173 research outputs found

    Towards Evidence Based M-Health Application Design in Cancer Patient Healthy Lifestyle Interventions

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    Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in Europe and the world. Significant correlations between dietary habits and cancer incidence and mortality have been confirmed by the literature. Physical activity habits are also directly implicated in the incidence of cancer. Lifestyle behaviour change may be benefited by using mobile technology to deliver health behaviour interventions. M-Health offers a promising cost-efficient approach to deliver en-masse interventions. Smartphone apps with constructs such as gamification and personalized have shown potential for helping individuals lose weight and maintain healthy lifestyle habits. However, evidence-based content and theory-based strategies have not been incorporated by those apps systematically yet. The aim of the current work is to put the foundations for a methodologically rigorous exploration of wellness/health intervention literature/app landscape towards detailed design specifications for connected health m-apps. In this context, both the overall work plan is described as well as the details for the significant steps of application space and literature space review. Both strategies for research and initial outcomes of it are presented. The expected evidence based design process for patient centered health and wellness interventions is going to be the primary input in the implementation process of upcoming patient centered health/wellness m-health interventions.ENJECT COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-TD1405-220216-07045

    University students’ differences on attitudes towards computer use. Comparison with students’ attitudes towards physical activity

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    The aim of this study was to discover the differences on attitudes of Greek Physical Education students towards the subject of computers, in comparison with their involvement in physical activities (PA). The sample consisted of 165 freshmen students, 93 males and 72 females. They completed the “Computer Attitude Scale” questionnaire (Selwyn, 1997) of 21 items which consist four factors (affect, perceived usefulness, perceived control and behavioural) Additionally, each student received a diary where s/he should write down his/her daily physical activities (Samouel & Lee, 2001) for 26 days. The diary was related to the computer usage and the occupation with physical activity. The results indicated gender differences on two factors, “affect” and “perceived usefulness”. No gender differences were indicated on PA. The students spent more of their free time on computer usage than doing a PA. Overall, the study supported previous results on gender differences and indicated that students turn into computer usage rather than enjoying other activities.The aim of this study was to discover the differences on attitudes of Greek Physical Education students towards the subject of computers, in comparison with their involvement in physical activities (PA). The sample consisted of 165 freshmen students, 93 males and 72 females. They completed the “Computer Attitude Scale” questionnaire (Selwyn, 1997) of 21 items which consist four factors (affect, perceived usefulness, perceived control and behavioural) Additionally, each student received a diary where s/he should write down his/her daily physical activities (Samouel & Lee, 2001) for 26 days. The diary was related to the computer usage and the occupation with physical activity. The results indicated gender differences on two factors, “affect” and “perceived usefulness”. No gender differences were indicated on PA. The students spent more of their free time on computer usage than doing a PA. Overall, the study supported previous results on gender differences and indicated that students turn into computer usage rather than enjoying other activities

    University students’ differences on attitudes towards computer use. Comparison with students’ attitudes towards physical activity

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    The aim of this study was to discover the differences on attitudes of Greek Physical Education students towards the subject of computers, in comparison with their involvement in physical activities (PA). The sample consisted of 165 freshmen students, 93 males and 72 females. They completed the “Computer Attitude Scale” questionnaire (Selwyn, 1997) of 21 items which consist four factors (affect, perceived usefulness, perceived control and behavioural) Additionally, each student received a diary where s/he should write down his/her daily physical activities (Samouel & Lee, 2001) for 26 days. The diary was related to the computer usage and the occupation with physical activity. The results indicated gender differences on two factors, “affect” and “perceived usefulness”. No gender differences were indicated on PA. The students spent more of their free time on computer usage than doing a PA. Overall, the study supported previous results on gender differences and indicated that students turn into computer usage rather than enjoying other activities.The aim of this study was to discover the differences on attitudes of Greek Physical Education students towards the subject of computers, in comparison with their involvement in physical activities (PA). The sample consisted of 165 freshmen students, 93 males and 72 females. They completed the “Computer Attitude Scale” questionnaire (Selwyn, 1997) of 21 items which consist four factors (affect, perceived usefulness, perceived control and behavioural) Additionally, each student received a diary where s/he should write down his/her daily physical activities (Samouel & Lee, 2001) for 26 days. The diary was related to the computer usage and the occupation with physical activity. The results indicated gender differences on two factors, “affect” and “perceived usefulness”. No gender differences were indicated on PA. The students spent more of their free time on computer usage than doing a PA. Overall, the study supported previous results on gender differences and indicated that students turn into computer usage rather than enjoying other activities

    Advanced observation and telemetry heart system utilizing wearable ECG device and a Cloud platform

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    Short lived chest pain episodes of post PCI patients represent the most common clinical scenario treated in the Accidents and Emergency Room. Continuous ECG monitoring could substantially diminish such hospital admissions and related ambulance calls. Delivering community based, easy-To-handle, easy to wear, real time electrocardiography systems is still a quest, despite the existence of electronic electrocardiography systems for several decades. The PATRIOT system serves this challenge via a 12-channel, easy to wear, easy to carry, mobile linked, miniaturized automatic ECG device and a Cloud platform. The system may deliver high quality electrocardiograms of a patient to medical personnel either on the spot or remotely both in a synchronous or asynchronous mode, enhancing autonomy, mobility, quality of life and safety of recently treated coronary artery disease patients

    Effects of multimedia computer-assisted instruction (MCAI) on academic achievement in physical education of Greek primary students

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    Computer technology has become an integral part of physical education, yet there have been few studies exploring the use of multimedia technology in the instruction of Physical Education. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Physical Education is functional in the school environment. An interactive multimedia CD-ROM program was developed, especially for the needs of the study, titled «The tree of Health». This intervention trial involved 12 fifth- and sixthgrade classes (N = 248 students), randomized into 3 groups: Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction, Traditional Approach to teaching (TA), and Control. Students were tested using pre and post-tests that measured knowledge of «Health related fitness» subjects. The experiment lasted 12 class hours, two classes per week over six weeks. The results of an analysis of covariance indicated that there was a significant increase in achievement post-test for the (MCAI) group when compared to either the (TA) or control groups, F(1, 238) = 13.486, p < .0167; F(1, 238) = 53.872, p < .0167. These results indicate that this new educational tool is an effective way to introduce health-related physical education programs for young students in typical classroom settings.Computer technology has become an integral part of physical education, yet there have been few studies exploring the use of multimedia technology in the instruction of Physical Education. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Physical Education is functional in the school environment. An interactive multimedia CD-ROM program was developed, especially for the needs of the study, titled «The tree of Health». This intervention trial involved 12 fifth- and sixthgrade classes (N = 248 students), randomized into 3 groups: Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction, Traditional Approach to teaching (TA), and Control. Students were tested using pre and post-tests that measured knowledge of «Health related fitness» subjects. The experiment lasted 12 class hours, two classes per week over six weeks. The results of an analysis of covariance indicated that there was a significant increase in achievement post-test for the (MCAI) group when compared to either the (TA) or control groups, F(1, 238) = 13.486, p < .0167; F(1, 238) = 53.872, p < .0167. These results indicate that this new educational tool is an effective way to introduce health-related physical education programs for young students in typical classroom settings

    Effects of multimedia computer-assisted instruction (MCAI) on academic achievement in physical education of Greek primary students

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    Computer technology has become an integral part of physical education, yet there have been few studies exploring the use of multimedia technology in the instruction of Physical Education. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Physical Education is functional in the school environment. An interactive multimedia CD-ROM program was developed, especially for the needs of the study, titled «The tree of Health». This intervention trial involved 12 fifth- and sixthgrade classes (N = 248 students), randomized into 3 groups: Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction, Traditional Approach to teaching (TA), and Control. Students were tested using pre and post-tests that measured knowledge of «Health related fitness» subjects. The experiment lasted 12 class hours, two classes per week over six weeks. The results of an analysis of covariance indicated that there was a significant increase in achievement post-test for the (MCAI) group when compared to either the (TA) or control groups, F(1, 238) = 13.486, p < .0167; F(1, 238) = 53.872, p < .0167. These results indicate that this new educational tool is an effective way to introduce health-related physical education programs for young students in typical classroom settings.Computer technology has become an integral part of physical education, yet there have been few studies exploring the use of multimedia technology in the instruction of Physical Education. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Physical Education is functional in the school environment. An interactive multimedia CD-ROM program was developed, especially for the needs of the study, titled «The tree of Health». This intervention trial involved 12 fifth- and sixthgrade classes (N = 248 students), randomized into 3 groups: Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction, Traditional Approach to teaching (TA), and Control. Students were tested using pre and post-tests that measured knowledge of «Health related fitness» subjects. The experiment lasted 12 class hours, two classes per week over six weeks. The results of an analysis of covariance indicated that there was a significant increase in achievement post-test for the (MCAI) group when compared to either the (TA) or control groups, F(1, 238) = 13.486, p < .0167; F(1, 238) = 53.872, p < .0167. These results indicate that this new educational tool is an effective way to introduce health-related physical education programs for young students in typical classroom settings

    Μηχανική Ανάλυση Άξονα Μετάδοσης Κίνησης από Στρωματικά Σύνθετα Υλικά Ενισχυμένα με Νανοδομές με τη Μέθοδο των Πεπερασμένων Στοιχείων

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    Η σύγχρονη βιομηχανία σύνθετων υλικών έχει ιστορία μόλις 30 ετών και ξεκίνησε με την παραγωγή σύνθετων υλικών πολυμερούς μήτρας με ενίσχυση ινών γυαλιού (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers, GFRP) και ινών άνθρακα (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers, CFRP). Η αυξανόμενη ερευνητική δραστηριότητα στον κλάδο των σύνθετων υλικών έχει δώσει πολλά υποσχόμενα αποτελέσματα και τα σύνθετα βρίσκουν ολοένα και μεγαλύτερη εφαρμογή στην αεροναυπηγική βιομηχανία και στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία. Η ταυτόχρονη ανάπτυξη της νανοτεχνολογίας έχει δώσει νέα προοπτική στη χρήση των σύνθετων υλικών, καθώς τα βελτιωμένα χαρακτηριστικά των νανοδομών μπορούν να αναβαθμίσουν αισθητά τις ήδη σημαντικές μηχανικές ιδιότητες των κλασικών σύνθετων υλικών. Οι άξονες μετάδοσης κίνησης αποτελούν σημαντικό στοιχείο του συστήματος μετάδοσης ισχύος ενός αγωνιστικού οχήματος. Τα τελευταία χρόνια έχουν αναπτυχθεί άξονες από σύνθετα υλικά οι οποίοι μπορούν να ανταποκριθούν ικανοποιητικά στις λειτουργικές απαιτήσεις με χαμηλότερο βάρος. Στην παρούσα Διπλωματική Εργασία θα αναπτυχθούν οι κατάλληλες υπολογιστικές διαδικασίες, βασισμένες στη μέθοδο των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων, για την πρόβλεψη της συμπεριφοράς αξόνων μετάδοσης κίνησης από στρωματικά σύνθετα υλικά ενισχυμένα με νανοδομές.Contemporary composite materials industry has barely a 30-year history, started with the production of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP). The dynamic growing research activity on composite materials has given many promising results and composites are on the increase application on areas such as aerospace and automotive industry. The simultaneously development of nanotechnology has given a new perspective on the use of composite materials, as the enhanced characteristics of nanostructures are able to upgrade significantly the already important mechanical properties of classic composite materials. Drive shafts play an important role in the transmission vehicle system. Over the last years a rapid development has been observed concerning drive shafts developed from composite materials that are able to respond adequately to its functional demands in addition to its low weight. It is the purpose of this thesis to develop suitable calculating procedures, based on finite element analysis, in order to predict the behavior of automotive drive shafts manufactured from laminated composite materials reinforced with nanostructures

    Δίκαιο, κράτος, μονοπώλιο της βίας και αντιτρομοκρατική νομοθεσία

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    Στο πλαίσιο του συγκεκριμένου πονήματος τίθεται ως υπόθεση εργασίας ένα σχήμα φαύλου κύκλου στη σχέση κρατικών πολιτικών πρόληψης και καταστολής κι έξαρσης της τρομοκρατικής βίας.Γίνεται προσπάθεια να διερευνηθεί αφενός σε τι αποσκοπεί η τρομοκρατική πράξη, αν τελικά πετυχαίνει το στόχο της κι αφετέρου σε τι βαθμό πράγματι οι σύγχρονες αντιτρομοκρατικές στρατηγικές αποτελούν εργαλείο αντιμετώπισης κι εξάλειψης της τρομοκρατίας ή τελικά ανατροφοδοτούν την τρομοκρατική βία. Με αυτό το σχήμα αναμετράται η διπλωματική εργασία διερχόμενη μέσα από βασικούς κλασικούς θεωρητικούς του κράτους ,της νομιμοποίησης του Δικαίου και του μονοπωλίου της νόμιμης βίας όπως ο Max Weber, o Karl Marx και οι κλασικοί και ανανεωτικοί μαρξιστές και ο Walter Benjamin. Στη συνέχεια προσεγγίζεται το φαινόμενο της τρομοκρατίας ως κίνδυνος και η αντιτρομοκρατική νομοθεσία ως ρύθμιση της διακινδύνευσης μέσα από τη θεωρία του Γερμανού Κοινωνιολόγου Ulrich Beck, αναλύονται προβληματικές για τα δικαιώματα και τη Δημοκρατία από την εφαρμογή της αντιτρομοκρατικής νομοθεσίας και τη δικαστηριακής πρακτική στο πλαίσιο των στρατηγικών που θέτουν τα κράτη και οι υπερεθνικοί οργανισμοί ενώ μέσα από μια ποιοτική προ-έρευνα μέσω τεσσάρων σύντομων συνεντεύξεων αποπειράται η σκιαγράφηση του ‘’τρομοκράτη’’ στην ελληνική περίπτωση. Το πόνημα ολοκληρώνεται με μια προσπάθεια προσέγγισης μιας οπτικής υπέρβασης του εν λόγω σχήματος φαύλου κύκλου βίας μέσα από την πολιτική της μη βίας όπως την αναπτύσσει η Τζούντιθ Μπάτλερ .In the context of this work, a vicious cycle in the relationship between state policies of prevention and suppression and the dependence of terrorist violence is put forward as a working hypothesis. modern anti-terrorist strategies are tools to deal with and eliminate terrorism or ultimately feed into terrorist violence.With this scheme, the diplomatic work is confronted through key classical theorists of the state, of the legalization of Law and the monopoly of legal violence such as Max Weber, Karl Marx and the classical and renewal Marxists and Walter Benjamin.Then the phenomenon of terrorism as a risk and the anti-terrorist legislation as risk regulation are approached through the theory of the German Sociologist Ulrich Beck, problems for rights and democracy are analyzed from the application of anti-terrorist legislation and judicial practice in the context of the strategies that set by states and supranational organizations while through a qualitative pre-research through four short interviews an attempt is made to outline the "terrorist" in the Greek case.This postgraduated work concludes with an attempt to approach a visual overcoming of this vicious cycle of violence through the politics of nonviolence as developed by Judith Butle

    A Graph theoretical approach to study the organization of the cortical networks during different mathematical tasks.

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    The two core systems of mathematical processing (subitizing and retrieval) as well as their functionality are already known and published. In this study we have used graph theory to compare the brain network organization of these two core systems in the cortical layer during difficult calculations. We have examined separately all the EEG frequency bands in healthy young individuals and we found that the network organization at rest, as well as during mathematical tasks has the characteristics of Small World Networks for all the bands, which is the optimum organization required for efficient information processing. The different mathematical stimuli provoked changes in the graph parameters of different frequency bands, especially the low frequency bands. More specific, in Delta band the induced network increases it's local and global efficiency during the transition from subitizing to retrieval system, while results suggest that difficult mathematics provoke networks with higher cliquish organization due to more specific demands. The network of the Theta band follows the same pattern as before, having high nodal and remote organization during difficult mathematics. Also the spatial distribution of the network's weights revealed more prominent connections in frontoparietal regions, revealing the working memory load due to the engagement of the retrieval system. The cortical networks of the alpha brainwaves were also more efficient, both locally and globally, during difficult mathematics, while the fact that alpha's network was more dense on the frontparietal regions as well, reveals the engagement of the retrieval system again. Concluding, this study gives more evidences regarding the interaction of the two core systems, exploiting the produced functional networks of the cerebral cortex, especially for the difficult mathematics