85 research outputs found


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    BAB VPENUTUP5.1Kesimpulan Berdasarkan permasalahan yang muncul pada strategi pemasaran terhadap peningkatan agent GOS maka dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut:1. Dari data yang diperoleh melalui website Garuda Online Sales (GOS), penulis menemukan daftar anggota GOS yang terdapat di Aceh. Data tersebut kemudian disaring berurutan untuk melihat performa GOS mulai dari yang tertinggi hingga terendah pada bulan Januari, Februari, Maret pada tahun 2014/2015. 2.Membantu mencari tahu apakah sistem GOS nya lancer atau ada kendala. Dengan cara menelpon member GOS apa bila ada kendala penulis mencatat semua datanya dan di laporkan kepada pembimbing kendala apa saja yang member dapatkan dan akan di survey langsung ke travel tersebut. Penulis juga diajarkan berkomunikasi dengan benar dan sopan3.Selain itu tim marketing bersosialisasi ke konsumen yang belum menjadi iGOS/GOS member, tujuannya untuk mengenalkan produk GOS. Jika agent tersebut ingin menjadi GOS member maka tim marketing akan membantu registrasi5.2SaranBerdasrkan kesimpulan di atas, penulis dapat memberikan saran dari kinerja Tenaga Kerja PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Cabang Banda Aceh:1.Sudah terlihat baik dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada para Agent yang melakukan reservesi pada sistem GOS, saran penulis agar dapat meningkatkan dan tetap menjaga kinerjanya dalam melayani Agent, sehingga dapat memberikan kepuasan pada Agent dan pelayanan yang maksimal.2.Untuk PT. Garuda Indonesia teruskan kualitas dan pelayanan yang sudah terlaksana dengan bagus, teruslah memberi konsep pelayanan dengan warna baru dan tentunya membawa pengaruh positif bagi PT.Garuda Indonesia


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    Urbanization defines as a spatial and socio-economic transformation process from rural to urban areas. While urban sprawl is the process of propagation of the appearance of urban physical characteristics from the inner city toward the urban fringe area. Pekalongan City has grown from a small town to a medium-sized city with a population of 300,000 people. This study aims to identify the phenomenon of urban sprawl in Pekalongan City and its surroundings (Pekalongan and Batang Regency) and identify the urban environment quality based on the condition of the public services availability in these urban areas. The data used in this study were the 2019 Village Potential (PODES) from the Central Agency on Statistics (BPS) and a digital base map from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). The urban-rural classification scoring from the BPS was used to identify urban areas as the method in this study. The results showed that 111 out of 285 villages in Pekalongan Regency and 63 out of 248 villages in Batang Regency could already be classified as urban areas and formed an urban agglomeration with Pekalongan City. This study also showed that the environmental quality in urban areas with urban sprawl phenomenon has met the standards and criteria for urban public services compared to other areas

    Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique Pada Model Logit dan Probit Status Pengangguran Terdidik

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    Educated unemployment is caused by a misalignment of educational development planning and employment development, resulting in underemployed graduates from various educational institutions. Unemployment data in DKI Jakarta shows an unequal class. Unbalanced data is a severe problem of modeling because it can cause prediction errors that affect the accuracy of the resulting model. Using SMOTE to handle unbalanced data will likely increase the model’s accuracy. This study aims to find the best model for identifying the factors influencing the status of educated unemployment using logit and probit models and handling unbalanced data using SMOTE. The results showed that the independent variables that affect the status of educated unemployment in the logit and probit models are the same: age group and participation in training. The independent variables that affect the status of educated unemployment in the logit and probit models with SMOTE are also the same: age group, marital status, and participation in training. Unbalanced data handling using SMOTE can increase the balanced accuracy value significantly. Balanced accuracy values for the logit and probit models with SMOTE are higher than the logit and probit models without SMOTE. The logit model with SMOTE is the best because it has the highest balanced accuracy value compared to other models. According to the logit model with SMOTE, the educated unemployed in DKI Jakarta are young and have never married. There is a need for the government to play a role in improving the quality of educational institutions in producing graduates who meet company qualifications and can be hired by employers. Unemployed people who have attended the training, despite having a higher education, may also become unemployed. The training provided has not been able to reduce the unemployment rate. As a result, the government should be able to provide training to improve entrepreneurship skills while also providing capital in the form of business loans to reduce educated unemployment


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kuis pada akhir pertemuan pada pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Watansoppeng. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan memberikan kuis di akhir pertemuan dan tanpa kuis serta variabel terikatnya adalah hasil belajar siswa pada materi pokok ikatan kimia. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Watansoppeng yang berjumlah 196 siswa yang tersebar dalam 8 gelas. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu ramdom sampling. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 2 kelas yaitu kelas X5 sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah siswa 24 orang dan kelas X4 sebagai kelas control dengan jumlah siswa 22 orang. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dengan memberikan tes hasil belajar pada materi pokok ikatan kimia berupa post-test yang dianalysis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil analysis statistika inferensial diperoleh thitung (4,41) > ttabel (1,6814) pada a = 0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian kuis di akhir pertemuan pada pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Watansoppeng pada materi pokok ikatan kimia

    Efektivitas Pemeriksaan, Penagihan Pajak dengan Surat Paksa dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Penerimaan PPN Pada KPP Pratama Banjarmasin

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the effectiveness of the examination, collection with forced letters to increase VAT receipts at KPP Pratama Banjarmasin from 2013-2017.This study uses a descriptive method describing the data processed and analyzed qualitatively based on realization data and comparison targets, with a standard reference of the specified indicators.The results of the analysis of the implementation of VAT audits at KPP Pratama Banjarmasin in 2013, 2015 and 2016 were less effective. 2014 is quite effective and 2017 has been effective. Some of the issuance of the SP2 is issued at the end of the year and may not be completed in the year concerned. The extent of the examination and data on taxpayers have not been maximally fulfilled so that they require a long inspection period. The implementation of tax collection with a forced letter of value-added in 2013-2016 was dominated by ineffective indicators both in terms of the number of forced letters submitted and the nominal amount. Based on the forced letters issued in that year all can not be conveyed by the bailiff due to difficulty identifying or finding the address of the taxpayer and it is not yet clear. The effectiveness of 2017 in terms of absolute shows very effective criteria. The tax authorities carry out active collection of forced letters issued in 2017. Then new regulations PMK 165 / PMK.03 / 2017 are issued regarding tax arrears or calculation of unpaid tax payable at the prescribed rates. Then the taxpayer is more cooperative in paying his tax debt

    UPM,pemimpin pelajar kena bincang secara baik TPM mahu isu pemilihan diselesai segera elak krisis berlarutan

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    CHANGLUN: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mengarahkan Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) dan pemimpin pelajarnya berbincang bagi menyelesaikan kekecohan yang tercetus ketika bantahan pemilihan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP), Kelmarin

    Karnival Taha@U dekati siswa

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    TABUNG Haji akan berusaha memperluaskan penganjuran Karnival Kelab Taha@U di semua institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) dengan melaksanakan pelbagai pengisian program yang bertepatan dengan kehendak dan keperluan golongan mahasiswa di negara ini, secara berperingka

    Role of Conceptualisation as a Catalyst in Capturing Urban Issues within the Studio Learning Environment

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    AbstractThis study focuses on the role of conceptualisation in capturing the urban issues within the studio tutorial learning environment in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Essentially, it looks into how the conceptualisation process during design facilitates students’ problem solving ability in dealing with tasks in hand. Evidences of this come from students’ dynamic cognitive interactions with knowledge and experience as transpired through the studio environment. The study provides insight into the interactive role of experience as a key factor in facilitating design conceptualisation process and the course enables students to harness relevant problem-solving skills