320 research outputs found
Penanganan Human Trafficking oleh IOM terhadap Etnis Rohingya di Myanmar
Krisis Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mencari tahu apa saja penanganan yang diberikan oleh IOM dalam menghadapi kasus Human Trafficking yang terjadi di Myanmar terhadap etnis Rohingya. Tulisan ini berfokus pada upaya penanganan apa saja yang telah diberikan oleh IOM dalam kasus Human Trafficking yang terjadi pada etnis Rohingya. Temuan artikel ini berkisar pada 3 program yang diberikan Oleh IOM terhadap migran baik di Myanmar maupun di Cox’s Bazar, yaitu : MIGRANT PROTECTION UNIT (July 2018), Bantuan IOM terhadap etnis Rohingya di Kamp Cox’s Bazar, JOINT RESPON PLAN (Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis) Januari-Desember 2022 Artikel ini didasarkan pada prespektif Internasional organization yakni IOM dengan menggunakan konsep Human Trafficking
Rendahnya komitmen kerja guru honorer adalah salah satu fenomena yang umum ditemukan di Indonesia. Salah satu pemicunya yaitu sistem kompensasi yang belum sesuai dengan upah minimum yang selayaknya. Penelitian ini melaporkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di konteks Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompensasi terhadap komitmen kerja guru honorer. Kompensasi finansial dan kompensasi non finansial adalah dua dimensi variabel kompensasi yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Adapun dimensi komitmen afektif, komitmen keberlanjutan, dan komitmen normatif menjadi fokus yang diteliti dalam variabel komitmen kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan cara penyebaran angket kepada 21 orang guru honorer di SMK Nuurul Muttaqiin Garut. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kompensasi guru honorer berada dalam kategori kurang efektif, sedangkan komitmen kerja guru honorer berada dalam kategori sedang. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang kuat dari kompensasi terhadap komitmen kerja guru honorer di SMK Nuurul Muttaqiin Garut. Peningkatan kompensasi non finansial berupa kejelasan sistem kompensasi bagi guru honorer dan peningkatan faktor psikologis mereka untuk mau melanjutkan bekerja dalam profesi tersebut adalah hal yang harus diperhatikan dan dilakukan baik oleh pihak sekolah maupun pemerintah.;--The lack of work commitment of honorary teachers is one of the common phenomenon which is generally found in Indonesia. One of the causes is the compensation system that is not in accordance with the minimum salary appropriately. This research aim to find out the influence of compensation towards the work commitment of honorary teachers which is conducted in the vocational high school (SMK). Financial compensation and non-financial compensation are the two dimensions of compensation variables that are examined in this research. Moreover, this research focuses on the three variables of work commitment that are dimensions of affective, sustainability, and normative commitment. On collecting the data, this research uses survey method. It is conducted by distributing questionnaires to 21 honorary teachers at Nuurul Muttaqiin vocational high school in Garut. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis are used by the researcher to analyze the data. Based on the analysis results, the compensation of honorary teachers is categorized as less effective, meanwhile, the work commitment of the honorary teachers is categorized as moderate. The hypothesis test shows that there is a strong influece of compensation on the work commitment of honorary teachers in Nuurul Muttaqiin vocational high school in Garut. Increasing non-financial compensation by giving an obvious system in compensating the honorary teachers and increasing their psychological factors in order to make them want to continue working in that profession are things that must be considered and done by both the school and the government
ABSTRACT Kiki Apriliyani. C0312043. Refusal Strategies between Male and Female on the Pride and Prejudice Movie: A Pragmatics Approach. Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. This research is conducted to find out the kinds of refusal strategies expressed by male and female characters in the movie entitled Pride and Prejudice. The research also discovers why each type of refusal strategies are expressed by male and female characters. This research uses pragmatics approach and implements descriptive qualitative research that applies purposive sampling technique. The data in this research are taken from the dialogues in Pride and Prejudice movie that contain refusal strategies. There are 31 data containing refusal strategies found in the movie. Those data are classified by using Beebe, Takahashi and Uliss-Weltz’s refusal classification. The results of the research show that indirect refusal strategy is the kind of refusal strategy which mostly used by male and female characters in the Pride and Prejudice movie to express refusal. In the second rank is mix of refusal strategies and direct refusal strategy is in the last. Indirect refusal strategy consists of excuse, reason, or explanation, attempt to dissuade interlocutor, promise of future acceptance and avoidance. The second finding reveals that male characters mainly use indirect refusal strategy when refusing female characters if they have close relationship. Male characters who have legitimate power tend to use direct refusal strategy when expressing refusal to female characters. On the contrary, female characters mostly use mix of refusal strategies when refusing male characters who have legitimate power over them. Female characters apply direct refusal strategy when refusing male characters if they have distance relationship. In addition, female characters apply indirect refusal strategy to other female characters who have close relationship with them. On the contrary, female characters use direct refusal strategy if they have distance relationship with other female characters. Keywords: Pragmatics, Refusal Strategies, Speech Ac
Keywords : Hedonism, pleasure, lifestyle, standard, insider and outsiderHedonism is one of the lifestyle that is chosen by many modern people today. Hedonistic lifestyle aims to make people seek pleasure and happiness in ways that are sometimes beyond expected and the existing norms. The writer uses hedonism as the main theory to analyze because the problems of this novel are related to the luxurious lifestyle and temporary happiness. The writer also uses sociological approach because sociology is related to sociological aspect such as a group’s lifestyle and the division of social layers based on economy.This study shows that hedonistic lifestyle is reflected in the main characters of The Beautiful and Damned novel, Anthony Patch and Gloria Gilbert. They reflects hedonistic lifestyle and it becomes a habit. They will do anything to get what they want and they do not want to feel the hurt. They think the important things in their life are pleasure and happiness. Pleasure for Anthony is when he lives freely without hard work and gets his grandfather’s money. For Gloria, pleasure is a kind of worship from her husband to her beautiful face. Pleasure makes them selfish and do not care about other people.This behavior affects themselves and people around them. Hedonist leads to the formation of two social classes, in which people are grouped based on the standards they set. In sociology, it called insiders and outsiders. The main characters in this novel are included to insider because they share the same attachment and mission. Meanwhile the outsider is the group of people who are not included in insider group because these people do not meet the requirements in the standards of insider. They are neighbors who live in poverty.The impacts of hedonistic lifestyle occurred in the insider group, come in the form of breakdown of relationships between family members, friendships, self-esteem, and psychology. The first figure analyzed is Anthony Patch. When he got bankrupt, he decided to hide the situation and pretends everything is fine. He does that because he does not want to lose his dignity and pride. Because of this problem, he suffered from depression symptoms and his mental being unstable.The effect of hedonistic lifestyle to the outsider appears when they become the subject of ridicule and humiliation by the insider. The conclusion is hedonism is really reflected on main characters on The Beautiful and Damned novel and it brings some effects to themselves and to people around them. The suggestion for the future research, The Beautiful and Damned also could be analyzed with different theories like psychoanalysis and Marxism. The future researchers could dig deeper to find some interesting problems in this novel
Hubungan Intensitas Bermain Permainan Online Dengan Kecerdasan Emosional
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara intensitas bermain game online dengan kecerdasan emosional pada remaja pemain game mobile legend di kota Samarinda. Pengambilan sampel ditentukan dengan purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebagai penelitian adalah 100 remaja. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala kecerdasan emosional dan skala intensitas bermain game online. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson R. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh negatif dan signifikan antara intensitas bermain game online dengan kecerdasan emosional, dengan nilai r = -0,506 dan nilai Sig = 0,014 (P <0,05). Artinya, semakin tinggi intensitas bermain game online remaja maka semakin rendah pula tingkat kecerdasan emosinya. Sebaliknya jika semakin rendah intensitas bermain game online bagi seorang remaja maka kecerdasan emosionalnya akan semakin tinggi
Literacy is one of the activities of reading can make an effort in the movement that is very important to educate life. One of them with literacy can gain widespread knowledge. High quality reading skills will affect the increase in students' reading interest. Interest in reading in all circles is still lacking, especially students and students who are struggling in the world of education. This is caused by people who are less aware of the benefits of literacy. The government makes a policy to build a culture of literacy through familiarizing students with reading before learning begins, namely the School Literacy Movement (GLS) program. This study intends to determine the effect of students on the ongoing learning process with the existence of the School Literacy Movement program on the reading fondness of students at SMP Negeri 1 Cisarua. The subjects in this study were students at SMP Negeri 1 Cisarua. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are done by questionnaire, observation, and documentation. The results of this study determine that the influence of the school literacy movement program can be beneficial in the learning process. Students' fondness for reading can increase after the Literacy Movement. School. Literacy culture can be improved through reading activities and their reading skills can develop well by always growing literacy in students
Respon Salinitas Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Komposisi Rantai Panjang Polyisoprenoid Semai Mangrove Avicennia Officinalis
Effect of salinity on the growth and composition of long chain polyisoprenoid in A. officinalis was studied in the greenhouse, Faculty of Agricultural and forest ecology laboratory, University Sumatera Utara. Research was started from July to December 2014. A. officinalis seedlings were used with five levels of salinity namely 0%; 0.5%; 1.5%; 2% and 3% and grown for 3 months. The optimum result was mostly obtained at a rate of 0% salinity, height growth of seedling was at 2% salinity, diameter growth of seedlings was in salinity 0%, the number of leaves was at 0% salinity, leaves area was at 0% salinity, wet weight and dry of leaves, roots and stems were at 0% salinity respectively. On the other hand, ratio of shoots to roots was at 0% salinity. One-dimensional plate thin-layer chromatography (1D-TLC) analysis of the three months of A. officinalis could not find the dolichol content
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berupa lembar kerja dengan pendekatan etnomatematika motif jarik jawa pada bangun datar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (RD), dengan model pengembangan yang dimodifikasi dari model 4D. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 17 siswa kelas III SDN Andongsari 3 Ambulu Jember. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar validasi, angket dan lembar kerja. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis data dari lembar validasi ditemukan bahwa LKPD yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kategori valid. Berdasarkan analisis data dari angket yang diberikan kepada siswa, diketahui bahwa LKPD yang dikembangkan rata-rata sebesar 81,69% dan termasuk dalam kategori praktis. Sedangkan berdasarkan analisis data dari hasil pengerjaan LKPD yang dikembangkan mencapai nilai 82,11% dan termasuk dalam kategori efektif
Pengaruh Model Learning Cycle 7E Terhadap Pemahaman Matematis dan Keterampilan Kolaborasi Siswa
Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis dan keterampilan kolaborasi siswa pada materi prisma di SMP Argopuro 1 Panti Jember. Metode penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian eksperimen dengan desain quasi experimental design. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes, angket dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan uji statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney U dan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E terhadap keterampilan kolaborasi siswa menggunakan uji Independent Sample T-Test.Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis dan keterampilan kolaborasi siswa pada materi prisma di SMP Argopuro 1 Panti Jember. Metode penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian eksperimen dengan desain quasi experimental design. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes, angket dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan uji statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney U dan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran learning cycle 7E terhadap keterampilan kolaborasi siswa menggunakan uji Independent Sample T-Test
Putri Ulul Apriliyani
English Departement, Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya
[email protected]
Himmawan Adi Nugroho, S.Pd., M.Pd
English Departement, Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya
[email protected]
Pemerintah menetapkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran yang harus diterapkan disetiap level pendidikan. Hal ini dikarenakan Bahasa Inggris dipakai sebagai foreign language oleh negara kita. Untuk menguasai Bahsa Inggris sebagai foreign language ini, para siswa diharapkan menguasai keempat komponen dasar yang dimiliki oleh Bahasa Inggris. Salah satu kemampuan dasar tersebut adalah menulis. Menulis bisa membuat siswa menuangkan ide-ide yang mereka miliki agar dapat diketahui oleh orang lain dalam bentuk tulisan (Hyland,2002). Untuk membantu para guru untuk mengajar pelajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat digunakan jenis teks sebagai alat penunjang.
Salah satu jenis teks yang dominan diajarkan di SMA adalah Narrative. Jadi, para siswa dituntut untuk bisa menguasai teks ini secara lisan dan tulisan. Secara tulisan, para siswa dituntut untuk dapat menulis teks narrative mereka sendiri berdasarkan generic structure dan language features dari teks tersebut. Berkaitan dengan hal itu, sebuah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis teks narrative yang telah ditulis oleh siswa.
Siswa kelas X-Akselerasi dibagi menjadi tiga grup yang berbeda berdsarkan kemampuan mereka dalam menguasai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Instrumen penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini ada tiga jenis yaitu; checklist, rubrik penilaian dan juga peneliti. Selain itu, semua teks narrative yang ditulis oleh siswa dikumpulkan untuk dinilai dan dianalisis oleh peneliti.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa dapat menuliskan teks narrative mereka sendiri berdsarkan generic structure dan language features teks tersebut. Tapi, ada beberapa siswa yang masih membuat kesalahan pada saat menuliskan generic structure dan language features dari teks mereka. Kesalahan yang paling banyak mereke buat adalah menggunakan past tense sebagai dominan tense didalam narrative text.
Pada akhirnya, para guru disarankan untuk memberi penjelasan yang jelas kepada para siswa tentang tata cara menulis teks narrative yang baik dan benar. Selain itu, para guru sebaiknya juga harus menjelaskan penggunaan past tense sebagai tenses yang dominan dipakai didalam teks narrative sebelum mereka memberi tugas kepada siswa untuk menuliskan teks narrative mereka sendiri. Karena sebagian besar kesalahan siswa terletak pada penggunaan past tense ini.
Kata Kunci: narrative text, generic structure, language features
Since English is used as foreign language in our country, it becomes important subject in every education level. Four basics skills is needed to help the students learning English as their foreign language. One of the important skill is writing. Writing can make the students take out their mind and put it in the other form that people can read and consider (Hyland, 2002). Therefore, text type is appropiate tools for the teachers to teach writing for the students.
Narrative is one of the text type that mostly taught in High School. It makes the students have to master this text both in written and spoken form. In written form, the students must be able to compose their narrative text correctly based on its generic structure and language features. To deal with, a descriptive qualitative design is used to analyze the students’ narrative composition that they wrote as their writing assignment.
The students in X-Acceleration class divided into three groups based on their ability in mastering English and nine students are taken as representatives. This study uses checklist, assessment scoring rubric, and the researcher as the research instruments. Moreover, all of the students’ original narrative compositions are collected to be analized and scored.
The result shows that all of the samples are able to write their narrative composition completely in the term of generic structure and language features. But, some students still made some errors when applied generic structure and language features of narrative text. The errors that mostly appeared in the students’ narrative composition is the use of past tense as dominant tense in this text.
At the end, it suggests that the teacher should give a clear explanation and example for the students about how to compose a good narrative text is. Moreover, since most of the students made error when applied past tense in their writing, it is better for the teachers to give brief and clear explanation about it before they ask the students to write narrative text theirselves.
Keywords: narrative text, generic structure, language features
Language is one most important thing which can support our communication in our life. It is supported by (Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary, 2008) that language is a system of sounds, words used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings. This definition means that every people can use language to express everything that they feel, such; their thought, emotion, ideas, and etc. Expressing all of those feelings, people can use language in two ways, spoken and written. Moreover, both of this way can be very useful device for humans to communicate with others.
Nowdays, English becomes an International language which is used by all of the country as their second language or their foreign language. Since our country uses English as ours Foreign language, the goverment has decided to include English as one of important subject in every education level. It purposes that all of students in our country can learn English from young age, in order to make them able to communicate using English in the spoken and written form.
In the teaching learning of English, there are four basics skills that student must have. They are; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Each skill can not be separated because they are main skills to master English as our foreign language. All of those four skills are important elements which can develop the students’ ability to communicate using English both in spoken and written. (Depdiknas, 2006) is also stated that the purpose of taught English subject at school is making the students able to build their communicative competence in spoken and written form. From those statement we can conclude that the goverment expects the students to be able to use English fluently, accurately, and acceptably both in spoken and written form. In addition, we can also conclude that writing is one of important communicative competence that have to be learned by all of the students.
Writing is one of important skill in learning English as foreign language. We can share everything that we want freely in written form, it is supported by (Hyland, 2002) that writing can make the students take out their ideas in their mind and put it into others form that other people can read and consider it. It means that every person can share their idea and can communicate with others in the written form. However, communicating through writing is considered more difficult to use than spoken form. As stated by (Hadfield & Hadfield, 1990), for teacher of foreign language, writing lesson has a difficulty, and this also true for their students. For example in speaking, a speaker can explain and repeat more in order to make the receiver know what they mean. Moreover, it is supported by their gestures, intonations, or facial expressions. While in writing, the writer must be able to make their writing understandable without explaining and repeating it directly to the readers.
In the same case, many students get some difficulties in mastering writing skill. It comes when they want to start their writing. The obstacles can appear from theirselves and from the environment. The first difficulty appears when the students don’t know what should they write in their written assignment because they have written about the topic many times. For instance, in the 8th and 9th grade of Junior High School the students have been taught narrative text, moreover they have to be able to write that text theirselves. When they asked by the teacher to write a narrative text, they were attending to write the topic as same as before because they were reluctant to write it with the new topic. It makes the students do not have anything left to write about in their narrative text writing assignment. Not only that, the other difficulty is also come when the students know what they are going to write, but they can’t organize it well. That happens because the students have lack in remembering the important writing elements, such as; vocabulary, transition signals, words connectors, and etc. which are very useful to help them in organizing written assignment.
Facing that problems above, the sudent should be able to develop their writing skill by practicing it in particular time. (Patel & Jain, 2008) said that writing is skill that should be taught through practice. In the other hands, writing should be learned regularly in order to make the students’ skills in writing increase. There are several phases that should be followed by students to start their writing; first, the students should know and understand about grammatical features that is used in each sentence; second the students should be able to write their written assignment through English effectively; and the student should be able to use correctly conversations in peculiary language.
Furthermore, the teacher can help the students to develop all of those phases above by using text type to teach writing skill. There are lots of text type that are taught in Senior High School, namely; recount, review, descriptive, narrative, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, news item, explanation, narrative, procedure, anecdote, report, and discussion (Depdiknas, 2006). All of those text has different function, generic structure, and language features.
From all types of the texts above, narrative is the text which is dominantly and frequently thought to the junior high schools and senior high schools students. Narrative text is a composition which tells about story. It can be factual and non-factual narrative text. Factual narrative text is kind of narrative which is related to the real story, for instance; someone experience, adventure, and historical event. While, non-factual narrative text is kind of story which is not real happen in our lives. For instance; myth, fairytale, legend, and fable. The purpose of this text is entertaining the readers. Moreover, we can use this kind of text when we want to tell about something interesting that happened or when we want to write some events of the day in the privacy in our diary. According to (Parera, 1993) the most narrative text have characteristic to tell a story of an event or events in chronological order in which they occured in time.
The generic structure of narrative text consists of Orientation, Complication, Resolution, and Coda (Depdiknas, 2006). Coda is optional, sometimes it exists at the end of the story but sometimes it does not. According to (Nunan, 1991) the generic structure of narrative text consists of Orientation, Complication, and Resolution. Orientation is considered as the beginning of the story. This beginning is usually introduces the main character(s), time, and places (Depdiknas, 2006). It means that orientation generally gives the answer of where the action is located, who is (are) involved, and when the story happened. After that the story is going on by series of events which involve the main character(s) to some sort of problems. It called complication. The events in complication make the story more attractive. Finally, in the end of the story the reader will find resolution of the problem. The resolution that provided in the stoy can be better or worse. Sometimes coda exists after the resolution. It is a change that happened to the character and the leson that can be taken from the story or sometimes we called it as moral value from the story.
Moreover, (Derewianka, 1990) described that narrative has some components of language features, those are; choose the descriptive language to enhance and develop the story by creating images in the readers’ mind, and the last participant can be written in the first person (I, we) or third person (he, she, they). It also mentioned in detail that narrative’s languag features are consist of the use of specific participants; mainly uses action verbs; use temporal conjunction and temporal circumstances; use past tense as dominant tense; and use relational and mental process.
To deal with, the objectives of this study are describing the tenth graders narrative text in terms of its generic structure and language features.
Since the researcher wants to analyze and describe the students’ narrative text writing, a descriptive qualitative research was conducted in this study. According to (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010) descriptive research involves describing and interpreting the nature and incidence as it exists at the time of study. Furthermore, in other pages they also said that descriptive research studies are designed to obtain information concerning the current phenomena. Simply, we can say that descriptive qualitative research is a research that describe the natural phenomena. In line with that statement, the researcher wanted to describe and observe the real condition that she faced in the field. She joined the teaching learning process on the day when the teacher gave writing assignment for the students. Because it helped the researcher to know the originality of students’ narrative text composition.
The subject of this study were the tenth graders of acceleration class at SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo. This class was choosen because all of the students who entered in this class had high qualification than others. The researcher devided all of the students in this class into three different group based on their ability in mastering English; first contains students who have high ability in mastering English, second contains three students who have average ability in mastering English, and third contains students who have low ability in mastering English. But then, the researcher just took nine students’ narrative text as representatives to be analized. All of these representatives were taken from each group.
The data in this study were generic structure and language features that used by the students in their narrative text. Therefore, the original students’ narrative text were collected by the researcher as source of data. The students’ narrative text was written in the same topic. The topic is about Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih.
This study used three kinds of research intruments. First, the researcher herself. The researcher was the key of instrument in descriptive qualitative research because she had to analyze and describe all of the students’ narrative text. The second instrument was checklist. This checklist used to know how the teaching learning process went in the day that teacher gave the assignment for the students. The checklist included three main indicators, namely; teachers’ action, students’ response, and the materials given. The last instrument was assessment scoring rubric for generic structure and language features. Both of these rubrics was very useful for the researcher as a guideline to analyze the students’ narrative text.
Furthermore, the researcher analized all of data she got based on Creswell theory at (Ary, et al., 2010). There were three steps to analyze the data in descriptive qualitative research, such as; (1) Organizing the data or data managing; (2) coding or classifiying; and (3) intrepetating or representing the data.
Based on the findings, all of the students in that three groups were able to write their narrative text completely in the term of generic structure. And they could write the orientation, then complication, and ended by resolution. But, the researcher found some errors that students did in their writing. The errors came from each part of generic structure which wrote by the students. Some of them made their errors in the orientation part, complication part, and resolution part.
In this case, the first group students were included in the excellent category by the researcher because she did not find some errors in the students’ writing. They composed their narrative text completely without forgetting one component of its generic structure. They also wrote it correctly as its criteria in the generic structure rubric. First, the orientation part contains time and place where the story happened, characters inside, and the situation there. Second, the complication part explain about the series of events and climax of the story which shoud be written chronologically. Then, the resolution should be solved all of the problems that faced by the main characters in sequence and comprehensible.
For instance, it can be seen from student 2’s narrative text writing. Student 2 could compose a very good story and organized it well. In her narrative text, student 2 was success write the orientation part as well by stating the time and the place related to the story, mentioned the characters inside the story, and gave a clear situation to draw how the story begins. Then, it continued by giving series of events which was written chronologically until met its climax. Then, after student 2 wrote out all of the problems and the climax of the story, she ended the story by writing the solution to solve the problems in the resolution part. In short, student 2 was able to applied narrative’s generic structure very well without missing one criteria of it.
Close to the first group students, the three students in the second group were also able to implement narrative’s generic structure. They wrote the story start from the orientation, complication, and resolution. But, they could not composed each of the generic structure well. They missed some of criteria that should be in that part. For instance, two of the students in this group were not able to write the complication part correctly. Sometimes, they wrote it unchronologically, missed many events, and did not write the complication.
Furthermore, there was a student in this group who wrote the climax of the story in the resolution part. It can be seen in the student 1’ resolution. He wrote the climax there to begin the resolution and gave the solution of the climax in this part too. It made the resolution part of his story was not suitable with the criteria in generic structure’s rubric. Another students also did not compose their orientation part completely. They did not include one criteria which should be stated in this part. Therefore, all of the students in this group were included in the very good category in implementing narrative’s generic structure.
Since in the third group were consist of low level students in mastering English, the result of their narrative writing was also different from the first and second group before. Altough all of the students in this group could compose their narrative text based on its generic structure, the researcher still found many serious errors there.
For instance, student 2 wrote a very simple orientation. He just wrote the time when the story happened and the characters which appeared there. This student was also missed some events which related to the climax in the complication part. In addition, the resolution part of his story was not composed well. He didn’t write the resolution part in sequence and directly gave the ending of the story. It makes the researcher included all of the students in this group into good category.
From the result, the researcher found that all of the students in the third group were able to implement all of narrative’s generic structure in their text. But, some of them made errors when applying it. The errors mostly appeared when the students tried to write their narrative text using past tense as dominant tense there.
Furthermore, the findings stated that all of students in the first group were able in applying five points of narrative’s language features correctly. Those five points were specific nouns as pronoun, time connectives, the use of action verb in the past form, the use of thinking verbs, and the use of past tense. Furthermore, it showed that student 2 in this group was able to use past tense perfectly as dominant tense in her narrative text. She was also able in using time connectives, action verbs in past tense, thinking verbs, and the pronoun to state the specific participant in the story. Furthermore, there were no spelling error, punctuation, capitalization, and other errors which were appeared in this group. It makes the researcher included all of the students into excellent category in the terms of language features.
Almost same with the first group, the three students in the second group were also able in applying narrative’s language features in th
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