20 research outputs found

    Contribution to Quality-driven Evolutionary Software Development process for Service-Oriented Architectures

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    The quality of software is a key element for the successful of a system. Currently, with the advance of the technology, consumers demand more and better services. Models for the development process have also to be adapted to new requirements. This is particular true in the case of service oriented systems (domain of this thesis), where an unpredictable number of users can access to one or several services. This work proposes an improvement in the models for the software development process based on the theory of the evolutionary software development. The main objective is to maintain and improve the quality of software as long as possible and with the minimum effort and cost. Usually, this process is supported on methods known in the literature as agile software development methods. Other key element in this thesis is the service oriented software architecture. Software architecture plays an important role in the quality of any software system. The Service oriented architecture adds the service flexibility, the services are autonomous and compact assets, and they can be improved and integrated with better facility. The proposed model in this thesis for evolutionary software development makes emphasis in the quality of services. Therefore, some principles of evolutionary development are redefined and new processes are introduced, such as: architecture assessment, architecture recovery and architecture conformance. Every new process will be evaluated with case studies considering quality aspects. They have been selected according to the market demand, they are: the performance, security and evolutionability. Other aspects could be considered of the same way than the three previous, but we believe that these quality attributes are enough to demonstrate the viability of our proposal


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    RESUMEN ANALÍTICOActualmente se cuenta con arquitecturas para aplicaciones interactivas en el contexto de la televisión digital interactiva (TDi), y con arquitecturas para servicios interactivos; sin embargo, no son suficientes para dar soporte a los servicios exclusivos para el aprendizaje (servicios T-Learning) a través de la difusión broadcast soportada por el estándar DVB-T, ya que no están pensadas en gestionar los distintos servicios y contenidos multimedia según el proceso de aprendizaje del usuario. A diferencia de las otras, esta arquitectura que se propone se enfoca en la gestión de servicios para el aprendizaje y de los contenidos multimedia relacionados con ese fin. Este artículo se estructura así: inicialmente se definen brevemente los servicios T-Learning, posteriormente los escenarios soportados por la arquitectura y componentes, por otro lado se explica la interactividad a los diferentes servicios desde el terminal del usuario TDi. Esta arquitectura ya fue probada con algunos servicios T-Learning y se resumirán los resultados de dicha implementación que se realizó en el laboratorio de TDi de la Universidad del Cauca. Además, se puede observar como la arquitectura permite una mejor gestión de servicios y uso del canal de retorno.PALABRAS CLAVES: Televisión Digital Interactiva, Servicios T-Learning, DVB- MHP.GENERIC ARCHITECTURE FOR DEPLOYING T-LEARNING SERVICES SUPPORTED BY THE DVB-TANALYTICAL SUMMARYThe architectures for interactive applications in the context of interactive digital television (iTV), and architectures for interactive services, these are not sufficient to support the exclusive services T-learning through of transmission broadcast on the DVB-T standard, the architectures no are design to manage the services T-Learning and multimedia content according to the user's learning process. This architecture focuses on the management of services T-Learning and multimedia content. This paper is organized as follows: initially briefly defined T-Learning services, then the scenarios supported by the architecture and components and the different services interactivity from the end-user iTV. The architecture was tested with some T-Learning services; the paper described some results of the implementation which was conducted in the laboratory of iTV of University of Cauca. Also, you can see how the architecture allows better management of services and use the return channel. KEYWORDS: Interactive Digital Television, T-Learning Services, DVB- MHP. Forma de citar: Cerón Ríos, G. M., & Arciniegas, J. L. (2014). Arquitectura Genérica para el Despliegue de Servicios T-Learning soportados por DVB -T. En R, Llamosa Villalba (Ed.). Revista Gerencia Tecnológica Informática, 13(36), 33-48. ISSN 1657-8236

    Algoritmo de Filtrado Híbrido-Mixto para Recomendación de Contenidos Audiovisuales a Comunidades Virtuales

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    Generalmente, los algoritmos de filtrado son usados en las recomendaciones de contenidos sin tener en cuenta el contexto de aplicación. Como adaptación a un contexto enmarcado por el consumo de contenidos audiovisuales por miembros de comunidades virtuales, se propone un algoritmo de filtrado híbrido-mixto de recomendaciones, que combina los enfoques colaborativo y basado en contenido. La experimentación permite concluir que el algoritmo es preciso con un pequeño vecindario de usuarios, además que reduce los efectos del Cold-Start. Lo anterior se consigue porque a diferencia de otros algoritmos, éste trabaja en función de los niveles de interés por las comunidades

    Designing the Didactic Strategy Modeling Language (DSML) From PoN: An Activity Oriented EML Proposal

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    [EN] This paper presents the design of the didactic strategy modeling language (DSML) according to the principles of Physics of Notations (PoN). The DSML is a visual and activity-oriented language for learning design characterized by the representation of different activities according to the nature of the task. Once the language is designed, a blind interpretation study is conducted to validate the semantic transparency of the learning activity iconography. The results of the paper allow to refine the icons. In addition to this, an authoring tool for DSML, which is integrated to an LMS, is presented. As a result, a model driven course was designed as a DSML pre-validation.Ruiz, A.; Panach Navarrete, JI.; Pastor López, O.; Giraldo-Velásquez, FD.; Arciniegas, JL.; Giraldo, WJ. (2018). Designing the Didactic Strategy Modeling Language (DSML) From PoN: An Activity Oriented EML Proposal. IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal. 13(4):136-143. https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2018.2879262S13614313

    Simulation of a Tele-Surgery process through a Live Video Streaming service, using Simu5G and Wowza

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    Telematic services that require low latency for real-time applications and that make use of wireless mobile networks are increasingly popular. In the case of Tele-Surgery services that employ Live Video Streaming (LVS), latency times of the order of 1ms are needed. Given the difficulty of implementing real 5G test scenarios that enable this type of service to be characterized, this paper presents an emulation scenario that uses Simu5G to simulate the network, Wowza as a real video server, OBS Studio for transmission and VLC media player for content playback. This emulation scenario makes it possible to modify such parameters as bitrate, bandwidth, frequency and numerology index in order to evaluate different network configurations. By varying these parameters in a controlled way, packet losses are obtained for different bitrate values. The best quality video was obtained with a bitrate of 3000 Kbps.Los servicios telemáticos que requieren baja latencia para aplicaciones en tiempo real y que utilizan las redes móviles inalámbricas son cada vez más populares. El caso del servicio de Tele-Cirugía que emplea la técnica de Live Video Streaming –LVS requiere tiempos de latencia del orden de 1ms. Ante la dificultad de implementar escenarios de prueba reales de 5G que permitan caracterizar este tipo de servicios, se presenta en este trabajo un escenario de emulación que emplea Simu5G para simular la red, Wowza como servidor real de video, OBS Studio para la transmisión y VLC media player para la reproducción del contenido. Este escenario de emulación permite modificar parámetros como bitrate, ancho de banda, frecuencia e índice de numerología; con el objetivo de evaluar diferentes configuraciones de red. Variando de forma controlada los parámetros mencionados, se obtienen las pérdidas de paquetes para diferentes valores de bitrate. De acuerdo a los resultados, y para el escenario de prueba particular, el vídeo con una mejor calidad se obtuvo con un bitrate de 3000 Kbps.

    Learning-based depth estimation from 2D images using GIST and saliency

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    Although there has been a significant proliferation of 3D displays in the last decade, the availability of 3D content is still scant compared to the volume of 2D data. To fill this gap, automatic 2D to 3D conversion algorithms are needed. In this paper, we present an automatic approach, inspired by machine learning principles, for estimating the depth of a 2D image. The depth of a query image is inferred from a dataset of color and depth images by searching this repository for images that are photometrically similar to the query. We measure the photometric similarity between two images by comparing their GIST descriptors. Since not all regions in the query image require the same visual attention, we give more weight in the GIST-descriptor comparison to regions with high saliency. Subsequently, we fuse the depths of the most similar images and adaptively filter the result to obtain a depth estimate. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches on the commonly-used Kinect-NYU dataset

    Esquema de Metadatos para Contenidos Educativos de VoD: Un Enfoque Basado en Competencias Educativas

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    This paper describes the metadata schema CVoDM, which is a TV-Anytime application profile. CVoDM provides a guidance for the description of Video on Demand (VoD) contents with a special focus on their properties associated to educational competencies. In addition, a tool based on the CVoDM scheme that facilitates VoD contents description is presented, which is useful for generating educational contents repositories. The results of an evaluation support the validity of CVoDM scheme for describing competencies and its accuracy on contents retrieval tasks.El presente artículo describe el esquema de metadatos CVoDM, el cual es un perfil de aplicación del estándar TV-Anytime. CVoDM provee una guía para la descripción de contenidos de Video bajo Demanda (VoD) enfocándose en sus propiedades asociadas a las competencias educativas. Además, se presenta una herramienta basada en el esquema CVoDM que facilita la descripción de contenidos de VoD, tomados de fuentes como Yotube, propicia para la generación de repositorios. Los resultados de las evaluaciones demuestran la validez del esquema CVoDM para describir competencias y que provee precisión en la recuperación de los contenidos

    Enlightening decisions and public interventions for the older adult population : Sabe Bogotá study

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    Objetivo: Destacar los resultados de mayor impacto para la población adulta mayor en Bogotá, de ma-nera que sirvan como referencias para priorizar las decisiones y las medidas públicas en su beneficio. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte transversal, con un muestreo probabilístico por conglome-rados, polietápico, con un nivel de confiabilidad del 95% y un tamaño de 2000 personas entre 60 y 100 años. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de todas las variables, calculando distribuciones de frecuencias simples y posteriormente se hizo un análisis de dependencia y asociación con Chi cuadrado, T-test y regresiones logísticas multivariadas según correspondiera para cada caso. Adicionalmente se utilizan pruebas de Spearman Rho para analizar correlaciones. Se analizaron los temas principales: fragilidad, sarcopenia, nutrición, hipertensión arterial (HTA), depresión, violencia, discapacidad, vivir solo y pobreza. Resultados: Cerca del 40% de la población tenía desnutrición o estaba en riesgo de desnutri-ción, más del 60% era prefrágil o frágil y más del 11% tenía sarcopenia. La HTA se presentó en el 58% de los ancianos; la depresión estaba presente en uno de cada cuatro; 42% había sido víctima de agre-sión en el último año y el 43% desplazado por violencia en el transcurso de su vida. Más de la mitad tenía una discapacidad, 12,6% vivía solo y el 7,8% estaba en pobreza extrema. Conclusiones: Cada una de las temáticas desarrolladas aporta individualmente en la selección de los mejores derroteros de la política pública para el Distrito Capital, pues sólo su integración, bajo la tutela de los gestores de la misma y la participación ciudadana desde los diferentes escenarios y participantes, logrará el mejor impacto en la aplicabilidad de este trabajo de investigación.Artículo de investigación191-207Objective: this work highlights the results with the greatest impact for the older adult population in Bogotá.These results should serveas references to prioritize decisions and develop public health interventions to benefit these older adults. Materials and methods: We used data from across sectional study, with a multistage probabilistic sampling by conglomerates. A of reliability level of 95% was established and the sample size was 2000 individuals between the ages of 60 and 100 years. A descriptive analys is of all the variables was conducted, estimating frequencies and subsequently analyzing dependency and association with Chisquare, T-tests and multivariate logistic regressions as appropriate for each case. Additionally, Spearman Rho tests were used to analyze correlations. The main topics analyzed were: frailty, sarcopenia, nutrition, hypertension(HTN), depression, violence, disability, livingalone and poverty. Results: about 40% of the population was malnourished or a trisk of malnutrition, morethan 60% was pre-frail or frailand more than 11% had sarcopenia. HTN was reported in 58% of older adults, 42% had been victims of violence in the last year and 43% had been displaced by violence during their life. More than half had disability, 12,6% lived alone and 7,8% had extreme poverty. Conclusions: these results should help identify the most pressing issues faced by older adults in the capital of Colombia and should drive the development of public health interventions for the city. Only integration of these results with active participation of policy makers and the community will resultin improvements for older adults and the population at large