89 research outputs found

    Percepcion empresarial de los factores que limitan el aumento de las exportaciones de las empresas de la provincia de Talca

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    77 p.El propósito de nuestra investigación es determinar la percepción de los empresarios de las empresas exportadoras de la provincia de Talca acerca de los factores que limitan el aumento de las exportaciones. Con este fin fue aplicado un cuestionario, que se realizó sobre la base de un modelo confeccionado con información proveniente de textos teóricos. Este provee de todas las variables claves en el proceso de exportación, y fue contrastado con la opinión de los empresarios a cargo de las 20 empresas exportadoras encuestadas. Este tamaño corresponde a todas las empresas que pudieron ser encuestas del total de 31 empresas identificadas (que fueron obtenidas sobre la base de restricciones de exportaciones anuales sobre US$ 15.000 (F.O. B.)). Los resultados del estudio arrojan que las variables que mas limitan las exportaciones son Ias variables económicas, seguida de la capacidad de gestión estratégica. Por otra parte, las que menos influyen, a juicio de los empresarios, son las relaciones exteriores, la condición financiera y las políticas de promoción de exportaciones. En cuanto a las variables especificas, la que mas frena las exportaciones, a juicio de los empresarios, es el tipo de cambio real, seguida de las medidas proteccionistas del país de destino, los aranceles de los países de destino y la información sobre disposiciones legales del país de destino. Por otro lado, el conocimiento de fuentes de financiamiento para exportadores, las misiones gubernamentales, los acuerdos con universidades e institutos tecnológicos, el sistema de telecomunicación actual y los actuales mecanismo

    SFN gain in broadcast networks

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    Influence of handover mechanisms and transmission delay difference on SFN gain

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    Single Frequency Networks (SFNs) are often deployed for their optimal frequency reuse and the more homogeneous distribution of the field strength in the covered area. Different methodologies have already been proposed to calculate the so-called SFN gain over Multi Frequency Networks (MFNs), but so far, the influence of (MFN) handover mechanisms on the gain values has not yet been investigated. Also, it can be expected that in SFNs, the gain values will depend on the transmission delay difference of the signals from the different transmitters in the SFN. This paper will first assess the influence of a handover mechanism on previously obtained SFN gain values. Secondly, it will be investigated if the transmission delay difference is a good predictor for the SFN gain. This paper further clarifies the SFN concept from a network planner's point of view and aids in understanding what a network planner should take into account when deploying an SFN

    A software based DVB-T2 time frequency slicing evaluation framework

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    DVB-T2 is the second generation terrestrial broadcast system developed within the DVB consortium. Based on multi-carrier transmission OFDM, DVB-T2 introduces many innovative tools offering high flexibility to broadcasters. Among many other new techniques DVB-T2 defines an optional Time-Frequency-Slicing (TFS) profile. In TFS slices of a PLP are sent over multiple and non necessarily adjacent RF frequency channels. This technique provides a gain associated to propagation diversity, as well as an intrinsic multiplexation gain. Following a software defined radio approach this paper presents a flexible DVB-T2 Time Frequency Slicing evaluation framework built to study the practical performance of DVB-T2 Time Frequency Slicing configurations under realistic channel scenarios. The paper focuses on the diversity gain associated to propagation diversity

    Metabolomics analysis of type 2 diabetes remission identifies 12 metabolites with predictive capacity: a CORDIOPREV clinical trial study.

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most widely spread diseases, affecting around 90% of the patients with diabetes. Metabolomics has proven useful in diabetes research discovering new biomarkers to assist in therapeutical studies and elucidating pathways of interest. However, this technique has not yet been applied to a cohort of patients that have remitted from T2DM. All patients with a newly diagnosed T2DM at baseline (n = 190) were included. An untargeted metabolomics approach was employed to identify metabolic differences between individuals who remitted (RE), and those who did not (non-RE) from T2DM, during a 5-year study of dietary intervention. The biostatistical pipeline consisted of an orthogonal projection on the latent structure discriminant analysis (O-PLS DA), a generalized linear model (GLM), a receiver operating characteristic (ROC), a DeLong test, a Cox regression, and pathway analyses. The model identified a significant increase in 12 metabolites in the non-RE group compared to the RE group. Cox proportional hazard models, calculated using these 12 metabolites, showed that patients in the high-score tercile had significantly (p-value < 0.001) higher remission probabilities (Hazard Ratio, HR, high versus low = 2.70) than those in the lowest tercile. The predictive power of these metabolites was further studied using GLMs and ROCs. The area under the curve (AUC) of the clinical variables alone is 0.61, but this increases up to 0.72 if the 12 metabolites are considered. A DeLong test shows that this difference is statistically significant (p-value = 0.01). Our study identified 12 endogenous metabolites with the potential to predict T2DM remission following a dietary intervention. These metabolites, combined with clinical variables, can be used to provide, in clinical practice, a more precise therapy. ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT00924937.The CORDIOPREV study is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, under the grants AGL2012/39615, PIE14/00005, and PIE14/00031 associated to J.L.-M.; AGL2015-67896-P to J.L.-M. and A.C.; CP14/00114 to A.C.; PI19/00299 to A.C.; DTS19/00007 to A.C.; FIS PI13/00023 to J.D.-L., PI16/01777 to F.P.-J. and P.P.-M.; Antonio Camargo is supported by an ISCIII research contract (Programa Miguel-Servet CPII19/00007); Marina Mora-Ortiz has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847468; ‘Fundacion Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero’, Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Salud, Consejeria de Agricultura y Pesca, Consejería de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa), ‘Diputaciones de Jaen y Cordoba’, ‘Centro de Excelencia en Investigación sobre Aceite de Oliva y Salud’ and ‘Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino’, Gobierno de España; ‘Consejeria de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Proyectos de Investigación de Excelencia’, Junta de Andalucía under the grant CVI-7450 obtaiend by J.L.-M.; and we would also like to thank the ‘Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)’.S

    Long-term effect of a dietary intervention with two-healthy dietary approaches on food intake and nutrient density in coronary patients: results from the CORDIOPREV trial

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of disease burden in the world by non-communicable diseases. Nutritional interventions promoting high-quality dietary patterns with low caloric intake value and high nutrient density (ND) could be linked to a better control of CVD risk and recurrence of coronary disease. This study aims to assess the effects of a dietary intervention based on MedDiet or Low-Fat dietary intervention over changes in ND and food intake after 1 and 7 years of follow-up of the CORDIOPREV study. Methods: We prospectively analyzed the results of the 802 coronary patients randomized to two healthy dietary patterns (MedDiet = 425, Low-Fat Diet = 377) who completed the 7 years of follow-up and had all the dietary data need. Dietary intake information obtained from a validated 137-item Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to calculate 1- and 7-year changes in dietary intake and ND (measured as nutrient intake per 1000 kcal). T test was used to ascertain differences in food intake and ND between groups across follow-up time. Within-subject (dietary allocation group) differences were analyzed with ANOVA repeated measures. Results: From baseline to 7 years of follow-up, significant increases of vegetables, fruits, and whole cereals within groups (p < 0.001) was found. We found a higher increase in dietary intake of certain food groups with MedDiet in comparison with Low-Fat Diet for vegetables (46.1 g/day vs. 18.1 g/day, p < 00.1), fruits (121.3 g/day vs. 72.9 g/day), legumes (4.3 g/day vs. 0.16 g/day) and nuts (7.3 g/day vs. − 3.7 g/day). There was a decrease in energy intake over time in both groups, slightly higher in Low-Fat Diet compared to MedDiet group (− 427.6 kcal/day vs. − 279.8 kcal/day at 1st year, and − 544.6 kcal/day vs. − 215.3 kcal/day after 7 years of follow-up). ND of all the nutrients increased within group across follow-up time, except for Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA), cholesterol and sodium (p < 0.001). Conclusions: A comprehensive dietary intervention improved quality of diet, reducing total energy intake and increasing the intake of healthy food groups and overall ND after 1 year and maintaining this trend after 7 years of follow-up. Our results reinforce the idea of the participation in trials, enhance nutrition literacy and produces better nutritional outcomes in adult patients with established CVD. Clinical trial registry: The trial was registered in 2009 at ClinicalTrials.gov (number NCT00924937)

    Morphostructural Characterization of Rice Grain (Oryza sativa L.) Variety Morelos A-98 during Filling Stages

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    The morphostructure of grain rice Morelos A-98 was characterized in five stages of physiological maturation, in order to generate morphometric information during the filling process. Micrographic images from optical and scanning electron microscopy coupled to a digital capture system were used. Images were digitally processed to measure different descriptors such as shape, fractal dimension, and surface texture. Results showed that, two weeks after anthesis, an accelerated grain filling was observed, particularly on those grains positioned in the distal panicle zone, compared to those located in the base of this one. As deposition of assimilates in the grain increased, the area and perimeter of the transversal cut of the grains also increased (P ≤ 0.05); meanwhile, the rounded shape factor tended to increase as well (P ≤ 0.05), while the elliptic shape factor decreased. As the dehydrated endosperm passed from “milky” to “doughy” stages, values of fractal dimension area and endosperm perimeter as well as surface texture values showed that grain borders tended to become smoother and that there was a greater structured endosperm area (P ≤ 0.05)

    A plasma fatty acid profile associated to type 2 diabetes development: from the CORDIOPREV study

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    Purpose: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing worldwide. For this reason, it is essential to identify biomarkers for the early detection of T2DM risk and/or for a better prognosis of T2DM. We aimed to identify a plasma fatty acid (FA) profile associated with T2DM development. Methods: We included 462 coronary heart disease patients from the CORDIOPREV study without T2DM at baseline. Of these, 107 patients developed T2DM according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) diagnosis criteria after a median follow-up of 60 months. We performed a random classification of patients in a training set, used to build a FA Score, and a Validation set, in which we tested the FA Score. Results: FA selection with the highest prediction power was performed by random survival forest in the Training set, which yielded 4 out of the 24 FA: myristic, petroselinic, α-linolenic and arachidonic acids. We built a FA Score with the selected FA and observed that patients with a higher score presented a greater risk of T2DM development, with an HR of 3.15 (95% CI 2.04–3.37) in the Training set, and an HR of 2.14 (95% CI 1.50–2.84) in the Validation set, per standard deviation (SD) increase. Moreover, patients with a higher FA Score presented lower insulin sensitivity and higher hepatic insulin resistance (p < 0.05). Conclusión: Our results suggest that a detrimental FA plasma profile precedes the development of T2DM in patients with coronary heart disease, and that this FA profile can, therefore, be used as a predictive biomarker

    Propuesta de Supply Chain Management y Logística para la empresa Bavaria S.A.

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    Anexo 1. Instrumento para la gestión de inventarios Bavaria S.A. continuación y Anexo 2. Instrumento propuesto para la evaluación y selección de proveedoresEn el presente trabajo se elabora una propuesta en donde se identifica la administración de la cadena de suministros de la empresa Bavaria S.A. haciendo uso de los fundamentos teóricos de la cadena de suministros hasta el momento. Por otro lado, se identifican los miembros, la estructura y los vínculos de los procesos dentro de la cadena de suministros de la empresa de estudio. Además se integran algunos procesos empresariales a partir de los enfoques GSCF y APICS SCOR; y asimismo se investigan las políticas nacionales de logística vigentes en Colombia para la mejora de la gestión de la cadena de suministros desde una vista global a una local para la disminución del efecto látigo en la organización. Por consiguiente, se hace un diagnóstico de la empresa con relación a la gestión de los inventarios, el layout de los almacenes o centros de distribución, la gestión de aprovisionamiento, los procesos logísticos de distribución y las megatendencias para una propuesta de mejora en cada uno de estos procesos con la búsqueda de una gestión de una cadena de suministros ideal.In the present work a proposal is elaborated where the administration of the supply chain of the company Bavaria S.A. is identified. making use of the theoretical foundations of the supply chain so far. On the other hand, the members, the structure and the links of the processes within the supply chain of the study company are identified. In addition, some business processes are integrated from the GSCF and APICS SCOR approaches; and the national logistics policies in force in Colombia were investigated to improve supply chain management from a global to a local view to reduce the bullwhip effect on the organization. Therefore, a diagnosis of the company is made in relation to inventory management, the layout of warehouses or distribution centers, supply management, distribution logistics processes and megatrends for an improvement proposal in each one. of these processes with the search for an ideal supply chain management