memahami pelajaran yang diberikan selama proses pembelajaran

    Perencanaan Perawatan Mesin Produksi Roller Mill Unit 1 Tuban Dengan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Di Pt Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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    AbstrakSuatu proses produksi perusahaan adalah unsur penting yang harus beroperasi secara stabil dan untuk dapat memproduksi produk hasil yang optimal. Dari suatu proses produksi terdapat mesin produksi yangmembantu hasil produksi, tetapi terdapat kendala dalam produksi yang sering terjadi di dalam mesin.Maka dari itu, penelitian diperlukan untuk menganalisis suatu keandalan mesin, meminimasi breakdowntime, dan membuat jadwal perawatan mesin dengan menggunakan metode RCM. Penelitian ini berupamenggunakan metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) ini dibuat dengan menghitung jumlahkegagalan dengan failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) mendapatkan hasil RPN dibawah 300 (&lt;300). Danmenghitung hasil availability mendapat sebesar 80%, serta MTTR mendapat data hasil 3,9 jam dan MTBFsebesar 58,7 jam. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa menggunakan metode RCM dapat meminimasibreakdown time sebesar 80% dan mendapat hasil MTTR selama 3,9 jam. Kata kunci: RCM, Perawatan Mesin, FMEA, MTBF


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    Target yang dicapai dari program PKM adalah: Meningkatnya keterampilan anggota kelompok tani di Desa Wombo Kalonggo tentang teknologi pengendalian hama dan penyakit pada budidaya bawang merah lokal Palu sedangkan luaran yang ingin dicapai dari program PKM&nbsp; ini adalah: Meningkatnya produksi bawang merah lembah palu melalui transformasi teknologi pengendalian hama dan penyakit bawang merah lembah palu secara terpadu. Dalam meningkatkan keterlibatan dan menciptakan kemandirian anggota kelompok tani pada pelaksanaan program PKM dengan pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA/RRA), secara bersama-sama dengan anggota kelompok tani dapat menyelesaikan dan memecahkan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh anggota kelompok.Penguatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia petani secara individu dan kelompok, introduksi dan adopsi teknologi pertanian dengan basis ramah lingkungan dengan pendekatan&nbsp; model demonstrasi percobaan dengan metode sederhana Sekolah Lapangyang mencakup: Introduksi Teknologi Budidaya Tanaman Sehat, Introduksi Teknologi Bioinsektisida Berbahan Aktif&nbsp; Beauveria bassiana dan Trichoderma sp, Introduksi Teknologi Bioinsektisida Berbahan Aktif&nbsp; Trichoderma sp, TeknologiPupuk Organik,Teknologi Pasca Panen

    Managing the Impact of Smoke Haze Disaster: Response of Civil Society Groups Towards Jambi Provincial Government Performance

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    Smoke haze from forest and land fires in Jambi in 2015 had led to various reactions. The low response from the provincial government led by an Acting Governor received various criticism and protests from civil society groups. This study examines the impact of 2015’ haze in Jambi and describes civil society groups’ responses toward the government “transition” of Jambi province performances regarding 2015 smoke haze. Through observation of the relation and activities of the two sides: government and civil society, and open-ended interview with a representative of civil society groups, the results showed that the barrier is the absence of a national disaster status. Acting Governor and Regional Working Unit (SKPD) have a limitation in funding, equipment, and human resources to conduct fire fighting and are unresponsive in treating the haze victims. The persistence of civil society groups which work independently to help victims and encourage the government to be more responsive led to the issuance of Local Regulation on Forest and Land Fires. Finally, this study recommends the government of the Republic of Indonesia to formulate task and function certainty of the central government and Acting Governor in the handling of smoke haze under the condition without national disaster status