49 research outputs found

    Politics of hate and the new order of violence

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    Written in the moment of the protests, the book Dilma Rousseff e o ódio político builds a synthetic overview of the choices and recent failures of the Partido dos Trabalhadores. By pointing the strength of the charismatic power of former President Lula, the work discusses the symbolic impact of PT administrations in Brazilian society and presents a new order of stemming violence of the emergence of a new organized, aggressive and productive right that carry hate as flag

    Matizes verdes, modernização ecológica e usurpação da biodiversidade

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    A partir da categorização proposta pelo sociólogo espanhol Joan Martínez Alier sobre as correntes ecológicas, este artigo analisa diferentes matizes presentes no movimento ambientalista, buscando apontar e comentar suas múltiplas tendências, considerações e implicações. Ao utilizar a Amazônia como pano de fundo e as transformações lá ocorridas nos últimos vinte anos, investigam-se as condições que situam a modernização ecológica como instrumento da tecnociência que age sob e sobre a biodiversidade a partir da biotecnologia, transformando a questão ambiental em um campo de conflitos, depredação sociocultural e renovação econômica do grande capital transnacional

    The Most Demanding Exercise in Different Training Tasks in Professional Female Futsal: A Mid-Season Study through Principal Component Analysis

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    The contextual factors related to training tasks can play an important role in how a player performs and, subsequently, in how a player trains to face a competition. To date, there has been no study that has investigated the most demanding exercise in different training tasks in female futsal. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the most demanding efforts during different training tasks in a cohort study conducted in professional biological women futsal players using principal component analysis (PCA). A total of 14 elite women futsal players (age = 24.34 ± 4.51 years; height = 1.65 ± 0.60 m; body mass = 63.20 ± 5.65 kg) participated in this study. Seventy training sessions of an elite professional women’s team were registered over five months (pre-season and in-season). Different types of exercises were grouped into six clusters: preventive exercises; analytical situations; exercises in midcourt; exercises in ¾ of the court; exercises in full court; superiorities/inferiorities. Each exercise cluster was composed of 5–7 principal components (PCs), considering from 1 to 5 main variables forming each, explaining from 65 to 75% of the physical total variance. A total of 13–19 sub-variables explained the players’ efforts in each training task group. The first PCs to explain the total variance of training load were as follows: preventive exercises (accelerations; ~31%); analytical situations (impacts; ~23%); exercises in midcourt (high-intensity efforts; ~28%); exercises in ¾ of the court (~27%) and superiorities/inferiorities (~26%) (aerobic/anaerobic components); exercises in full court (anaerobic efforts; ~24%). The PCs extracted from each exercise cluster provide evidence that may assist researchers and coaches during training load monitoring. The descriptive values of the training load support a scientific base to assist coaches in the planning of training schedules

    Contemporary practices of portuguese and brazilian soccercoaches in designing and applying small-sided games

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    This descriptive study aimed to investigate the current practices of Portuguese and Brazilian soccer coaches in the design and implementation of small-sided games (SSGs) in soccer. A total of 187 male coaches participated in the online survey, consisting of 82 Portuguese and 105 Brazilian individuals. These coaches held various positions within the technical staff, with 63 serving as head coaches, 38 as assistant coaches, 38 as physical trainers, and 48 in other roles related to the technical staff. Additionally, the participants represented both youth (n = 102) and adult competitive levels (n = 59), along with some who were not currently associated with a specific group. The survey consisted of 32 questions divided into three main sections: (i) the timing of SSG application, (ii) the methods used for applying SSGs, and (iii) the reasons for applying SSGs. The Chi-square test revealed a statistically significant association between nationality and the frequency of SSGs used in training sessions during the pre-season (p = 0.039) and in-season (p < 0.001). Moreover, significant association between nationality and the time allocated to employing SSGs for targeting aerobic training (p < 0.001) was found. There was a significant association between nationality and the weekly frequency of SSGs use for targeting sprint training (p = 0.019). The Chi-square test identified significant associations between nationality and the use of SSGs for targeting technical training (p = 0.002), as well as for tactical training (p = 0.002). In summary, this study underscores that SSGs are primarily employed to enhance aerobic fitness, change of direction, technical skills, and tactical behaviors. Coaches generally favor employing SSGs two to three times a week, with typical sessions lasting between 16 to 30 minutes. Notably, the major discrepancies between nationalities lie in the importance assigned to the use of SSGs. However, in practice, the formats and objectives for implementing SSGs remain relatively similar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigação de eventos adversos ocorridos em um hospital público de Brasília

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    A quantidade de complicações e mortes evitáveis devido à falta de segurança do paciente é crescente. A segurança do paciente é um elemento essencial à qualidade da assistência à saúde, pois visa minimizar riscos associados à assistência à saúde, provenientes de tecnologias e produtos, relações humanas no serviço e falhas na comunicação com o paciente. Objetivo: investigar os eventos adversos (EA) assistenciais ocorridos em um hospital público de Brasília. Método: estudo transversal, retrospectivo e prospectivo, realizado no Hospital Regional da Asa Norte da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal. A coleta de dados compreendeu o período de janeiro de 2018 a dezembro de 2019 e foi realizada através de exploração do banco de dados do núcleo de segurança do paciente e por busca ativa em prontuários eletrônicos. Foram investigados o perfil dos pacientes vítimas de eventos adversos, os tipos de eventos, as causas e consequências e as intervenções efetuadas. A presente pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da Fundação de Ensino e Pesquisa em Ciências da Saúde/FEPECS/SES/DF (CAAE: 17697419.7.3001.5553) e pelo CEP do UniCEUB (CAAEde 17697419.7.0000.0023). Resultados: Os pacientes vitimados por eventos adversos foram 543, sendo 52,67% masculino e 46,68% feminino. A idade média das vítimas foi 51,06±24,05 anos e a média do período de internação foi de 53,20±71,15 dias. Os setores onde houve mais registro de ocorrência de EA foram: Unidade de Internação Cirúrgica (21,55%), UTI (20,07%) e Pronto Socorro e Box de Emergência (16,94%). Os eventos mais frequentemente encontrados foram relacionados: a assistência ao paciente (38,99%), a úlceras por pressão (17,64%), ao processo clínico (16,05%) e a infecção hospitalar (10,61%). O grau de danos provocados aos pacientes pelos EA foram: nenhum (30,80%); leve (46,00%); moderado (17,74%) e grave (5,46%). A causas dos EA ocorridos foram: fatores humanos (81,58%), fatores externos (13,08%) e fatores do sistema operativo (5,34%). As ações e intervenções realizadas pelo núcleo de segurança do paciente para redução de riscos descritas no trabalho, incluem orientação a equipe de assistência, adequação de manuseio de processos, ações de reciclagem e capacitação de profissionais. Conclusão: a presente pesquisa elucida aspectos importantes envolvidos na ocorrência dos EA e pode colaborar com a equipe de assistência, com a comunidade científica e acadêmica na discussão dos caminhos para a redução destas ocorrências que reverbera sobre o tratamento, recuperação e prognóstico dos pacientes por ela acometidos resgatando assim a proposta de Hipócrates de "antes de tudo, não causar dano”

    Accelerometry-Workload Indices Concerning Different Levels of Participation during Congested Fixture Periods in Professional Soccer: A Pilot Study Conducted over a Full Season

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the variations of acute load (AL), acute: chronic workload ratio (ACWR), training monotony (TM), and training strain (TS) of accelerometry-based GPS measures in players who started in three matches (S3M), two matches (S2M), and one match (S1M) during congested weeks. Nineteen elite professional male players from a Portuguese team (age: 26.5 ± 4.3 years) were monitored daily using global positioning systems (GPSs) over a full season (45 weeks). Accelerometry-derived measures of high metabolic load distance (HMLD), high accelerations (HA), and high decelerations (HD) were collected during each training session and match. Seven congested weeks were classified throughout the season, and the participation of each player in matches played during these weeks was codified. The workload indices of AL (classified as ACWR, TM, and TS) were calculated weekly for each player. The AL of HMLD was significantly greater for S2M than S1M (difference = 42%; p = 0.002; d = 0.977) and for S3M than S1M (difference = 44%; p = 0.001; d = 1.231). Similarly, the AL of HA was significantly greater for S2M than S1M (difference = 25%; p = 0.023; d = 0.735). The TM of HD was significantly greater for S2M than S3M (difference = 25%; p = 0.002; d = 0.774). Accelerometry-based measures were dependent on congested fixtures. S2M had the greatest TS values, while S3M had the greatest TM

    Relationship among physical activity level, mood and anxiety states and Quality of Life in Physical Education students.

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    Background: Physical activity level (PAL) is known to play an important role in reducing risk factors associated with sedentarism, in addition to improving the mental health and health-related quality of life (HRQL). Objective: Investigate the relationship of PAL and their domains with HRQL, mood state (MS) and anxiety. Method: 140 Physical Education students (23.6 ± 3.7 years) were evaluated. The Baecke Habitual Physical Activity and Quality of Life (QOL-36) questionnaires, State-Trait Anxiety Inventories (STAI-S and STAI-T) and Profile of Mood States (POMS) scale were used to investigate PAL, HRQL and mental health indicators. Pearson’s correlation coefficient examined the association between PAL and both mental health and HRQL parameters. Results: There was a correlation between state anxiety and both the domain leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) (p = 0.013) and total PAL score (p = 0.010). In relation to MS, a negative correlation was found between LTPA and total mood disorder (TMD) (p = 0.004). However, there were positive correlations between the vigor subscale and both LTPA (p=0.001) and total PAL (p=0.019). With respect to HRQL, analysis of the relationship between LTPA and total PAL demonstrated positive coefficients with the physical component summary (PCS) (p=0.000; p = 0.005), mental component summary (MCS) (p = 0.000; p = 0.006) and total HRQL (p = 0.000; p = 0.003). Conclusion: The findings suggest that the rise in LTPA was related to an increase in HRQL and MS. However, PAL was positively related to anxiety