70 research outputs found

    Splicing modulation therapy in the treatment of genetic diseases

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    Antisense-mediated splicing modulation is a tool that can be exploited in several ways to provide a potential therapy for rare genetic diseases. This approach is currently being tested in clinical trials for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy. The present review outlines the versatility of the approach to correct cryptic splicing, modulate alternative splicing, restore the open reading frame, and induce protein knockdown, providing examples of each. Finally, we outline a possible path forward toward the clinical application of this approach for a wide variety of inherited rare diseases

    Revertant fibres and dystrophin traces in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Implication for clinical trials

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterised by the absence of dystrophin in muscle biopsies, although residual dystrophin can be present, either as dystrophin-positive (revertant) fibres or traces. As restoration of dystrophin expression is the end point of clinical trials, such residual dystrophin is a key factor in recruitment of patients and may also confound the analysis of dystrophin restoration in treated patients, if, as previously observed in the mdx mouse, revertant fibres increase with age. In 62% of the diagnostic biopsies reports of 65 DMD patients studied, traces or revertants were recorded with no correlation between traces or revertants, the patients' performance, or corticosteroids response. In nine of these patients, there was no increase in traces or revertants in biopsies taken a mean of 8.23 years (5.8-10.4 years) after the original diagnostic biopsy. This information should help in the design and execution of clinical trials focused on dystrophin restoration strategies. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Immunohistological intensity measurements as a tool to assess sarcolemma-associated protein expression

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    Aims: The quantification of protein levels in muscle biopsies is of particular relevance in the diagnostic process of neuromuscular diseases, but is difficult to assess in cases of partial protein deficiency, particularly when information on protein localization is required. The combination of immunohistochemistry and Western blotting is often used in these cases, but is not always possible if the sample is scarce. We therefore sought to develop a method to quantify relative levels of sarcolemma-associated proteins using digitally captured images of immunolabelled sections of skeletal muscle. Methods: To validate our relative quantification method, we labelled dystrophin and other sarcolemmal proteins in transverse sections of muscle biopsies taken from Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker muscular dystrophy patients, a manifesting carrier of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and normal controls. Results: Using this method to quantify relative sarcolemmal protein abundance, we were able to accurately distinguish between the different patients on the basis of the relative amount of dystrophin present. Conclusions: This comparative method adds value to techniques that are already part of the diagnostic process and can be used with minimal variation of the standardized protocols, without using extra amounts of valuable biopsy samples. Comparative quantification of sarcolemmal proteins on immunostained muscle sections will be of use to establish both the abundance and localization of the protein. Moreover, it can be applied to assess the efficacy of experimental therapies where only partial restoration or upregulation of the protein may occur

    Considerations in the preclinical assessment of the safety of antisense oligonucleotides

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    The nucleic acid therapeutics field has made tremendous progress in the past decades. Continuous advances in chemistry and design have led to many successful clinical applications, eliciting even more interest from researchers including both academic groups and drug development companies. Many preclinical studies in the field focus on improving the delivery of antisense oligonucleotide drugs (ONDs) and/or assessing their efficacy in target tissues, often neglecting the evaluation of toxicity, at least in early phases of development. A series of consensus recommendations regarding regulatory considerations and expectations have been generated by the Oligonucleotide Safety Working Group and the Japanese Research Working Group for the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use S6 and Related Issues (WGS6) in several white papers. However, safety aspects should also be kept in sight in earlier phases while screening and designing OND to avoid subsequent failure in the development phase. Experts and members of the network "DARTER," a COST Action funded by the Cooperation in Science and Technology of the EU, have utilized their collective experience working with OND, as well as their insights into OND-mediated toxicities, to generate a series of consensus recommendations to assess OND toxicity in early stages of preclinical research. In the past few years, several publications have described predictive assays, which can be used to assess OND-mediated toxicity in vitro or ex vivo to filter out potential toxic candidates before moving to in vivo phases of preclinical development, that is, animal toxicity studies. These assays also have the potential to provide translational insight since they allow a safety evaluation in human in vitro systems. Yet, small preliminary in vivo studies should also be considered to complement this early assessment. In this study, we summarize the state of the art and provide guidelines and recommendations on the different tests available for these early stage preclinical assessments.Functional Genomics of Muscle, Nerve and Brain Disorder

    Report of a TREAT-NMD/World Duchenne Organisation Meeting on Dystrophin Quantification Methodology

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    Representatives of academia, patient organisations, industry and the United States Food and Drug Administration attended a workshop on dystrophin quantification methodology. The aims of the workshop were to provide an overview of methods used to quantify dystrophin levels in human skeletal muscle and their applicability to clinical trial samples, outline the gaps with regards to validating the methods for robust clinical applications prior to regulatory agency review, and to align future efforts towards further optimizing these methods. The workshop facilitated a constructive but also critical discussion on the potential and limitations of techniques currently used in the field of translational research (western blot and immunofluorescence analysis) and emerging techniques (mass spectrometry and capillary western immunoassay). Notably, all participants reported variation in dystrophin levels between muscle biopsies from different healthy individuals and agreed on the need for a common reference sample

    Progress in muscular dystrophy research with special emphasis on gene therapy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked, progressive muscle-wasting disease caused by mutations in the DMD gene. Since the disease was described by physicians in the 19th century, information about the subject has been accumulated. One author (Sugita) was one of the coworkers who first reported that the serum creatine kinase (CK) level is elevated in progressive muscular dystrophy patients. Even 50 years after that first report, an elevated serum CK level is still the most useful marker in the diagnosis of DMD, a sensitive index of the state of skeletal muscle, and useful to evaluate therapeutic effects. In the latter half of this article, we describe recent progress in the therapy of DMD, with an emphasis on gene therapies, particularly exon skipping

    Long-term microdystrophin gene therapy is effective in a canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an incurable X-linked muscle-wasting disease caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Gene therapy using highly functional microdystrophin genes and recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors is an attractive strategy to treat DMD. Here we show that locoregional and systemic delivery of a rAAV2/8 vector expressing a canine microdystrophin (cMD1) is effective in restoring dystrophin expression and stabilizing clinical symptoms in studies performed on a total of 12 treated golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dogs. Locoregional delivery induces high levels of microdystrophin expression in limb musculature and significant amelioration of histological and functional parameters. Systemic intravenous administration without immunosuppression results in significant and sustained levels of microdystrophin in skeletal muscles and reduces dystrophic symptoms for over 2 years. No toxicity or adverse immune consequences of vector administration are observed. These studies indicate safety and efficacy of systemic rAAV-cMD1 delivery in a large animal model of DMD, and pave the way towards clinical trials of rAAV-microdystrophin gene therapy in DMD patients

    In Silico Screening Based on Predictive Algorithms as a Design Tool for Exon Skipping Oligonucleotides in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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    The use of antisense 'splice-switching' oligonucleotides to induce exon skipping represents a potential therapeutic approach to various human genetic diseases. It has achieved greatest maturity in exon skipping of the dystrophin transcript in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), for which several clinical trials are completed or ongoing, and a large body of data exists describing tested oligonucleotides and their efficacy. The rational design of an exon skipping oligonucleotide involves the choice of an antisense sequence, usually between 15 and 32 nucleotides, targeting the exon that is to be skipped. Although parameters describing the target site can be computationally estimated and several have been identified to correlate with efficacy, methods to predict efficacy are limited. Here, an in silico pre-screening approach is proposed, based on predictive statistical modelling. Previous DMD data were compiled together and, for each oligonucleotide, some 60 descriptors were considered. Statistical modelling approaches were applied to derive algorithms that predict exon skipping for a given target site. We confirmed (1) the binding energetics of the oligonucleotide to the RNA, and (2) the distance in bases of the target site from the splice acceptor site, as the two most predictive parameters, and we included these and several other parameters (while discounting many) into an in silico screening process, based on their capacity to predict high or low efficacy in either phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (89% correctly predicted) and/or 2'O Methyl RNA oligonucleotides (76% correctly predicted). Predictions correlated strongly with in vitro testing for sixteen de novo PMO sequences targeting various positions on DMD exons 44 (R² 0.89) and 53 (R² 0.89), one of which represents a potential novel candidate for clinical trials. We provide these algorithms together with a computational tool that facilitates screening to predict exon skipping efficacy at each position of a target exon