137 research outputs found

    Stories told : integrational processes as experienced by immigrants with African backgrounds living in Norway

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis) in Ethnic and Racial Studies on 8 June 2020.Available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2020.1776361acceptedVersio

    Barriers to access of healthcare services by the immigrant population in Scandinavia:a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction - Access to healthcare services for legal immigrants in Scandinavia is part of the policy agenda of the various governments as they strive to provide equal healthcare services to its citizens. Legal immigrants have the same rights as natives; however, studies have shown that there are inequalities in access to healthcare services between legal immigrants and natives. The extent of access depends on several factors, including organisational, social, financial and cultural factors. The lack of these factors acts as a barrier to access of healthcare services. The aim of this review is to map and report the evidence available on the barriers to access of healthcare services by legal immigrants in Scandinavia. Methods - and analysis We will adopt the six-stage framework developed by Arksey and O’Malley: (1) identifying the research question(s); (2) searching for relevant studies; (3) selecting studies; (4) charting the data; (5) collating, summarising and reporting the results; (6) conducting consultation exercises refined by Levac et al and the Joanna Briggs Institute. The search strategy for this scoping review will involve electronic databases including Ovid Medline, PsycINFO, Ovid EMBASE, PubMed and Google Scholar, in addition to grey literature from websites of relevant organisations. Data will be extracted and charted by two independent reviewers. A narrative summary of the findings will be presented. Ethics and dissemination - This is a review of the literature and all data will be obtained from publicly available materials; therefore, ethics approval is not required. The findings from this study will be disseminated as publications in peer-reviewed journals, at relevant national and international conferences, and as presentations to the health authorities in several municipalities in the Trøndelag region of Norway

    On-farm testing of wetting front detector as an irrigation scheduling tool in two communities in the upper east region of Ghana

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Prospect of dual-purpose legumes for livestock production through dry season irrigation

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Kunnskapsoppsummering av universelle foreldrestøttende programmer/tiltak for foreldre med barn i aldersgruppen 6-16 år : delrapport 1 : foreldrestøttende arbeid i Nye Namsos kommune

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    Rapporten presenterer en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang av universelle foreldrestøttende tiltak/programmer for foreldre med barn i alderen 6-16 år. Det overordnede målet for gjennomgangen har vært å identifisere hvilke universelle foreldrestøtte tiltak eller programmer som finnes for målgruppen, og evidensgrunnlaget for disse tiltakene. Tre nyere kunnskapsoppsummeringer om temaet foreldrestøttetiltak (Rambøll 2013, Bråten og Sønsterudbråten 2016, og Wesseltoft-Rao et al. 2017) er benyttet som datagrunnlag for å svare på forskningsspørsmålene til denne gjennomgangen. De tre rapportene inkluderer en oversikt over norske og internasjonale studier, Gjennomgangen viser at det er få studier som har effekt-evaluert universelle foreldrestøtte tiltak. De fleste av foreldrestøtteprogrammene er rettet mot foreldre med barn og unge med atferdsvansker. Tretten universelle foreldrestøttetiltak er identifisert i de nordiske landene i denne gjennomgangen. Seks av disse er brukt i Norge, og bare tre av disse, (International Child Development Program (ICDP), Circle of Security (COS) og De Utrolige Årene (DUÅ) er effektevaluert. I aldersgruppen 6-16 år viser litteraturgjennomgangen at selv om noen av programmene er utviklet for foreldre med barn opp til 12 år, er gjennomsnittsalderen for deltakerne i flertallet av de gjennomgåtte studiene under seks år. I forhold til Namsos kommunes intensjon for sitt foreldrestøttende arbeid og valg av tiltak for foreldre med barn i skolealder, er det viktig å ta disse funnene i betraktning

    Expansion urbaine et couverture en structures sanitaires dans la commune d’Abobo

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    This study takes a physical inventory of all health structures in the municipality of Abobo, a northern peripheral municipality of the Abidjan metropolis, and compares the urban dynamics and the location of modern health care structures in the municipality. A methodology based on four techniques for collecting information (documentary research, field observation, inventory and interviews) were used, in order to gather all the information relating to these objectives. The results obtained show that the municipality of Abobo is experiencing rampant urbanization which is not accompanied by the establishment of adequate health centers. Only the central districts are well endowed with public and private health structures. As for the outlying districts, which are often precarious, they are 100% covered by private health services. These results raise the issue of the matching between urban expansion and coverage of socio-collective facilities, in particular health facilities in the municipality of Abobo.Cette étude fait l’inventaire physique de toutes les structures sanitaires de la commune d’Abobo, commune périphérique nord de la métropole d’Abidjan et confronte la dynamique urbaine et l’implantation des structures de soins modernes sur le territoire communal. Une méthodologie axée sur quatre techniques de collecte des informations la recherche documentaire, l’observation de terrain, l’inventaire et les entretiens ont été utilisées, afin de réunir toutes les informations se rapportant à ces objectifs. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la commune d’Abobo connaît une urbanisation galopante qui n’est pas accompagnée de l’implantation des centres de santé adéquats. Seul, les quartiers centraux sont bien dotés de structures sanitaires publiques et privées. Quant aux quartiers périphériques, souvent précaires, ils sont couverts à 100% par des offres de santé privées. Ces résultats soulèvent la problématique de l’adéquation entre l’expansion urbaine et la couverture en équipements socio-collectifs, en particulier en structures sanitaires de la commune d’Abobo

    Expansion urbaine et couverture en structures sanitaires dans la commune d’Abobo

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    This study takes a physical inventory of all health structures in the municipality of Abobo, a northern peripheral municipality of the Abidjan metropolis, and compares the urban dynamics and the location of modern health care structures in the municipality. A methodology based on four techniques for collecting information (documentary research, field observation, inventory and interviews) were used, in order to gather all the information relating to these objectives. The results obtained show that the municipality of Abobo is experiencing rampant urbanization which is not accompanied by the establishment of adequate health centers. Only the central districts are well endowed with public and private health structures. As for the outlying districts, which are often precarious, they are 100% covered by private health services. These results raise the issue of the matching between urban expansion and coverage of socio-collective facilities, in particular health facilities in the municipality of Abobo.Cette étude fait l’inventaire physique de toutes les structures sanitaires de la commune d’Abobo, commune périphérique nord de la métropole d’Abidjan et confronte la dynamique urbaine et l’implantation des structures de soins modernes sur le territoire communal. Une méthodologie axée sur quatre techniques de collecte des informations la recherche documentaire, l’observation de terrain, l’inventaire et les entretiens ont été utilisées, afin de réunir toutes les informations se rapportant à ces objectifs. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la commune d’Abobo connaît une urbanisation galopante qui n’est pas accompagnée de l’implantation des centres de santé adéquats. Seul, les quartiers centraux sont bien dotés de structures sanitaires publiques et privées. Quant aux quartiers périphériques, souvent précaires, ils sont couverts à 100% par des offres de santé privées. Ces résultats soulèvent la problématique de l’adéquation entre l’expansion urbaine et la couverture en équipements socio-collectifs, en particulier en structures sanitaires de la commune d’Abobo
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