37 research outputs found

    Verosimilitud en la declaración del testigo en el proceso penal de la corte superior de Lima Sur, 2022

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    La verosimilitud contenida en la declaración del testigo como medio de prueba en el proceso penal, de tal modo planteamos como objetivo general analizar cómo se maneja el criterio de la verosimilitud en la declaración del testigo en el proceso penal. Basándonos en la metodología se trabajó con el método: hermenéutico, inductivo y descriptivo; enfoque cualitativo; tipo de investigación básica; diseño de teoría fundamentada; nivel descriptivo. Nuestro escenario de estudio fue la Corte Superior de Lima Sur, Poder Judicial, Ministerio Público y estudios jurídicos; los participantes fueron: Jueces penales, fiscales adjuntos y abogados penalistas litigantes. Las técnicas empleadas fueron la entrevista y el análisis de documentos; los instrumentos fueron la guía de entrevista y la ficha de análisis de documentos. Como resultado y conclusión que, el criterio de verosimilitud en la declaración del testigo es imprescindible, para la credibilidad en la declaración del testigo. El testimonio tiene que contar con corroboraciones objetivas, las declaraciones que narren los testigos tendrán que tener claridad, coherencia y ser persistentes en el tiempo o las veces que se le requiera su declaración

    Analysing the intersection between health emergencies and abortion during Zika in Brazil, El Salvador and Colombia

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    The Zika outbreak of 2015-7 is a lens to analyse the positioning of abortion within in global health security. The sequelae of the virus almost exclusively affected newborn children, manifested through Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS), and a focus on women at risk of, planning or being pregnant. At the global level, debate considered whether Zika would provide impetus for regulatory change for reproductive rights in Latin America, a region with some of the most restrictive abortion regulation in the world. However, regulatory change for abortion did not occur. We analyse why the Zika health emergency did not lead to any changes in abortion regulation through multi-method analysis of the intersection between Zika, health emergencies and abortion in Brazil, Colombia and El Salvador. These case study countries were purposefully selected; each had Zika infected women (albeit with differing incidence) yet represent diverse regulatory environments for abortion. Our comparative research is multi-method: framework analysis of key informant interviews (n = 49); content analysis of women's enquiries to a medical abortion telemedicine provider; and, policy analysis of (inter)national-level Zika response and abortion policies. We consider this within literature on global health security, and the prioritisation of a particular approach to epidemic control. Within this securitized landscape, despite increased public debate about abortion regulatory change, no meaningful change occurred, due to a dominant epidemiological approach to the Zika health emergency in all three countries and prominent conservative forces in government and within anti-abortion rights movements. Simultaneously, we demonstrate that regulation did not deter all women from seeking such service clandestinely

    Open Medical Library : cooperation and Scientific Communication Network through RSS

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    One of the fastest and most performing tools on Web 2.0 is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). It allows the access to digital content without constantly visiting the pages where it is stored. Syndication enables to share all kind of informationin XML format, and offers us the opportunity of showing our own content in other web pages in an integrated way, giving an added value to the information. In this communication we would like to present a Network Collaborative Project between medical libraries belonging to different institutions, located in different geographical areas and with different purposes, objectives and interests (some of them focusing on research and teaching and other on medical practice). Our medical libraries have incorporated "the content syndication", on the one hand, as another tool for medical librarian work and, on the other hand, as a value-added service in order to be useful to different users such as medical staff, teachers, researchers or students. RSS lets us share information channels, creating a space for collaborative research. Syndication is a great help to our users as it develops a new trend in the content management sector, which is changing considerably the relationship with information, for both users and librarians' point of view

    Irrumpiendo la montaña más allá de lo que está dicho

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    Después de una larga trayectoria académica en la que se asumió una responsabilidad ético profesional inicia la oportunidad de realizar este proyecto de grado conocido como sistematización de experiencia. Así pues, tomó un año hacer tangible la propuesta elaborada con un contenido narrativo en donde vislumbra la realidad que afrontan las personas en condición de discapacidad y por supuesto sus cuidadoras y sus familias; quienes para efectos de esta propuesta fueron los que permitieron conocer su situación contenida en la localidad 19 de Bogotá Ciudad Bolívar. Desde espacios y encuentros profesionales que materializaron lazos de confianza haciendo posible conocer la situación que las mujeres cuidadoras de personas en condición de discapacidad deben enfrentar, en un contexto permeado por múltiples factores sociales, que hacen más compleja la realidad de la condición de discapacidad de un hijo, un familiar o un conocido. Reconocer la existencia del fenómeno de la discapacidad social y cultural fue el motivo de construir y deconstruir opiniones, acuerdos, debates y discusiones entre las investigadoras. No obstante, como objetivo primordial del presente escrito resultó ser un esbozo de las tantas connotaciones que acarrea la condición de discapacidad y las implicaciones que trae el ser cuidador/a de sujetos/as con esta condición. Además, resultó ser una experiencia que generó 2 como profesionales un reto al teorizar el trabajo disciplinario realizado en la Fundación Camino a la Esperanza (FUCAES), dándole sentido, validez y peso al sentimiento agotador de cansancio, desespero, angustia y perseverancia ante las dificultades que posibilitaron subjetividades el describir una posible generalidad en la comunidad de cuidadoras de personas en condición de discapacidad “FUCAES”

    Zika, abortion and health emergencies: a review of contemporary debates

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    Background: The Zika outbreak provides pertinent case study for considering the impact of health emergencies on abortion decision-making and/or for positioning abortion in global health security debates. Main Body: This paper provides a baseline of contemporary debates taking place in the intersection of two key health policy areas, and seeks to understand how health emergency preparedness frameworks and the broader global health security infrastructure is prepared to respond to future crises which implicate sexual and reproductive rights. Our paper suggests there are three key themes that emerge from the literature; 1) the lack of consideration of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in outbreak response 2) structural inequalities that permeate the landscape of health emergencies, such as Zika, and 3) the need for rights based approaches to health. Conclusion: Global health security planning and response should specifically include programmatic activity for SRH provision during health emergencies

    Tracing the evolutionary history of hepatitis B virus genotype H endemic to Mexico

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) spreads efficiently among all human populations worldwide. HBV is classified into ten genotypes (A to J) with their geographic distribution and clinical features. In Mexico, HBV genotype H is the leading cause of hepatitis B and has been detected in indigenous populations, suggesting that HBV genotype H may be native to Mexico. However, little is known about the evolutionary history of HBV genotype H. Thus, we aimed to determine the age of HBV genotype H in Mexico using molecular dating techniques. Ninety-two HBV sequences of the reverse transcriptase (RT) domain of the polymerase gene (~1,251 bp) were analyzed; 48 were genotype H, 43 were genotype F, and the oldest HBV sequence from America was included as the root. All sequences were aligned, and the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) time was calculated using the Bayesian Skyline Evolutionary Analysis. Our results estimate a TMRCA for the genotype H in Mexico of 2070.9 (667.5–4489.2) years before the present (YBP). We identified four major diversification events in genotype H, named H1, H2, H3, and H4. The TMRCA of H1 was 1213.0 (253.3–2638.3) YBP, followed by H2 1175.5 (557.5–2424.2) YBP, H3 949.6 (279.3–2105.0) YBP, and H4 1230.5 (336.3, 2756.7) YBP. We estimated that genotype H diverged from its sister genotype F around 8140.8 (1867.5–18012.8) YBP. In conclusion, this study found that genotype H in Mexico has an estimated age of 2070.9 (667.5–4489.2) YBP and has experienced at least four major diversification events since then

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Relación de la inversión pública y la pobreza monetaria en la región de San Martín, periodo 2009 - 2016

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    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo Establecer la relación de la inversión pública y la pobreza monetaria en la región San Martín, periodo 2009-2016, por lo tanto, el problema y el objetivo investigado se centra en buscar una relación entre las dos variables. La hipótesis planteada está en entorno a que es posible que exista una relación entre la inversión pública y la pobreza monetaria en la región de San Martín en el periodo 2009-2016. La metodología utilizada está constituida por el acervo documentario de inversión pública y pobreza monetaria en la región de San Martín en el periodo 2009-2016. La investigación es Aplicada en el nivel Correlacional y el diseño de la misma es No Experimental mediante el uso de los método descriptivo y análisis – síntesis, así como de técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos utilizando el análisis documental y la guía documental, además se utilizó un modelo econométrico de regresión lineal, con datos de series de tiempo extraídos del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF), Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) y del Informe Económico y Social regional del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (BCR-P). Asimismo, se procedió al procesamiento y análisis de datos, para la contratación de la hipótesis planteada. Los resultados corroboran la hipótesis de relación inversa entre inversión pública y pobreza monetaria total y extrema. Además, los efectos también son los esperados tomando en cuenta en las regresiones la inversión pública social (Educación, salud y saneamiento), inversión pública económica (Agropecuaria, pesca y comercio) e inversión pública en infraestructura (transportes y energía).This research aims to establish the relationship between public investment and monetary poverty in the San Martin region, period 2009-2016, therefore, the problem and the research objective are focused on finding a relationship between the two variables. The hypothesis proposed is that it may have a relationship between public investment and monetary poverty in the San Martin region for the period 2009-2016. The methodology used is based on the documentary collection of public investment and monetary poverty in the San Martin region for the period 2009-2016. The research is applied at the correlational level and the design of the same is non experimental through the use of the descriptive method and analysis - synthesis, as well as techniques and instruments for data collection using documentary analysis and documentary guide. In addition, an econometric model of linear regression was used, with time series data extracted from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) and the regional Economic and Social Report of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCR-P). Likewise, data processing and analysis were carried out to test the hypothesis. The results corroborate the hypothesis of an inverse relationship between public investment and total and extreme monetary poverty. In addition, the effects are also those expected taking into account in the regressions social public investment (education, health and sanitation), economic public investment (agriculture, fishing and commerce) and public investment in infrastructure (transportation and energy)