31 research outputs found

    Mapping QTLs associated with fruit quality traits in peach Prunus persica (L.) Batsch using SNP maps

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    [EN] Fruit quality is an essential criterion used to select new cultivars in peach breeding programs and is determined based on a combination of organoleptic and nutritional traits. The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fruit quality traits in an F-1 nectarine population derived from 'Venus' and 'Big Top' cultivars. The progeny were evaluated over 4 years for agronomical and biochemical characteristics and genotyped using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and 'IPSC 9K peach SNP array v1'. Two genetic maps were constructed using 411 markers. The 'Venus' map spanned 259 cM on nine linkage groups (LGs) with 104 markers. The 'Big Top' map spanned 464 cM on 10 LGs with 122 markers. Single or Multiple QTL models mapping was applied separately for each year and all years combined. A total of 54 QTLs mapped over 12 LGs belonged to seven peach chromosomes. Most of the QTLs were consistent over the 4 years of study and were validated with the multi-year analysis. QTLs for total phenolic, flavonoid, and anthocyanin contents were reported for the first time in peach. LG 4 in 'Venus' and LG 5 in 'Big Top' showed the highest numbers of QTLs. This work represents the first study in an F-1 nectarine family to identify peach genomic regions that control fruit quality traits using 'IPSC 9K SNP array v1' and provides useful information for marker-assisted breeding to produce peaches with better antioxidant content and healthy attributes.We are grateful to C.H. Crisosto (University of California, Davis) for providing SSR markers (UCDCH15 and BINEPPCU6377). We thank E. Sierra and S. Segura for the technical assistance and plant management in the field and N. Ksouri for the bioinformatic assistance. We are grateful to A. Casas and E. Igartua for the assistance and support with the statistical analysis using JoinMap (R) 4 software. This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) grants AGL-2008-00283, AGL2011-24576, and AGL2014-52063-R and was co-funded by the FEDER and the Regional Government of Aragon (A44) with European Social Fund. W. Abidi was supported by a JAE-Pre fellowship from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), which enabled him to visit the University of California, Davis, and the IBMCP, Valencia, Spain. J.L. Zeballos received a master fellow funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID).Zeballos, JL.; Adibi, W.; Giménez Millán, R.; Monforte Gilabert, AJ.; Moreno, MA.; Gogorcena, Y. (2016). Mapping QTLs associated with fruit quality traits in peach Prunus persica (L.) Batsch using SNP maps. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 12(3):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11295-016-0996-9S117123Abbott AG, Rajapakse S, Sosinski B, Lu ZX, Sossey-Alaoui K, Gannavarapu M, Reighard G, Ballard RE, Baird WV, Scorza R, Callahan A (1998) Construction of saturated linkage maps of peach crosses segregating for characters controlling fruit quality, tree architecture and pest resistance. Acta Hortic 465:41–50Abidi W, Jiménez S, Moreno MÁ, Gogorcena Y (2011) Evaluation of antioxidant compounds and total sugar content in a nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] progeny. Int J Mol Sci 12:6919–6935Abidi W, Cantín C, Gonzalo MJ, Moreno MA, Gogorcena Y (2012) Genetic control and location of QTLs involved in antioxidant capacity and fruit quality traits in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batch]. 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    European traditional tomatoes galore: a result of farmers' selection of a few diversity-rich loci

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    A comprehensive collection of 1254 tomato accessions, corresponding to European traditional and modern varieties, early domesticated varieties, and wild relatives, was analyzed by genotyping by sequencing. A continuous genetic gradient between the traditional and modern varieties was observed. European traditional tomatoes displayed very low genetic diversity, with only 298 polymorphic loci (95% threshold) out of 64 943 total variants. European traditional tomatoes could be classified into several genetic groups. Two main clusters consisting of Spanish and Italian accessions showed higher genetic diversity than the remaining varieties, suggesting that these regions might be independent secondary centers of diversity with a different history. Other varieties seem to be the result of a more recent complex pattern of migrations and hybridizations among the European regions. Several polymorphic loci were associated in a genome-wide association study with fruit morphological traits in the European traditional collection. The corresponding alleles were found to contribute to the distinctive phenotypic characteristic of the genetic varietal groups. The few highly polymorphic loci associated with morphological traits in an otherwise a low-diversity population suggests a history of balancing selection, in which tomato farmers likely maintained the morphological variation by inadvertently applying a high selective pressure within different varietal types

    European traditional tomatoes galore: a result of farmers' selection of a few diversity-rich loci

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    [EN] The high phenotypic diversity observed among European traditional tomato varieties was created by traditional farmer-driven selection by inadvertently combining a very few polymorphic loci subjected to balancing selection. A comprehensive collection of 1254 tomato accessions, corresponding to European traditional and modern varieties, early domesticated varieties, and wild relatives, was analyzed by genotyping by sequencing. A continuous genetic gradient between the traditional and modern varieties was observed. European traditional tomatoes displayed very low genetic diversity, with only 298 polymorphic loci (95% threshold) out of 64 943 total variants. European traditional tomatoes could be classified into several genetic groups. Two main clusters consisting of Spanish and Italian accessions showed higher genetic diversity than the remaining varieties, suggesting that these regions might be independent secondary centers of diversity with a different history. Other varieties seem to be the result of a more recent complex pattern of migrations and hybridizations among the European regions. Several polymorphic loci were associated in a genome-wide association study with fruit morphological traits in the European traditional collection. The corresponding alleles were found to contribute to the distinctive phenotypic characteristic of the genetic varietal groups. The few highly polymorphic loci associated with morphological traits in an otherwise a low-diversity population suggests a history of balancing selection, in which tomato farmers likely maintained the morphological variation by inadvertently applying a high selective pressure within different varietal types.This work was supported by the European Commission H2020 research and innovation program through TRADITOM grant agreement no. 634561, G2P-SOL, grant agreement no. 677379, and HARNESSTOM grant agreement no. 101000716. MP is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for a postdoctoral grant (IJC2019-039091-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Blanca Postigo, JM.; Pons Puig, C.; Montero-Pau, J.; Sánchez-Matarredona, D.; Ziarsolo, P.; Fontanet, L.; Fisher, J.... (2022). European traditional tomatoes galore: a result of farmers' selection of a few diversity-rich loci. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73(11):3431-3445. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac07234313445731

    Atlas of phenotypic, genotypic and geographical diversity present in the European traditional tomato

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    [EN] The Mediterranean basin countries are considered secondary centres of tomato diversification. However, information on phenotypic and allelic variation of local tomato materials is still limited. Here we report on the evaluation of the largest traditional tomato collection, which includes 1499 accessions from Southern Europe. Analyses of 70 traits revealed a broad range of phenotypic variability with different distributions among countries, with the culinary end use within each country being the main driver of tomato diversification. Furthermore, eight main tomato types (phenoclusters) were defined by integrating phenotypic data, country of origin, and end use. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analyses identified associations in 211 loci, 159 of which were novel. The multidimensional integration of phenoclusters and the GWAS meta-analysis identified the molecular signatures for each traditional tomato type and indicated that signatures originated from differential combinations of loci, which in some cases converged in the same tomato phenotype. Our results provide a roadmap for studying and exploiting this untapped tomato diversity.We thank Universitat Illes Balears, the Greek Gene Bank (GGB-NAGREF), Universita degli Studi Mediterranea Reggio Calabria, the CRB-Leg (INRA-GAFL)", the Genebank of CNR-IBBR (Bari, Italy) and ARCA 2010 for seed sharing. CNR-IBBR also acknowledges the seed donors, the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Maria Cristina Patane (CNR-IBE, Catania, Italy) and La Semiorto Sementi SRL, as well as Mrs. Roberta Nurcato for technical assistance. IBMCP-UPV acknowledges Maurizio Calduch (ALCALAX) for technical assistance and Mario Fon for English grammar editing. This work was supported by European Commission H2020 research and innovation program through TRADITOM grant agreement No.634561, G2P-SOL, grant agreement No. 677379, and HARNESSTOM grant agreement No. 101000716. Clara Pons and Mariola Plazas are grateful to Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for postdoctoral grants FJCI-2016-29118 and IJC2019-039091I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; Joan Casals to a Serra Hunter Fellow at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.Pons Puig, C.; Casals, J.; Palombieri, S.; Fontanet, L.; Riccini, A.; Rambla Nebot, JL.; Ruggiero, A.... (2022). Atlas of phenotypic, genotypic and geographical diversity present in the European traditional tomato. Horticulture Research. 9:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac112116

    Genetic mechanisms of critical illness in COVID-19.

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    Host-mediated lung inflammation is present1, and drives mortality2, in the critical illness caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Host genetic variants associated with critical illness may identify mechanistic targets for therapeutic development3. Here we report the results of the GenOMICC (Genetics Of Mortality In Critical Care) genome-wide association study in 2,244 critically ill patients with COVID-19 from 208 UK intensive care units. We have identified and replicated the following new genome-wide significant associations: on chromosome 12q24.13 (rs10735079, P = 1.65 × 10-8) in a gene cluster that encodes antiviral restriction enzyme activators (OAS1, OAS2 and OAS3); on chromosome 19p13.2 (rs74956615, P = 2.3 × 10-8) near the gene that encodes tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2); on chromosome 19p13.3 (rs2109069, P = 3.98 ×  10-12) within the gene that encodes dipeptidyl peptidase 9 (DPP9); and on chromosome 21q22.1 (rs2236757, P = 4.99 × 10-8) in the interferon receptor gene IFNAR2. We identified potential targets for repurposing of licensed medications: using Mendelian randomization, we found evidence that low expression of IFNAR2, or high expression of TYK2, are associated with life-threatening disease; and transcriptome-wide association in lung tissue revealed that high expression of the monocyte-macrophage chemotactic receptor CCR2 is associated with severe COVID-19. Our results identify robust genetic signals relating to key host antiviral defence mechanisms and mediators of inflammatory organ damage in COVID-19. Both mechanisms may be amenable to targeted treatment with existing drugs. However, large-scale randomized clinical trials will be essential before any change to clinical practice

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Parthenogenic haploids in melon (Cucumis melo L.): generation and molecular characterization of a doubled haploid line population

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    [EN] Melon (Cucumis melo) is one of the principal vegetable crops for fresh market, for which a large number of breeding programs, oriented to generate inbred pure lines and hybrids, is established worldwide. The process to obtain and select these lines has been highly accelerated by the use of biotechnological techniques such as the generation of doubled haploid line (DHL) populations andmolecular markers.Moreover, the use of DHLs in genetic studies is a useful tool because of their complete homozygosity and the permanent availability of plant material perpetuated by seed. In this work, the parthenogenetic response of 17 melon genotypes and the F1 hybrid PI 161375 · Spanish cultivar Piel de Sapo (PS) was studied considering three stages along the in vitro DHL generation process. The response of the analyzed melon cultivars was heterogeneous through the DHL generation with different limiting steps for each genotype. The response of the PI 161375 · PS hybrid was more similar to the male (PS) than the female parent (PI 161375), although the response of the maternal genotype was higher for some stages. This points to the important role of alleles from both parents in the different steps of theDHL generation process, and it could explain the identification of six genomic regions with distorted allelic segregation skewed toward PS or PI 161375. This hybrid was used to generate a population of 109 DHLs, the gametophytic origin of which was confirmed by flow cytometry and molecular markers.This work was supported in part by the Spanish seed company Semillas Fit´o S.A. (Barcelona, Spain) and the research projects AGL2000-03602, AGL2003-09175-C02-01, and 2FD1997-0325 financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and with the support of the Ministry of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise of Catalonia.Gonzalo, MJ.; Claveria, E.; Monforte Gilabert, AJ.; Dolcet-Sanjuan, R. (2011). Parthenogenic haploids in melon (Cucumis melo L.): generation and molecular characterization of a doubled haploid line population. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 136(2):145-154. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/28324S145154136

    A chemical genetic roadmap to improved tomato flavor

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    [EN] Modern commercial tomato varieties are substantially less flavorful than heirloom varieties. To understand and ultimately correct this deficiency, we quantified flavor-associated chemicals in 398 modern, heirloom, and wild accessions. A subset of these accessions was evaluated in consumer panels, identifying the chemicals that made the most important contributions to flavor and consumer liking. We found that modern commercial varieties contain significantly lower amounts of many of these important flavor chemicals than older varieties. Whole-genome sequencing and a genome-wide association study permitted identification of genetic loci that affect most of the target flavor chemicals, including sugars, acids, and volatiles. Together, these results provide an understanding of the flavor deficiencies in modern commercial varieties and the information necessary for the recovery of good flavor through molecular breeding.This work was supported by the NSF (grant IOS-0923312 to H.K.), the China National Key Research and Development Program for Crop Breeding (grant 2016YFD0100307 to S.H.), the Leading Talents of Guangdong Province Program (grant 00201515 to S.H.), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 31601756 to G.Z.), the European Research Council (grant ERC-2011-AdG 294691 YIELD to D.Z.), and the European Commission Horizon 2020 program (TRADITOM grant 634561 to A.G. and D.Z.) This work was also supported by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (ASTIP-CAAS) and the Shenzhen municipal and Dapeng district governments. We acknowledge the assistance of L. 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    Atlas of phenotypic, genotypic and geographical diversity present in the European traditional tomato

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    The Mediterranean basin countries are considered secondary centres of tomato diversification. However, information on phenotypic and allelic variation of local tomato materials is still limited. Here we report on the evaluation of the largest traditional tomato collection, which includes 1499 accessions from Southern Europe. Analyses of 70 traits revealed a broad range of phenotypic variability with different distributions among countries, with the culinary end use within each country being the main driver of tomato diversification. Furthermore, eight main tomato types (phenoclusters) were defined by integrating phenotypic data, country of origin, and end use. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analyses identified associations in 211 loci, 159 of which were novel. The multidimensional integration of phenoclusters and the GWAS meta-analysis identified the molecular signatures for each traditional tomato type and indicated that signatures originated from differential combinations of loci, which in some cases converged in the same tomato phenotype. Our results provide a roadmap for studying and exploiting this untapped tomato diversity