8,470 research outputs found

    Phase behavior of a fluid with competing attractive and repulsive interactions

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    Fluids in which the interparticle potential has a hard core, is attractive at moderate separations, and repulsive at greater separations are known to exhibit novel phase behavior, including stable inhomogeneous phases. Here we report a joint simulation and theoretical study of such a fluid, focusing on the relationship between the liquid-vapor transition line and any new phases. The phase diagram is studied as a function of the amplitude of the attraction for a certain fixed amplitude of the long ranged repulsion. We find that the effect of the repulsion is to substitute the liquid-vapor critical point and a portion of the associated liquid-vapor transition line, by two first order transitions. One of these transitions separates the vapor from a fluid of spherical liquidlike clusters; the other separates the liquid from a fluid of spherical voids. At low temperature, the two transition lines intersect one another and a vapor-liquid transition line at a triple point. While most integral equation theories are unable to describe the new phase transitions, the Percus Yevick approximation does succeed in capturing the vapor-cluster transition, as well as aspects of the structure of the cluster fluid, in reasonable agreement with the simulation results.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Development of methodologies and procedures for identifying STS users and uses

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    A study was conducted to identify new uses and users of the new Space Transporation System (STS) within the domestic government sector. The study develops a series of analytical techniques and well-defined functions structured as an integrated planning process to assure efficient and meaningful use of the STS. The purpose of the study is to provide NASA with the following functions: (1) to realize efficient and economic use of the STS and other NASA capabilities, (2) to identify new users and uses of the STS, (3) to contribute to organized planning activities for both current and future programs, and (4) to air in analyzing uses of NASA's overall capabilities

    Optimizing Performance through Stress and Induction Levels in Virtual Reality Using Autonomic Responses

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    Virtual reality (VR) is now a consumer technology, but individuals' experience with systems or different applications varies enormously. This means that most consumer applications need to consider how to train naive users in the application's operation. We examine three different ways of imparting on-boarding instructions to users: first-person audio guidance, second-person non-player character (NPC) diegetic guidance or written instruction. Our primary hypothesis is that the second-person condition will induce a higher stress level on the user, given the perceived presence of a supervising NPC. Our secondary hypothesis is that there is a correlation between stress and performance, meaning that participants with elevated stress levels within a certain margin will complete their tasks faster and more successfully. By extension, participants whose stress levels are either above or below this optimal margin will under-perform on the same tasks. The tasks in question are an interaction test (IT), designed to test participants' abilities to pick up and manipulate virtual objects, and a mental rotation test (MRT), designed to place them under cognitive load. During these tasks we measure the users' level of stress from their bio signals via a mobile wearable device that tracks their heart rate (HR), galvanic skin response (GSR) and body temperature in real-time. Statistical significance was not found in the stress or performance levels between the instruction conditions, but the secondary hypothesis was supported and a correlation was found between stress and performance levels across the conditions in both HR and GSR

    A model colloidal fluid with competing interactions: bulk and interfacial properties

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    Using a simple mean-field density functional theory theory (DFT), we investigate the structure and phase behaviour of a model colloidal fluid composed of particles interacting via a pair potential which has a hard core of diameter σ\sigma, is attractive Yukawa at intermediate separations and repulsive Yukawa at large separations. We analyse the form of the asymptotic decay of the bulk fluid correlation functions, comparing results from our DFT with those from the self consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation (SCOZA). In both theories we find rich crossover behaviour, whereby the ultimate decay of correlation functions changes from monotonic to long-wavelength damped oscillatory decay on crossing certain lines in the phase diagram, or sometimes from oscillatory to oscillatory with a longer wavelength. For some choices of potential parameters we find, within the DFT, a λ\lambda-line at which the fluid becomes unstable with respect to periodic density fluctuations. SCOZA fails to yield solutions for state points near such a λ\lambda-line. The propensity to clustering of particles, which is reflected by the presence of a long wavelength ≫σ\gg \sigma, slowly decaying oscillatory pair correlation function, and a structure factor that exhibits a very sharp maximum at small but non zero wavenumbers, is enhanced in states near the λ\lambda-line. We present density profiles for the planar liquid-gas interface and for fluids adsorbed at a planar hard wall. The presence of a nearby λ\lambda-transition gives rise to pronounced long-wavelength oscillations in the one-body densities at both types of interface.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Phase transitions in simple and not so simple binary fluids

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    Compared to pure fluids, binary mixtures display a very diverse phase behavior, which depends sensitively on the parameters of the microscopic potential. Here we investigate the phase diagrams of simple model mixtures by use of a microscopic implementation of the renormalization group technique. First, we consider a symmetric mixture with attractive interactions, possibly relevant for describing fluids of molecules with internal degrees of freedom. Despite the simplicity of the model, slightly tuning the strength of the interactions between unlike species drastically changes the topology of the phase boundary, forcing or inhibiting demixing, and brings about several interesting features such as double critical points, tricritical points, and coexistence domains enclosing `islands' of homogeneous, mixed fluid. Homogeneous phase separation in mixtures can be driven also by purely repulsive interactions. As an example, we consider a model of soft particles which has been adopted to describe binary polymer solutions. This is shown to display demixing (fluid-fluid) transition at sufficiently high density. The nature and the physical properties of the corresponding phase transition are investigated.Comment: 6 pages + 3 figures, presented at the 5th EPS Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz, 14-18 September 200

    Exceptionally strong magnetism in 4d perovskites RTcO3 (R=Ca,Sr,Ba)

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    The evolution of the magnetic ordering temperature of the 4d3 perovskites RTcO3 (R=Ca,Sr,Ba) and its relation with its electronic and structural properties has been studied by means of hybrid density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations. When compared to the most widely studied 3d perovskites the large spatial extent of the 4d shells and their relatively strong hybridization with oxygen weaken the tendency to form Jahn-Teller like orbital ordering. This strengthens the superexchange interaction. The resulting insulating G-type antiferromagnetic ground state is characterized by large superexchange coupling constants (26-35 meV) and Neel temperatures (750-1200 K). These monotonically increase as a function of the R ionic radius due to the progressive enhancement of the volume and the associated decrease of the cooperative rotation of the TcO6 octahedra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mapping the links between gender, status and genre in Shakespeare’s plays

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    The AHRC-funded Encyclopedia of Shakespeare’s Language (ESL) project has produced a resource allowing users to explore Shakespeare’s plays in a variety of (semi-automatic) ways, via a web-based corpus query processor interface (CQPweb) hosted by Lancaster University. It enables users, for example, to interrogate a corpus of Shakespeare’s plays using queries restricted by dramatic genre, gender and/or social status of characters, and to target and explore the language of the plays not only at the word level, but also at the grammatical and semantic levels (by querying part-of-speech or semantic categories). Using keyword techniques, we examine how female and male language varies in general, by social status (high or low), and by genre (comedy, history and tragedy). Among our findings, we note differences in the use of pronouns and references to male authority (female overuse of ‘I’ and ‘husband’; male overuse of ‘we’ and ‘king’). We also observe that high-status males in comedies (as opposed to histories and tragedies) are characterised by polite requests (‘please you’) and sharp-minded ‘wit’. Despite many similarities between female and male usage of gendered forms of language (‘woman’), male characters alone use terms such as ‘womanish’ in a disparaging way

    Heritability of testosterone levels in 12-year-old twins and its relation to pubertal development

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability of variation in testosterone levels in 12-year-old children, and to explore the overlap in genetic and environmental influences on circulating testosterone levels and androgen dependent pubertal development. Midday salivary testosterone samples were collected on two consecutive days in a sample of 183 unselected twin pairs. Androgen induced pubertal development was assessed using self report Tanner scales of pubic hair development (boys and girls) and genital development (boys). A significant contribution of genetic effects to the variance in testosterone levels was found. Heritability was approximately 50% in both boys and girls. The remaining proportion of the variance in testosterone levels could be explained by non-shared environmental influences. The relatively high correlation between testosterone levels of opposite sex dizygotic twins suggests that sex differences in genes influencing variation in testosterone levels have not yet developed in pre- and early puberty. Variance in pubertal development was explained by a large genetic component, moderate shared environmental influences, and a small non-shared environmental effect. Testosterone levels correlated moderately (r = .31) with pubertal development; the covariance between testosterone levels and pubertal development was entirely accounted for by genetic influences

    Reply to Comment on "Cosmic rays, carbon dioxide, and climate"

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    In our analysis [Rahmstorf et al., 2004], we arrived at two main conclusions: the data of Shaviv and Veizer [2003] do not show a significant correlation of cosmic ray flux (CRF) and climate, and the authors' estimate of climate sensitivity to CO2 based on a simple regression analysis is questionable. After careful consideration of Shaviv and Veizer's comment, we want to uphold and reaffirm these conclusions. Concerning the question of correlation, we pointed out that a correlation arose only after several adjustments to the data, including shifting one of the four CRF peaks and stretching the time scale. To calculate statistical significance, we first need to compute the number of independent data points in the CRF and temperature curves being correlated, accounting for their autocorrelation. A standard estimate [Quenouille, 1952] of the number of effective data points is urn:x-wiley:00963941:media:eost14930:eost14930-math-0001 where N is the total number of data points and r1, r2 are the autocorrelations of the two series. For the curves of Shaviv and Veizer [2003], the result is NEFF = 4.8. This is consistent with the fact that these are smooth curves with four humps, and with the fact that for CRF the position of the four peaks is determined by four spiral arm crossings or four meteorite clusters, respectively; that is, by four independent data points. The number of points that enter the calculation of statistical significance of a linear correlation is (NEFF− 2), since any curves based on only two points show perfect correlation; at least three independent points are needed for a meaningful result
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