305 research outputs found

    Asociación entre diabetes mellitus tipo II y cancer de mama en hospital de alta complejidad "Virgen de la Puerta" 2010-2015

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    El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la asociación entre cáncer de mama y diabetes mellitus II en el hospital de alta complejidad ‘‘Virgen de la Puerta’’, mediante estudio de casos y controles, obteniendo como muestra 52 pacientes con cáncer de mama y 112 pacientes sin cáncer de mama, conformado por un total de 168 mujeres atendidas en el hospital de alta complejidad, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas, llegando a la conclusión que no existe asociación entre diabetes mellitus II y cáncer de mama

    Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of recombinant vaccine based on the receptor-binding domain of the Plasmodium vivax duffy binding protein in Aotus monkeys

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    Invasion of human erythrocytes by Plasmodium vivax requires interaction between Duffy binding protein (PvDBP) and the Duffy blood group antigen. The receptor-binding domain of PvDBP lies in a conserved N-terminal, cysteine-rich region, region II (PvRII). PvRII is a valuable malaria subunit vaccine candidate for asexual blood stages. We have evaluated in Aotus monkeys the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of recombinant PvRII formulated in Freund's and Montanide ISA720 adjuvants. Specific antibody titers were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay after each of three doses of 50µg of protein administered by the subcutaneous route. Immunization with PvRII formulated in Freund's adjuvant yielded higher antibody titers than immunization with the Montanide ISA720 formulation and offered partial protection. Although the Montanide ISA720 formulation was immunogenic, it did not provide any protection. Given the immunogenicity and partial protection observed, further studies are needed to optimize the PvRII vaccine formulation with adjuvants suitable for human use

    Gestión del talento humano y gestión administrativa de la seguridad ciudadana de la municipalidad distrital de La Esperanza -Trujillo, 2023

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la gestión del talento humano y la gestión administrativa en la Seguridad Ciudadana de la Municipalidad Distrital de La Esperanza en el año 2023. Se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica de Rho Spearman para analizar esta relación, obteniendo como resultado una correlación positiva moderada (rho de Spearman 0.686) entre ambas variables. Los resultados respaldan estudios anteriores y demuestran que una buena gestión del talento humano tiene un impacto significativo en la eficiencia de la gestión administrativa. Además, se encontró una correlación positiva moderada entre las dimensiones de la gestión del talento humano y la gestión administrativa. En conclusión, esta investigación proporciona evidencia de una relación significativa entre la gestión del talento humano y la gestión administrativa en la Seguridad Ciudadana de la Municipalidad Distrital de La Esperanza en el año 2023. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de una gestión efectiva del talento humano para fortalecer la gestión administrativa en el contexto específico de la seguridad ciudadana. Se recomienda implementar estrategias que promuevan la motivación y el desarrollo de los colaboradores, así como mejorar ciertos aspectos de la gestión administrativa para lograr un mayor nivel de eficacia en esta área

    Inmunidad parlamentaria ante la comisión de delitos por los congresistas de la República del Perú periodo 2020

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    La presente investigación trata sobre la regulación que se ha dado a la Inmunidad parlamentaria ante la comisión de delitos, debido a que actualmente no habría inmunidad solo para los delitos comunes y la Corte Suprema estaría a cargo del procedimiento para estos; generando esta regulación una posible inestabilidad al poder legislativo; o, discriminación para con el ciudadano común. Por ello, se consideró como problema de investigación: ¿De qué manera la regulación de la inmunidad parlamentaria de los congresistas de la república genera inestabilidad al país, así afectación al derecho de igualdad que deben tener todos los ciudadanos periodo, 2020, Piura? Se aplicó una metodología de aspecto cualitativo y tipo básica, asimismo, un diseño no experimental y descriptivo, utilizando como instrumento la entrevista aplicándose preguntas abiertasa abogados especialistas en Derecho Constitucional y Derecho penal, para luego desarrollar un análisis documental. Se concluyó que la Inmunidad parlamentaria actualmente ha tenido una mejor redacción y aceptación para el caso de delitos comunes; sin embargo, al dar trato especial a los congresistas, aun genera discriminación porque no reciben un trato de igualdad, al menos a nivel procesal penal; más aún si ellos al ser el poder legislativo, deben ser ejemplo de ciudadano

    Patients' costs, socio-economic and health system aspects associated with malaria in pregnancy in an endemic area of Colombia.

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    Malaria in pregnancy threatens birth outcomes and the health of women and their newborns. This is also the case in low transmission areas, such as Colombia, where Plasmodium vivax is the dominant parasite species. Within the Colombian health system, which underwent major reforms in the 90s, malaria treatment is provided free of charge to patients. However, patients still incur costs, such as transportation and value of time lost due to the disease. We estimated such costs among 40 pregnant women with clinical malaria (30% Plasmodium falciparum, 70% Plasmodium vivax) in the municipality of Tierralta, Northern Colombia. In a cross-sectional study, women were interviewed after an outpatient or inpatient laboratory confirmed malaria episode. Women were asked to report all types of cost incurred before (including prevention), during and immediately after the contact with the health facility. Median total cost was over 16USforanoutpatientvisit,risingtonearly30US for an outpatient visit, rising to nearly 30US if other treatments were sought before reaching the health facility. Median total inpatient cost was 26USor54US or 54US depending on whether costs incurred prior to admission were excluded or included. For both outpatients and inpatients, direct costs were largely due to transportation and indirect costs constituted the largest share of total costs. Estimated costs are likely to represent only one of the constraints that women face when seeking treatment in an area characterized, at the time of the study, by armed conflict, displacement, and high vulnerability of indigenous women, the group at highest risk of malaria. Importantly, the Colombian peace process, which culminated with the cease-fire in August 2016, may have a positive impact on achieving universal access to healthcare in conflict areas. The current study can inform malaria elimination initiatives in Colombia

    Los juegos tradicionales como estrategia lúdico-pedagógica para el rescate de los valores en estudiante de 5 grado.

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    No aplicaEl documento contiene los resultados del trabajo de grado realizado en la modalidad de proyecto aplicado con la asesoría de la doctora Yenni Alexandra Basto Cruz, inscrito en la línea de investigación pedagogía, didáctica y currículo de la ECEDU, fundamentada en las nuevas tecnologías e impacto en los medios, basada en la metodología de investigación mixta, con el fin de realizar el análisis de la implementación de juegos tradicionales, como estrategia lúdico-pedagógica para el rescate de los valores en estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria de la institución educativa Colegio Departamental Manuela Ayala de Gaitán, bajo supervisión temática aplicada por el líder de especialización pedagógica, el doctor Carlos Daza, que incluyen el desarrollo de actividades, previo consentimiento informado de los acudientes, estudiantes y demás personas que intervinieron en la investigación.The document contains the results of the undergraduate work carried out in the project modality applied with the advice of Dr. Yenni Alexandra Basto Cruz, enrolled in the research line pedagogy, didactics and curriculum of the ECEDU, based on new technologies and impact on the media, based on the mixed research methodology, in order to carry out the analysis of the implementation of traditional games, as a playful-pedagogical strategy for the rescue of values in fifth grade primary school students of the Manuela Departmental College educational institution Ayala de Gaitán, under thematic supervision applied by the leader of pedagogical specialization, Dr. Carlos Daza, which includes the development of activities, with the prior informed consent of the candidates, students and other people who participated in the research

    Universidad y sociedad. Extensión universitaria conocimiento y redes

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    En la constitución de una sociedad red, el núcleo común de su realidad actual es la transición de un tipo de sociedad industrial basada en la manufactura hacia otra sustentada en la tecnología y los conocimientos, particularmente en los relacionados con la información, la comunicación y la genómica. Las redes, entonces, aparecen articuladas a un nuevo modo de organización de la actividad humana en todos sus ámbitos, como fuente de poder y dominio, pero también como posibilidad de trascender los espacios meramente económicos y mercantiles, hacia la construcción de comunidades culturales libres y autónomas. Las redes sociales no son nuevas. Lo que aparece como una ruptura en el marco de su historia es el alcance planetario que ahora tienen y la velocidad con la que están sumando día tras día a comunidades, personas, instituciones y empresas, en una vorágine que hace del tiempo apenas una distancia

    Investigating the Pathogenesis of Severe Malaria: A Multidisciplinary and Cross-Geographical Approach.

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    More than a century after the discovery of Plasmodium spp. parasites, the pathogenesis of severe malaria is still not well understood. The majority of malaria cases are caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, which differ in virulence, red blood cell tropism, cytoadhesion of infected erythrocytes, and dormant liver hypnozoite stages. Cerebral malaria coma is one of the most severe manifestations of P. falciparum infection. Insights into its complex pathophysiology are emerging through a combination of autopsy, neuroimaging, parasite binding, and endothelial characterizations. Nevertheless, important questions remain regarding why some patients develop life-threatening conditions while the majority of P. falciparum-infected individuals do not, and why clinical presentations differ between children and adults. For P. vivax, there is renewed recognition of severe malaria, but an understanding of the factors influencing disease severity is limited and remains an important research topic. Shedding light on the underlying disease mechanisms will be necessary to implement effective diagnostic tools for identifying and classifying severe malaria syndromes and developing new therapeutic approaches for severe disease. This review highlights progress and outstanding questions in severe malaria pathophysiology and summarizes key areas of pathogenesis research within the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research program

    Plasmodium vivax controlled human malaria infection – progress and prospects

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    Modern controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) clinical trials have almost entirely focussed on Plasmodium falciparum, providing a highly informative means to investigate host–pathogen interactions as well as assess potential new prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. However, in recent years, there has been renewed interest in Plasmodium vivax, with CHMI models developed by groups in Colombia, the USA, and Australia. This review summarizes the published experiences, and examines the advantages and disadvantages of the different models that initiate infection either by mosquito bite or using a blood-stage inoculum. As for P. falciparum, CHMI studies with P. vivax will provide a platform for early proof-of-concept testing of drugs and vaccines, accelerating the development of novel interventions

    Greek Cypriot women in contemporary Cyprus : with special reference to the 1974 war and its consequences

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    This thesis is an attempt to develop an understanding of the position of women in Cypriot society. The empirical work concentrates on the life cycle of two groups of Greek Cypriot women, rural and urban respectively, and the experiences of those women whose husbands were killed or lost as a result of the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Societies produce certain forms of social control to maintain existing social relations. In times of crisis, when the very existence of the state itself is under threat, social regulation becomes more explicit; in particular areas it may be extended and its oppressive effects are exacerbated. The thesis starts by looking at those women in Cyprus who were directly affected by the war and goes on to consider rural and urban women more generally in chapters 7 and 8. These two chapters contain extensive illustrations of the social, economic and political oppression of women and the way in which this is produced and reproduced through commonly held traditional sets of beliefs and established social practices, reinforced by the powerful institutions of Church and state. The discussion of the position of Greek Cypriot women is set in the wider context of Greek Cypriot history and the general socio-economic and political background of Cyprus. It is further informed by an examination of Greek Cypriot family law, both common law and canon law, which analyses the specific ways in which it operates to women's disadvantage. The last chapter presents an overview of the historical and contemporary positions of Greek Cypriot ,women in the light of the ethnographic research, examines conditions for maintenance and potential change of positions and offers suggestions for future research. Finally the thesis addresses the following questions: What has feminism to offer Greek Cypriot women? What new insights has the case of Greek Cypriot women to offer to the general arguments of feminism