178 research outputs found

    Endophytic fungi from the genus Colletotrichum are abundant in the Phaseolus vulgaris and have high genetic diversity

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    To evaluate the diversity of endophytic fungi from the leaves of the common bean and the genetic diversity of endophytic fungi from the genus Colletotrichum using IRAP (inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism) and REMAP (retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism) analyses. The fungi were isolated by tissue fragmentation and identified by analysing the morphological features and sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the rDNA large subunit (LSU). Twenty-seven different taxa were identified. Colletotrichum was the most commonly isolated genera from the common bean (32.69% and 24.29% of the total isolates from the Ouro Negro and Talismã varieties, respectively). The IRAP and REMAP analyses revealed a high genetic diversity in the Colletotrichum endophytic isolates and were able to discriminate these isolates from the phytopathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Fungi from the genus Colletotrichum are abundant in the Phaseolus vulgaris endophytic community, and the IRAP and REMAP markers can be used to rapidly distinguish between C. lindemuthianum and other Colletotrichum members that are frequently found as endophytes. This is the first report of the diversity of endophytic fungi present in the common bean and the use of IRAP and REMAP markers to assess the genetic diversity of endophytic fungi from the genus Colletotrichum

    Salt slag recycled by-products in high insulation geopolymer cellular concrete manufacturing

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    [EN] This investigation presents an important contribution to the understanding of the ¿zero discharge in the aluminium cycle¿ goal. The salt slag recycled by-product was reused as alternative aerating agent in the manufacture of cellular concretes: fluid catalytic cracking catalyst (FCC) ¿ based geopolymer (GCC) and blast furnace (BFS) ¿ based alkali-activated (AACC). The hydrogen emission test was used to evaluate the gas releasing properties because of the presence of metallic aluminium in the salt slag. Density (kg/cm3), compressive strength (MPa) and thermal conductivity (W/mK) for GCC were 75, 6.9 and 0.31 and for AACC were 602, 7.5 and 0.16.The authors give special grateful to Befesa Aluminio S.L (Valladolid, Spain) for the granulated paval supply. The authors would also thanks to Cementval and BPOil for precursors supplying. Thanks are given to the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain).Font-Pérez, A.; Soriano Martinez, L.; Monzó Balbuena, JM.; Moraes, J.; Borrachero Rosado, MV.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ. (2020). Salt slag recycled by-products in high insulation geopolymer cellular concrete manufacturing. Construction and Building Materials. 231:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117114S113231Meyer, C. (2009). The greening of the concrete industry. Cement and Concrete Composites, 31(8), 601-605. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2008.12.010Petek Gursel, A., Masanet, E., Horvath, A., & Stadel, A. (2014). Life-cycle inventory analysis of concrete production: A critical review. Cement and Concrete Composites, 51, 38-48. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2014.03.005Panesar, D. K. (2013). Cellular concrete properties and the effect of synthetic and protein foaming agents. Construction and Building Materials, 44, 575-584. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.03.024B. Dolton, C. Hannah, Cellular Concrete : Engineering and Technological Advancement for Construction in Cold Climates, (2006) 1–11.Narayanan, N., & Ramamurthy, K. (2000). Structure and properties of aerated concrete: a review. Cement and Concrete Composites, 22(5), 321-329. doi:10.1016/s0958-9465(00)00016-0Holt, E., & Raivio, P. (2005). Use of gasification residues in aerated autoclaved concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(4), 796-802. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.05.005Mo, K. H., Alengaram, U. J., Jumaat, M. Z., Yap, S. P., & Lee, S. C. (2016). Green concrete partially comprised of farming waste residues: a review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 117, 122-138. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.01.022Luukkonen, T., Abdollahnejad, Z., Yliniemi, J., Kinnunen, P., & Illikainen, M. (2018). One-part alkali-activated materials: A review. Cement and Concrete Research, 103, 21-34. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2017.10.001Duxson, P., Provis, J. L., Lukey, G. C., & van Deventer, J. S. J. (2007). The role of inorganic polymer technology in the development of ‘green concrete’. Cement and Concrete Research, 37(12), 1590-1597. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2007.08.018Ducman, V., & Korat, L. (2016). Characterization of geopolymer fly-ash based foams obtained with the addition of Al powder or H2O2 as foaming agents. Materials Characterization, 113, 207-213. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2016.01.019Esmaily, H., & Nuranian, H. (2012). Non-autoclaved high strength cellular concrete from alkali activated slag. Construction and Building Materials, 26(1), 200-206. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.06.010Font, A., Borrachero, M. V., Soriano, L., Monzó, J., & Payá, J. (2017). Geopolymer eco-cellular concrete (GECC) based on fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (FCC) with addition of recycled aluminium foil powder. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 1120-1131. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.09.110Font, A., Borrachero, M. V., Soriano, L., Monzó, J., Mellado, A., & Payá, J. (2018). New eco-cellular concretes: sustainable and energy-efficient materials. Green Chemistry, 20(20), 4684-4694. doi:10.1039/c8gc02066cArellano Aguilar, R., Burciaga Díaz, O., & Escalante García, J. I. (2010). Lightweight concretes of activated metakaolin-fly ash binders, with blast furnace slag aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 24(7), 1166-1175. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2009.12.024RLG International cementreview, (n.d.).World Aluminium, Environmental Metrics Report Year 2010 Data Final, (2014) 21.Hong, S.-H., Lee, D.-W., & Kim, B.-K. (2000). Manufacturing of aluminum flake powder from foil scrap by dry ball milling process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 100(1-3), 105-109. doi:10.1016/s0924-0136(99)00469-0A. Al Ashraf, Energy Consumption and the CO2 footprint in aluminium production, (2014).Befesa :: Press :: News archive :: 2013, (n.d.). http://www.befesa.es/web/en/prensa/historico_de_noticias/2013/bma_20130307.html (accessed April 15, 2018).Araújo, E. G. de, & Tenório, J. A. S. (2005). Cellular Concrete with Addition of Aluminum Recycled Foil Powders. Materials Science Forum, 498-499, 198-204. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.498-499.198Song, Y., Li, B., Yang, E.-H., Liu, Y., & Ding, T. (2015). Feasibility study on utilization of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash as aerating agent for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 56, 51-58. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2014.11.006Moraes, J. C. B., Tashima, M. M., Akasaki, J. L., Melges, J. L. P., Monzó, J., Borrachero, M. V., … Payá, J. (2016). Increasing the sustainability of alkali-activated binders: The use of sugar cane straw ash (SCSA). Construction and Building Materials, 124, 148-154. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.07.090N.E. En, N. Une-en, española, (2005).F. Babbitt, R.E. Barnett, M.L. Cornelius, B.T. Dye, D.L. Liotti, S.B. Schmidt, J.E. Tanner, S.C. 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Journal of Cleaner Production, 68, 226-233. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.12.068Sanjayan, J. G., Nazari, A., Chen, L., & Nguyen, G. H. (2015). Physical and mechanical properties of lightweight aerated geopolymer. Construction and Building Materials, 79, 236-244. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.01.043Nambiar, E. K. K., & Ramamurthy, K. (2007). Air‐void characterisation of foam concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 37(2), 221-230. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2006.10.009Narayanan, N., & Ramamurthy, K. (2000). Microstructural investigations on aerated concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 30(3), 457-464. doi:10.1016/s0008-8846(00)00199-xAlexanderson, J. (1979). Relations between structure and mechanical properties of autoclaved aerated concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 9(4), 507-514. doi:10.1016/0008-8846(79)90049-

    Diagnostic and therapeutic approach to cardioinhibitory reflex syncopeA complex and controversial issue

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    Syncope is defined as a transient loss of consciousness due to global cerebral hypoperfusion and is one of the leading causes of emergency department admission. The initial approach should focus on excluding non‐syncopal causes for loss of consciousness and risk stratification for cardiac cause, in order to ensure an appropriate etiological investigation and therapeutic approach. Vasovagal syncope (VVS), the most common type of syncope, should be assumed once other causes are excluded. Pathophysiologically, the vasovagal reflex is the result of a paradoxical autonomic response, leading to hypotension and/or bradycardia. VVS has not been shown to affect mortality, but morbidity may be considerable in those with recurrent syncopal episodes. The management of VVS includes both non‐pharmacological and pharmacological measures that act on various levels of the reflex arc that triggers the syncopal episode. However, most are of uncertain benefit given the scarcity of high‐quality supporting evidence. Pacemaker therapy may be considered in recurrent refractory cardioinhibitory reflex syncope, for which it is currently considered a robust intervention, as noted in the European guidelines. Non‐randomized and unblinded studies have shown a potential benefit of pacing in recurrent VVS, but double‐blinded randomized controlled trials have not consistently demonstrated positive results. We performed a comprehensive review of the current literature and recent advances in cardiac pacing and pacing algorithms in VVS, and discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the complex patient with recurrent VVS and reduced quality of life.publishersversionpublishe

    Caracterização e Análise dos Processos Produtivos em Empresas Agro-Alimentares

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    Através de um diagnóstico inicial baseado na análise do conhecimento, informação existente, recolha de informação e medição de parâmetros num conjunto de empresas (60) dos subsetores dos produtos cárneos, hortofrutícolas, lácteos e panificação apresenta-se através do presente relatório a caracterização dos processos e atividades produtivas em empresas do setor agroalimentar. Executando uma análise técnica ao estado da arte, através do estudo da organização das atividades produtivas, nível tecnológico e tendências no desenvolvimento de produtos, permite-se de acordo com a informação disponível realizar uma comparação das empresas em análise com a performance da indústria, globalmente, por região ou setor de atividade. Verifica-se através da análise ao presente relatório, quais os fatores que permitem a criação de valor no setor agroindustrial de uma forma contínua para a cadeia de valor organizacional. Por outro lado, entre os diversos pontos a melhorar, considerando as organizações em análise, destaca-se a cultura de inovação e a digitalização dos processos de produção (Indústria 4.0). Pretende-se, com a aplicação prática do conhecimento gerado pelo presente relatório, a criação de ferramentas que constituam soluções para a melhoria da gestão da produção que promovam a introdução de métodos de inovação na cultura e performance organizacional de forma a tornar as organizações do setor competitivas e com impacto nos mercados internacionais

    Caracterização e Análise Energética de Empresas Agro-Alimentares

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    Através de um diagnóstico inicial baseado na análise do conhecimento, informação existente, recolha de informação e medição de parâmetros num conjunto de 60 empresas dos subsetores dos produtos cárneos, hortofrutícolas, lácteos e panificação, o presente relatório apresenta os resultados da caracterização energética em empresas do setor agroalimentar. Executando uma análise técnica ao estado da arte, através do estudo da organização, de acordo com a informação disponível, é realizada uma comparação das empresas em análise com a performance da indústria, globalmente, por região ou setor de atividade. Verifica-se, através da análise ao presente relatório, quais os fatores que permitem a criação de valor no setor agroindustrial de uma forma contínua para a cadeia de valor organizacional. Por outro lado, entre os diversos pontos a melhorar, considerando as organizações em análise, destaca-se a cultura de inovação e a digitalização dos processos de produção (Indústria 4.0). Pretende-se, com a aplicação prática do conhecimento gerado pelo presente relatório, a criação de ferramentas que constituam soluções para a melhoria da gestão da produção que promovam a introdução de métodos de inovação na cultura e performance organizacional de forma a tornar as organizações do setor competitivas e com impacto nos mercados internacionais

    Longitudinal data assessment of global stability index in kale leaves

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    ABSTRACT Kale plants are usually sold “in natura” in street markets and malls. Kale leaves can have their appearance compromised by dehydration and discoloration due to increased post-harvest time exposure. We aimed to analyze the Global Stability Index (GSI) in kale accessions by means of repeated measurement analysis and curve grouping as a complementary form of superior sample identification with regard to post-harvest preservation. Thirty kale accessions were evaluated using a randomized block design with four blocks and five plants per plot. Two commercial leaves per plant were collected, and kept on workbenches in the shade at a temperature of 18 ± 1 °C. Subsequently, the degrees of discoloration and dehydration, total chlorophyll content, and accumulated fresh mass loss were evaluated over a 15-day period. From these data, the GSI was calculated for each day of evaluation. In addition, using mixed models, thirteen co-variance structures were tested. For graphical analysis, thirteen linear and non-linear models were assessed followed by curve grouping using multivariate analysis. The GSI was efficient for differentiating accessions, which became an important tool in post-harvest studies. GSI values were not equally correlated, therefore the use of mixed models became an important approach. The unstructured matrix was the best fit to model the dependence of error. The Melow I model was the best fit for studying the GSI. The accessions UFVJM-10, UFLA-1, COM-1, UFVJM-32, COM-3, UFVJM-8, UFVJM-36 and UFVJM-24, belonging to 3 and 5 clusters, are recommended for crop cultivation and as parental material in breeding programs