1,235 research outputs found

    La metodologia en Reforma. Aproximació actual

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    Amb el present article, el que s'intenta expressar és la dificultat que està trobant el professorat d'ensenyament secundari, en el moment actual (últims anys d'implantació de la Reforma), per tal d'imposar entre l'alumnat una metodologia emancipatòria, d'acord amb la normativa dels Dissenys Curriculars Base (DCB) de les diferents comunitats autònomes. Al llarg del mateix, s'intentarà donar orientacions per tal d'aconseguir implantar aquestes metodologies, malgrat que ens arribi un alumnat completament passiu i sense iniciativa (cosa prou comú en els darrers temps, tant en l'educació com en altres camps). Així, per exemple, s'intentarà que, partint d'una metodologia d'instrucció directa (a la qual n'estan ben acostumats), n'arribin a una de resolució de plantejaments, a poc a poc, utilitzant metodologies intermèdies

    La metodología en Reforma. Aproximación actual

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    Con el presente artículo se intenta expresar la dificultad que está encontrando el profesorado de enseñanza secundaria, en el mo-mento actual (últimos años de implantación de la Reforma), para imponer entre el alumnado una metodología emancipatoria, de acuerdo con la normativa de los Diseños Curriculares Base (DCB) de las diferentes comunidades autónomas. A lo largo del mismo, se intentará dar orientaciones para conseguir implantar estas metodologías, aunque nos llegue un alumnado completamente pasivo y sin iniciativa (cosa bastante común en los últimos tiempos, tanto en la educación como en otros campos). Así, por ejemplo, se intentará que, partiendo de una metodología de instrucción directa (a la que están bien acostumbrados), lleguen a una de resolución de planteamientos, lentamente, utilizando metodologías intermedias

    El daño sobrevenido

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    Hibridaciones de género en el videoarte español

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    Comunicaciones del IV Congreso Internacional sobre análisis fílmico celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón 4,5 y 6 de mayo de 201

    A quasiconformal Hopf soap bubble theorem

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    This research has been financially supported by: Projects PID2020-118137GB-I00 and CEX2020-001105-M, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; Junta de Andalucia Grants no. A-FQM-139-UGR18 and P18-FR-4049; and Grant no. 2020/03431-6, Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).We showthat any compact surface of genus zero inR3 that satisfies a quasiconformal inequality between its principal curvatures is a round sphere. This solves an old open problem by H. Hopf, and gives a spherical version of Simon’s quasiconformal Bernstein theorem. The result generalizes, among others, Hopf’s theorem for constant mean curvature spheres, the classification of round spheres as the only compact ellipticWeingarten surfaces of genus zero, and the uniqueness theorem for ovaloids by Han, Nadirashvili and Yuan. The proof relies on the Bers-Nirenberg representation of solutions to linear elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients.MCIN/AEI PID2020-118137GB-I00 CEX2020-001105-MJunta de Andalucia A-FQM-139-UGR18 P18-FR-4049Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) 2020/03431-

    I Jornadas del Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario

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    Recent Developments in the Analysis of Carotenoids by Mass Spectrometry

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    Mass spectrometry has become an indispensable tool for the analysis of carotenoids in photosynthetic tissues, foods, and biological materials from different sources to accurately establish their pigment profile, to provide evidences to distinguish the different structural arrangements, and to obtain biological meaning from metabolic processes where carotenoids participate during the development of their natural functions and activities. The recent progresses in the hyphenated HPLC systems with hybrid mass spectrometers, which enhance the acquisition of independent and complementary physicochemical properties for the identification of carotenoids, are detailed in this chapter. A reasonable guide for the implementation of post-processing routines, assisted by modern software tools, and the key issues for the analysis of the characteristic product ions are also defined in this contribution to help the readers in the understanding of the potential capabilities of mass spectrometry in the field of carotenoid pigments

    Measuring the impact of multiple discrimination on depression in Europe

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    Background: The study of the health effects of perceived discrimination based on ethnic and social traits has a long-standing and widespread tradition in epidemiological research, but less attention has been paid to the study of multiple discrimination, particularly its effects on mental health. The present work aims to analyse the association between multiple discrimination and depressive symptoms in Europe, and the impact of contextual socioeconomic circumstances on this relationship. Methods: In this study, data from the 7th Round of the European Social Survey was used. Given that the outcome variable, CES-D8, is a depression scale from 0 to 24 possible values and the hierarchical organisation of individuals (level-1 units) clustered within countries (level-2 units), a linear multilevel model was carried out. Results: Our findings suggest that multiple discrimination increases our risk of suffering depressive disorder, but in addition this work provides an important step forward to explain and understand how the relationship between multiple discrimination and depression might vary depending the socioeconomic context. In particular, we can observe that differences in the prevalence of depressive symptoms along multiple discrimination levels decrease as GDP per capita increases among European countries. Conclusion: This study is relevant since provides new evidence on how the association between multiple discrimination and depression operates at the micro and macro-level context, which is fundamental to understand how macro-economic fluctuations of countries may determine depressive disorders through the effect of single and combined forms of discrimination