3,474 research outputs found

    Long-COVID psychological symptoms in child and adolescent population: a standardized proposal for its exploration

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    Modelo computacional para la formación de clases de equivalencia

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    A computational model of neuronal net closely related with the formation of equivalence classes is developed. First the formal pattern of the neuronal net is presented and then its operation and its direct relationship with the phenomenon of the formation of the equivalence classes and with the derived relationships are explained. Later on, the validation of the pattern is described carrying out several simulations allowing verification of the pattern so it is able to generate relationships not explicitly trained, these results being adjusted to the basic results of this investigation line. These simulations were carried out using a training of classic conditioning and a test phase by means of conditional discriminations

    Li chiameremo Antonio e Maria. L’evoluzione dei nomi in Spagna

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    La fuerte caída de la fecundidad hace impracticable que las fuerzas institucionales determinen el nombre dado a los recién nacidos. Los padres no quieren (o no pueden) seguir la tradición de sagas familiares; ante esa imposibilidad, deciden dar nombres nuevos. Estudio basado en el padrón de habitantes.Peer reviewe

    Infections in implantology : from prophylaxis to treatment

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    Since the introduction of osseointegrated implant treatment, odontology, and in particular the area of prosthodontic replacement of lost teeth, has evolved in an unimaginable way, to the extent that the age-old idea of ?restitutio ad integrum? has almost become possible. Implant treatment has a high success rate that has been rated as high as 95 to 99%, according to different casuists, but there is another group of cases in which implants fail, and in fact it is hard to know the causes of such failures. The microbiological component plays an important role in encouraging and facilitating implant infection during implant placement, and also later when the implant is in function in the mouth, which is a septic medium. In this paper we will study infections in implantology, classified according to the treatment phase: Infection prior to the implant; Peri-surgical infection; Severe post-surgical infection; Peri-implant disease

    Modification of Coronary-Prone Behaviors in Coronary Patients of Low Socio-Economic Status

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    Este estudio pretende conocer la efectividad de un tratamiento cognitivo-conductual aplicado a grupos de enfermos coronarios de un nivel educativo y status social predominantemente bajo para modificar conductas prono-coronarias. Método: La distribución de los 98 varones enfermos coronarios en un grupo experimental y dos de control se realizó al azar. Los tres grupos recibieron el tratamiento médico estándar. El grupo experimental recibió adicionalmente un tratamiento psicológico y uno de los dos grupos de control recibió además un programa de educación para la salud. Los resultados mostraron que sólo el grupo que recibió el tratamiento psicológico redujo significativamente su Comportamiento Apresurado y su Prisa-Impaciencia después del tratamiento y durante los dos años de seguimiento posteriores al tratamiento. La depresión también se redujo sólo en este grupo tras los dos años de seguimiento. Los resultados se consideran un primer paso fiable en el proceso de validar este programa diseñado para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes coronarios.The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a group cognitive-behavioral treatment to modify coronary-prone behaviors in patients from a fairly low social and educational level. Participants were 98 male coronary patients randomly allocated to one experimental and two control groups. All groups received standard medical treatment. The experimental group received an additional psychological treatment and one of the two control groups received a health education treatment. Results showed that only the psychological treatment group significantly reduced Pressured Drive and Speed-Impatience after treatment, and at 1- and 2-year follow-ups. Depression was also significantly reduced only in this group at 2-year follow-up. The results are considered a reliable first step in the process of validating this program designed to improve coronary heart disease patients’ quality of life

    Standardizing Process-Data Exploitation by Means of a Process-Instance Metamodel

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    The analysis of data produced by the enterprises during pro cesses execution is key to know how these processes are working and how they can be improved. These data may be consumed to make different types of analysis, for example, data could be used as input for process dis covery, decision-making and even process querying tools. However, each type of analysis needs data in different formats because they use different techniques and tackle the problem from a different point of view. Fortu nately, if we look at the data exploitation problem from a higher level of abstraction perspective, we can realize that all the points of view share a common ground: the business process model and its instantiation are in the kernel of all of them. In this paper, we propose the use of a Busi ness Process Instance Metamodel, which serves as a common interface to make independent the applications producing business process data from those applications that consume and exploit it. A tool has been implemented as a proof of concept to facilitate the matching between data from different data sources and the metamodel.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-RMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2016-75394-

    Diseño y validación de la Escala de Tiempo Compartido en la Pareja (TCP)

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    Este estudio busca diseñar y validar la Escala de Tiempo Compartido en la Pareja (TCP) con el fin de ofrecer un instrumento útil y sencillo de aplicar. Han participado 620 personas que mantenían una relación de pareja (el 57.7% eran mujeres, el 51.6% tenía más de 31 años, el 66.1% convivía con su pareja y el 57.9% no tenía hijos). La muestra total se dividió en dos grupos, con el objetivo de desarrollar con el primero un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) y con la mitad restante un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC), estrategia denominada validación cruzada. Los resultados ofrecen una escala con una buena fiabilidad (α = .80), que explica el 55% de la varianza y con una estructura bifactorial integrada por 7 ítems. Su brevedad y validez indican que este instrumento puede ser de utilidad para la investigación y la práctica profesional, especialmente en el campo de la prevención y detección de necesidades

    Electrocatalysis of neurotransmitter catecholamines by 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium ion immobilized inside zeolite Y supercages

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    2,4,6-Triphenylpyrylium ions entrapped inside the supercages of Y zeolite exert a remarkable catalytic effect toward the electrochemical oxidation of dopamine and norepinephrine (neurotrasmitter catecholamines) in neutral aqueous media.Domenech Carbo, Antonio, [email protected]

    Selection of Tumor-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Through the Identification of T-Cells Capable to Establish Stable Interactions With the Leukemic Cells: “Doublet Technology”

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    The relevance of the immune system in cancer has long been studied. Autologous adoptive T cell therapies, based on the use of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), have made great progress in recent years for the treatment of solid tumors, especially melanoma. However, further work is needed to isolate tumor-reactive T cells among patients diagnosed with hematologic malignancies. The dynamics of the interaction between T cells and antigen presenting cells (APC) dictate the quality of the immune responses. While stable joints between target cells and T lymphocytes lead to the induction of T cell activation and immune response, brief contacts contribute to the induction of immune-tolerance. Taking advantage of the strong interaction between target cell and activated T-cells, we show the feasibility to identify and isolate tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients by flow cytometry. Using this technology, CTLs bound through T cell receptor (TCR) to tumor cells can be identified in peripheral blood and bone marrow and subsequently selected and isolated by FACS-based cell sorting. These CTLs display higher percentage of effector cells and marked cytotoxic activity against AML blasts. In conclusion, we have developed a new procedure to identify and select specific cytotoxic T cells in patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PFIS-FI12/00189Instituto de Salud Carlos III ISCIII PI14/02074Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI11/02366Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI17/02177European Union (ERDF/ESF, Investing in your future)CIBER CB16/12/0048

    Exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic environment and generosity

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    Financial support from MINECO-FEDER (PGC2018-093506-B-I00, PID2019-106146GB-I00 and PID2019-108718GB-I00), Excelencia-Andalucia (PY18-FR-0007), the Basque government (IT1336-19), the University of Granada (B-SEJ-280-UGR20) and GACR (17-25222S) is gratefully acknowledged. Antonio Espin acknowledges funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie SklodowskaCurie grant agreement no. 754446 and UGR Research and Knowledge Transfer Fund - Athenea3i.We report data from an online experiment which allows us to study how generosity changed over a 6-day period during the initial explosive growth of the COVID-19 pandemic in Andalusia, Spain, while the country was under a strict lockdown. Participants (n = 969) could donate a fraction of a €100 prize to an unknown charity. Our data are particularly rich in the age distribution and we complement them with daily public information about COVID-19-related deaths, infections and hospital admissions. We find correlational evidence that donations decreased in the period under study, particularly among older individuals. Our analysis of the mechanisms behind the detected decrease in generosity suggests that expectations about others’ behaviour, perceived mortality risk and (alarming) information play a key—but independent—role for behavioural adaptation. These results indicate that social behaviour is quickly adjusted in response to the pandemic environment, possibly reflecting some form of selective prosociality.Spanish Government PGC2018-093506-B-I00 PID2019-106146GB-I00 PID2019-108718GB-I00Basque Government IT1336-19University of Granada B-SEJ-280-UGR20Grant Agency of the Czech Republic 17-25222SEuropean Commission 754446UGR Research and Knowledge Transfer Fund - Athenea3iExcelencia-Andalucia PY18-FR-000