198 research outputs found


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    PENGARUH SIKAP KONSUMEN DAN NORMA SUBYEKTIF TERHADAP MINAT BELI PRODUK SEPEDA MOTOR YAMAHA ”SCORPIO” DI PT. SURYA TIMUR SAKTI MOTOR SURABAYA Oleh OCTA ARDIE PRADANA ABSTRAKSI Sebagai salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar di Indonesia bahkan dunia, perusahaan Yamaha memilki tanggung jawab untuk memuaskan para pelanggan dengan berbagai keunggulan, misalnya kualitas disain, warna, simbol dan ciri khas tertentu yang mampu mendongkrak penjualan dan juga menciptakan kesan tersendiri di benak pelanggan. Dari fenomena selama tahun 2009, penjualan sepeda motor Yamaha “SCORPIO” PT. Surya Timur Sakti Motor Surabaya, tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan oleh pihak manajemen perusahaan, turunnya minat beli konsumen akan sepeda motor Yamaha ”SCORPIO” ini kemungkinan disebabkan karena banyak sekali bermunculan merek sepeda motor dengan berbagai model, desain, memberikan kualitas yang bagus dan harga yang cukup bersaing. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka penelitian ini tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sikap konsumen dan norma subyektif terhadap minat beli konsumen pada sepeda motor Yamaha ”SCORPIO”. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 110 responden dengan menggunakan teknik aksidental sampling. Teknik analisis yang dipergunakan adalah Structural Equation Modeling untuk mengetahui kausalitas antar variabel yang dianalisis. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa faktor Sikap Konsumen berpengaruh positif terhadap faktor Minat Beli Konsumen, tidak dapat diterima atau tidak signifikan (positif), dan faktor Norma Subyektif berpengaruh positif terhadap faktor Minat Beli Konsumen, dapat diterima atau signifikan (positif). Artinya, model konseptual yang dikembangkan dan dilandasi oleh teori tidak sepenuhnya didukung oleh fakta. Kata Kunci : Sikap Konsumen, Norma Subyektif dan Minat Bel

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran dan Registrasi Mahasiswa Baru Jalur Mandiri di Universitas XYZ

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    The presence of the University XYZ are the ideals that have long been rooted within Bangka Belitung Islands people. Dreams that have been mapped long ago before the birth of Bangka Belitung province and further raised in line with the establishment of the province of Bangka Belitung. With the status of the State university of new admissions screening new students through the SNMPTN, SBMPTN path for independent pathways XYZ University still use manual system of registering students, the division of the exam room, recap report student enrollment and registration of new students. One effort that can be done is to increase and improve the information system of new admissions independent pathways that are still manual with computerized systems and integrated so as to provide timely and accurate information as a basis for decision makin


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    ABSTRACTThe research entitled “analysis of android-based loan installatment calculation” aims to calculate the number of loan installments per month from the loan principal, interest rate, and a certain period of time. This research was conducted by creating an application program using the React Native language. The program that had been created was then installed on an android-based cellular phone.The results showed that the calculation of loan installments could be done quickly, easily and instantly. Users just had to install the program on their cell phones and then they could use it immediately

    Pengaruh Media Video Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Tentang Gizi Seimbang Pada Siswa Kelas V Di SDN 016 Samarinda Seberang

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    Tujuan studi: Masalah gizi timbul akibat perilaku gizi seseorang yang salah yaitu karena ketidak seimbangan antara konsumsi gizi dan kecukupan gizi yang diperlukan tubuh. Berdasarkan data status gizi anak umur 5-12 tahun di Kota Samarinda, prevalensi gizi lebih tinggi 23.9% terdiri gemuk 17% dan obesitas 6.9%, gizi kurang 9.6% terdiri kurus 7.1% dan sangat kurus 2.5%. Oleh sebab itu peneliti bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pengetahuan dan sikap siswa SD tentang menjaga gizi seimbang dengan menggunakan mendia video tentang gizi seimbang. Metodologi: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasy Eksperimen dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN 016 Samarinda Seberang wilayah kerja UPT Puskesmas Baqa Kota Samarinda yang berjumlah 94 orang dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 48 orang. Hasil: . Pada hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai pengetahuan pretest 79.2% meningkat pada postest 85.4% dan sikap pretest 66.7% meningkat pada postest 70.8%. Hasil bivariat didapatkan pengetahuan 0.000 (p<0.05), sikap 0.028 (p<0.05). Manfaat: Dapat menjadi sumber pengetahuan tentang pengaruh media video terhadapa pengetahuan dan sikap tentang gizi seimbang

    The Role Of Internet Financial Reporting Elements In Mediating Systematic Risk And Debt Policy As An Effort To Increase Firm Value

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    This study aims to analyze the ability of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR) to mediate the relationship between debt policy and systematic risk to fixed values. The research data is companies that are in the order of LQ45 listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018-2022. Analysis of the path with the lowest square partially shows the IFR element as a mediator. The test results show that debt policy is detrimental to fixed value and systematic risk has no effect on fixed value. Both debt and risk policies have a positive effect on IFR. The practical implication of the results of this study is that the role of IFR as a mediator occurs when the company has the completeness of IFR elements, namely content, technology, time feasibility, and convenience for users. The role of IFR is very important to be able to increase the value of the company by giving positive signals to investors who make decisions. Companies must pay attention to elements of technology and user support so that IFR can function optimally to increase firm value

    Seed-Borne Fungi Associated with Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv.) Genotype ICERI-6

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    The need of functional foods that provide health benefits beyond the essential nutrient has caused foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv.) potential to be developed. The foxtail millet superior development needs to be equipped by the production of pathogen-free seeds. Seed-borne pathogens have the potential to inhibit plant growth, reduce plant productivity, change the nutritional content of plants, and may cause new plant disease epidemics. This study aimed to detect and identify fungi associated with foxtail millet seeds genotype ICERI-6 from the Indonesian Cereal Research Institute, Maros which have 8 mo shelf life. Seeds surface-sterilized with NaOCl was grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and incubated for 4 days. Detected fungal colonies were recultured on PDA medium to be characterized by morphological characteristics. The colonies were dominated by Fusarium oxysporum (52%) followed by F. verticilloides, Curvularia sp., Helminthosporium sp., Cladosporioum sp., and Rhizoctonia solani ranging from 4% to 13%. The fungal growth rate varies from 0.73 - 2.67 cm per day. Hot water treatment with temperature 52 oC for 20 min could reduce the percentage of infection by up to 64% without the reduction of seed germination. Detection of pathogens at different shelf lives and genotypes is needed as basic information to optimizing the method of controlling seed-borne pathogen in foxtail millet seeds.  Keywords: growth rate, hot water treatment, incubation, morphological characterization, shelf life


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    The research entitled “Integration of Multi-Platform Desktop, Web and Mobile Applications at PT. Prima Artha Kreasindo Using Web Service” aims to integrate several desktop, web and mobile-based application systems into one application system using web services to make it more practical, effective and efficient. The developed application system can be installed on computers, laptops and cellular phones. The research was conducted by coding an integrated application program with a web service link facility and simulating the operation of the application. The use of the right device makes the system run more effectively and efficiently. The results showed that the multi-platform application program can be applied at PT. Prima Artha Kreasindo on the sales application system, with a point of sale system (POS, point of sales) and inventory control in the warehouse. The sales application program at the company became more practical, effective and efficient


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    Abstrak Informasi menjadi sebuah kebutuhan sangat primer bagi masyarakat. Saat ini dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas media dan jaringan internet, masyarakat dapat menerima dan menyebarkan informasi melalui media digital. Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi memiliki konsekuensi yang berdampak pada perubahan pola produksi dan konsumsi informasi yang dilakukan oleh khalayak umum. Sehingga peneliti tertarik dalam melakukan ini guna untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan dalam melakukan transaksi dan privasi data sehingga dapat mengurangi Tindakan kriminal yang berkaitan dengan data atau cybercrime. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam era digital ini, fungsi perpustakaan sebagai penyedia layanan informasi dan pengetahuan pun berubah. Perpustakaan harus berubah paradigma menjadi berbasis teknologi dan lebih mengembangkan diri, agar sebagai sumber pembelajaran perpustakaan tetap menjadi tulang punggung bangsa dalam memperoleh pengetahuan dan memperdalam keilmuan, Dinamika tindak pidana yang terus berkembang dengan cepat adalah alasannya, dan Big Data juga menjadi salah satu tools mereka menjalankan aksinya. Kata Kunci: Alat bukti elektronik; Jejak digital; cybercrime.   Abstract Information has become a very primary need for the community. Currently, by utilizing media facilities and internet networks, people can receive and disseminate information through digital media. The rapid development of technology and communication has consequences that have an impact on changing patterns of production and consumption of information by the general public. So that researchers are interested in doing this in order to increase awareness in conducting transactions and data privacy so as to reduce criminal acts related to data or cybercrime. The results showed that in this digital era, the function of the library as a provider of information and knowledge services has changed. Libraries must change their paradigm to become technology-based and develop themselves more, so that as a source of learning the library remains the backbone of the nation in gaining knowledge and deepening knowledge, the dynamics of criminal acts that continue to grow rapidly are the reason, and Big Data is also one of the tools they carry out their actions. Keywords: Electronic evidence; Digital footprint; cybercrime

    Mutation site identification confers glyphosate resistance in goosegrass (Eleusine indica L. Gaertn) from Jonggol, Bogor, Indonesia

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    Glyphosate resistance is a serious problem in weed control, especially in oil palm plantations. However, evaluation of suspected resistant weeds such as Eleusine indica L. Gaertn at the gene level is still scarce in Indonesia. Here, target-site resistance to glyphosate of the EPSPS gene was evaluated. The objective of this study was to identify glyphosate resistance caused by mutation points in goosegrass biotypes from oil palm plantation in Jonggol, West Java, Indonesia. Bio-assay analysis was carried out by planting goosegrass in pots. Glyphosate was applicated using eight-level, namely 0, 0.125x, 0.25x, 0.5x, x, 2x, 4x, and 8x, where x was the recommended dose (972 g ha-1) for three replications. Weed damage was evaluated from plant biomass and then regression analysis was performed to obtain the LD50 and resistance index. The E. indica from block V had a reduced sensitivity status with 2.343 value of resistance index, and those from Block II biotype had a sensitive status with 1.588 resistance index. Alignment of the EPSPS gene showed no mutation was observed at two target-points, indicating that increasing resistance of E. indica in the study site could be controlled by other factors. Nevertheless, E. indica of block V biotype had a resistance potential due to the highest LD50. It is necessary to evaluate further the possibility of mutation in other target-points of the EPSPS gene. Keywords: bio-assay; EPSPS; LD50; resistance index; sequencing; target-site resistanceGlyphosate resistance is a serious problem in weed control, especially in oil palm plantations. However, evaluation of suspected resistant weeds such as Eleusine indica L. Gaertn at the gene level is still scarce in Indonesia. Here, target-site resistance to glyphosate of the EPSPS gene was evaluated. The objective of this study was to identify glyphosate resistance caused by mutation points in goosegrass biotypes from oil palm plantation in Jonggol, West Java, Indonesia. Bio-assay analysis was carried out by planting goosegrass in pots. Glyphosate was applicated using eight-level, namely 0, 0.125x, 0.25x, 0.5x, x, 2x, 4x, and 8x, where x was the recommended dose (972 g ha-1) for three replications. Weed damage was evaluated from plant biomass and then regression analysis was performed to obtain the LD50 and resistance index. The E. indica from block V had a reduced sensitivity status with 2.343 value of resistance index, and those from Block II biotype had a sensitive status with 1.588 resistance index. Alignment of the EPSPS gene showed no mutation was observed at two target-points, indicating that increasing resistance of E. indica in the study site could be controlled by other factors. Nevertheless, E. indica of block V biotype had a resistance potential due to the highest LD50. It is necessary to evaluate further the possibility of mutation in other target-points of the EPSPS gene. Keywords: bio-assay; EPSPS; LD50; resistance index; sequencing; target-site resistanc

    Analysis And Design Of E-Commerce (B2B) With The Technology Acceptance Model Method At PT. Global Pharma Indonesia

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    Technological advances make competition more competitive so companies are competing in introducing and selling goods by utilizing technology, one of the most rapid technological advances is the internet, the increasing number of internet users has a positive impact on e-commerce. Therefore e-commerce can provide information on goods, facilitate ordering of goods and is not limited by time and distance, to determine the acceptance of technology users, then the Technology Acceptance Model method is used with variables of perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, perceived usefulness, actual usage, behavioral intention. The research sample of 26 employees. Based on the results of the linear analysis noted that attitude toward using can be explained by variations in perceived ease of use, behavioral intention, and perceived usefulness of 52,5 percent, while actual usage can be explained by variations in perceived ease of use, perceived of usefulness, and behavioral intention of 72,2 percent and the remaining 47,5 percent and 27,8 percent are explained by other factors outside the model