29 research outputs found

    The role of sustainability characteristics in the diffusion of renewable energy technologies

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    This paper aims to investigate the role of sustainability factors in the diffusion of solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies. A combined economic innovation-diffusion model that accounts for additional sustainability aspects is proposed. Two and three-stage least square methods were used for the empirical estimation, and the results were compared to a maximum entropy econometric estimation. The findings indicate that sustainability characteristics (i.e., cell efficiency) have a statistically significant positive effect on installed capacity in all solar PV technologies under analysis. Results show that multijunction PV modules have a learning rate of 17.1%, while Monojunction and the global aggregate have similar learning rates of 19.5% and 19%, respectively. Thin film PV modules have learning rates of 17.9% for the period 1991–2019. Cost reductions in solar PV modules can be largely attributed to learning-by-doing activities, the effects of learning by searching are ambiguous and depend both on the estimation methodology and the period under analysis. The study recognizes the difficulty in measuring sustainability characteristics, such as social aspects of the SDGs or indirect environmental implications but suggest that qualitative research can complement the quantitative analysis.publishedVersio

    Review of macroeconomic approaches to modelling Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Sustainability

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    In response to the urgent global challenges of climate change and rising inequality, the need to re-evaluate our traditional economic models and adopt new approaches focused on sustainability, wellbeing, and inclusion has become evident. The current economic paradigms, based on equilibrium thinking and GDP-centric measurements, have proven inadequate in addressing the intricate interplay between economic, social, and environmental dimensions. As we embark on a transformative journey towards a sustainable and equitable future, it is crucial to adopt diverse modelling approaches to provide policymakers and stakeholders with informed decision-making tools. This report delves into the analysis of five different macroeconomic model types (general equilibrium models, macro-econometric & input-output models, stockflow-consistent models, integrated assessment models, and system dynamics models), evaluating their respective strengths and weaknesses to propose an integrated framework that encompasses the multifaceted nature of our world. A key recommendation is to improve existing models by enhancing their dynamics and feedback loops between dimensions and systems, thus better reflecting the interactions and effects of different social and economic policies. Striking a balance between complexity and transparency is essential, ensuring that models remain flexible and capable of linking with models with greater detail but narrower focus. The report emphasizes the incorporation of WISE accounts (detailed data on Wellbeing, Inclusion, Sustainability, and Economy that will be collected and harmonized during the project) into macroeconomic models as an opportunity to overcome the challenge of data availability, which poses a significant obstacle in modelling endeavours. Robust and reliable data sources are crucial to the success of any model and require continual improvement in data collection processes. To broaden our understanding of the dynamics of WISE dimensions and the potential impacts of policies, integrating alternative perspectives, such as heterodox economics, can offer valuable insights. Co-creating quantitative analysis with stakeholders enhances ownership and uptake of the models and may help with bridging the gap between research and policy implementation. Furthermore, an integrated modelling framework that accounts for the non-linear interactions between human and earth systems is necessary to properly assess policies tackling 21st century challenges in the context of WISE dimensions. This integrated model should draw upon the data of WISE accounts and synergize elements of Input-Output models, System-Dynamics, and Stock-Flow consistent models to provide a structured tool for policymakers and researchers in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future

    Regulation of salmon aquaculture towards 2030: Incentives, economic performance and sustainability

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    This report discusses how the future regulation of salmon aquaculture can be designed to provide appropriate incentives for producers to innovate and operate such that the Norwegian society achieve sustainable and economic efficient outcomes. The report recognizes that salmon aquaculture production can lead to negative externalities to its marine environment in the form of emissions, parasites and diseases, and also to habitats in other parts of the world if feed resource use is not properly regulated and contributes to degradation of natural resources. However, for a given production quantity of farmed fish the level of negative externalities can be very different, depending on production technology and practices.publishedVersio

    Propuesta de elaboración de Ecosnack de galletas de habas de chachafruto e incorporación de semilla de chía

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    En la presente investigación se pretende establecer una metodología de fácil aplicación para el desarrollo de un nuevo producto alimentario, que cumple con características específicas de fabricación y contenidos nutricionales en respuesta a las exigencias del mercado que está cada vez más interesado en el consumo de alimentos sanos, limpios y producidos de manera sostenible. Adicionalmente se espera que este ejercicio sirva de ejemplo para aquellos que deseen desarrollar productos alimentarios con materias primas pioneras, que se generen nuevas oportunidades para ideas nuevas de negocios y crezca la agroindustria. Para tal fin se seleccionó la Estrategia FOOD DESIGN, por medio de la cual se identificaron las preferencias de los potenciales consumidores, se analizó la información obtenida y se estableció la problemática que permitió el desarrollo del EcoSnack, un producto innovador elaborado con harina de haba de chachafruto e incorporación de semillas de chía, con elevados contenidos nutricionales, componentes saludables y un empaque Greenpack que reafirma el hecho de que es un producto sostenible y responsable. Las diferentes etapas de la estrategia FOOD DESIGN permitieron la selección de la materia prima de acuerdo a sus contenidos nutricionales, se estableció la tecnología del proceso, y el método de conservación que permitiera prolongar su vida útil. Por último, se realizó el análisis de costos y las exigencias de la normatividad y legislación colombianas para la producción y comercialización de alimentos.In the present investigation it is expected to establish a methodology of easy application for the development of a new food product, which meets the specific manufacturing characteristics and nutritional contents in response to the demands of the market that is increasingly interested in food consumption Healthy, clean and sustainably produced. This exercise is also expected to serve as an example for those who wish to develop food products with pioneer raw materials, generate new opportunities for new business ideas and grow agribusiness. To this end, select the FOOD DESIGN Strategy, through which the limitations of potential consumers are identified, analyze the information obtained and will be affected by the problem of the development of EcoSnack, an innovative product made with chachafruto bean flour and supplements of chia seeds, with nutritional content, healthy components and a Greenpack package that reaffirms the fact that it is a sustainable and responsible product. The different stages of the FOOD DESIGN strategy allowed the selection of the raw material according to its nutritional contents, the process technology was determined, and the conservation method that allows to prolong its useful life. Finally, the cost analysis and the requirements of the Colombian legislation and regulations for food production and confrontation were carried out

    Disulfide bond reduction and exchange in C4 domain of von Willebrand factor undermines platelet binding

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    Background The von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a key player in regulating hemostasis through adhesion of platelets to sites of vascular injury. It is a large, multi-domain, mechano-sensitive protein that is stabilized by a net of disulfide bridges. Binding to platelet integrin is achieved by the VWF-C4 domain, which exhibits a fixed fold, even under conditions of severe mechanical stress, but only if critical internal disulfide bonds are closed. Objective To determine the oxidation state of disulfide bridges in the C4 domain of VWF and implications for VWF’s platelet binding function. Methods We combined classical molecular dynamics and quantum mechanical simulations, mass spectrometry, site-directed mutagenesis, and platelet binding assays. Results We show that 2 disulfide bonds in the VWF-C4 domain, namely the 2 major force-bearing ones, are partially reduced in human blood. Reduction leads to pronounced conformational changes within C4 that considerably affect the accessibility of the integrin-binding motif, and thereby impair integrin-mediated platelet binding. We also reveal that reduced species in the C4 domain undergo specific thiol/disulfide exchanges with the remaining disulfide bridges, in a process in which mechanical force may increase the proximity of specific reactant cysteines, further trapping C4 in a state of low integrin-binding propensity. We identify a multitude of redox states in all 6 VWF-C domains, suggesting disulfide bond reduction and swapping to be a general theme. Conclusions Our data suggests a mechanism in which disulfide bonds dynamically swap cysteine partners and control the interaction of VWF with integrin and potentially other partners, thereby critically influencing its hemostatic function

    Evaluación de una ración alimenticia durante la pre-engorda de Tilapia, Var. Stirling.

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    Se evaluó el crecimiento y el peso de tilapia variedad Stirling durante la pre-engorda de desarrollo, a partir del suministro de dos dietas alimenticias: alimento comercial y dieta a base de harina de carne. El trabajo se realizó bajo un sistema de producción semi-intensivo en dos estanques de concreto con capacidad de 24 se alimentaron tomando en cuenta su biomasa corporal. Los datos se analizaron con un diseño  factorial  completamente  al  azar  y  50  repeticiones  por  cada  tratamiento.  Los  resultados mostraron diferencias significativas para ambas dietas, la ganancia de peso fue mayor con la ración elaborada: 133.1 g y 19.8 cm. La dieta comercial permite un crecimiento significativo para la Tilapia. La dieta a base de harina de carne minimiza costos de producción. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la dieta a base de harina de carne presenta una diferencia en costo de 66.36%. Si se requiere obtener tilapia de un peso comercial, >350g en poco tiempo, la mejor opción es alimentar con el concentrado comercial, los costos de alimentación se recupera con las ventas. La alimentación a base de harina de carne, es para un productor de autoconsumo de bajos recursos económicos, de mercado local, ventas en menudeo y con más tiempo para la engorda de la tilapia

    Gain-of-Function Variant pPro2555Arg of von Willebrand Factor Increases Aggregate Size through Altering Stem Dynamics

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    The multimeric plasma glycoprotein (GP) von Willebrand factor (VWF) is best known for recruiting platelets to sites of injury during primary hemostasis. Generally, mutations in the VWF gene lead to loss of hemostatic activity and thus the bleeding disorder von Willebrand disease. By employing cone and platelet aggregometry and microfluidic assays, we uncovered a platelet GPIIb/IIIa-dependent prothrombotic gain of function (GOF) for variant p.Pro2555Arg, located in the C4 domain, leading to an increase in platelet aggregate size. We performed complementary biophysical and structural investigations using circular dichroism spectra, small-angle X-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulations on the single C4 domain, and dimeric wild-type and p.Pro2555Arg constructs. C4-p.Pro2555Arg retained the overall structural conformation with minor populations of alternative conformations exhibiting increased hinge flexibility and slow conformational exchange. The dimeric protein becomes disordered and more flexible. Our data suggest that the GOF does not affect the binding affinity of the C4 domain for GPIIb/IIIa. Instead, the increased VWF dimer flexibility enhances temporal accessibility of platelet-binding sites. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we revealed that p.Pro2555Arg is the first VWF variant, which increases platelet aggregate size and shows a shear-dependent function of the VWF stem region, which can become hyperactive through mutations. Prothrombotic GOF variants of VWF are a novel concept of a VWF-associated pathomechanism of thromboembolic events, which is of general interest to vascular health but not yet considered in diagnostics. Thus, awareness should be raised for the risk they pose. Furthermore, our data implicate the C4 domain as a novel antithrombotic drug target

    A conformational transition of the D9D3 domain primes von Willebrand factor for multimerization

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    Von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a multimeric plasma glycoprotein that is critically involved in hemostasis. Biosynthesis of long VWF concatemers in the endoplasmic reticulum and the trans-Golgi is still not fully understood. We use the single-molecule force spectroscopy technique magnetic tweezers to analyze a previously hypothesized conformational change in the D9D3 domain crucial for VWF multimerization. We find that the interface formed by submodules C8-3, TIL3, and E3 wrapping around VWD3 can open and expose 2 buried cysteines, Cys1099 and Cys1142, that are vital for multimerization. By characterizing the conformational change at varying levels of force, we can quantify the kinetics of the transition and stability of the interface. We find a pronounced destabilization of the interface on lowering the pH from 7.4 to 6.2 and 5.5. This is consistent with initiation of the conformational change that enables VWF multimerization at the D9D3 domain by a decrease in pH in the trans-Golgi network and Weibel-Palade bodies. Furthermore, we find a stabilization of the interface in the presence of coagulation factor VIII, providing evidence for a previously hypothesized binding site in submodule C8-3. Our findings highlight the critical role of the D9D3 domain in VWF biosynthesis and function, and we anticipate our methodology to be applicable to study other, similar conformational changes in VWF and beyond

    Understanding Conformational Dynamics of Complex Lipid Mixtures Relevant to Biology

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    This is a perspective article entitled “Frontiers in computational biophysics: understanding conformational dynamics of complex lipid mixtures relevant to biology” which is following a CECAM meeting with the same name.Fil: Friedman, Ran. Linnæus University; ArgentinaFil: Khalid, Syma. University of Southampton; Reino UnidoFil: Aponte Santamaría, Camilo. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; Alemania. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Arutyunova, Elena. University of Alberta; CanadáFil: Becker, Marlon. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität; AlemaniaFil: Boyd, Kevin J.. University of Connecticut; Estados UnidosFil: Christensen, Mikkel. University Aarhus; DinamarcaFil: Coimbra, João T. S.. Universidad de Porto; PortugalFil: Concilio, Simona. Universita di Salerno; ItaliaFil: Daday, Csaba. Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies; AlemaniaFil: Eerden, Floris J. van. University of Groningen; Países BajosFil: Fernandes, Pedro A.. Universidad de Porto; PortugalFil: Gräter, Frauke. Heidelberg University; Alemania. Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies; AlemaniaFil: Hakobyan, Davit. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität; AlemaniaFil: Heuer, Andreas. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität; AlemaniaFil: Karathanou, Konstantina. Freie Universität Berlin; AlemaniaFil: Keller, Fabian. Westfälische Wilhelms Universität; AlemaniaFil: Lemieux, M. Joanne. University of Alberta; CanadáFil: Marrink, Siewert J.. University of Groningen; Países BajosFil: May, Eric R.. University of Connecticut; Estados UnidosFil: Mazumdar, Antara. University of Groningen; Países BajosFil: Naftalin, Richard. Colegio Universitario de Londres; Reino UnidoFil: Pickholz, Mónica Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Piotto, Stefano. Universita di Salerno; ItaliaFil: Pohl, Peter. Johannes Kepler University; AustriaFil: Quinn, Peter. Colegio Universitario de Londres; Reino UnidoFil: Ramos, Maria J.. Universidad de Porto; PortugalFil: Schiøtt, Birgit. University Aarhus; DinamarcaFil: Sengupta, Durba. National Chemical Laboratory India; IndiaFil: Sessa, Lucia. Universita di Salerno; ItaliaFil: Vanni, Stefano. University Of Fribourg;Fil: Zeppelin, Talia. University Aarhus; DinamarcaFil: Zoni, Valeria. University of Fribourg; SuizaFil: Bondar, Ana-Nicoleta. Freie Universität Berlin; AlemaniaFil: Domene, Carmen. University of Oxford; Reino Unido. University of Bath; Reino Unid