194 research outputs found

    Reproducibility of the lactate minimum test in wistar rats after training at the maximal lactate steady state intensity

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    The aim of this study was to verify the reproducibility of the lactate minim (LM) test after four weeks of aerobic training, as well as its validity with the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) in Wistar rats submitted to swimming exercise. Ten rats with 90 days were used. The aerobic and anaerobic capacity was determined by the LM test before and after the training. The protocol of MLSS was also applied before and after the training. Training was accomplished for four weeks, being the first two weeks with a volume of 30 minutes and the other two weeks with a volume of 45 minutes, both in the intensity of MLSS. With the training, the intensity of LM and the concentration of LM [Lac] increased of 16.19±1.87 to 18.84 ± 0.96 g and of 3.58±1.78 to 5.42±1.13 mmol/L, respectively. The intensity of MLSS increased of 18.64±1.75 to 19.97±2.15 g. The intensity of LM and MLSS in the pre and post-training phase presented high correlations (r=0.92) and (r=0.87), respectively. It was concluded that the LM test presented sensibility to the effects of the training, as well as validity with gold standard test (MLSS) in rats submitted to swimming exercise

    Aesthetic Literacy in Young People’s and Adults’ Awareness From a Developmental Learning Perspective

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    In Brazilian schools, many teachers do not organize their teaching and students’ tasks and actions in a way that facilitates theoretical thinking based on the abstraction and generalization of the work content. Because many students struggle to accomplish the tasks and actions themselves, teachers guide them. Over time, the students begin to have more autonomy in executing the proposed activities, as they completed mental operations while learning. This article aims to investigate how young people’s and adults’ awareness of the countryside is formed based on visual elements and writing, facilitating an understanding of their reality. A didactic–formative experiment was performed based on the cultural–historical theory. The comic books produced by the participants allowed them to develop their overall thinking, moving from the abstract to the concrete. They also formed an awareness of reality, which allowed them to have greater autonomy in the production of these stories as a means of representation and transformation of reality

    Determination of critical power using a straight bench press with a test protocol

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of critical force test from maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) during resistance test using straight bench press (SBP). Five healthy male volunteers aged (22.6 ± 2.88 years), weight (76.3 ± 11.49 kg) e height (182.6 ± 7.54 cm), trained in resistance exercise, performed four diferent tests to determine: one maximal effort (1RM), critical force using the critical power model (force vs 1/time limit – 20.25 and 30% of 1RM). The CF was the linear coefficient and the anaerobic impulse capacity (CIA) was the angular. MLSS was determined using loads of 80, 90, 100 and 110% of critical force. Blood lactate samples were abtained at each 300sec between each stage of total 1200sec. Maximal 30s test (M30) was accomplished with load of 25% of body weight in SBP. The results showed that the 1 RM was 79.4 Kgf (± 16.98), CF 10.1N (± 2.25), CIA 1756.82 N.s (± 546.96) and the R² 0.984 (± 0.02). The MLSS occurs at 100% CF load. The lactate concentration at the MLSS was 2.2 mmol/L (± 0.77). Significant correlation was observed between MLSS and CF on SBP (r = 0.88, p = 0.05). In M30 the minimum, mean and peak power were (25.0 ± 4.9, 28.0 ± 4.9, and 30.0 ± 4.6 kgf.rps, respectively). The fatigue index was 18.0% (± 6.8). The M30 was significantly correlated with Ppeak and Pmean (r = 0.98 for both, p = 0.003). The CF means has been validated to predict the resistance training and the CIA, showing to be a representative anaerobic parameter in straight bench press

    Desafios e perspectivas para a formação docente na licenciatura em educação do campo com habilitação em artes e música no contexto norte do Brasil

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    A Educação do Campo tem sido no Brasil tema bastante problematizado no Brasil nos últimos anos. Embora tenha conquistado nos últimos anos avanços significativos por meio da criação de programas como o PRONERA e o PROCAMPO, vêm passando por inúmeros desafios quanto ao acesso e à permanência do jovem e do adulto camponês na universidade. A partir de uma perspectiva bibliográfica e empírica, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal apresentar uma compreensão da Educação do Campo enquanto uma educação voltada às especificidades dos povos que moram e trabalham no campo, tendo como parâmetro a experiência com as LEDOC da UFT em Tocantins. Para as análises dos dados, o estudo seguiu a perspectiva do Materialismo Histórico e Dialético. O indígena, o quilombola, o ribeirinho, o assentado, os atingidos por barragens, o agricultor familiar, o extrativista, entre outros que vivem e produzem as suas condições materiais de sobrevivência no campo, vão para a universidade não porque eles sejam obrigados, mas porque têm interesse e necessidade de aprender. Acessar e frequentar a universidade é estudar num lugar que foi negado historicamente para eles. É enfrentar uma realidade que os exclui, com o objetivo de superá-la. Consideramos, enfim, que a materialidade dos cursos da LEDOC da Universidade Federal do Tocantins configura uma realidade recente na realidade educacional brasileira e constitui-se como uma nova modalidade de graduação conquistada a partir das reivindicações dos movimentos sociais, cuja expansão se deu prioritariamente nos governos dos presidentes Lula e Dilma

    Simultaneous Papillary Carcinoma in Thyroglossal Duct Cyst and Thyroid

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    Thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC) is a cystic expansion of a remnant of the thyroglossal duct tract. Carcinomas in the TDC are extremely rare and are usually an incidental finding after the Sistrunk procedure. In this report, an unusual case of a 36-year-old woman with concurrent papillary thyroid carcinoma arising in the TDC and on the thyroid gland is presented, followed by a discussion of the controversies surrounding the possible origins of a papillary carcinoma in the TDC, as well as the current management options

    O ensino de arte no contexto da educação do campo

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    O objetivo consiste em identificar como são desenvolvidas as práticas pedagógicas no ensino de Artes de um professor de classe multisseriada em uma escola rural no Estado do Tocantins. Numa perspectiva teórica e empírica, de abordagem qualitativa e do tipo estudo de caso, utilizamos como técnicas de coleta de dados a observação das aulas de Arte nessa classe e entrevista semiestruturada com seu respectivo professor. A pesquisa revelou que as práticas pedagógicas em artes desenvolvidas na turma se baseiam na pintura, escultura e sistematização de textos, das quais o educador procura trabalhar com os seus alunos de maneira dialógica, aspecto importante para ampliação do conhecimento cultural e estético do camponês

    Ensino e aprendizagem em arte por meio das histórias em quadrinhos: análise de uma experiência em Tocantins

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    Teaching and learning in art through comics books: analysis of an experience in Tocantins State, BrazilResumoEste relato de experiência é fruto de uma pesquisa realizada durante o Estágio Curricular Supervisionado do curso de Educação do Campo com habilitação em Artes e Música, da Universidade Federal do Tocantins que teve como principal objetivo compreender como as histórias em quadrinhos contribuem para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos do 1° ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública de Educação Básica, localizada no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. A metodologia se caracterizou como de abordagem qualitativa e de característica descritiva e interpretativa, desenvolvida por meio de uma intervenção didática que constituiu na produção de histórias em quadrinhos. Os resultados desta investigação nos permitem inferir que as histórias em quadrinhos são importantes para as aulas de Arte como recurso pedagógico para a aprendizagem dos educandos. Contudo, constatamos que as histórias em quadrinhos são mais utilizadas na disciplina de Língua Portuguesa como gênero textual, e não na disciplina de Arte na escola pesquisada.Palavras-chave: Ensino de Arte. História em Quadrinhos. Currículo.AbstractThis experience report is the result of a research carried out during the Supervised Curricular Internship of the Rural Education course with a degree in Arts and Music, Federal University of Tocantins, whose main objective was to understand how comics books contribute to the teaching process and learning of the students of the 1st year of High School in a public school of Basic Education, located in the State of Tocantins, Brazil. The methodology was characterized as a qualitative approach and a descriptive and interpretative characteristic, developed through a didactic intervention that constituted in the production of comic books. The results of this investigation allow us to infer that comics books are important for Art classes as a pedagogical resource for the learning of the students. However, we have found that comics are more used in the Portuguese Language discipline as a textual genre, and not in the Art discipline in the researched school.Keywords: Art Teaching. Comics Books. Curriculum

    Exploration of the level of knowledge on organic and food security of adolescent, young and adult students of a public school in Palmas-TO

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    The study analyzes the knowledge and consumption of organic foods and the un-derstanding on the concept of food security of 60 regular elementary school students and 46 students of the youth and adult education (YAE) from a public school in Palmas, Tocantins State. From a qualitative-quantitative and exploratory approach, this study used as a methodo-logical data collection instrument a semi-structured questionnaire with five questions, applied to regular elementary and high school students. The answers given to the questions were cat-egorized in percentages and analyzed by the techniques of statistical and content analyses. Among other results, the research verified the lack of knowledge of these students regarding this subject. Given this, school must develop strategies and effective practical actions, not just theoretical ones, able to encourage the adherence of healthier food choices to students. It is concluded that it is essential to emphasize the theme of healthy eating in science teaching

    Aerobic capacity of wistar rats: the effects of training and physical detraining at middle-aged

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    It has been shown that engaging in regular physical exercise yields short- and long-term health benefits, primarily by mitigating the risk for cardiovascular disease, but little information is known about physical deconditioning at aging process. The aim of the present study was to analyze the aerobic capacity, through maximal lactate steady state (MLSS), in Wistar rats of different ages (2,4, 6 e 12 months ) and physical conditioning deconditioning responses in middle-aged rats. The results were significant for weight gain in the sedentary (588 ± 71 g) and detraining animals (576 ± 62 g) at 12 months, whereas the conditioned group maintained their original body weights – BW (515 ± 72 g), similar at four (455 ±17 g) and six months of age (471 ± 37 g). MLSS decreased with age (2 months sedentary (8.4 ± 1% Body Weight, 4 months sedentary (6.4 ± 0.6% BW), 6 months sedentary (5.8 ± 1% BW), 12 months sedentary (5.1 ± 0.7% BW), but physical exercise was effective in attenuating the age-related loss of aerobic capacity after 12 months (5.8 ± 1.3% BW). The physical detraining was (5.3 ± 0.4% BW) was similar at 12 months trained. The physical training in long term protected against the increased of the body weight and fat depots caused by aging, but, this effect was found by deconditioning physical. Additionally, the physical training attenuated the aerobic capacity loss due to aging process and this effect was maintained after detraining physical.Tem sido demonstrado que o engajamento em exercícios físicos regulares gera benefícios para a saúde a curto e a longo prazo, principalmente a redução do risco de doença cardiovascular, mas pouco se sabe sobre o destreinamento físico no processo de envelhecimento. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a capacidade aeróbia, através da máxima fase estável de lactato (MFEL), em ratos Wistar de diferentes idades e em resposta ao treinamento e ao destreinamento físico em ratos de meia-idade. Os resultados foram significativos para o ganho de peso corporal no grupo sedentário (588 ± 71 g) e animais destreinados com 12 meses (576 ± 62 g), enquanto o grupo treinado manteve o peso corpo semelhante aosanimais – PC (515 ± 72 g), do grupo de quatro meses (455 ± 17 g) e seis meses de idade (471 ± 37 g). Como medida da capacidade aeróbia, a MFEL diminuiu com a idade (2 meses sedentários (8,4 ± 1% PC), 4 meses sedentários (6,4 ± 0,6% PC), 6 meses sedentários (5,8 ± 1% PC), 12 meses sedentários (5.1 ± 0,7% PC), mas o exercício físico foi eficaz em atenuar a perda da capacidade aeróbia relacionada com a idade, o grupo 12 meses treinados (5,8 ± 1,3% PC) e o grupo destreinado (5,3 ± 0,4% PC) tiveram resultados semelhante na capacidade aeróbia. O treinamento físico de longo prazo protege contra o aumento do peso corporal e o aumento de depósitos de gordura causada pelo envelhecimento. Porém, este efeito foi abolido pelo destreinametno físico. Além disso, o treinamento físico preveniu a diminuição da capacidade aeróbia, devido ao processo de envelhecimento e este efeito foi mantido após destreinamento físico

    Effects of formative and production pruning on fig growth, phenology, and production

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    Tree pruning influences the phenology of fruit species. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and phenology of the fig cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ subjected to formative and production pruning in the semi-arid region of Piauí. A phenological analysis was performed after formative pruning in 27 fig plants based on the following periods: from formative pruning to the beginning of sprouting, at the beginning of harvest and at its end, and during harvest. Additionally, the variables of branch length, branch diameter, number of leaves, nodes, shoots, inflorescences, and secondary branches were also evaluated. The production pruning treatments (10, 20, and 30 cm) had nine replications each. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model used assumed as fixed factors the branch sizes at pruning (10, 20, and 30 cm), time after pruning (30, 60, 90, and 120 days), and the interaction between factors. The results revealed that figs were well adapted to the semi-arid region of Piauí and showed precocity at all phenological stages compared to those grown in temperate regions. With regard to production pruning, branch size as a function of time did not influence fig development. Highlights: There was a reduction in the productive cycle of fig trees cultivated in semiarid regions. The pruning intensity did not influence the phenology of the plants. Pruning management should always be considered for a better adaptation of the fig tree in the semiarid region of Piauí.Tree pruning influences the phenology of fruit species. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and phenology of the fig cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ subjected to formative and production pruning in the semi-arid region of Piauí. A phenological analysis was performed after formative pruning in 27 fig plants based on the following periods: from formative pruning to the beginning of sprouting, at the beginning of harvest and at its end, and during harvest. Additionally, the variables of branch length, branch diameter, number of leaves, nodes, shoots, inflorescences, and secondary branches were also evaluated. The production pruning treatments (10, 20, and 30 cm) had nine replications each. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model used assumed as fixed factors the branch sizes at pruning (10, 20, and 30 cm), time after pruning (30, 60, 90, and 120 days), and the interaction between factors. The results revealed that figs were well adapted to the semi-arid region of Piauí and showed precocity at all phenological stages compared to those grown in temperate regions. With regard to production pruning, branch size as a function of time did not influence fig development. Highlights: There was a reduction in the productive cycle of fig trees cultivated in semiarid regions. The pruning intensity did not influence the phenology of the plants. Pruning management should always be considered for a better adaptation of the fig tree in the semiarid region of Piauí