118 research outputs found

    El rol transformador de los tribunales constitucionales como ¿estrategia clave y efectiva? para la reducción de las desigualdades y la erradicación de la pobreza extrema

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    The analysis and justification of inequality and extreme poverty and the need to eradicate or at least overcome them impose historical, ideological, and institutional reasons. Particularly concerning institutions and the new transformations of constitutionalism, this article aims to analyze the transformative role of constitutional courts as a key and effective strategy for reducing inequalities, but mainly for the eradication of extreme poverty. Based on a hypothetical and deductive methodology combined with a technique of indirect documentation analysis, it is concluded that the transformative role of constitutional courts as a key and effective strategy to confront contemporary crises in society, at least in the analysis of deliberative instruments such as public hearings to combat the eradication of extreme poverty, presents apparent effectiveness. The transformative role must recognize limits to the judicial function, especially when judicial decisions involving social rights are projected. Methodological and instrumental outlets of other sciences, together with greater recognition of judicial humility, seem to be a step to begin or, better, to resume the intended path.El análisis y la justificación de la desigualdad y la pobreza extrema, así como su necesidad para erradicarlas o a lo menos superarlas, impone razones históricas, ideológicas e institucionales. Particularmente en lo que se refiere a las instituciones y a las nuevas transformaciones del constitucionalismo, el presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar el rol transformador de los tribunales constitucionales como una estrategia clave y efectiva para la reducción de las desigualdades, pero, particularmente, para la erradicación de la pobreza extrema. Basándose en una metodología hipotético-deductiva conjugada con una técnica de análisis de documentación indirecta, se concluye que, el rol transformador de los tribunales constitucionales como estrategia clave y efectiva para afrontar las crisis contemporáneas de la sociedad, al menos en el análisis de instrumentos de deliberación como las audiencias públicas para combatir la erradicación de la pobreza extrema presenta una aparente efectividad. El rol transformador debe reconocer límites a la función judicial, principalmente cuando se proyectan las decisiones judiciales que envuelven derechos sociales. Salidas metodológicas e instrumentales de otras ciencias, aunado con un mayor reconocimiento de humildad judicial parecen ser un paso para iniciar o mejor, retomar el camino pretendido.El análisis y la justificación de la desigualdad y la pobreza extrema, así como su necesidad para erradicarlas o a lo menos superarlas, impone razones históricas, ideológicas e institucionales. Particularmente en lo que se refiere a las instituciones y a las nuevas transformaciones del constitucionalismo, el presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar el rol transformador de los tribunales constitucionales como una estrategia clave y efectiva para la reducción de las desigualdades, pero, particularmente, para la erradicación de la pobreza extrema. Basándose en una metodología hipotético-deductiva conjugada con una técnica de análisis de documentación indirecta, se concluye que, el rol transformador de los tribunales constitucionales como estrategia clave y efectiva para afrontar las crisis contemporáneas de la sociedad, al menos en el análisis de instrumentos de deliberación como las audiencias públicas para combatir la erradicación de la pobreza extrema presenta una aparente efectividad. El rol transformador debe reconocer límites a la función judicial, principalmente cuando se proyectan las decisiones judiciales que envuelven derechos sociales. Salidas metodológicas e instrumentales de otras ciencias, aunado con un mayor reconocimiento de humildad judicial parecen ser un paso para iniciar o mejor, retomar el camino pretendido

    Factores predisponentes a la parvovirosis canina registrados en un hospital de Cuautitlan, México

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    Canine parvovirus (CPV) was initially described in the Canidae family, but later extended to Ursidae, Procionidae, and Felidae families, among others. Its epidemiology has not been fully described. Nevertheless, climate appears to have a direct influence on the severity of the disease symptomatology. Aim of this study was to analyze the influence of different factors such as age, breed, gender, vaccination status, and climatic variables, by means of analyzing cases of this disease recorded at an veterinary hospital from Cuautitlan (México). For this purpose, clinic histories from 2016 until 2017, were analyzed. Prevalence of 1.86% was determined, being animals under seven months-old those with the highest susceptibility to CPV. In addition, from March to May, the highest number of cases were diagnosed, with peak on April. The environmental temperature explains the higher presentation of cases of parvovirus. Considering these results, it can be concluded that CPV seems to be more frequent during the warmer months, followed by high number of offspring and lower consumption of food.El parvovirus canino (PVC) se restringió inicialmente a infectar a los perros, pero luego seextendió a otras familias como felidae (gatos y otros felinos), procionidae (mapaches, coatíes)y ursidae (osos). A pesar de que su epidemiología no ha sido descrita completamente,el clima parece tener influencia directa en los rangos de presentación. En este trabajo secompararon factores como edad, raza, género, estado vacunal y variables climáticas, conla aparición de la enfermedad en un hospital veterinario de Cuautitlan (México). Mediantela revisión de 3.862 historias clínicas de los años 2016-2017, se encontró una prevalencia de1,86% (72 animales) diagnosticados con PVC, siendo los menores de 7 meses los de mayorsusceptibilidad, especialmente durante los meses de marzo a mayo, con mayor incidencia enabril. La variable aumento de la temperatura ambiental explicó la mayor presentación de laenfermedad, seguida por el sexo hembra, el mayor número de crías, la joven edad y el menorconsumo de alimento

    Instrumentos de evaluación de la funcionalidad familiar: una revisión integrativa

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    Introduction For family assessment in terms of its context, dynamics and functioning, several evaluation instruments have been developed in recent years, but currently there is no review in the scientific literature that would allow the compilation and visualization of instruments that measure family functionality and are validated for the Latin American region. Objective To identify instruments that assess family functioning and are validated in Latin America in Spanish. Methodology An integrative review was carried out using the following descriptors: family health, psychometrics, family nursing, nursing, using in the search strategy the Boléan operators OR and AND in English and Spanish, using the following databases: Virtual Health Library (BVS), Cochrane, Science Direct, Redalyc, Google academic. Results Twelve articles were finally retained which were developed in Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Chile and Argentina, one in each country; these studies were published between 2002 and 2017. The studies performed tests such as KMO, Bartlett test and Cronbach’s Alpha. The instruments reported and validated to local contexts are the Family APGAR, FACES III and IV and ASF-E. Conclusion There is a need for further development of reliable and validated instruments for Latin America and their application in local contexts, which will make it possible to generate more accurate information for effective family intervention actions and adequate decision making.Introducción Para la valoración familiar en cuanto a su contexto, su dinámica y funcionamiento en los últimos años se han generado diversos instrumentos de evaluación, actualmente en la literatura científica no se encuentra una revisión que permitiera compilar y visualizar los instrumentos que midan la funcionalidad familiar y se encuentren validados para la región de América Latina. Objetivo Identificar los instrumentos que evalúen la funcionalidad familiar y se encuentren validados en Latinoamérica en idioma español. Metodología Se realizó una revisión integrativa donde se utilizaron los siguientes descriptores salud familiar, psicometría, enfermería familiar, enfermería usando en la estrategia de búsqueda los operadores booleanos OR y AND en los idiomas inglés y español, se utilizaron las bases de datos: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), Cochrane, Science Direct, Redalyc, Google académico. Resultados Se retienen finalmente doce artículos los cuales fueron desarrollados en Colombia, Perú, Uruguay, México, Chile y Argentina uno en cada país; estos estudios fueron publicados entre el año 2002 hasta el 2017. Los estudios realizaron pruebas como el KMO, la prueba de Bartlett y el Alfa de Cronbach. Los instrumentos reportados y validados a los contextos locales son el APGAR Familiar, FACES III y IV y ASF-E. Conclusión Se necesita mayor desarrollo de instrumentos confiables y validados para América Latina y su aplicación en los contextos locales, lo que permita generar información con mayor exactitud para tomar acciones de intervención familiar efectivas y toma de decisiones adecuadas

    Perceptions in the community about the use of antibiotics without a prescription: Exploring ideas behind this practice

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    Objective: The use of antibiotics without prescription is common in Colombia as well as in other developing countries. The objective of this study is to explore the attitudes and motivations associated with the use of antibiotics without prescription. Methods: Focus group sessions were held with residents of Bogotá. Different socioeconomic groups were approached to identify possible differences of opinion. A semi-structured interview guide was used to guide the discussion, with thematic analysis used to identify central themes. Results: In total, 21 people, aged between 25 and 50 years participated in four focus groups. The results suggest that the use of antibiotics without prescription is common practice. The main reasons included barriers to access to prescribed medications due to limited health insurance. Even those with adequate access to health insurance report being willing to use a treatment without a prescription if they have confidence in its effectiveness. The relationship with the physician is important, but pharmacy storekeepers are also highly trusted. While some participants understood that antibiotics can cure infections but cause serious adverse events, several misconceptions about antibiotics therapy were identified. These included a lack of knowledge of resistance transmissibility among communities. Conclusions: The results have implications for interventions aimed at reducing inappropriate use of antibiotics, highlighting i) how lack of access to timely care creates an incentive to self-prescribe, ii) the key role that pharmacy storekeepers play in the Colombian healthcare system and the need to include them in interventions, and iii) the misconceptions about inappropriate use of medications that need to be addressed by educational programs. These findings provide insights to other countries where antibiotics misuse is also a problem

    Plan estratégico para el relanzamiento de la miel de abeja de la marca Lito´s

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    Tanto en el Perú como a nivel internacional, se ha venido presentando un crecimiento considerable en el consumo de productos orgánicos. Fundamentalmente, por la preocupación de muchas personas quienes necesitan mantener una nutrición más saludable y balanceada que garantice su salud y bienestar. Dicha situación ha permitido, en primer lugar, identificar una oportunidad factible para emprender al ofrecer productos orgánicos de calidad que cuiden la salud de las personas. En segundo lugar, determinar un mercado potencial en el cual se puede ingresar y obtener beneficios. Este emprendimiento consiste en una línea de miel de abeja orgánica, recolectada en la ciudad de Jauja en el departamento de Junín, por Apícola Lito´s. Esta empresa se ha ganado la fidelización del mercado local que reconoce la calidad de sus productos, pero solo es conocida por un sector de la población en la mencionada ciudad. Para lanzar esta nueva línea de miel de abeja orgánica en el mercado peruano, se ha elaborado un Plan de Marketing innovador, que se aplicará en la apícola para relanzar la marca Lito´s como el mejor distribuidor de miel de abeja en el mercado y posicionarla a nivel regional y nacional a corto plazo, aprovechando la creciente demanda de miel orgánica, producto saludable que aporta muchos beneficios. El relanzamiento le permitirá a la apícola presentar el siguiente eslogan: “Miel de abeja Lito´s, natural desde su origen”. En atención a la evaluación financiera, el proyecto es viable, porque generará S/ 213,834.84 de utilidad neta durante el primer año, un VAN de S/ 567,897.32 y un TIR de 72%, con un período de recuperación de la inversión estimado en un año, tres meses y 27 días, permitiendo así afirmar con propiedad que este proyecto es ciertamente rentable.As well as in Peru, internationally there has been a considerable growth in the consumption of organic products. Basically, due to the concern of many people who need to maintain a healthier and more balanced nutrition that guarantees their health and well-being. This situation has allowed, in the first place, identifying a feasible opportunity to be undertaken by offering quality organic products that take care of people's health. Second, it allows to determine a potential market to enter and make profits. This entrepreneurship consists of a line of organic honey, collected in the city of Jauja in the department of Junín, by Apícola Lito's. This company has earned the loyalty of the local market that recognizes the quality of its products, but it is only known by a sector of the population in the aforementioned city. To launch this new line of organic honey in the Peruvian market, an innovative Marketing Plan has been drawn up, which will be applied in the apiculture to relaunch the Lito's brand as the best honey distributor in the market and position itself well regionally and nationally in the short term, taking advantage of the growing demand for organic honey, a healthy product that provides many benefits. The relaunch will allow the Apícola to present the following slogan: “Lito's honey, natural from its origin”. Based on the financial evaluation, the project is viable, because it will generate S / 213,838.84 of net profit during the first year, a NPV of S / 567,897.32 and an IRR of 72%, with an estimated investment recovery period of one year, three months and 27 days, allowing to assert properly that this project is certainly profitable

    Ecology and technological capability of lactic acid bacteria isolated during Grillo grape vinification in the Marsala production area.

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    Grapes of “Grillo” variety, used to produce Marsala wine, were harvested from five vineyards different for climatic and agronomic parameters, in order to obtain a first mapping of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) inhabiting the production area. Marsala base wine production was followed at large-scale and two experimental vinifications, different for lysozyme and SO2 concentration and combination, were carried out at pilot-plant scale. LAB communities and conventional chemical parameters were periodically analysed. LAB were found on grapes at an average concentration of about 102 CFU g-1 which decreased during the transformation process. A total of 146 colonies were collected, but only 35 were recognized as presumptive LAB. On the basis of phenotypic differences and isolation source, 16 isolates were then subjected to genotypic identification and gathered into the following species: Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Enterococcus faecium, Leuconostoc fallax and Sporalactobacillus nakayamae subsp. nakayamae. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strains was the species most frequently isolated during winemaking showing the highest resistance to SO2 and lysozyme

    Avances en la lista roja de las plantas de Colombia

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    A complete Red List of Colombian Plants is one of the main targets of the National Strategy for Plant Conservation (NSPC) and is fundamental for plant conservation planning in the country. The Red Book of Plants of Colombia made the first major contribution to the Red List of plants of the country, and since 2014 a team associated with the NSPC and the Colombian Plant Specialist Group (CPSG) from the IUCN has coordinated efforts to maintain progress in this task. By the end of 2022 the national Red List achieved a coverage of 12% of the species reported in the country, and it is expected that in 2025 this coverage will reach at least 25%. Based on the assessments completed to this date, 37% of assessed species are threatened, but this proportion reaches 48% when considering only endemic ones. This article presents an analysis of the taxonomic, ecological, and geographical patterns in the risk of extinction of the species assessed to date and discuss perspectives to complete the Red List of Colombian Plants.Completar la Lista Roja de las Plantas de Colombia es una de las metas principales de la Estrategia Nacional para la Conservación de Plantas (ENCP) y es crucial para la planificación de la conservación de la flora del país. La serie del Libro Rojo de Plantas de Colombia realizó la primera contribución importante a la Lista Roja nacional, y desde el 2014 un equipo de trabajo asociado a la ENCP y el Grupo de Especialistas de Plantas de Colombia (GEPC) de la UICN han coordinado esfuerzos para seguir avanzando en esta tarea. Al final del 2022 la Lista Roja de Plantas a nivel nacional alcanzó un 12 % de cobertura de las especies reportadas en el país y para el año 2025 esta cobertura alcanzará al menos un 25 %. Según las evaluaciones finalizadas hasta el momento, el 37 % de las plantas evaluadas se encuentran amenazadas, pero la cifra es del 48 % si se consideran solamente las especies endémicas. Aquí se presenta un análisis de los patrones taxonómicos, ecológicos y geográficos en el riesgo de extinción de las especies evaluadas hasta el momento y se discuten perspectivas para completar la Lista Roja de las Plantas de Colombia

    Identification of Novel Therapeutic Targets in Microdissected Clear Cell Ovarian Cancers

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    Clear cell ovarian cancer is an epithelial ovarian cancer histotype that is less responsive to chemotherapy and carries poorer prognosis than serous and endometrioid histotypes. Despite this, patients with these tumors are treated in a similar fashion as all other ovarian cancers. Previous genomic analysis has suggested that clear cell cancers represent a unique tumor subtype. Here we generated the first whole genomic expression profiling using epithelial component of clear cell ovarian cancers and normal ovarian surface specimens isolated by laser capture microdissection. All the arrays were analyzed using BRB ArrayTools and PathwayStudio software to identify the signaling pathways. Identified pathways validated using serous, clear cell cancer cell lines and RNAi technology. In vivo validations carried out using an orthotopic mouse model and liposomal encapsulated siRNA. Patient-derived clear cell and serous ovarian tumors were grafted under the renal capsule of NOD-SCID mice to evaluate the therapeutic potential of the identified pathway. We identified major activated pathways in clear cells involving in hypoxic cell growth, angiogenesis, and glucose metabolism not seen in other histotypes. Knockdown of key genes in these pathways sensitized clear cell ovarian cancer cell lines to hypoxia/glucose deprivation. In vivo experiments using patient derived tumors demonstrate that clear cell tumors are exquisitely sensitive to antiangiogenesis therapy (i.e. sunitinib) compared with serous tumors. We generated a histotype specific, gene signature associated with clear cell ovarian cancer which identifies important activated pathways critical for their clinicopathologic characteristics. These results provide a rational basis for a radically different treatment for ovarian clear cell patients

    The Lid Domain of Caenorhabditis elegans Hsc70 Influences ATP Turnover, Cofactor Binding and Protein Folding Activity

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    Hsc70 is a conserved ATP-dependent molecular chaperone, which utilizes the energy of ATP hydrolysis to alter the folding state of its client proteins. In contrast to the Hsc70 systems of bacteria, yeast and humans, the Hsc70 system of C. elegans (CeHsc70) has not been studied to date