1,309 research outputs found

    Medicina legal y muertes en el deporte

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    Hacemos un análisis de las lesiones y muertes ocurridas en el Deporte de la Lucha Libre y el Boxeo; causas y efectos, lo que aplica la normativa mexicana en el caso de los deportes y cuál es la intervención de la procuración y administración de justicia.This is analysis of the injuries and deaths that occur duri ng wrestling and boxing, its causes and effects, the application of Mexican standards in sports and the intervention of the enforcement and administration of justice

    Bounded Confidence under Preferential Flip: A Coupled Dynamics of Structural Balance and Opinions

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    In this work we study the coupled dynamics of social balance and opinion formation. We propose a model where agents form opinions under bounded confidence, but only considering the opinions of their friends. The signs of social ties -friendships and enmities- evolve seeking for social balance, taking into account how similar agents' opinions are. We consider both the case where opinions have one and two dimensions. We find that our dynamics produces the segregation of agents into two cliques, with the opinions of agents in one clique differing from those in the other. Depending on the level of bounded confidence, the dynamics can produce either consensus of opinions within each clique or the coexistence of several opinion clusters in a clique. For the uni-dimensional case, the opinions in one clique are all below the opinions in the other clique, hence defining a "left clique" and a "right clique". In the two-dimensional case, our numerical results suggest that the two cliques are separated by a hyperplane in the opinion space. We also show that the phenomenon of unidimensional opinions identified by DeMarzo, Vayanos and Zwiebel (Q J Econ 2003) extends partially to our dynamics. Finally, in the context of politics, we comment about the possible relation of our results to the fragmentation of an ideology and the emergence of new political parties.Comment: 8 figures, PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164323, 201

    Diseño con SIG de la localización óptima de centros de atención primaria de salud, discriminando según estatus socioeconómico

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    Las decisiones relativas a la localización de servicios colectivos a la población, en particular los de salud, han de ajustarse a principios tales como el de equidad, sin olvidar el de eficiencia, en términos espaciales. En esta contribución se aborda el problema de generar soluciones óptimas para la ampliación de la cifra de centros de atención primaria de salud (CAPS) en una zona de la región de Valparaíso (Chile), priorizando el principio de justicia territorial (atenta a las necesidades socio-espaciales). A tal fin, se formula y aplica un procedimiento para expresar la necesidad / demanda para pequeñas unidades espaciales estándar, basado en la morbilidad diferencial por niveles socio-económicos. Estimada aquélla mediante una ponderación de la población, se aplicó un modelo de localización óptima (COBEMAX) que maximiza la demanda cubierta dentro de un tiempo de trayecto de 20 minutos en autobús a los CAPS. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos (mediante indicadores de cobertura, mapas de ubicación y de áreas servidas) con los de la solución “eficiente” basada en la demanda sin ponderar permitió apreciar el efecto de priorizar la equidad como principio de decisión.Decisions concerning collective services location, particularly health facilities, must obey to principles such as equity, in addition to efficiency, in spatial terms. In this contribution it is tackled the problem of generating optimal solutions to increase the number of primary health facilities (CAPS) in a zone of Valparaiso region (Chile), giving priority to territorial justice principle (based on socio-spatial needs). To this end, a procedure is proposed and applied to approximate the spatial need / demand for small standard spatial units, based on unequal morbidity across socioeconomic levels. After estimating the need, using a weighting approach, an optimal location model (COBEMAX) was applied to maximize the demand covered within 20’ travel time by bus. The comparison of these results (using coverage indicators, location facilities and area served maps) with the “efficient” solution, obtained using non weighted demand, allowed to appreciate the effect of prioritizing the equity principle in decision making

    Desigualdades intra-regionales en el desarrollo de la región de Valparaíso, Chile: una propuesta de análisis espacio-temporal

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    En este trabajo se pretende diagnosticar la convergencia o divergencia en el desarrollo intra-regional durante el periodo reciente entre los municipios de la Región de Valparaíso (Chile), considerando diez reconocidos indicadores, agrupados en las dimensiones de capital humano, pobreza e higiene y salud humana. Metodológicamente se han combinado varias técnicas estadísticas y cartografía temática para, en primer lugar, medir, visualizar y valorar las diferencias territoriales existentes en dos momentos temporales; en segundo lugar, determinar la evolución (signo e intensidad de avances o retrocesos) en cuanto a desigualdades territoriales; y en tercer lugar, obtener una tipología de las comunas según dicha evolución. Los resultados han posibilitado establecer con nitidez si se está produciendo dicha convergencia o no, su intensidad, forma y distribución espacial. Ello proporciona una evaluación “ex post” de los logros de las políticas recientes y abre la vía a eventuales medidas correctoras.In this paper it is tackled an assessment of the intra-regional development convergence or divergence during the recent period among the municipalities of the Valparaiso Region (Chile), considering ten typical indicators, concerning human capital, poverty, and public and human health dimensions. From the methodological point of view, several statistical techniques and thematic mapping are used, firstly, for measuring, visualizing and appreciating the spatial differences between two dates; secondly, for elucidating the evolution of spatial inequalities (direction and strength of advances and backward movements); and thirdly, for classifying the municipalities according to their evolution. The results have neatly proven whether or not such convergence is occurring, its strength, shape and spatial distribution. It allows for an “ex post” assessment of the recent policy outcomes and opens up further corrective actions

    Propuesta metodológica para establecer el patrón territorial del status socio-económico de la población, basada en pequeñas unidades espaciales estándar. Aplicación a la región de Valparaíso (Chile)

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    La territorialidad de un fenómeno social se presenta siempre de forma compleja y configurando espacios heterogéneos que necesitan de una unidad de agregación que facilite la comparación y valoración. En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta metodológica de caracterización de la población de la región de Valparaíso, según su status socio-económico, empleando primero catorce variables trabajadas por medio de la técnica de componentes principales, y segundo, pequeñas unidades espaciales estándar generadas ad hoc, de cara a desvelar las pautas de las condiciones socio-espaciales. Los resultados permiten desvelar el patrón territorial de las desigualdades socio-económicas, lo que facilita su confrontación con otras distribuciones espaciales y realizar valoraciones desde la justicia espacial.The territorial distribution of a social phenomena presents itself as a complex issue configurating heterogeneous spaces. Therefore is necessary to create a standard aggregation unit to facilitate comparisons and evaluations. This work proposes a methodology for characterizing population in the Region of Valparaiso, according to their socioeconomic status. This work first uses fourteen variables processed by means of the Principal Components Analysis and secondly, small spatial standard units generated alongside this analysis with the objective of revealing the socio-spatial conditions. The results allow the study of territorial patterns to reveal the rules of socioeconomic inequality, making it easier to compare to other spatial distributions and the subsequent comparisons with other systems

    Diseño con SIG de la localización optima de centros de atención primaria de salud, discriminando según estatus socioeconímico

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    Las decisiones relativas a la localización de servicios colectivos a la población, en particular los de salud, han de ajustarse a principios tales como el de equidad, sin olvidar el de eficiencia, en términos espaciales. En esta contribución se aborda el problema de generar soluciones óptimas para la ampliación de la cifra de centros de atención primaria de salud (CAPS) en una zona de la región de Valparaíso (Chile), priorizando el principio de justicia territorial (atenta a las necesidades socio-espaciales). A tal fin, se formula y aplica un procedimiento para expresar la necesidad / demanda para pequeñas unidades espaciales estándar, basado en la morbilidad diferencial por niveles socio-económicos. Estimada aquélla mediante una ponderación de la población, se aplicó un modelo de localización óptima (COBEMAX) que maximiza la demanda cubierta dentro de un tiempo de trayecto de 20 minutos en autobús a los CAPS. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos (mediante indicadores de cobertura, mapas de ubicación y de áreas servidas) con los de la solución “eficiente” basada en la demanda sin ponderar permitió apreciar el efecto de priorizar la equidad como principio de decisión.Decisions concerning collective services location, particularly health facilities, must obey to principles such as equity, in addition to efficiency, in spatial terms. In this contribution it is tackled the problem of generating optimal solutions to increase the number of primary health facilities (CAPS) in a zone of Valparaiso region (Chile), giving priority to territorial justice principle (based on socio-spatial needs). To this end, a procedure is proposed and applied to approximate the spatial need / demand for small standard spatial units, based on unequal morbidity across socioeconomic levels. After estimating the need, using a weighting approach, an optimal location model (COBEMAX) was applied to maximize the demand covered within 20’ travel time by bus. The comparison of these results (using coverage indicators, location facilities and area served maps) with the “efficient” solution, obtained using non weighted demand, allowed to appreciate the effect of prioritizing the equity principle in decision making

    Dominance Measuring Approach using Stochastic Weights

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    In this paper we propose an approach to obtain a ranking of alternatives in multicriteria decision-making problems when there is imprecision concerning the alternative performances, component utility functions and weights. We assume decision maker's preferences are represented by an additive multi-attribute utility function, in which weights are modeled by independent normal variables, the performance in each attribute for each alternative is an interval value and classes of utility functions are available for each attribute. The approach we propose is based on dominance measures, which are computed in a similar way that when the imprecision concerning weights is modeled by uniform distributions or by an ordinal relation. In this paper we will show how the approach can be applied when the imprecision concerning weights are represented by normal distributions. Extensions to other distributions, such as truncated normal or beta, can be feasible using Monte Carlo simulation techniques

    Etiología, importancia y distribución de la seca del garbanzo en el valle del Guadalquivir

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    La «Seca» o «Fusariosis» del garbanzo (Cicer arietinum, L.)> fue señalada por algunos autores como la enfermedad más importante del cultivo en Andalucía, atribuyéndole importantes pérdidas de cosecha. Sin embargo, el conocimiento en nuestro país sobre su etiología, epidemiología y lucha era prácticamente inexistente, salvo por investigaciones preliminares que indicaron la posibilidad de que la «Fusariosis» incluyera un complejo de enfermedades, que denominamos Marchitez y Podredumbre de Raíz (MPR). Los objetivos generales de las investigaciones incluidas en este trabajo fueron determinar la importancia y distribución de la MPR en el valle del Guadalquivir y su naturaleza etiológica y sintomatológica. Durante 1979 a 1981, se realizaron prospecciones sistemáticas en 108 campos de garbanzo en la Campiña de Córdoba y Sevilla, con un total de más de 1.300 ha., en las que se efectuaron observaciones sobre la sintomatología, incidencia y severidad de los ataques de la MPR. Plantas afectadas con los síntomas característicos se muestrearon para completar las descripciones sintomatológicas de campo y aislar en cultivo puro e identificar los posibles agentes asociados. La patogenicidad de los organismos consistentemente aislados se investigó en inoculaciones con suelo infestado artificialmente, o por inmersión de raices o cultivo de plantas, en una suspensión de inoculo. En suelo infestado con aislamiento patogénicos de Fusarium oxysporum y F. solani, se investigó lá susceptibilidad a ellos de once especies de leguminosas cultivadas, así como las diferencias en patogenicidad para varios cultivos de garbanzo. Cinco complejos sintomatología», amarilleamiento, marchitez, podredumbre seca de raíz, enanismo amarillento y clorosis, se identificaron asociados con la MPR del garbanzo. Todos ellos estuvieron uniformemente distribuidos en la campiña de Córdoba y Sevilla, siendo amarilleamiento y marchitez los más importantes. Tres especies fúngicas, F. oxysporum, F. solani y Macrophomina phaseolina, se aislaron consistentemente de plantas afectadas de los diferentes complejos sintomatológicos y resultaron patogénicos sobre garbanzo en inoculaciones artificiales. Los aislamientos de F. oxysporum fueron clasificados en tres grupos por características morfofisiológicas y patogénicas, caracterizándose, principalmente, por el tipo de síntoma que causaron: marchitez vascular, amarilleamiento vascular y amarilleamiento no vascular con lesiones necróticas corticales en el cuello y raíz. Los dos primeros grupos mostraron especificidad patogénica para garbanzo, por lo que pueden ser considerados como F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceri. La patogenicidad diferencial de ambos grupos sobre cultivares de garbanzo indica que petenecen a diferentes razas fisiológicas. F. solani causó amarilleamiento y podredumbre negra de cuello y raíz, existiendo diferencias morfofisiológicas y de patogenicidad entre aislamientos. Uno de los más virulentos fue identificado como F. eumartii. Los aislamientos de F. solani y F. eumartii resultaron patogénicos sobre garbanzo, haba (Vicia faba L.), guisante (Pisum sativum L.), lenteja (Lens escuelenta Moench.), Lupinus albus, L. angustifolius, L. luteus y L. mutabilis, por lo que rigurosamente no pueden ser caracterizados como alguna de las formas especializadas conocidas, aunque por la reacción observada parecen mejor adaptados a garbanzo, haba y guisante que a las restantes especies. M. phaseolina causó amarilleamiento y podredumbre seca de cuello y raíz. Las infecciones en inoculaciones artificiales fueron mas severas a altas temperaturas y bajo contenido de agua en el suelo, confirmando asi las observaciones de campo. Nuestros resultados señalan a F. oxysporum como agente de la marchitez y del amarilleamiento vasculares, a F. solani como agente del amarilleamiento no vascular asociado con podredumbre negra de cuello y raíz y a M. phaseolina como agente de la podredumbre seca de raíz; si bien, en el complejo amarilleamiento estuvieron implicadas las tres especies fúngicas, así como factores abióticos. Nuestras observaciones indican, asimismo, que el enanismo amarillento puede ser causado por el virus del enrollado de las hojas del guisante (PLRV), aunque otros virus pueden estar implicados, y que la clorosis resulta de una deficiencia férricaSeveral authors have considered the «Seca or fusariosis» disease as the most important disease that causes severe losses of seed yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Andalucía. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge of the etiology, epidemiology and control of that disease, except for some preliminary research which indicated that «Seca» might include a disease complex hereafter named Will and Root Rot (WRR). The objetives of the present study were to determine the etiology, symptomatology, importance and distribution of WRR of chickpeas in the Guadalquivir Valley (Southern Spain). Systematic disease surveys were carried out in the Cordoba and Sevilla provinces of Andalucía, including 108 chickpea fields and 1.300 ha. Observations were made on symptomatology, incidence and severity of WRR attacks. Samples of affected plants were used for further observations and isolations. Pathogenicity of the fungi which were isolated was investigated in artificially infested soil or by dipping the roots or growing plants in a inoculum suspension. Differential pathogenicity to chickpea cultivars and pathogenicity to eleven legume species were investigated in soil artificially infested with isolates of Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani. Five symptom complexes were found associated with WRR attacks: Will, Yellowing, Dry Root Rot, Yellow Stunt and Chlorosis. All symptom complexes were widely and uniformly distributed in Cordoba and Sevilla provinces, but Will and Yellowing cxcurred with higher prevalence, incidence and severity. F. oxysporum, F. solani and Macrophomina phaseolina, were consistently isolated from plants affected by the various symptom complexes. Isolates of those fungi were found to be pathogenic to chickpea in artificial inoculation experiments. Three groups of F. oxysporum isolates were distinguished according to morphological and pathogenic characteristics. Isolates of the different groups caused either vascular will, vascular yellowing, or nonvascular yellowing along with cortical necrotic lesions of collar and root. Isolates inducing vascular wilt or yellowing showed pathogenic specialization to chickpea and may be consideres as F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceri. Those isolates also showed differential pathogenicity to chickpea cultivars, indicating that they belong to different pathogenic races. Isolates of F. solani induced foliar yellowing and black collar and root rot, but differed in morpho-physiological characteristics and virulence. One of the most virulent isolates of F. solani induced foliar yellowing and black collar and root rot, but differed in morpho-physiological characteristics and virulence. One of the most virulent isolates of F. solani was further identified as F. eumartii. Isolates of F. solani and F. eumartii were pathogenic to chickpea, faba bean (Vicia faba L.). pea (Pisum sativum L.), lentil (Lens esculenta Moench), Lupinus albus L., L. angustifolius L., L. luteus L. and L. mutabilis Sweet., and therefore cannot be considered as belonging to any of the known formae speciales of F. solani. Nevertheless, as indicated by the severity of disease reactions observed, those isolates seem to be more adapted to chickpea, faba bean and pea than to any of the other species. M. phaseolina induced yellowing and dry collar and root rot. Infections by this pathogen in artificial inoculations were most severe at high temperatures and low soil water content, thus confirming field observations on incidence and severity of the disease. Our results indicate that F. oxysporum, F. solani and M. phaseolina are, respectively, the agents of Vascular Will and Yellowing, Non-Vascular Yellowing and Black Collar and Root Rot, and Dry Root Rot, However, those three species as well as abiotic factors were involved in the etiology of the Yellowing symptom complex in the field. Also, our observations in the field indicate that the Chlorosis complex is due to an iron deficiency, and that the Yellow Stunt symptom complex might be induced by pea leaf roll virus, although other plants viruses could be involved as well

    Promoting Sustainable and Resilient Constructive Patterns in Vulnerable Communities: Habitat for Humanity’s Sustainable Housing Prototypes in El Salvador

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    The global challenges regarding sustainability and the guarantee of minimum habitability requirements have led to the transformation of construction practices, where research has failed to achieve sufficient dissemination and findings. The purpose of this research is to promote sustainable and resilient patterns in construction in vulnerable neighbourhoods in emerging countries by disseminating techniques and mechanisms through in situ transfer workshops and by raising awareness of the environmental importance of construction. Regarding materials and methods, this paper contributes innovative insights by combining training workshops and awareness-raising sessions to promote both environmental education and sustainable and optimised habits in construction. These methods are applied and tested in a real case study in El Salvador. Subsequent to carrying out a multi-disciplinary assessment analysis, the outcomes and results have led to the design of prototypes that have obtained a global EDGE certificate on sustainable construction and efficient use of resources once the users’ testimonies, weaknesses, and strengths have been addressed. The conclusions indicate that families, volunteers, and technical workers need to be trained by promoting environmental awareness in social housing and establishing a plan for dissemination to communicate across universities and public and private institutions in order to replicate guidelines across American dry-corridor countries.University of Seville US-AYP/18/2022 US-2020UI003 US-d07/201

    Ranking Alternatives on the Basis of a Dominance Intensity Measure

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    The additive multi-attribute utility model is widely used within MultiAttribute Utility Theory (MAUT), demanding all the information describing the decision-making situation. However, these information requirements can obviously be far too strict in many practical situations. Consequently, incomplete information about input parameters has been incorporated into the decisionmaking process. We propose an approach based on a dominance intensity measure to deal with such situations. The approach is based on the dominance values between pairs of alternatives that can be computed by linear programming. These dominance values are transformed into dominance intensities from which a dominance intensity measure is derived. It is used to analyze the robustness of a ranking of technologies for the disposition of surplus weapons-grade plutonium by the Department of Energy in the USA, and compared with other dominance measuring methods