475 research outputs found

    Ensino fundamental de nove anos: ordenamento e contradições em escolas públicas e privadas na Bahia

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    O direito à educação no contexto da aprovação da Lei 5692/1971 (1970-1974): análise de teses e dissertações

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar a produção acadêmica que tomou como objeto a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases para o ensino de 1º e 2º graus, sob o n° 5.692/1971. A Lei n° 5.692/1971 foi instituída durante a ditadura civil-militar que vigorou no Brasil entre 1964 e 1985

    Graduate studies and research about/in basic educationI: relations and propositions

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    This study is about the basis of relations between graduate studies and basic education such as set forth by Plano Nacional de Pós-Graduação [National Graduate Plan] 2011-2020 (PNPG). It is a documental study associated with quantitative/qualitative data analysis regarding academic production, whose corpus are theses and dissertations in graduate programs ranked by Capes with a grade equal to or higher than 5, in the period 2000-2010. They are: PUC/RJ, PUC/RS, PUC/SP, UERJ, UFES, UFF, UFG, UFMG, UFPEL, UFPR, UFRJ, UFRGS, UFRN, UFSCar, UFU, Unesp/MAR, Unicamp, Unimep, Unisinos, USP. The article is organized in three analytical axes: panorama of graduate policies designed by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) [Coordination for Higher Education Personnel Improvement]; guidelines for basic education which appeared in PNPG 2011-2020; academic production regarding educational policies in the period 2000-2010 and virtual contributions to understand the reality of basic education. The analysis of the academic production or education graduate programs turned out to be strategic both for the studies in the field of educational policies and for its agenda, allowing to problematize the diagnostics of scarce accumulation of knowledge in education. It became patent that much of what has been produced is intended to comprehend educational reality in Brazil, focusing mainly on basic education.O presente estudo problematiza as bases das relações entre a pós-graduação e a educação básica tal como formuladas no Plano Nacional de Pós-Graduação 2011-2020 (PNPG). Trata-se de estudo documental associado à análise de dados quantitativos/qualitativos sobre a produção acadêmica, tendo como corpus teses e dissertações defendidas em programas de pós-graduação conceituados pela Capes com nota igual ou superior a 5, no período de 2000-2010, a saber: PUC/RJ, PUC/RS, PUC/SP, Uerj, Ufes, UFF, UFG, UFMG, UFPEL, UFPR, UFRJ, UFRGS, UFRN, Ufscar, UFU, Unesp/MAR, Unicamp, Unimep, Unisinos, USP. O texto está organizado em três eixos de análise: panorama das políticas para pós-graduação desenhadas a partir da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes); diretrizes para a educação básica que figuram no PNPG 2011-2020; produções acadêmicas sobre políticas educacionais no período de 2000-2010 e possíveis contribuições para a compreensão da realidade da educação básica. A análise sobre a produção acadêmica dos programas de pós-graduação em educação revelou-se estratégica tanto para os estudos na área das políticas educacionais, quanto para a sua agenda, permitindo problematizar os diagnósticos da escassa acumulação de conhecimento em educação. Evidenciou-se que muito do que se tem produzido está voltado para o entendimento da realidade educacional brasileira, tendo a educação básica como foco principal


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    A aprovação da lei 4.024\61 foi resultado de um longo processo de disputas entre liberais e conservadores, que culminou numa espécie de consenso alcançado 15 anos após a Constituição Federal de 1946 (VENAS, 2018), se constituindo como a primeira delimitação de caráter nacional voltada para a educação

    Social representations about loneliness by institutionalized elderly

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    Objective: recognizing the senses attributed to solitude by the elderly. Method: an exploratory research conducted with 68 elderly with minimum age of 62 years old and maximum of 94, of both genders, residents in institutions of long permanence in the city of João Pessoa - Paraíba, brazil. The data were collected from the semi-structured interview and analyzed with the aid of alceste software: 2010. Results: the analyzed data pointed to five classes or categories in which the elderly associate loneliness to negative dimensions, such as: abandonment and contempt. Conclusion: the representations of the elderly are decurrent from their previous experiences and existing contact or not with their families

    ESPAÇO SOCIAL E ESPAÇO ESCOLAR: interfaces e contradições no contexto do ensino fundamental de 9 anos

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    This article discusses the spaces designated for children entering nine-year Elementary Education established by law 11.274/2006. This analysis was the result of a study carried out in the period 2007 to 2010, involving thirteen public schools in Salvador and Feira de Santana - BA. It highlights the relationship between the school space and the social space, and was guided by two questions: how is the theme of the school dealt with in the debate on nine-year Elementary Education, and how does it interact with the social space occupied by six-year-old children? The results of the survey indicate that the school space has failed to break down the barriers of formality in the process of inclusion of six-year-old children in compulsory education, reiterating the close relationship between the social places and the educational spaces of the subjects involved in the educational process in question.Este artigo problematiza os espaços designados às crianças que entram no Ensino Fundamental de 9 anos, instituído através da lei 11.274/2006. A análise empreendida resulta de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no período de 2007 a 2010, envolvendo 13 escolas públicas de Salvador e Feira de Santana – BA. O recorte assumido põe em relevo a relação entre espaço escolar e espaço social, e foi orientado por duas questões: como o tema do espaço escolar está posto no debate sobre o ensino fundamental de 9 anos e como ele se articula com o lugar social ocupado pelas crianças de 6 anos? Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que o espaço escolar não logrou romper as barreiras da formalidade no processo de inclusão das crianças de 6 anos no ensino obrigatório, reiterando uma íntima relação entre os lugares sociais e os lugares educacionais dos sujeitos implicados no processo em questão

    Senior knowledge about vulnerabilities to HIV/aids: an integrative review of literature

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    Objective: Describe the knowledge of the elderly about vulnerabilities to HIV/Aids. Methods: An integrative review held in LILACS, SciELO and BDENF. Results: 11 publications were found showed five thematic categories about knowledge regarding: the concept of HIV/AIDS; access to information; preventive measures; the transmission of HIV; prevention behavior. Discussion: The survey revealed reduced level of knowledge of the elderly about the subject, insufficient to generate behaviors of protection against the virus. It was observed that the aspects related to HIV/AIDS in the elderly have been not so much reputed by some public health policies and by health professionals. Conclusion: These findings raise the achievement of health actions that consider the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in the elderly population

    Organic substrates in the development of camu-camuzeiro (Myrciaria dubia (H. B. K.) McVaugh) in the amazon region

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    Amazon is the largest tropical forest on the planet, it has a variety of plant species with emphasis on manyfruit trees, such as the camu-camuzeiro (Myrciaria dubia (H. B. K.) McVaugh), which occurs naturally on thebanks of rivers, lakes, lowlands and flooded forest of the Amazon. The objective of this study is to evaluate thedevelopment of camu-camuzeiro seedlings in different organic substrates. The experiment was conductedin the seedling production nursery of the Federal Rural University of Amazon. The experimental design wasentirely randomized, with ten treatments and five repetitions, each portion was represented by ten plants,totaling 500 seedlings. The substrates evaluated were: T1 - Humus; T2 - Humus + Bird manure; T3 - Humus + Bovinemanure; T4 - Humus + Açaí kernel; T5 - Humus + Chestnut shell; T6 - Humus + Chestnut shell + Poultry manure;T7 - Humus + Bovine manure + Chestnut shell; T8 - Humus + Açaí kernel + Poultry manure; T9 - Humus + Açaíkernel + Bovine manure; T10 - Commercial. The different substrates used influenced the development of camucamuzeiroseedlings evaluated at 180 days. The treatments with a substrate based on Humus (T1), Humus + Açaíkernel (T4), Humus + Chestnut shell (T5), Humus + Chestnut shell + Poultry manure (T6), Humus + Bovine manure +Chestnut shell (T7), Humus + Açaí Kernel + Bovine manure (T9) and the commercial substrate (T10) are the bestfor a satisfactory development of this crop in the production field.Amazon is the largest tropical forest on the planet, it has a variety of plant species with emphasis on manyfruit trees, such as the camu-camuzeiro (Myrciaria dubia (H. B. K.) McVaugh), which occurs naturally on thebanks of rivers, lakes, lowlands and flooded forest of the Amazon. The objective of this study is to evaluate thedevelopment of camu-camuzeiro seedlings in different organic substrates. The experiment was conductedin the seedling production nursery of the Federal Rural University of Amazon. The experimental design wasentirely randomized, with ten treatments and five repetitions, each portion was represented by ten plants,totaling 500 seedlings. The substrates evaluated were: T1 - Humus; T2 - Humus + Bird manure; T3 - Humus + Bovinemanure; T4 - Humus + Açaí kernel; T5 - Humus + Chestnut shell; T6 - Humus + Chestnut shell + Poultry manure;T7 - Humus + Bovine manure + Chestnut shell; T8 - Humus + Açaí kernel + Poultry manure; T9 - Humus + Açaíkernel + Bovine manure; T10 - Commercial. The different substrates used influenced the development of camucamuzeiroseedlings evaluated at 180 days. The treatments with a substrate based on Humus (T1), Humus + Açaíkernel (T4), Humus + Chestnut shell (T5), Humus + Chestnut shell + Poultry manure (T6), Humus + Bovine manure +Chestnut shell (T7), Humus + Açaí Kernel + Bovine manure (T9) and the commercial substrate (T10) are the bestfor a satisfactory development of this crop in the production field


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    Diante de tantos movimentos que marcaram a Educação Física há décadas, não podemos deixar passar despercebido que não existiu na legislação brasileira o reconhecimento da Educação Física de forma importante no progresso das pessoas, mas sim em diversos momentos da história uma arma politica de alienação para controlar ou manter afastado a população dos interesses administrativos. EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA NO ENSINO MÉDIO: O CASO DA ESCOLA ESTADUAL DE ENSINO MÉDIO FRANKLIN TÁVOR